| // Copyright lowRISC contributors. |
| // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. |
| // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 |
| |
| // Sequence that glitches inputs or outputs of the lockstep or the main Ibex core and ensures that |
| // suitable alerts are triggered. |
| class chip_sw_rv_core_ibex_lockstep_glitch_vseq extends chip_sw_base_vseq; |
| `uvm_object_utils(chip_sw_rv_core_ibex_lockstep_glitch_vseq) |
| |
| `uvm_object_new |
| |
| typedef struct { |
| string name; |
| int unsigned width; // >0: take this as width; 0: use width from parameter |
| string width_parameter_name; |
| int unsigned unpacked_dim_width; |
| } port_t; |
| |
| typedef logic [255:0] val_t; |
| |
| string ibex_top_path; |
| string core_path; |
| string lockstep_path; |
| string lockstep_core_path; |
| |
| int unsigned data_open_cnt[2]; |
| int unsigned instr_open_cnt[2]; |
| |
| function automatic bit cpu_is_executing_code(); |
| return cfg.sw_test_status_vif.sw_test_status inside {SwTestStatusInBootRom, SwTestStatusInTest}; |
| endfunction |
| |
| function automatic int unsigned hdl_read_int_unsigned(string path, string failure_msg); |
| int unsigned val; |
| `DV_CHECK_FATAL(uvm_hdl_read(path, val), failure_msg) |
| return val; |
| endfunction |
| |
| function automatic val_t mask(int unsigned width); |
| return (val_t'(1) << width) - val_t'(1); |
| endfunction |
| |
| function automatic val_t hdl_read_core_signal(string signal_subpath, bit lockstep_core, |
| int unsigned width); |
| val_t val; |
| string path = $sformatf("%s.%s", |
| lockstep_core ? lockstep_core_path : core_path, |
| signal_subpath); |
| `DV_CHECK_FATAL(uvm_hdl_read(path, val)) |
| return val & mask(width); |
| endfunction |
| |
| function automatic void hdl_force_core_signal(string signal_subpath, bit lockstep_core, |
| val_t value, int unsigned width); |
| string path = $sformatf("%s.%s", |
| lockstep_core ? lockstep_core_path : core_path, |
| signal_subpath); |
| `DV_CHECK_FATAL(uvm_hdl_force(path, value & mask(width))) |
| endfunction |
| |
| task automatic wait_core_signal_value(string signal_subpath, bit lockstep_core, val_t val, |
| int unsigned width); |
| forever begin |
| val_t current_val = hdl_read_core_signal(signal_subpath, lockstep_core, width); |
| if (current_val == (val & mask(width))) break; |
| @(cfg.chip_vif.cpu_clk_rst_if.cbn); |
| end |
| ) |
| endtask |
| |
| function automatic bit core_rf_read_used(string rf_port, bit lockstep_core); |
| logic used, rf_ren, rf_rd_wb_match, rf_write_wb; |
| rf_ren = hdl_read_core_signal($sformatf("rf_ren_%s", rf_port), lockstep_core, 1); |
| rf_rd_wb_match = hdl_read_core_signal($sformatf("rf_rd_%s_wb_match", rf_port), |
| lockstep_core, 1); |
| rf_write_wb = hdl_read_core_signal("rf_write_wb", lockstep_core, 1); |
| if (rf_port == "a") used = rf_ren && !rf_rd_wb_match; |
| // If not forwarding from writeback, the LSU gets the write data from Port b of the RF. |
| // This is then output on the data interface. |
| else used = (rf_ren && !rf_rd_wb_match) || !(rf_rd_wb_match && rf_write_wb); |
| return used; |
| endfunction |
| |
| function automatic bit core_ic_scr_key_used(bit lockstep_core); |
| logic [1:0] inval_state = hdl_read_core_signal("if_stage_i.gen_icache.icache_i.inval_state_q", |
| lockstep_core, 2); |
| return (inval_state == 2'b01 /* AWAIT_SCRAMBLE_KEY */); |
| endfunction |
| |
| task automatic wait_core_rf_read_used(string rf_port, bit lockstep_core); |
| forever begin |
| if (core_rf_read_used(rf_port, lockstep_core)) break; |
| @(cfg.chip_vif.cpu_clk_rst_if.cbn); |
| end |
| ) |
| endtask |
| |
| function automatic string irq_field_name(int unsigned idx); |
| string field_name; |
| unique case (idx) inside |
| 3: field_name = "irq_software"; |
| 7: field_name = "irq_timer"; |
| 11: field_name = "irq_external"; |
| [16:30]: field_name = $sformatf("irq_fast[%0d]", idx - 16); |
| default: `dv_fatal("Illegal IRQ index.") |
| endcase |
