| // Copyright lowRISC contributors. |
| // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. |
| // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 |
| |
| class chip_sw_base_vseq extends chip_base_vseq; |
| `uvm_object_utils(chip_sw_base_vseq) |
| |
| // Default only iterate through SW code once. |
| constraint num_trans_c { |
| num_trans == 1; |
| } |
| |
| `uvm_object_new |
| |
| virtual task pre_start(); |
| super.pre_start(); |
| // Disable mem checks in scoreboard - it does not factor in memory scrambling. |
| cfg.en_scb_mem_chk = 1'b0; |
| endtask |
| |
| virtual task dut_init(string reset_kind = "HARD"); |
| // Reset the sw_test_status. |
| cfg.sw_test_status_vif.sw_test_status = SwTestStatusUnderReset; |
| |
| // Initialize the SW strap pins - these are sort of dedicated. |
| // TODO: add logic to drive / undrive this only when the ROM / test ROM code is active. |
| cfg.chip_vif.sw_straps_if.drive({3{cfg.use_spi_load_bootstrap}}); |
| |
| // Bring the chip out of reset. |
| super.dut_init(reset_kind); |
| endtask |
| |
| // Initialize the chip to enable SW to boot up and execute code. |
| // |
| // Backdoor load the sw test image, initialize memories, sw logger and test status interfaces. |
| // Note that this function is called the moment POR_N asserts. The chip resources including the |
| // CPU are brought out of reset much later, after the pwrmgr has gone through the wakeup sequence. |
| // Invoke cfg.chip_vif.cpu_clk_rst_vif.wait_for_reset() to bring the simulation to the point where |
| // the CPU is out of reset and ready to execute code. |
| virtual task cpu_init(); |
| int size_bytes; |
| int total_bytes; |
| |
| `uvm_info(`gfn, "Starting cpu_init", UVM_MEDIUM) |
| |
| // Initialize the sw logger interface. |
| foreach (cfg.sw_images[i]) begin |
| if (i inside {SwTypeRom, SwTypeDebug, SwTypeTestSlotA, SwTypeTestSlotB}) begin |
| cfg.sw_logger_vif.add_sw_log_db(cfg.sw_images[i]); |
| end |
| end |
| cfg.sw_logger_vif.sw_log_addr = SW_DV_LOG_ADDR; |
| cfg.sw_logger_vif.write_sw_logs_to_file = cfg.write_sw_logs_to_file; |
| cfg.sw_logger_vif.ready(); |
| |
| // Initialize the sw test status. |
| cfg.sw_test_status_vif.sw_test_status_addr = SW_DV_TEST_STATUS_ADDR; |
| |
| `uvm_info(`gfn, "Initializing SRAMs", UVM_MEDIUM) |
| |
| // Assume each tile contains the same number of bytes. |
| size_bytes = cfg.mem_bkdr_util_h[chip_mem_e'(RamMain0)].get_size_bytes(); |
| total_bytes = size_bytes * cfg.num_ram_main_tiles; |
| |
| // Randomize the main SRAM. |
| for (int addr = 0; addr < total_bytes; addr = addr + 4) begin |
| bit [31:0] rand_val; |
| |
| `DV_CHECK_STD_RANDOMIZE_FATAL(rand_val, "Randomization failed!") |
| main_sram_bkdr_write32(addr, rand_val); |
| end |
| |
| // Initialize the data partition in all flash banks to all 1s. |
| `uvm_info(`gfn, "Initializing flash banks (data partition only)", UVM_MEDIUM) |
| cfg.mem_bkdr_util_h[FlashBank0Data].set_mem(); |
| cfg.mem_bkdr_util_h[FlashBank1Data].set_mem(); |
| |
| // Randomize retention memory. This is done intentionally with wrong integrity |
| // as early portions of ROM will initialize it to the correct value. |
| // The randomization here is just to ensure we do not have x's in the memory. |
| for (int ram_idx = 0; ram_idx < cfg.num_ram_ret_tiles; ram_idx++) begin |
