blob: 7f30698039d2967da2ebff31be6efd79b03ef6fb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
class chip_sw_i2c_host_tx_rx_vseq extends chip_sw_i2c_tx_rx_vseq;
rand int i2c_idx;
constraint i2c_idx_c {
i2c_idx inside {[0:NUM_I2CS-1]};
virtual task cpu_init();
bit[7:0] clock_period_nanos_arr[1] = {clock_period_nanos};
bit[7:0] rise_fall_nanos_arr[1] = {rise_fall_nanos};
bit[7:0] i2c_clock_period_nanos_arr[4] = {<<byte{i2c_clock_period_nanos}};
bit[7:0] i2c_idx_arr[1];
void'($value$plusargs("i2c_idx=%0d", i2c_idx));
`DV_CHECK(i2c_idx inside {[0:NUM_I2CS-1]})
i2c_idx_arr = {i2c_idx};
// need to figure out a better way to calculate this based on tb clock frequency
sw_symbol_backdoor_overwrite("kClockPeriodNanos", clock_period_nanos_arr);
sw_symbol_backdoor_overwrite("kI2cRiseFallNanos", rise_fall_nanos_arr);
sw_symbol_backdoor_overwrite("kI2cClockPeriodNanos", i2c_clock_period_nanos_arr);
sw_symbol_backdoor_overwrite("kI2cIdx", i2c_idx_arr);
virtual task body();
// enable the monitor
cfg.m_i2c_agent_cfgs[i2c_idx].en_monitor = 1'b1;
cfg.m_i2c_agent_cfgs[i2c_idx].if_mode = Device;
// Enbale appropriate interface
cfg.chip_vif.enable_i2c(.inst_num(i2c_idx), .enable(1));
`uvm_info(`gfn, $sformatf("Full period cycle: %d", clock_period_cycles), UVM_MEDIUM)
`uvm_info(`gfn, $sformatf("Half period cycle: %d", half_period_cycles), UVM_MEDIUM)
// tClockLow needs to be "slightly" shorter than the actual clock low period
// After fixing #15003, the clock low needs to be shortened by 1 additional cycle
// to account for delayed output. The ClockLow value is not used to program
// the DUT, but instead is used by the i2c agent to simulate when it should begin
// driving data. The i2c agent drives to drive data as late as possible.
cfg.m_i2c_agent_cfgs[i2c_idx].timing_cfg.tClockLow = half_period_cycles - 2;
// tClockPulse needs to be "slightly" longer than the clock period.
cfg.m_i2c_agent_cfgs[i2c_idx].timing_cfg.tClockPulse = half_period_cycles + 1;
virtual task i2c_device_autoresponder();
i2c_device_response_seq seq = i2c_device_response_seq::type_id::create("seq");
fork seq.start(p_sequencer.i2c_sequencer_hs[i2c_idx]); join_none
endclass : chip_sw_i2c_host_tx_rx_vseq