| return field_name; |
| endfunction |
| |
| // Determine if a core is ready to serve an IRQ. Idx: |
| // 3 = software IRQ |
| // 7 = timer IRQ |
| // 11 = external IRQ |
| // >=16 = fast IRQs 0 to 14 |
| function automatic bit core_irq_ready(int unsigned idx, bit lockstep_core); |
| string field_name; |
| logic mstatus_mie, mie, mip; |
| field_name = irq_field_name(idx); |
| mstatus_mie = hdl_read_core_signal("cs_registers_i.mstatus_q.mie", lockstep_core, 1); |
| mie = hdl_read_core_signal($sformatf("cs_registers_i.mie_q.%s", field_name), lockstep_core, 1); |
| mip = hdl_read_core_signal($sformatf("cs_registers_i.mip.%s", field_name), lockstep_core, 1); |
| return (mstatus_mie & mie & ~mip); |
| endfunction |
| |
| // Make a core ready to handle an IRQ. This directly sets CSR bits inside the core, so that the |
| // verification environment does not have to rely on software for enabling interrupts to test |
| // glitches on them. |
| task automatic make_core_irq_ready(int unsigned idx, bit lockstep_core); |
| string field_name = irq_field_name(idx); |
| `uvm_info(`gfn, "Forcing MSTATUS MIE", UVM_LOW) |
| hdl_force_core_signal("cs_registers_i.mstatus_q.mie", lockstep_core, 1'b1, 1); |
| `uvm_info(`gfn, "Forcing MIE", UVM_LOW) |
| hdl_force_core_signal($sformatf("cs_registers_i.mie_q.%s", field_name), |
| lockstep_core, 1'b1, 1); |
| endtask |
| |
| task automatic track_ibex_status(bit lockstep_core); |
| forever begin |
| logic data_gnt, data_req, data_rvalid; |
| logic instr_gnt, instr_req, instr_rvalid; |
| @(cfg.chip_vif.cpu_clk_rst_if.cbn or negedge cfg.chip_vif.cpu_clk_rst_if.rst_n); |
| if (!cfg.chip_vif.cpu_clk_rst_if.rst_n) begin |
| // Reset data interface status |
| data_gnt = 1'b0; |
| data_req = 1'b0; |
| data_rvalid = 1'b0; |
| data_open_cnt[lockstep_core] = 0; |
| // Reset instruction interface status |
| instr_gnt = 1'b0; |
| instr_req = 1'b0; |
| instr_rvalid = 1'b0; |
| instr_open_cnt[lockstep_core] = 0; |
| end else begin |
| // Update data interface status |
| data_gnt = hdl_read_core_signal("data_gnt_i", lockstep_core, 1); |
| data_req = hdl_read_core_signal("data_req_o", lockstep_core, 1); |
| if (data_req && data_gnt) data_open_cnt[lockstep_core]++; |
| data_rvalid = hdl_read_core_signal("data_rvalid_i", lockstep_core, 1); |
| if (data_rvalid) data_open_cnt[lockstep_core]--; |
| // Update instruction interface status |
| instr_gnt = hdl_read_core_signal("instr_gnt_i", lockstep_core, 1); |
| instr_req = hdl_read_core_signal("instr_req_o", lockstep_core, 1); |
| if (instr_req && instr_gnt) instr_open_cnt[lockstep_core]++; |
| instr_rvalid = hdl_read_core_signal("instr_rvalid_i", lockstep_core, 1); |
| if (instr_rvalid) instr_open_cnt[lockstep_core]--; |
| end |
| end |
| endtask |
| |
| task automatic inject_glitches(); |
| port_t ports[]; |
| int unsigned port_idx; |
| int unsigned port_width; |
| string port_width_path; |
| bit glitch_lockstep_core; |
| string port_name; |
| string glitch_core_path; |
| string glitch_path; |
| string glitch_path_lockstep; |
| bit glitched_port_is_inp; |
| int unsigned unpacked_idx; |
| val_t orig_val; |
| int unsigned bit_idx; |
| val_t glitch_mask; |
| val_t glitched_val; |
| int unsigned lockstep_offset; |
| int unsigned max_delay_clks; |
| bit wait_for_inp_used; |
| bit glitched_inp_used; |
| string enable_cmp_path; |
| bit exp_alert_major_internal; |
| logic enable_cmp; |
| string alert_major_internal_path; |
| logic alert_major_internal; |
| |
| // Extract the lockstep offset. |
| lockstep_offset = hdl_read_int_unsigned($sformatf("%s.LockstepOffset", lockstep_path), |
| "Could not read LockstepOffset parameter."); |
| |
| // List of all ports and their bit widths (or the name of the parameter that defines the width |
| // and/or the unpacked dimension). |
| ports = new[45]; |
| ports = '{ |
| // `hart_id_i` and `boot_addr_i` are not glitch-protected by the lockstep core. |
| // '{"hart_id_i", 1, "", 0}, |
| // '{"boot_addr_i", 1, "", 0}, |