| cfg.mem_bkdr_util_h[chip_mem_e'(RamRet0 + ram_idx)].randomize_mem(); |
| end |
| |
| `uvm_info(`gfn, "Initializing ROM", UVM_MEDIUM) |
| // Backdoor load memories with sw images. |
| cfg.mem_bkdr_util_h[Rom].load_mem_from_file({cfg.sw_images[SwTypeRom], ".32.vmem"}); |
| `else |
| cfg.mem_bkdr_util_h[Rom].load_mem_from_file({cfg.sw_images[SwTypeRom], ".39.scr.vmem"}); |
| `endif |
| |
| if (cfg.sw_images.exists(SwTypeTestSlotA)) begin |
| if (cfg.use_spi_load_bootstrap) begin |
| `uvm_info(`gfn, "Initializing SPI flash bootstrap", UVM_MEDIUM) |
| spi_device_load_bootstrap({cfg.sw_images[SwTypeTestSlotA], ".64.vmem"}); |
| end else begin |
| cfg.mem_bkdr_util_h[FlashBank0Data].load_mem_from_file( |
| {cfg.sw_images[SwTypeTestSlotA], ".64.scr.vmem"}); |
| end |
| end |
| if (cfg.sw_images.exists(SwTypeTestSlotB)) begin |
| // TODO: support bootstrapping entire flash address space, not just slot A. |
| cfg.mem_bkdr_util_h[FlashBank1Data].load_mem_from_file( |
| {cfg.sw_images[SwTypeTestSlotB], ".64.scr.vmem"}); |
| end |
| |
| config_jitter(); |
| |
| `uvm_info(`gfn, "cpu_init completed", UVM_MEDIUM) |
| endtask |
| |
| // The jitter enable mechanism is different from test_rom and rom right now. |
| // That's why below there is both a symbol overwrite and an otp backdoor load. |
| // Once test_rom and rom are consistent in this area, the symbol backdoor load |
| // can be removed. |
| task config_jitter(); |
| bit en_jitter; |
| void'($value$plusargs("en_jitter=%0d", en_jitter)); |
| if (en_jitter) begin |
| // enable for test_rom |
| bit [7:0] en_jitter_arr[] = {1}; |
| sw_symbol_backdoor_overwrite("kJitterEnabled", en_jitter_arr, SwTypeRom); |
| |
| // enable for rom |
| cfg.mem_bkdr_util_h[Otp].write32(otp_ctrl_reg_pkg::CreatorSwCfgJitterEnOffset, |
| prim_mubi_pkg::MuBi4True); |
| end else begin |
| // rom blindly copies from otp, backdoor load a false value |
| cfg.mem_bkdr_util_h[Otp].write32(otp_ctrl_reg_pkg::CreatorSwCfgJitterEnOffset, |
| prim_mubi_pkg::MuBi4False); |
| end |
| endtask |
| |
| virtual function void main_sram_bkdr_write32( |
| bit [bus_params_pkg::BUS_AW-1:0] addr, |
| bit [31:0] data, |
| bit [sram_scrambler_pkg::SRAM_KEY_WIDTH-1:0] key = RndCnstSramCtrlMainSramKey, |
| bit [sram_scrambler_pkg::SRAM_BLOCK_WIDTH-1:0] nonce = RndCnstSramCtrlMainSramNonce, |
| bit [38:0] flip_bits = '0); |
| _sram_bkdr_write32(addr, data, 1, key, nonce, flip_bits); |
| endfunction |
| |
| virtual function void ret_sram_bkdr_write32( |
| bit [bus_params_pkg::BUS_AW-1:0] addr, |
| bit [31:0] data, |
| bit [sram_scrambler_pkg::SRAM_KEY_WIDTH-1:0] key = RndCnstSramCtrlRetAonSramKey, |
| bit [sram_scrambler_pkg::SRAM_BLOCK_WIDTH-1:0] nonce = RndCnstSramCtrlRetAonSramNonce, |
| bit [38:0] flip_bits = '0); |
| _sram_bkdr_write32(addr, data, 0, key, nonce, flip_bits); |
| endfunction |
| |
| // scrambled address may cross the tile, this function will find out what tile the address is |
| // located and backdoor write to it. |
| protected function void _sram_bkdr_write32( |
| bit [bus_params_pkg::BUS_AW-1:0] addr, |
| bit [31:0] data, |
| bit is_main_ram, // if 1, main ram, otherwise, ret ram |
| bit [sram_scrambler_pkg::SRAM_KEY_WIDTH-1:0] key, |
| bit [sram_scrambler_pkg::SRAM_BLOCK_WIDTH-1:0] nonce, |
| bit [38:0] flip_bits); |
| |
| chip_mem_e mem; |
| int num_tiles; |
