OpenTitan is a collaborative hardware and software development program with contributors from many organizations. This area gives some more information about how the project itself is organized. More information will be added over time.
In order to gauge the quality of the different IP that is in our repository, we define a series of [Hardware Development Stages]({{< relref “development_stages” >}}) to track the designs. The current status of different IP is reflected in the [Hardware Dashboard]({{< relref “hw” >}}). The final state for developed IP is Signed Off, indicating that design and verification is complete, and the IP should be bug free. To make it to that stage, a [Hardware Signoff Checklist]({{< relref “” >}}) is used to confirm completion. Here is a template that can be used as a checklist item.
OpenTitan is stewarded by lowRISC CIC, a not-for-profit company that uses collaborative engineering to develop and maintain open source silicon designs and tools for the long term. As a lowRISC CIC Chartered Project, OpenTitan governance is handled via lowRISC's default Technical Charter.
As described in full detail in the OpenTitan Technical Charter, our governance structure consists of:
The [OpenTitan RFC process]({{< relref “rfc_process” >}}) guides developers on how to initiate new development within the program.
Committers are individuals with repository write access. Everyone is able and encouraged to contribute and to help with code review, but committers are responsible for the final approval and merge of contributions. See the [Committers]({{< relref “” >}}) definition and role description for more information.