| '{"instr_req_o", 1, "", 0}, |
| '{"instr_gnt_i", 1, "", 0}, |
| '{"instr_rvalid_i", 1, "", 0}, |
| '{"instr_addr_o", 32, "", 0}, |
| '{"instr_rdata_i", 0, "MemDataWidth", 0}, |
| '{"instr_err_i", 1, "", 0}, |
| '{"data_req_o", 1, "", 0}, |
| '{"data_gnt_i", 1, "", 0}, |
| '{"data_rvalid_i", 1, "", 0}, |
| '{"data_we_o", 1, "", 0}, |
| '{"data_be_o", 1, "", 0}, |
| '{"data_addr_o", 32, "", 0}, |
| '{"data_wdata_o", 0, "MemDataWidth", 0}, |
| '{"data_rdata_i", 0, "MemDataWidth", 0}, |
| '{"data_err_i", 1, "", 0}, |
| '{"dummy_instr_id_o", 1, "", 0}, |
| '{"rf_raddr_a_o", 5, "", 0}, |
| '{"rf_raddr_b_o", 5, "", 0}, |
| '{"rf_waddr_wb_o", 5, "", 0}, |
| '{"rf_we_wb_o", 1, "", 0}, |
| '{"rf_wdata_wb_ecc_o", 0, "RegFileDataWidth", 0}, |
| '{"rf_rdata_a_ecc_i", 0, "RegFileDataWidth", 0}, |
| '{"rf_rdata_b_ecc_i", 0, "RegFileDataWidth", 0}, |
| '{"ic_tag_req_o", ibex_pkg::IC_NUM_WAYS, "", 0}, |
| '{"ic_tag_write_o", 1, "", 0}, |
| '{"ic_tag_addr_o", ibex_pkg::IC_INDEX_W, "", 0}, |
| '{"ic_tag_wdata_o", 0, "TagSizeECC", 0}, |
| '{"ic_tag_rdata_i", 0, "TagSizeECC", ibex_pkg::IC_NUM_WAYS}, |
| '{"ic_data_req_o", ibex_pkg::IC_NUM_WAYS, "", 0}, |
| '{"ic_data_write_o", 1, "", 0}, |
| '{"ic_data_addr_o", ibex_pkg::IC_INDEX_W, "", 0}, |
| '{"ic_data_wdata_o", 0, "LineSizeECC", 0}, |
| '{"ic_data_rdata_i", 0, "LineSizeECC", ibex_pkg::IC_NUM_WAYS}, |
| '{"ic_scr_key_valid_i", 1, "", 0}, |
| '{"ic_scr_key_req_o", 1, "", 0}, |
| '{"irq_software_i", 1, "", 0}, |
| '{"irq_timer_i", 1, "", 0}, |
| '{"irq_external_i", 1, "", 0}, |
| '{"irq_fast_i", 15, "", 0}, |
| '{"irq_nm_i", 1, "", 0}, |
| '{"irq_pending_o", 1, "", 0}, |
| '{"debug_req_i", 1, "", 0}, |
| '{"crash_dump_o", $bits(ibex_pkg::crash_dump_t), "", 0}, |
| '{"double_fault_seen_o", 1, "", 0}, |
| // `fetch_enable_i` is a multi-bit signal, and multi-bit FI is outside the threat model. |
| // '{"fetch_enable_i", 1, "", 0}, |
| // The `alert_*` output signals are not compared between the regular core and the lockstep |
| // core. Thus, those outputs are not protected against glitches. This is intentional because |
| // an alert is raised in reaction to a glitch (potentially an injected fault) inside the core. |
| // To then also glitch the `alert_*` outputs, the attacker would need to be able to glitch two |
| // signals at the same time, which is outside the threat model. Thus, these signals are |
| // excluded from the list of outputs in order to prevent false negative test results. |
| // '{"alert_minor_o", 1, "", 0}, |
| // '{"alert_major_internal_o", 1, "", 0}, |
| // '{"alert_major_bus_o", 1, "", 0}, |
| '{"core_busy_o", 1, "", 0} |
| }; |
| |
| // Randomly pick a port (of either the lockstep core or the regular core) to glitch. |
| port_idx = $urandom_range(ports.size() - 1); |
| if (ports[port_idx].width > 0) begin |
| port_width = ports[port_idx].width; |
| end else begin |
| port_width = hdl_read_int_unsigned($sformatf("%s.%s", |
| core_path, |
| ports[port_idx].width_parameter_name), |
| "Could not obtain port width from parameter value."); |
| `DV_CHECK_FATAL(port_width > 0, "Read zero port width from parameter value.") |
| end |
| glitch_lockstep_core = $urandom_range(1); |
| glitch_core_path = glitch_lockstep_core ? lockstep_core_path : core_path; |
| port_name = ports[port_idx].name; |
| glitch_path = $sformatf("%s.%s", glitch_core_path, port_name); |
| glitch_path_lockstep = $sformatf("%s.%s", lockstep_path, port_name); |
| glitched_port_is_inp = (uvm_re_match("*_i", port_name) == 0); |
| |
| // If the port is an unpacked array, pick an index of the unpacked dimension to glitch and apply |
| // that to the glitched signal path. |
| if (ports[port_idx].unpacked_dim_width > 0) begin |
| unpacked_idx = $urandom_range(ports[port_idx].unpacked_dim_width - 1); |
| glitch_path = $sformatf("%s[%0d]", glitch_path, unpacked_idx); |
| glitch_path_lockstep = $sformatf("%s[%0d]", glitch_path_lockstep, unpacked_idx); |
| end |
| |
