| // Copyright lowRISC contributors. |
| // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. |
| // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 |
| |
| // By default this test will use a randomly selected instance i2c_idx. |
| // To make a dedicated test for instance i, where i is in {0,1,2}, the test |
| // shuld run with an option: |
| // run_opts: ["+i2c_idx=i"] |
| |
| class chip_sw_i2c_device_tx_rx_vseq extends chip_sw_i2c_tx_rx_vseq; |
| `uvm_object_utils(chip_sw_i2c_device_tx_rx_vseq) |
| |
| `uvm_object_new |
| |
| int exp_rd_id = 0; |
| int tran_id = 0; |
| i2c_item read_txn_q[$]; |
| |
| rand int i2c_idx; |
| constraint i2c_idx_c { |
| i2c_idx inside {[0:NUM_I2CS-1]}; |
| } |
| |
| rand int byte_count; |
| constraint i2c_byte_count_c { |
| byte_count inside {[30:60]}; |
| } |
| |
| rand bit [6:0] i2c_device_address_0; |
| rand bit [6:0] i2c_device_address_1; |
| rand bit [6:0] i2c_device_mask_0; |
| rand bit [6:0] i2c_device_mask_1; |
| rand bit choose_address; |
| rand bit [6:0] r; |
| |
| virtual task cpu_init(); |
| bit[7:0] clock_period_nanos_arr[1] = {clock_period_nanos}; |
| bit[7:0] rise_fall_nanos_arr[1] = {rise_fall_nanos}; |
| bit[7:0] i2c_clock_period_nanos_arr[4] = {<<byte{i2c_clock_period_nanos}}; |
| bit[7:0] i2c_idx_arr[1]; |
| bit[7:0] i2c_device_address_0_arr[1]; |
| bit[7:0] i2c_device_mask_0_arr[1]; |
| bit[7:0] i2c_device_address_1_arr[1]; |
| bit[7:0] i2c_device_mask_1_arr[1]; |
| bit[7:0] byte_count_arr[1]; |
| |
| void'($value$plusargs("i2c_idx=%0d", i2c_idx)); |
| `DV_CHECK(i2c_idx inside {[0:NUM_I2CS-1]}) |
| |
| i2c_idx_arr = {i2c_idx}; |
| i2c_device_address_0_arr = {i2c_device_address_0}; |
| i2c_device_address_1_arr = {i2c_device_address_1}; |
| // if an address bit is 1, the corresponding mask bit must also be 1 |
| i2c_device_mask_0_arr = {i2c_device_address_0 | i2c_device_mask_0}; |
| i2c_device_mask_1_arr = {i2c_device_address_1 | i2c_device_mask_1}; |
| byte_count_arr = {byte_count}; |
| super.cpu_init(); |
| // need to figure out a better way to calculate this based on tb clock frequency |
| sw_symbol_backdoor_overwrite("kClockPeriodNanos", clock_period_nanos_arr); |
| sw_symbol_backdoor_overwrite("kI2cRiseFallNanos", rise_fall_nanos_arr); |
| sw_symbol_backdoor_overwrite("kI2cClockPeriodNanos", i2c_clock_period_nanos_arr); |
| sw_symbol_backdoor_overwrite("kI2cIdx", i2c_idx_arr); |
| sw_symbol_backdoor_overwrite("kI2cDeviceAddress0", i2c_device_address_0_arr); |
| sw_symbol_backdoor_overwrite("kI2cDeviceMask0", i2c_device_mask_0_arr); |
| sw_symbol_backdoor_overwrite("kI2cDeviceAddress1", i2c_device_address_1_arr); |
| sw_symbol_backdoor_overwrite("kI2cDeviceMask1", i2c_device_mask_1_arr); |
| sw_symbol_backdoor_overwrite("kI2cByteCount", byte_count_arr); |
| // sw_symbol_backdoor_overwrite("expected_data", i2c_device_tx_data); |
| endtask |
| |
| virtual task body(); |
| bit [7:0] i2c_device_tx_data[$]; |
| super.body(); |
| |
| // enable the monitor |
| cfg.m_i2c_agent_cfgs[i2c_idx].en_monitor = 1'b1; |
| cfg.m_i2c_agent_cfgs[i2c_idx].if_mode = Host; |
| |
| // Enbale appropriate interface |
| cfg.chip_vif.enable_i2c(.inst_num(i2c_idx), .enable(1)); |
| |
| // tClockLow needs to be "slightly" shorter than the actual clock low period |
| cfg.m_i2c_agent_cfgs[i2c_idx].timing_cfg.tClockLow = half_period_cycles - 2; |
| |
| // tClockPulse needs to be "slightly" longer than the clock period. |