| bit [31:0] addr_scr; |
| bit [38:0] data_scr; |
| bit [31:0] addr_mask; |
| int tile_idx; |
| int size_bytes; |
| |
| // Use the 1st tile of the RAM for now. Based on the scrambled address, will find out which |
| // tile to write. |
| if (is_main_ram) begin |
| mem = RamMain0; |
| num_tiles = cfg.num_ram_main_tiles; |
| end else begin |
| mem = RamRet0; |
| num_tiles = cfg.num_ram_ret_tiles; |
| end |
| |
| // Assume each tile contains the same number of bytes |
| size_bytes = cfg.mem_bkdr_util_h[mem].get_size_bytes(); |
| addr_mask = size_bytes - 1; |
| |
| // calculate the scramble address |
| addr_scr = cfg.mem_bkdr_util_h[mem].get_sram_encrypt_addr( |
| addr, nonce, $clog2(num_tiles)); |
| |
| // determine which tile the scrambled address belongs |
| tile_idx = addr_scr / size_bytes; |
| |
| // calculate the scrambled data |
| data_scr = cfg.mem_bkdr_util_h[mem].get_sram_encrypt32_intg_data( |
| addr, data, key, nonce, |
| $clog2(num_tiles)); |
| |
| // write the scrambled data into the targetted memory tile |
| mem = chip_mem_e'(mem + tile_idx); |
| cfg.mem_bkdr_util_h[mem].write39integ(addr_scr & addr_mask, data_scr ^ flip_bits); |
| endfunction |
| |
| virtual task body(); |
| cfg.sw_test_status_vif.set_num_iterations(num_trans); |
| // Initialize the CPU to kick off the sw test. TODO: Should be called in pre_start() instead. |
| cpu_init(); |
| endtask |
| |
| virtual task post_start(); |
| super.post_start(); |
| // Wait for sw test to finish before exiting. |
| wait_for_sw_test_done(); |
| endtask |
| |
| // Monitors the SW test status. |
| virtual task wait_for_sw_test_done(); |
| `uvm_info(`gfn, "Waiting for the SW test to finish", UVM_MEDIUM) |
| fork |
| begin: isolation_thread |
| fork |
| wait (cfg.sw_test_status_vif.sw_test_done); |
| #(cfg.sw_test_timeout_ns * 1ns); |
| join_any |
| disable fork; |
| log_sw_test_status(); |
| end: isolation_thread |
| join |
| endtask |
| |
| // Print pass / fail message to the log. |
| virtual function void log_sw_test_status(); |
| case (cfg.sw_test_status_vif.sw_test_status) |
| SwTestStatusPassed: `uvm_info(`gfn, "SW TEST PASSED!", UVM_LOW) |
| SwTestStatusFailed: `uvm_error(`gfn, "SW TEST FAILED!") |
| default: begin |
| // If the SW test has not reached the passed / failed state, then it timed out. |
| `uvm_error(`gfn, $sformatf("SW TEST TIMED OUT. STATE: %0s, TIMEOUT = %0d ns\n", |
| cfg.sw_test_status_vif.sw_test_status.name(), cfg.sw_test_timeout_ns)) |
| end |
| endcase |
| endfunction |
| |
| // Configure the provided spi_agent_cfg to use flash mode, and add the |
| // specification for the following common commands: |
| // ReadSFDP, ReadStatus1, WriteEnable, ChipErase, and PageProgram. |
| virtual function void spi_agent_configure_flash_cmds(spi_agent_cfg agent_cfg); |
| spi_flash_cmd_info info = spi_flash_cmd_info::type_id::create("info"); |
| info.addr_mode = SpiFlashAddrDisabled; |
| info.opcode = SpiFlashReadSfdp; |
| info.num_lanes = 1; |
| info.dummy_cycles = 8; |
| info.write_command = 0; |
| agent_cfg.add_cmd_info(info); |
| |
| info = spi_flash_cmd_info::type_id::create("info"); |
| info.addr_mode = SpiFlashAddrDisabled; |
| info.opcode = SpiFlashReadJedec; |
| info.num_lanes = 1; |
| info.dummy_cycles = 0; |
| info.write_command = 0; |
| agent_cfg.add_cmd_info(info); |
| |