| // Pick one bit to glitch in the port. |
| bit_idx = $urandom_range(port_width - 1); |
| |
| // Wait until the CPU is executing code, except if glitching the I$ scramble key valid port. |
| // The reason is that the scramble key is provided shortly after reset and then not again until |
| // the I$ is rescrambled, which may or may not happen for a given program. |
| if (port_name != "ic_scr_key_valid_i") begin |
| // Wait until the CPU is executing code (and it starts in Boot ROM). |
| `DV_WAIT(cfg.sw_test_status_vif.sw_test_status == SwTestStatusInBootRom) |
| |
| // Randomize the instant at which the glitch is injected. |
| if ($urandom_range(1)) begin |
| // Glitch at some time at which the CPU is in Boot ROM, which currently takes up to 18k CPU |
| // clock cycles to execute. |
| cfg.chip_vif.cpu_clk_rst_if.wait_n_clks($urandom_range(1, 18000)); |
| end else begin |
| // Glitch after Boot ROM, when the CPU is executing program code. |
| `DV_WAIT(cfg.sw_test_status_vif.sw_test_status == SwTestStatusInTest) |
| cfg.chip_vif.cpu_clk_rst_if.wait_n_clks($urandom_range(1, 1000)); |
| end |
| // Ensure we are still running. If not, skip the test without injecting an error. |
| if (!cpu_is_executing_code()) begin |
| `uvm_info(`gfn, "Skipping injection of error because CPU is not executing code.", UVM_LOW) |
| return; |
| end |
| end |
| |
| // When glitching an input of a core, wait for the input being used so that it has an effect on |
| // the core. Don't always adhere to this waiting, though, to increase coverage and cross-check |
| // the assumption that an unused glitch input does not affect the core. |
| if (glitched_port_is_inp) begin |
| wait_for_inp_used = $urandom_range(99) < 75; |
| glitched_inp_used = 1'b0; |
| if (wait_for_inp_used) begin |
| `uvm_info(`gfn, $sformatf("Waiting for input port %s to become used.", glitch_path), |
| UVM_LOW) |
| glitched_inp_used = 1'b1; |
| case (port_name) |
| "instr_gnt_i": begin |
| wait_core_signal_value("instr_req_o", glitch_lockstep_core, 1'b1, 1); |
| end |
| "instr_rvalid_i": begin |
| // `instr_open_cnt` is updated on the negative edge. If it's greater than zero one delta |
| // delay later, we know `instr_rvalid_i` is being used in the next clock cycle. |
| forever begin |
| #1step; |
| if (instr_open_cnt[glitch_lockstep_core] > 0) break; |
| @(cfg.chip_vif.cpu_clk_rst_if.cbn); |
| end |
| ) |
| // `rvalid` gets used in the cycle after `req & gnt`, so wait one more clock cycle. |
| @(cfg.chip_vif.cpu_clk_rst_if.cbn); |
| end |
| "instr_rdata_i", "instr_err_i": begin |
| wait_core_signal_value("instr_rvalid_i", glitch_lockstep_core, 1'b1, 1); |
| end |
| "data_gnt_i": begin |
| wait_core_signal_value("data_req_o", glitch_lockstep_core, 1'b1, 1); |
| end |
| "data_rvalid_i": begin |
| // `data_open_cnt` is updated on the negative edge. If it's greater than zero one delta |
| // delay later, we know `data_rvalid_i` is being used in the next clock cycle. |
| forever begin |
| #1step; |
| if (data_open_cnt[glitch_lockstep_core] > 0) break; |
| @(cfg.chip_vif.cpu_clk_rst_if.cbn); |
| end |
| ) |
| // `rvalid` gets used in the cycle after `req & gnt`, so wait one more clock cycle. |
| @(cfg.chip_vif.cpu_clk_rst_if.cbn); |
| end |
| "data_rdata_i", "data_err_i": begin |
| wait_core_signal_value("data_rvalid_i", glitch_lockstep_core, 1'b1, 1); |
| end |
| "rf_rdata_a_ecc_i": begin |
| wait_core_rf_read_used("a", glitch_lockstep_core); |
| end |
| "rf_rdata_b_ecc_i": begin |
| wait_core_rf_read_used("b", glitch_lockstep_core); |
| end |
| "ic_tag_rdata_i": begin |
| wait_core_signal_value($sformatf("ic_tag_req_o[%0d]", unpacked_idx), |
| glitch_lockstep_core, 1'b1, 1); |
| // `rdata` gets used in the cycle after `req`, so wait one more clock cycle. |
| @(cfg.chip_vif.cpu_clk_rst_if.cbn); |
| end |
| "ic_data_rdata_i": begin |
| wait_core_signal_value($sformatf("ic_data_req_o[%0d]", unpacked_idx), |
| glitch_lockstep_core, 1'b1, 1); |
