title: “OpenTitan Software Build Instructions”

OpenTitan software is built using Meson, although OpenTitan's project structure is sufficiently idiosyncratic that we use a custom workflow.

For example, to build the OpenTitan executable located at sw/device/examples/hello_world for FPGA, run the following commands:

$ cd "$REPO_TOP"
$ ./meson_init.sh
$ ninja -C build-out sw/device/examples/hello_world/hello_world_export_fpga_nexysvideo

The resulting binaries will be located at build-bin/sw/device/examples/hello_world. For more information, check out [the relevant User Guide]({{< relref “../doc/ug/getting_started_build_sw.md” >}}).

The location of the RISC-V toolchain is /tools/riscv by default. If your toolchain is located elsewhere set the TOOLCHAIN_PATH to that path before running meson_init.sh

$ cd "$REPO_TOP"
$ export TOOLCHAIN_PATH=/path/to/toolchain
$ ./meson_init.sh