| info = spi_flash_cmd_info::type_id::create("info"); |
| info.addr_mode = SpiFlashAddrDisabled; |
| info.opcode = SpiFlashReadSts1; |
| info.num_lanes = 1; |
| info.dummy_cycles = 0; |
| info.write_command = 0; |
| agent_cfg.add_cmd_info(info); |
| |
| info = spi_flash_cmd_info::type_id::create("info"); |
| info.addr_mode = SpiFlashAddrDisabled; |
| info.opcode = SpiFlashReadSts2; |
| info.num_lanes = 1; |
| info.dummy_cycles = 0; |
| info.write_command = 0; |
| agent_cfg.add_cmd_info(info); |
| |
| info = spi_flash_cmd_info::type_id::create("info"); |
| info.addr_mode = SpiFlashAddrDisabled; |
| info.opcode = SpiFlashReadSts3; |
| info.num_lanes = 1; |
| info.dummy_cycles = 0; |
| info.write_command = 0; |
| agent_cfg.add_cmd_info(info); |
| |
| info = spi_flash_cmd_info::type_id::create("info"); |
| info.addr_mode = SpiFlashAddrCfg; |
| info.opcode = SpiFlashReadNormal; |
| info.num_lanes = 1; |
| info.dummy_cycles = 0; |
| info.write_command = 0; |
| agent_cfg.add_cmd_info(info); |
| |
| info = spi_flash_cmd_info::type_id::create("info"); |
| info.addr_mode = SpiFlashAddrCfg; |
| info.opcode = SpiFlashReadFast; |
| info.num_lanes = 1; |
| info.dummy_cycles = 8; |
| info.write_command = 0; |
| agent_cfg.add_cmd_info(info); |
| |
| info = spi_flash_cmd_info::type_id::create("info"); |
| info.addr_mode = SpiFlashAddrCfg; |
| info.opcode = SpiFlashReadDual; |
| info.num_lanes = 2; |
| info.dummy_cycles = 8; |
| info.write_command = 0; |
| agent_cfg.add_cmd_info(info); |
| |
| info = spi_flash_cmd_info::type_id::create("info"); |
| info.addr_mode = SpiFlashAddrCfg; |
| info.opcode = SpiFlashReadQuad; |
| info.num_lanes = 4; |
| info.dummy_cycles = 8; |
| info.write_command = 0; |
| agent_cfg.add_cmd_info(info); |
| |
| info = spi_flash_cmd_info::type_id::create("info"); |
| info.addr_mode = SpiFlashAddrDisabled; |
| info.opcode = SpiFlashWriteEnable; |
| info.num_lanes = 0; |
| info.dummy_cycles = 0; |
| info.write_command = 0; |
| agent_cfg.add_cmd_info(info); |
| |
| info = spi_flash_cmd_info::type_id::create("info"); |
| info.addr_mode = SpiFlashAddrDisabled; |
| info.opcode = SpiFlashWriteSts1; |
| info.num_lanes = 1; |
| info.dummy_cycles = 0; |
| info.write_command = 1; |
| agent_cfg.add_cmd_info(info); |
| |
| info = spi_flash_cmd_info::type_id::create("info"); |
| info.addr_mode = SpiFlashAddrDisabled; |
| info.opcode = SpiFlashWriteSts2; |
| info.num_lanes = 1; |
| info.dummy_cycles = 0; |
| info.write_command = 1; |
| agent_cfg.add_cmd_info(info); |
| |
| info = spi_flash_cmd_info::type_id::create("info"); |
| info.addr_mode = SpiFlashAddrDisabled; |
| info.opcode = SpiFlashWriteSts3; |
| info.num_lanes = 1; |
| info.dummy_cycles = 0; |
| info.write_command = 1; |
| agent_cfg.add_cmd_info(info); |
| |
| info = spi_flash_cmd_info::type_id::create("info"); |
| info.addr_mode = SpiFlashAddrDisabled; |
| info.opcode = SpiFlashChipErase; |
| info.num_lanes = 0; |
| info.dummy_cycles = 0; |
| info.write_command = 0; |
| agent_cfg.add_cmd_info(info); |
| |
| info = spi_flash_cmd_info::type_id::create("info"); |
| info.addr_mode = SpiFlashAddrCfg; |
| info.opcode = SpiFlashSectorErase; |
| info.num_lanes = 0; |
| info.dummy_cycles = 0; |
| info.write_command = 0; |
| agent_cfg.add_cmd_info(info); |
| |
| info = spi_flash_cmd_info::type_id::create("info"); |