| // `rdata` gets used in the cycle after `req`, so wait one more clock cycle. |
| @(cfg.chip_vif.cpu_clk_rst_if.cbn); |
| end |
| "ic_scr_key_valid_i": begin |
| forever begin |
| if (core_ic_scr_key_used(glitch_lockstep_core)) break; |
| @(cfg.chip_vif.cpu_clk_rst_if.cbn); |
| end |
| ) |
| end |
| // For the IRQs that can be masked (i.e., all IRQs except non-maskable (nm)), it's |
| // not generally possible to wait for the core being ready to handle the IRQ because |
| // software may never unmask it. Thus, this test is more invasive for IRQs: it forces |
| // signals in the glitched core to enable IRQs generally and unmask the IRQ that will be |
| // glitched. This is not considered part of the attack but of the condition that the core |
| // is in when a (worst-case scenario) attack happens. |
| "irq_software_i": make_core_irq_ready(3, glitch_lockstep_core); |
| "irq_timer_i": make_core_irq_ready(7, glitch_lockstep_core); |
| "irq_external_i": make_core_irq_ready(11, glitch_lockstep_core); |
| "irq_fast_i": make_core_irq_ready(16 + bit_idx, glitch_lockstep_core); |
| // For the non-maskable (nm) IRQ and the debug request, there is nothing to wait for |
| // because the core always handles them. |
| "irq_nm_i", |
| "debug_req_i": ; |
| // When the signal is not covered by this case statement, we cannot know whether the |
| // glitched input is used. |
| default: glitched_inp_used = 1'bx; |
| endcase |
| end else begin |
| // Even though we did not wait for the input to be used, it could still be that it is. We |
| // have to check this to know whether to expect an alert or not. |
| case (port_name) |
| "instr_gnt_i": begin |
| glitched_inp_used = (hdl_read_core_signal("instr_req_o", glitch_lockstep_core, 1) == |
| 1'b1); |
| end |
| "instr_rvalid_i": begin |
| // `instr_open_cnt` is updated on the negative edge. If it's greater than zero one delta |
| // delay later, we know `instr_rvalid_i` is being used in the next clock cycle. |
| #1step; |
| glitched_inp_used = (instr_open_cnt[glitch_lockstep_core] > 0); |
| @(cfg.chip_vif.cpu_clk_rst_if.cbn); |
| end |
| "instr_rdata_i", "instr_err_i": begin |
| glitched_inp_used = (hdl_read_core_signal("instr_rvalid_i", glitch_lockstep_core, 1) == |
| 1'b1); |
| end |
| "data_gnt_i": begin |
| glitched_inp_used = (hdl_read_core_signal("data_req_o", glitch_lockstep_core, 1) == |
| 1'b1); |
| end |
| "data_rvalid_i": begin |
| // `data_open_cnt` is updated on the negative edge. If it's greater than zero one delta |
| // delay later, we know `data_rvalid_i` is being used in the next clock cycle. |
| #1step; |
| glitched_inp_used = (data_open_cnt[glitch_lockstep_core] > 0); |
| @(cfg.chip_vif.cpu_clk_rst_if.cbn); |
| // Data integrity errors are always reported, even if the core isn't currently doing |
| // a load or store instruction. |
| glitched_inp_used |= (hdl_read_core_signal("load_store_unit_i.data_intg_err", |
| glitch_lockstep_core, 1) == 1'b1); |
| end |
| "data_rdata_i", "data_err_i": begin |
| glitched_inp_used = (hdl_read_core_signal("data_rvalid_i", glitch_lockstep_core, 1) == |
| 1'b1); |
| end |
| "rf_rdata_a_ecc_i": begin |
| glitched_inp_used = core_rf_read_used("a", glitch_lockstep_core); |
| end |
| "rf_rdata_b_ecc_i": begin |
| glitched_inp_used = core_rf_read_used("b", glitch_lockstep_core); |
| end |
| "ic_scr_key_valid_i": begin |
| glitched_inp_used = core_ic_scr_key_used(glitch_lockstep_core); |
| end |
| "irq_software_i": begin |
| glitched_inp_used = core_irq_ready(3, glitch_lockstep_core); |
| end |
| "irq_timer_i": begin |
| glitched_inp_used = core_irq_ready(7, glitch_lockstep_core); |
| end |
| "irq_external_i": begin |
| glitched_inp_used = core_irq_ready(11, glitch_lockstep_core); |
| end |
| "irq_fast_i": begin |
| glitched_inp_used = core_irq_ready(16 + bit_idx, glitch_lockstep_core); |
| end |
| "irq_nm_i": glitched_inp_used = 1'b1; |
| "debug_req_i": glitched_inp_used = 1'b1; |
| default: glitched_inp_used = 1'bx; |
| endcase |
