blob: 772a61817dd12e8b9e847c592bf24217dcf16996 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
class chip_sw_sleep_pin_retention_vseq extends chip_sw_base_vseq;
localparam int unsigned GpiosTested = 8; // first 8 GPIOs.
localparam int unsigned GpioForWakeup = 8; // 8th GPIO pin used for wakeup.
rand bit [7:0] rounds;
constraint rounds_c { rounds inside {[1:7]}; }
virtual task cpu_init();
bit [7:0] rounds_byte_arr [] = '{rounds};
sw_symbol_backdoor_overwrite("kRounds", rounds_byte_arr);
endtask : cpu_init
virtual task body();
`DV_WAIT(cfg.sw_test_status_vif.sw_test_status == SwTestStatusInTest)
// Drive wakeup pin to 0.
cfg.chip_vif.gpios_if.drive_pin(GpioForWakeup, 0);
// Treat test GPIOs as chip outputs.
cfg.chip_vif.gpios_if.pins_oe[GpiosTested-1:0] = '0;
for (int round = rounds - 1 ; round >= 0 ; round--) begin
logic [GpiosTested-1:0] gpio_exp, gpio_act;
// Receive values from SW via sw_logger_vif
`DV_WAIT(string'(cfg.sw_logger_vif.printed_log) ==
$sformatf("Current Test Round: %1d", round))
string printed_log = "";
string log = "Chosen GPIO value:";
while (printed_log.substr(0, log.len() - 1) != log) begin
printed_log = string'(cfg.sw_logger_vif.printed_log);
`DV_CHECK_FATAL(cfg.sw_logger_vif.printed_arg[0] inside {[0:255]})
gpio_exp = cfg.sw_logger_vif.printed_arg[0][7:0];
`uvm_info(`gfn, $sformatf("Expected GPIOs value: 0x%0h", gpio_exp), UVM_LOW)
gpio_act = cfg.chip_vif.gpios_if.pins[GpiosTested-1:0];
`uvm_info(`gfn, $sformatf("Actual GPIOs value: 0x%0h", gpio_act), UVM_LOW)
`DV_CHECK(gpio_act === gpio_exp)
// Wait sleep (normal vs deep)
repeat (5) @(cfg.chip_vif.pwrmgr_low_power_if.cb);
gpio_act = cfg.chip_vif.gpios_if.pins[GpiosTested-1:0];
`uvm_info(`gfn, $sformatf("Actual GPIOs value during sleep: 0x%0h", gpio_act), UVM_LOW)
`DV_CHECK((gpio_act ^ gpio_exp) === 'hFF)
// Wake up DUT
repeat (5) @(cfg.chip_vif.pwrmgr_low_power_if.cb);
cfg.chip_vif.gpios_if.drive_pin(GpioForWakeup, 1);
repeat (3) @(cfg.chip_vif.pwrmgr_low_power_if.cb);
cfg.chip_vif.gpios_if.drive_pin(GpioForWakeup, 0);
endtask : body
endclass : chip_sw_sleep_pin_retention_vseq