| info.addr_mode = SpiFlashAddrCfg; |
| info.opcode = SpiFlashPageProgram; |
| info.num_lanes = 1; |
| info.dummy_cycles = 0; |
| info.write_command = 1; |
| agent_cfg.add_cmd_info(info); |
| |
| agent_cfg.spi_func_mode = SpiModeFlash; |
| endfunction |
| |
| // Periodically probe the device for its busy bit and wait for up to |
| // `timeout_ns` nanoseconds for it to be de-asserted. Commands sent to the |
| // device will be spaced no less than `min_interval_ns` nanoseconds (with a |
| // random additional delay). In some cases, using a longer interval can speed |
| // up simulation. |
| virtual task spi_host_wait_on_busy( |
| uint timeout_ns = default_spinwait_timeout_ns, |
| uint min_interval_ns = 1000); |
| spi_host_flash_seq m_spi_host_seq; |
| `uvm_create_on(m_spi_host_seq, p_sequencer.spi_host_sequencer_h) |
| while (1) begin |
| cfg.clk_rst_vif.wait_clks($urandom_range(1, 100)); |
| `DV_CHECK_RANDOMIZE_WITH_FATAL(m_spi_host_seq, |
| opcode == SpiFlashReadSts1; |
| address_q.size() == 0; |
| payload_q.size() == 1; |
| read_size == 1;) |
| `uvm_send(m_spi_host_seq) |
| // bit 0 is busy bit |
| if (m_spi_host_seq.rsp.payload_q[0][0] === 0) break; |
| #(min_interval_ns); |
| end, |
| , |
| timeout_ns |
| ) |
| endtask |
| |
| // Performs the write command sequence on the spi_host agent, with |
| // a WriteEnable command, followed by the specified command from the |
| // `write_command`, then polling for the busy bit to clear. `busy_timeout_ns` |
| // and `busy_poll_interval_ns` work similarly as the parameters for |
| // `spi_host_wait_on_busy`. |
| virtual task spi_host_flash_issue_write_cmd( |
| spi_host_flash_seq write_command, |
| uint busy_timeout_ns = default_spinwait_timeout_ns, |
| uint busy_poll_interval_ns = 1000); |
| spi_host_flash_seq m_spi_host_seq; |
| `uvm_create_on(m_spi_host_seq, p_sequencer.spi_host_sequencer_h) |
| m_spi_host_seq.opcode = SpiFlashWriteEnable; |
| `uvm_send(m_spi_host_seq); |
| |
| `uvm_send(write_command); |
| |
| spi_host_wait_on_busy(busy_timeout_ns, busy_poll_interval_ns); |
| endtask |
| |
| // Load the flash binary specified by the `sw_image` path by sending a chip |
| // erase, then programming pages in sequence via the SPI flash interface |
| // presented by the ROM. Afterwards, bring the software straps back to 0, |
| // and issue a power-on reset. |
| // The `sw_image` path should point to an image usable by the |
| // `read_sw_frames` task. |
| // This task assumes the device was booted with software straps set before |
| // entry. In addition, it expects that the spi_agent was connected to the |
| // spi_device and is ready to issue flash transactions. |
| virtual task spi_device_load_bootstrap(string sw_image); |
| spi_host_flash_seq m_spi_host_seq; |
| byte sw_byte_q[$]; |
| uint bytes_to_write; |
| uint byte_cnt = 0; |
| uint SPI_FLASH_PAGE_SIZE = 256; |
| |
| // Set CSB inactive times to reasonable values. sys_clk is at 24 MHz, and |
| // it needs to capture CSB pulses. |
| cfg.m_spi_host_agent_cfg.min_idle_ns_after_csb_drop = 50; |
| cfg.m_spi_host_agent_cfg.max_idle_ns_after_csb_drop = 200; |
| |
| // Configure the spi_agent for flash mode and add command info. |
| spi_agent_configure_flash_cmds(cfg.m_spi_host_agent_cfg); |
| |
| // Wait for the commands to be ready |
| csr_spinwait( |