| cfg.m_i2c_agent_cfgs[i2c_idx].timing_cfg.tClockPulse = half_period_cycles + 1; |
| |
| // tHoldStart and tClockStart need to be non-zero to make the start condition detectable. |
| cfg.m_i2c_agent_cfgs[i2c_idx].timing_cfg.tHoldStart = half_period_cycles; |
| cfg.m_i2c_agent_cfgs[i2c_idx].timing_cfg.tClockStart = half_period_cycles; |
| |
| // tClockStop, tSetupStop, and tHoldStop have to be non-zero to make the stop condition |
| // detectable. |
| cfg.m_i2c_agent_cfgs[i2c_idx].timing_cfg.tClockStop = half_period_cycles; |
| cfg.m_i2c_agent_cfgs[i2c_idx].timing_cfg.tSetupStop = half_period_cycles - 2; |
| cfg.m_i2c_agent_cfgs[i2c_idx].timing_cfg.tHoldStop = half_period_cycles; |
| |
| // Wait for i2c_device to fill tx_fifo |
| `DV_WAIT(cfg.sw_logger_vif.printed_log == "Data written to fifo"); |
| |
| send_i2c_host_rx_data(i2c_device_tx_data, byte_count); |
| |
| endtask |
| |
| virtual task send_i2c_host_rx_data(ref bit [7:0] device_data[$],input int size); |
| i2c_target_base_seq m_i2c_host_seq; |
| i2c_item txn_q[$]; |
| `uvm_create_obj(i2c_target_base_seq, m_i2c_host_seq) |
| create_txn(txn_q, size); |
| fetch_txn(txn_q, m_i2c_host_seq.req_q, .is_read(1)); |
| m_i2c_host_seq.start(p_sequencer.i2c_sequencer_hs[i2c_idx]); |
| |
| // Wait for reads to complete. |
| `DV_WAIT(cfg.m_i2c_agent_cfgs[i2c_idx].sent_rd_byte > 0) |
| `DV_WAIT(cfg.m_i2c_agent_cfgs[i2c_idx].sent_rd_byte == |
| cfg.m_i2c_agent_cfgs[i2c_idx].rcvd_rd_byte) |
| `uvm_info(`gfn, "Reads complete.", UVM_MEDIUM) |
| |
| // Play transactions back. |
| txn_q.delete(); |
| while (p_sequencer.i2c_rd_fifos[i2c_idx].can_get()) begin |
| i2c_item txn; |
| `DV_CHECK(p_sequencer.i2c_rd_fifos[i2c_idx].try_get(txn)) |
| foreach (txn.data_q[i]) begin |
| i2c_item wr_txn; |
| `uvm_create_obj(i2c_item, wr_txn) |
| wr_txn.drv_type = HostData; |
| wr_txn.wdata = txn.data_q[i]; |
| txn_q.push_back(wr_txn); |
| end |
| end |
| fetch_txn(txn_q, m_i2c_host_seq.req_q, .is_read(0)); |
| m_i2c_host_seq.start(p_sequencer.i2c_sequencer_hs[i2c_idx]); |
| endtask |
| |
| // Create byte transaction (payload) to read or write. |
| // Transaction type (read, write) is decided in 'fetch_txn'. |
| // This function and `fetch_txn` are largely duplicates of the code in `i2c_base_vseq`, so at |
| // some point it may be worth refactoring the common parts into a separate class or package to |
| // deduplicate code. |
| virtual function void create_txn(ref i2c_item myq[$], int num_bytes); |
| bit [7:0] wdata_q[$]; |
| i2c_item txn; |
| |
| wdata_q.size() == num_bytes;) |
| |
| for (int i = 0; i < wdata_q.size(); i++) begin |
| `uvm_create_obj(i2c_item, txn) |
| txn.drv_type = HostData; |
| txn.wdata = wdata_q[i]; |
| myq.push_back(txn); |
| end |
| endfunction |
| |
| // Receive byte stream from 'create_txn' and forward to driver's request q, |
| // with adding 'Start and Stop'. |
| // Expected transaction is created in the task. |
| // For write transaction and address transaction, expected transaction mimics acq read data. |
| // For read transaction, all read bytes for one transaction is accumulated to 'full_txn' |
| // and compared with received transaction at the scoreboard. |
| virtual function void fetch_txn(ref i2c_item src_q[$], i2c_item dst_q[$], input bit is_read); |
| i2c_item txn; |
| i2c_item rs_txn; |
| i2c_item exp_txn; |
| i2c_item full_txn; |
