title: “Analog Sensor Top Technical Specification”


AST, also known as the analog sensor top, is the OpenTitan analog and security companion. Within AST are various analog functions (such as clocks, regulators, random number generators) needed to make the device function, as well as physical security sensors necessary to protect the device from physical attacks or manipulation.

At a high level, AST communicates with a number of OpenTitan comportable modules. See diagram below.

In the following sections, each family of connection is briefly described and explained. Note, the analog connections to AST are not shown in the diagram, but will be explained as well.

Interface Signals Table

Table notes

Signal naming conventions used in this document

It complies with OpenTitan names and suffixes with some augmentations.

  • Clock signals start with clk_*

  • Inputs and outputs are marked with *_i/*_o

  • Analog signals are marked with *_a

  • Non-core level signals are marked with *_h

  • Dual and negative polarity signals are marked with *_p/n

Clock domains column

  • sys - system clock, mainly used for high performance and security modules. Up to 100MHz

  • io - peripheral clock source, mainly used for peripherals and I/O related functionality. Up to 96MHz (divided by 4 by the clock manager)

  • susb - USB module source clock. 48MHz

  • aon - Always-on domain clock. The only active clock while chip is in deep-sleep power state, 200KHz

  • async - when listed as async, it means it does not matter what domain drives the signal

  • Input clocks: Each functional interface has a dedicated clock named after the interface.

Interfaces Description Note

The information below augments the Interface Signals Table. For further details, see the corresponding signals description in the table.

Power Connectivity

Note: Power signals may not appear in the verilog files, however, they are described for completeness.

External Supplies

AST has four external power supplies VCC, AVCC, VIOA and VIOB. VCC is the main supply, AVCC is an analog VCC supply. VIOA and VIOB are two additional I/O supplies.

Core Supplies

The core supplies are generated from the VCC supply. These are two core supply domains: VCMAIN and VCAON. VCAON, as its name implies, is the always on core supply used to power components that stay active during device low power states. VCMAIN on the other hand, powers most chip logic such as RISC-V processor, crypto modules and almost all memories and peripherals. The VCMAIN supply can be turned off when requested, VCAON on the other hand, is active whenever VCC is active. AST core logic is powered by VCAON.

Power Control and Reset

Core Power Control and Indication

VCMAIN is the only supply that can be directly influenced by OpenTitan. The power manager can request VCMAIN to shutdown through main_pd_n. The state of VCMAIN is reflected by the vcmain_pok_o signal.

IO Power Indication

IO power state is reflected to OpenTitan by vioa_pok_o and viob_pok_o signals

Main (VCC) Power Detection and Flash Protection

On VCC power-down detection, ‘flash_power_ready_h_o’, ‘vcaon_pok_o’ and ‘vcmain_pok_o’ are immediately negated. This means that negation of the VCC supply always triggers the flash brown-out (BOR) protection circuitry.

When entering deep-sleep mode, ‘flash_power_down_h_o’ is asserted before negating VCMAIN until VCMAIN is back up.


The AST supports the generation of the root reset for the reset manager. It is driven by ‘vcaon_pok_o’ which is generated inside AST. The ‘vcaon_pok_o’ is activated when the following conditions are met: VCC is detected, internal voltage regulator is active and ‘por_ni’ reset input is inactive. ‘por_ni’ is driven by an external chip reset pin. The following table and diagrams describe the AST sub-modules resets.

Clock Outputs

AST generates four clocks: System clock, IO clock, USB clock and Always-on clock. Most clocks have ‘enable’ inputs and a corresponding ‘valid’ output. When the enable is de-asserted, the corresponding clock stops and valid is dropped to 0. When the enable is asserted, the clocks begin outputting in a “glitchless” manner and the valid is raised to 1. Unless noted otherwise, clocks duty cycle is 50% +/-5%.

The OpenTitan power and clock managers are responsible for manipulating the enables and observing the valids to know when clocks can be safely released to the system.

USB Clock Calibration

The USB clock requires an accuracy that cannot be achieved by the AST clocks natively. As a result, information from USB frames are used to calibrate the clock.

Clock & Reset Inputs

The root clocks and resets are generated inside AST. However, the clocks go through gating and optional division in the OpenTitan top level and propagate back into AST as feedback clocks, each with associated synchronized reset to ensure it can synchronize with the various comportable modules. The input resets are used for the different AST interface functions. For further details about AST resets, see Resets section.

