| // Copyright lowRISC contributors. |
| // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. |
| // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 |
| class chip_sw_lc_ctrl_scrap_vseq extends chip_sw_base_vseq; |
| `uvm_object_utils(chip_sw_lc_ctrl_scrap_vseq) |
| `uvm_object_new |
| |
| rand lc_ctrl_state_pkg::dec_lc_state_e src_state; |
| rand bit perform_transition_via_sw; |
| |
| constraint valid_src_state_c { |
| !(src_state inside {DecLcStScrap, DecLcStInvalid, DecLcStPostTrans, DecLcStEscalate}); |
| solve src_state before perform_transition_via_sw; |
| } |
| |
| // don't try to perform transition via SW for the following states |
| constraint transition_via_sw_c { |
| src_state inside {DecLcStRaw, |
| DecLcStTestLocked0, |
| DecLcStTestLocked1, |
| DecLcStTestLocked2, |
| DecLcStTestLocked3, |
| DecLcStTestLocked4, |
| DecLcStTestLocked5, |
| DecLcStTestLocked6} -> |
| perform_transition_via_sw == 0; |
| } |
| |
| function void pre_randomize(); |
| super.pre_randomize(); |
| |
| // disable source state randomization if it's set by the command line |
| // and set the source state value |
| if ($test$plusargs("src_dec_state")) begin |
| this.valid_src_state_c.constraint_mode(0); |
| this.src_state.rand_mode(0); |
| |
| // source state is randomized by default, |
| // but if a plusarg is supplied, assign the given value |
| `DV_GET_ENUM_PLUSARG(lc_ctrl_state_pkg::dec_lc_state_e, src_state, src_dec_state) |
| `uvm_info(`gfn, $sformatf("Source state is %0s", src_state.name), UVM_MEDIUM) |
| end |
| endfunction : pre_randomize |
| |
| function void post_randomize(); |
| super.post_randomize(); |
| |
| // a guard to check we didn't screw up |
| `DV_CHECK_FATAL(src_state != DecLcStScrap) |
| endfunction : post_randomize |
| |
| virtual task pre_start(); |
| cfg.chip_vif.tap_straps_if.drive(JtagTapLc); |
| super.pre_start(); |
| endtask : pre_start |
| |
| virtual function void backdoor_override_otp(); |
| // Override the LC partition to TestLocked1 state. |
| cfg.mem_bkdr_util_h[Otp].otp_write_lc_partition_state( |
| lc_ctrl_dv_utils_pkg::encode_lc_state(src_state)); |
| endfunction : backdoor_override_otp |
| |
| virtual task dut_init(string reset_kind = "HARD"); |
| super.dut_init(reset_kind); |
| backdoor_override_otp(); |
| endtask : dut_init |
| |
| protected task sync_with_sw(); |
| `DV_WAIT(cfg.sw_test_status_vif.sw_test_status == SwTestStatusBooted) |
| `DV_WAIT(cfg.sw_test_status_vif.sw_test_status == SwTestStatusInTest) |
| endtask : sync_with_sw |
| |
| protected task perform_transition_to_scrap(); |
| // perform transition through JTAG if we're not using SW transition |
| // or if SW transition isn't allowed (RAW/TEST_LOCKED*) |
| if (!perform_transition_via_sw) begin : jtag_transition |
| // acquire the LC controller access to registers |
| wait_lc_ready(.allow_err(1)); |
| |
| // perform a LC state transition |
| jtag_lc_state_transition(src_state, DecLcStScrap); |
| end : jtag_transition |
| |
| // else, we're performing the transition though SW |
| else begin : sw_transition |
| // sync with SW, and let perform the transition |
| sync_with_sw(); |
| end : sw_transition |
| |
| // wait for transition to end |
| wait_lc_transition_successful(); |
| |
| // LC state transition requires a chip reset. |
| `uvm_info(`gfn, $sformatf("Applying reset after lc transition from %s state", src_state.name), |
| apply_reset(); |
| endtask : perform_transition_to_scrap |
| |
| task cpu_init(); |
| super.cpu_init(); |
| |
| // tell SW whether the transition is done by JTAG or SW |
| sw_symbol_backdoor_overwrite("kPerformTransitionBySW", {perform_transition_via_sw}); |
| endtask : cpu_init |
| |
| virtual task body(); |
| bit [BUS_DW-1:0] state; |
| super.body(); |
| |
| // perform the transition to SCRAP state |
| perform_transition_to_scrap(); |
| |
| // acquire again access to LC controller |
| // this now can only be done by JTAG, as we're in SCRAP state |
| wait_lc_initialized(.allow_err(1)); |
| |
| // read the LC state from the LC controller and |
| // check LC state is indeed in SCRAP |
| jtag_riscv_agent_pkg::jtag_read_csr(ral.lc_ctrl.lc_state.get_offset(), |
| p_sequencer.jtag_sequencer_h, state); |
| `DV_CHECK_EQ(state, {DecLcStateNumRep{DecLcStScrap}}) |
| endtask : body |
| |
| task post_start(); |
| // post-transition reset is performed via SV |
| // however, as it's the last step of the test |
| // and SW can't execute (SCRAP state), |
| // we'll need to override the SW test status |
| // from there |
| override_test_status_and_finish(.passed(1)); |
| |
| super.post_start(); |
| endtask : post_start |
| endclass : chip_sw_lc_ctrl_scrap_vseq |