| end |
| end |
| |
| // When glitching an input that goes into the instruction cache, it's not guaranteed that the |
| // input is really used. Determine if the input is used in the cycle that we will glitch it but |
| // before the value gets glitched. |
| case (port_name) |
| "instr_rdata_i", "instr_err_i": begin |
| glitched_inp_used &= (hdl_read_core_signal("if_stage_i.gen_icache.icache_i.fill_data_rvd", |
| glitch_lockstep_core, 4) != '0); |
| end |
| "ic_tag_rdata_i": begin |
| glitched_inp_used = |
| (hdl_read_core_signal("if_stage_i.gen_icache.icache_i.lookup_valid_ic1", |
| glitch_lockstep_core, 1) == 1'b1); |
| end |
| "ic_data_rdata_i": begin |
| glitched_inp_used = |
| (hdl_read_core_signal("if_stage_i.gen_icache.icache_i.lookup_valid_ic1", |
| glitch_lockstep_core, 1) == 1'b1) |
| && |
| (hdl_read_core_signal($sformatf("if_stage_i.gen_icache.icache_i.tag_match_ic1[%0d]", |
| unpacked_idx), glitch_lockstep_core, 1) == 1'b1); |
| end |
| default: ; |
| endcase |
| |
| `ASSERT_I(GlitchedInpUsedKnown_A, !$isunknown(glitched_inp_used)) |
| |
| // Sample port value prior to glitching. |
| `DV_CHECK_FATAL(uvm_hdl_read(glitch_path, orig_val)) |
| |
| // Invert the bit selected for glitching. |
| glitch_mask = 1 << bit_idx; |
| glitched_val = orig_val ^ glitch_mask; |
| |
| // When glitching an input of a core, disable all assertions inside that core. The rationale is |
| // that the glitch is not bound to any interface specifications, so it may (and frequently will) |
| // cause assertions to fail. In silicon, however, there are no assertions, so we don't want |
| // assertions to get into our way of testing countermeasures, which are part of silicon, in |
| // simulation. |
| if (glitched_port_is_inp) begin |
| if (glitch_lockstep_core) begin |
| // The path to the core unfortunately has to be duplicated for `$assertoff()` because that |
| // system task only accepts literal strings. |
| $assertoff(0, "tb.dut.top_earlgrey.u_rv_core_ibex.u_core.gen_lockstep.u_ibex_lockstep"); |
| end else begin |
| $assertoff(0, "tb.dut.top_earlgrey.u_rv_core_ibex.u_core.u_ibex_core"); |
| end |
| end |
| |
| if (!glitch_lockstep_core) begin |
| case (port_name) |
| // When glitching an input or output signal of the main core potentially feeding into the |
| // bus interfaces, the core may no longer adhere to the TL-UL bus specification. |
| // Therefore, assertions on the corresponding TL-UL device and host ports of the main |
| // X-bar may need to be disabled. |
| "instr_req_o", |
| "instr_addr_o", |
| // The RF read addresses impact the read data thereby changing a potential branching |
| // decision and thus instr_req_o. Changing instr_req_o on the falling clock edge can |
| // lead to failing assertions. |
| "rf_raddr_a_o", |
| "rf_raddr_b_o", |
| // Glitching the instruction cache tag or data may trigger an ECC error and cause the cache |
| // to immediately refetch the corresponding address from memory. As a result, instr_req_o |
| // may go high on the falling clock edge leading to failing assertions. |
| "ic_tag_rdata_i", |
| "ic_data_rdata_i": begin |
| $assertoff(0, |
| "tb.dut.top_earlgrey.u_xbar_main.tlul_assert_host_rv_core_ibex__corei.gen_device"); |
| $assertoff(0, |
| "tb.dut.top_earlgrey.u_xbar_main.tlul_assert_device_rom_ctrl__rom.gen_host"); |
| $assertoff(0, |
| "tb.dut.top_earlgrey.u_xbar_main.tlul_assert_device_rv_dm__mem.gen_host"); |
| $assertoff(0, |
| "tb.dut.top_earlgrey.u_xbar_main.tlul_assert_device_sram_ctrl_main__ram.gen_host"); |
| $assertoff(0, |
| "tb.dut.top_earlgrey.u_xbar_main.tlul_assert_device_flash_ctrl__mem.gen_host"); |
| end |
| "data_req_o", |
| "data_we_o", |
| "data_be_o", |
| "data_addr_o", |
| "data_wdata_o": begin |
| $assertoff(0, |
| "tb.dut.top_earlgrey.u_xbar_main.tlul_assert_host_rv_core_ibex__cored.gen_device"); |
| end |
| // The RF read data obtained on Port b may feed into data_wdata_o even if Ibex isn't doing |
| // a store. |