| int read_size; |
| bit [6:0] address_0; |
| bit [6:0] address_1; |
| |
| `uvm_create_obj(i2c_item, full_txn) |
| |
| // Add 'START' to the front |
| `uvm_create_obj(i2c_item, txn) |
| txn.drv_type = HostStart; |
| dst_q.push_back(txn); |
| full_txn.start = 1; |
| if (is_read) full_txn.tran_id = this.exp_rd_id++; |
| // Address |
| `uvm_create_obj(i2c_item, txn) |
| `uvm_create_obj(i2c_item, exp_txn) |
| // randomly select any matching address |
| address_0 = i2c_device_address_0 | (r & ~i2c_device_mask_0); |
| address_1 = i2c_device_address_1 | (r & ~i2c_device_mask_1); |
| txn.drv_type = HostData; |
| txn.start = 1; |
| txn.wdata[7:1] = choose_address ? address_0 : address_1; |
| txn.wdata[0] = is_read; |
| txn.tran_id = this.tran_id++; |
| `downcast(exp_txn, txn.clone()); |
| dst_q.push_back(txn); |
| full_txn.addr = txn.wdata[7:1]; |
| full_txn.read = is_read; |
| |
| read_size = byte_count; |
| cfg.m_i2c_agent_cfgs[i2c_idx].sent_rd_byte += read_size; |
| |
| // Data |
| while (src_q.size() > 0) begin |
| `uvm_create_obj(i2c_item, txn) |
| txn = src_q.pop_front(); |
| if (txn.drv_type != HostRStart) begin |
| // Restart only has empty data for address holder |
| full_txn.data_q.push_back(txn.wdata); |
| end |
| |
| // RS creates 2 extra acq entry |
| // one for RS |
| // the other for a new start acq_entry with address |
| if (txn.drv_type == HostRStart) begin |
| bit prv_read = 0; |
| `uvm_create_obj(i2c_item, exp_txn) |
| exp_txn.drv_type = HostRStart; |
| exp_txn.rstart = 1; |
| exp_txn.tran_id = this.tran_id++; |
| |
| `uvm_create_obj(i2c_item, rs_txn) |
| `downcast(rs_txn, txn.clone()) |
| dst_q.push_back(txn); |
| |
| rs_txn.drv_type = HostData; |
| rs_txn.start = 1; |
| rs_txn.rstart = 0; |
| rs_txn.wdata[7:1] = choose_address ? address_0 : address_1; |
| prv_read = is_read; |
| is_read = rs_txn.read; |
| rs_txn.wdata[0] = is_read; |
| dst_q.push_back(rs_txn); |
| // create a separate stat/addr entry for exp |
| `uvm_create_obj(i2c_item, exp_txn) |
| `downcast(exp_txn, rs_txn.clone()); |
| exp_txn.tran_id = this.tran_id++; |
| |
| // fetch previous full_txn and creat a new one |
| if (prv_read) begin |
| full_txn.stop = 1; |
| end |
| `uvm_create_obj(i2c_item, full_txn) |
| `downcast(full_txn, rs_txn); |
| if (is_read) begin |
| full_txn.tran_id = exp_rd_id++; |
| end |
| end else begin |
| if (is_read) begin |
| i2c_item read_txn; |
| `uvm_create_obj(i2c_item, read_txn) |
| `downcast(read_txn, txn.clone()) |
| full_txn.num_data++; |
| if (src_q.size() == 0) begin |
| txn.drv_type = HostNAck; |
| end else begin |
| // if your next item is restart Do nack |
| if (src_q[0].drv_type == HostRStart) txn.drv_type = HostNAck; |
| else txn.drv_type = HostAck; |
| end |
| dst_q.push_back(txn); |
| read_txn_q.push_back(read_txn); |
| end else begin |
| `downcast(exp_txn, txn.clone()); |
| // Add RS transaction to driver only |
| // and create address transaction after |
| dst_q.push_back(txn); |
| exp_txn.tran_id = this.tran_id++; |
| end |
| end |
| end // while (src_q.size() > 0) |
| |
| // Stop |
| `uvm_create_obj(i2c_item, txn) |
| `uvm_create_obj(i2c_item, exp_txn) |
| txn.tran_id = this.tran_id++; |
| txn.stop = 1; |
| txn.drv_type = HostStop; |
| `downcast(exp_txn, txn.clone()); |
| dst_q.push_back(txn); |
| full_txn.stop = 1; |
| endfunction |
| |
| |
| endclass : chip_sw_i2c_device_tx_rx_vseq |