Note: There are several reason for routing leaf clocks back into AST instead of using the root clocks directly

  • The leaf clocks may be divided down from the root clock and that frequency is used to drive the interface. For example, clk_src_io_clk_o is 96MHz, but comportable modules use either 48MHz or 24MHz.

  • The leaf clocks and root clocks have very different clock tree depths and may be difficult for timing closure if they interacted directly.

  • Decouple AST internal design from OpenTitan top-level interfaces clock and reset selection.

Register Access Interface

AST registers can be accessed via TL-UL interface. These registers are used for test and calibration purposes and are not required for runtime operation. See the Interface Signals Table for more details.


AST contains an analog to digital converter that can be used to sample various input signals. For OpenTitan this will primarily be used for debug cable detection. To activate the ADC, the corresponding comportable module must first select the channel to sample, and then activate the ADC through `adc_pd_i`. Once activated, the ADC will produce an output synchronous to the adc controller.

ADC Usage Flow

  1. Activate the ADC by negating ‘adc_pd_i’

  2. Wait 30 uS for the ADC to wake up.

  3. Select an analog channel to measure by setting the corresponding bit in ‘adc_chnsel_i’ bus. This triggers a measurement.

  4. Wait unitl ‘adc_d_val’ is set and read the result via ‘adc_d_o’

  5. Clear ‘adc_chnsel_i’ bus to 0. Note that adc_chnsel must be cleared to 0 before a new channel is selected.

  6. Repeat steps 3-5 if more channels or more measurements are required

  7. Deactivate the ADC by setting ‘adc_pd’ to save power.

{{< wavejson >}} { signal: [ {node: ‘.a..b........’, phase:0.2}, {name: ‘adc_pd_i’ , wave: ‘10|..|.....|....|..1’}, {name: ‘clk_ast_adc_i’, wave: ‘p.|..|.....|....|...’}, {name: ‘adc_chnsel_i’ , wave: ‘0.|.3|..04.|....|0..’}, {name: ‘adc_d_val_o’ , wave: ‘0.|..|.1.0.|.1..|.0.’}, {name: ‘adc_d_o’ , wave: ‘x.|..|.3.x.|.4..|.x.’, data: [‘ch0’, ‘ch1’, ‘ch1’]}, ],

edge: [ ‘a<->b wakeup time’, ] } {{< /wavejson >}}

Random Number Generator

AST contains a random number generator that outputs random number bitstreams whenever it is enabled. After enabled by the comportable controller through ‘rng_en_i’, the AST begins generating multiple independent four random bit streams. rng_b_o bit streams are valid and can be sampled whenever `rng_val_o` is asserted according to the following diagram.

{{< wavejson >}} { signal: [ {name: ‘clk’, wave: ‘p.|......|......|......’}, {name: ‘rng_en’, wave: ‘01|......|......|......’}, {name: ‘rng_valid’, wave: ‘0.|10....|10....|10....’}, {name: ‘rng_b’, wave: ‘x.|3.....|4.....|5.....’, data: [‘es0’, ‘es1’, ‘es2’]}, ] } {{< /wavejson >}}

The expected rng_b_o valid output rate is about 50KHz.

Entropy Consumption

AST consumes entropy for defensive purposes. However, AST does not consume its raw entropy directly. Instead, AST receives entropy from the CSRNG. The details of this interface are still under discussion.

{{< wavejson >}} { signal: [ {name: ‘clk_ast_es_i’ , wave: ‘p.|..........’}, {name: ‘entropy_req_o’ , wave: ‘01|.0.1.....0’}, {name: ‘entropy_ack_i’ , wave: ‘0.|10.1.01..0’}, {name: ‘entropy_i’, wave: ‘xx|2x.22x222x’}, ] } {{< /wavejson >}}

Countermeasures and Alerts

Alert Events

AST’s sensors and detectors, when triggered, output alert events to a sensor controller. The event signals are level until acknowledged by the controller. Further, the events are differentially encoded to ensure they cannot be hard-wired or faulted to either ‘1’ or ‘0’.

Inside the sensor controller, the events are then converted into alerts as part of the wider OpenTitan alert handling system.

Alert Signaling

Outgoing alert events are level. Incoming event ack signals clear the alert event (similar to an interrupt). Outgoing alert events should be OR'd inside the sensor or power manager (depending on what level of deep sleep support is needed) to generate wakeup, that way AST does not need to do any additional handling for wakeups during low power mode.


Most countermeasure enablement is controlled by Nuvoton via the registers interface. Clock jitter is an exception because there is a reasoning for dynamically turning it on and off (security/performance tradeoff). Unless stated otherwise, countermeasures are active in all modes but deep-sleep.