| "rf_rdata_b_ecc_i": begin |
| if (glitched_inp_used) begin |
| $assertoff(0, |
| "tb.dut.top_earlgrey.u_xbar_main.tlul_assert_host_rv_core_ibex__cored.gen_device"); |
| end |
| end |
| // There are several SVAs inside ibex_top ensuring correct behavior of crash dump. When |
| // glitching crash dump it's expected that one or multiple of these SVAs will fire. |
| "crash_dump_o": begin |
| $assertoff(0, "tb.dut.top_earlgrey.u_rv_core_ibex.u_core"); |
| end |
| default: ; |
| endcase |
| end |
| |
| // Force the glitched value onto the port for one cycle, then release it again. |
| `DV_CHECK_FATAL(uvm_hdl_force(glitch_path, glitched_val)); |
| `uvm_info(`gfn, $sformatf("Forcing %s to value 'h%0x.", glitch_path, glitched_val), UVM_LOW) |
| if (!glitch_lockstep_core && glitched_port_is_inp) begin |
| // The input ports of the ibex_core module are defined as `logic` without an explicit net |
| // type. According to the standard, simulation tools are thus supposed to model these inputs |
| // using a `var` type. However, it turns out that some tools collapse input ports into a |
| // single object to reduce the number of assignments to improve simulation performance. |
| // As a result, glitches inserted to inputs of the non-lockstep core may propagate back and |
| // also change the input of the lockstep core. If this happens, both cores are glitched |
| // simultaneously without any alerts firing. |
| // |
| // To avoid this, we also glitch the corresponding input of the ibex_lockstep instance to |
| // the opposite value. The ibex_lockstep instance is embedded inside prim_buf cells across |
| // which glitches don't progagate back. Also, the delay lines are embedded inside the |
| // ibex_lockstep instance. It's thus fine to apply the glitch simultaneously. |
| // |
| // It's further worth noting that: |
| // |
| // 1. For some top-level inputs there may exist single points of failure, e.g. some inputs |
| // without integrity protection, some control signals without spurious enable detection. |
| // There are always such single points of failures. Where and how many there are depends |
| // on the surrounding modules, backend etc. and is out of scope for the lockstep |
| // countermeasure. |
| // 2. To verify the lockstep countermeasure, we should actually be glitching internal core |
| // signals instead of inputs to the ibex_core module. However, the problem with this is |
| // that it's infeasible to always correctly model how the glitching of any internal signal |
| // impacts core behavior and ultimately whether this should be detected. Forcing inputs |
| // of ibex_core is a way to make the test feasible in the first place. |
| // |
| // For more details refer to https://github.com/lowRISC/ibex/pull/1967 . |
| `DV_CHECK_FATAL(uvm_hdl_force(glitch_path_lockstep, orig_val)); |
| `uvm_info(`gfn, $sformatf("Forcing %s to value 'h%0x.", glitch_path_lockstep, orig_val), |
| UVM_LOW) |
| end |
| cfg.chip_vif.cpu_clk_rst_if.wait_n_clks(1); |
| if ((uvm_re_match("irq_*_i", port_name) != 0) && (port_name != "debug_req_i")) begin |
| // If the port is not an interrupt or debug request, which are level-sensitive signals, |
| // release the forcing at this point. |
| `DV_CHECK_FATAL(uvm_hdl_release(glitch_path)); |
| `uvm_info(`gfn, $sformatf("Releasing force of %s.", glitch_path), UVM_LOW) |
| if (!glitch_lockstep_core && glitched_port_is_inp) begin |
| // In case we glitched an input port of the non-lockstep core, we must now also release |
| // the force applied to the corresponding port of the ibex_lockstep instance. |
| `DV_CHECK_FATAL(uvm_hdl_release(glitch_path_lockstep)); |
| `uvm_info(`gfn, $sformatf("Releasing force of %s.", glitch_path_lockstep), UVM_LOW) |
| end |
| end |
| |
| // An alert should be triggered, so we check for that. Depending on the glitched signal and |
| // core it may take several clock cycles for a potential alert to fire. We wait for at most |
| // max_delay_clks cycles. |
