blob: 949db5d8a87eeea24c215e07494c4cdc9f3d2c63 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
class kmac_app_agent_cfg extends dv_base_agent_cfg;
// interface handle used by driver, monitor & the sequencer, via cfg handle
virtual kmac_app_intf vif;
int unsigned req_delay_min = 0;
int unsigned req_delay_max = 100;
// delay between last for req data and done for digest data
int unsigned rsp_delay_min = 0;
int unsigned rsp_delay_max = 100;
// Enables/disable all protocol delays.
rand bit zero_delays;
// Enable starting the device auto-response sequence by default if configured in Device mode.
bit start_default_device_seq = 1;
// Knob to enable percentage of error response in auto-response sequence.
int unsigned error_rsp_pct = 0;
// Knob to control whether an error response can be caused by all zeros or all ones in one of the
// shares.
bit constant_share_means_error = 1'b1;
// Knob to allow injecting zeros in strb.
bit inject_zero_in_host_strb = 0;
rand push_pull_agent_cfg#(`CONNECT_DATA_WIDTH) m_data_push_agent_cfg;
// KMAC digest share0/1 that can be set from test env.
kmac_pkg::rsp_digest_t rsp_digest_hs[$];
// Bias randomization in favor of enabling zero delays less often.
constraint zero_delays_c {
zero_delays dist { 0 := 8,
1 := 2 };
// Setter method for the user digest share queues - must be called externally to place specific user-digest_share0
// to be sent by the driver.
function void add_user_digest_share(kmac_pkg::rsp_digest_t rsp_digest_h);
// Getter method for the user digest share - returns the first data entry.
function kmac_pkg::rsp_digest_t get_user_digest_share();
`DV_CHECK_NE_FATAL(has_user_digest_share(), 0, "rsp_digest_share0 is empty!")
return rsp_digest_hs.pop_front();
// Getter method for the user digest share - must be called externally to check whether there is
// any user data in the queues.
function bit has_user_digest_share();
return (rsp_digest_hs.size() > 0);
`uvm_field_int(rsp_delay_min, UVM_DEFAULT)
`uvm_field_int(rsp_delay_max, UVM_DEFAULT)
`uvm_field_int(zero_delays, UVM_DEFAULT)
`uvm_field_int(start_default_device_seq, UVM_DEFAULT)
function new (string name = "");;
m_data_push_agent_cfg = push_pull_agent_cfg#(`CONNECT_DATA_WIDTH)::type_id::create(
endfunction : new