| max_delay_clks = 10 + lockstep_offset; |
| |
| // Assert that `enable_cmp_q` in `ibex_lockstep` is 1. When coming out of reset and |
| // starting execution, it takes `LockstepOffset` clock cycles for this to happen. |
| enable_cmp_path = $sformatf("%s.enable_cmp_q", lockstep_path); |
| for (int i = 0; i < lockstep_offset; i++) begin |
| `DV_CHECK_FATAL(uvm_hdl_read(enable_cmp_path, enable_cmp)) |
| if (enable_cmp) begin |
| break; |
| end else begin |
| cfg.chip_vif.cpu_clk_rst_if.wait_n_clks(1); |
| end |
| end |
| `DV_CHECK_EQ_FATAL(enable_cmp, 1'b1, "Lockstep comparison disabled, which is illegal.") |
| |
| // Calculate whether we expect a major alert. |
| exp_alert_major_internal = 1'b0; |
| if (glitched_port_is_inp) begin |
| // Expect a major alert for a *used* glitched input. |
| if (glitched_inp_used) begin |
| exp_alert_major_internal = 1'b1; |
| `uvm_info(`gfn, "Expecting an internal major alert because glitched input is used.", |
| UVM_LOW) |
| end else begin |
| exp_alert_major_internal = 1'b0; |
| `uvm_info(`gfn, "Expecting no internal major alert because glitched input is not used.", |
| UVM_LOW) |
| end |
| end else begin |
| // Always expect a major alert for a glitched output. |
| exp_alert_major_internal = 1'b1; |
| `uvm_info(`gfn, "Expecting an internal major alert due to glitched output.", UVM_LOW) |
| end |
| |
| // Check that `alert_major_internal_o` of `ibex_lockstep` matches our expectation. Depending on |
| // the glitched signal and core it may take several clock cycles for a potential alert to fire. |
| // We wait for at most max_delay_clks cycles. |
| alert_major_internal_path = $sformatf("%s.alert_major_internal_o", lockstep_path); |
| for (int i = 0; i <= max_delay_clks; i++) begin |
| `uvm_info(`gfn, $sformatf("Checking for potential alert in cycle %0d.", i), UVM_MEDIUM) |
| `DV_CHECK_FATAL(uvm_hdl_read(alert_major_internal_path, alert_major_internal)) |
| if (exp_alert_major_internal) begin |
| if (alert_major_internal) begin |
| `uvm_info(`gfn, $sformatf("Major alert expectedly fired in cycle %0d.", i), UVM_LOW) |
| break; |
| end |
| end else begin |
| `DV_CHECK_EQ_FATAL(alert_major_internal, exp_alert_major_internal, |
| $sformatf("Major alert unexpectedly fired in cycle %0d.", i)) |
| end |
| cfg.chip_vif.cpu_clk_rst_if.wait_n_clks(1); |
| end |
| |
| `DV_CHECK_EQ_FATAL(alert_major_internal, exp_alert_major_internal, |
| "Major alert did not match expectation.") |
| |
| // Complete the test at this point (i.e., before the binary has completed execution), because |
| // the glitch may cause all sorts of problems. This test currently only checks that the |
| // lockstep module outputs a major alert. |
| dv_test_status_pkg::dv_test_status(1); // Test passed. |
| $finish(); |
| endtask |
| |
| virtual task dut_init(string reset_kind = "HARD"); |
| super.dut_init(reset_kind); |
| // Initialize instruction cache memories to all zeros. Without this, glitching e.g. |
| // ic_data_addr_o may lead to cache entries being read before writing them, leading to |
| // X-propagation into the main crossbar and SRAM. In contrast, reading an all-zero |
| // entry triggers ECC integrity errors which the design can handle. |
| cfg.mem_bkdr_util_h[ICacheWay0Tag].clear_mem(); |
| cfg.mem_bkdr_util_h[ICacheWay1Tag].clear_mem(); |
| cfg.mem_bkdr_util_h[ICacheWay0Data].clear_mem(); |
| cfg.mem_bkdr_util_h[ICacheWay1Data].clear_mem(); |
| endtask |
| |
| virtual task body(); |
| super.body(); |
| |
| // Set paths to the core and the shadow core inside the lockstep instance. |
| ibex_top_path = "tb.dut.top_earlgrey.u_rv_core_ibex.u_core"; |
| core_path = $sformatf("%s.u_ibex_core", ibex_top_path); |
| lockstep_path = $sformatf("%s.gen_lockstep.u_ibex_lockstep", ibex_top_path); |
| lockstep_core_path = $sformatf("%s.u_shadow_core", lockstep_path); |
| |
| fork |
| inject_glitches(); |
| track_ibex_status(1'b0); |
| track_ibex_status(1'b1); |
| join |
| endtask |
| endclass |