| .ptr(ral.spi_device.cmd_info[spi_device_pkg::CmdInfoReadSfdp].opcode), |
| .exp_data(SpiFlashReadSfdp), |
| .backdoor(1), |
| .spinwait_delay_ns(5000)); |
| csr_spinwait( |
| .ptr(ral.spi_device.cmd_info[spi_device_pkg::CmdInfoReadStatus1].opcode), |
| .exp_data(SpiFlashReadSts1), |
| .backdoor(1), |
| .spinwait_delay_ns(5000)); |
| csr_spinwait( |
| .ptr(ral.spi_device.cmd_info_wren.opcode), |
| .exp_data(SpiFlashWriteEnable), |
| .backdoor(1), |
| .spinwait_delay_ns(5000)); |
| |
| read_sw_frames(sw_image, sw_byte_q); |
| |
| `uvm_create_on(m_spi_host_seq, p_sequencer.spi_host_sequencer_h) |
| m_spi_host_seq.opcode = SpiFlashChipErase; |
| spi_host_flash_issue_write_cmd( |
| .write_command(m_spi_host_seq), |
| .busy_timeout_ns(40_000_000), |
| .busy_poll_interval_ns(1_000_000)); |
| |
| while (sw_byte_q.size > byte_cnt) begin |
| `uvm_create_on(m_spi_host_seq, p_sequencer.spi_host_sequencer_h) |
| m_spi_host_seq.opcode = SpiFlashPageProgram; |
| m_spi_host_seq.address_q = {byte_cnt[23:16], byte_cnt[15:8], byte_cnt[7:0]}; |
| if (SPI_FLASH_PAGE_SIZE < (sw_byte_q.size() - byte_cnt)) begin |
| bytes_to_write = SPI_FLASH_PAGE_SIZE; |
| end else begin |
| bytes_to_write = sw_byte_q.size() - byte_cnt; |
| end |
| for (int i = 0; i < bytes_to_write; i++) begin |
| m_spi_host_seq.payload_q.push_back(sw_byte_q[byte_cnt + i]); |
| end |
| spi_host_flash_issue_write_cmd(m_spi_host_seq); |
| byte_cnt += bytes_to_write; |
| end |
| |
| cfg.chip_vif.sw_straps_if.drive(3'h0); |
| assert_por_reset(); |
| endtask |
| |
| // Read the flash image pointed to by the `sw_image` path, and place the |
| // data into the `sw_byte_q`. The flash image is assumed to consist of |
| // contiguous data starting from the base of flash. |
| virtual function void read_sw_frames(string sw_image, ref byte sw_byte_q[$]); |
| int num_returns; |
| int mem_fd = $fopen(sw_image, "r"); |
| bit [63:0] word_data[4]; |
| string addr; |
| |
| while (!$feof(mem_fd)) begin |
| num_returns = $fscanf(mem_fd, "%s %h %h %h %h", addr, word_data[0], word_data[1], |
| word_data[2], word_data[3]); |
| if (num_returns <= 1) continue; |
| for (int i = 0; i < num_returns - 1; i++) begin |
| repeat (8) begin |
| sw_byte_q.push_back(word_data[i][7:0]); |
| word_data[i] = word_data[i] >> 8; |
| end |
| end |
| end |
| $fclose(mem_fd); |
| endfunction |
| |
| // Backdoor-read or override a const symbol in SW to modify the behavior of the test. |
| // |
| // In the extended test vseq, override the cpu_init() to add this function call. |
| // TODO: bootstrap mode not supported. |
| // TODO: Need to deal with scrambling. |
| virtual function void sw_symbol_backdoor_access(input string symbol, |
| inout bit [7:0] data[], |
| input sw_type_e sw_type = SwTypeTestSlotA, |
| input bit does_not_exist_ok = 0, |
| input bit is_write = 0); |
| |
| bit [bus_params_pkg::BUS_AW-1:0] addr, mem_addr; |
| chip_mem_e mem; |
| uint size; |
| uint addr_mask; |
| string image; |
| bit ret; |
| |
| // Elf file name checks. |
| `DV_CHECK_FATAL(cfg.sw_images.exists(sw_type)) |
| `DV_CHECK_STRNE_FATAL(cfg.sw_images[sw_type], "") |
| |
| // Find the symbol in the sw elf file. |
| image = $sformatf("%0s.elf", cfg.sw_images[sw_type]); |
| ret = dv_utils_pkg::sw_symbol_get_addr_size(image, symbol, does_not_exist_ok, addr, size); |
| if (!ret) begin |
| string msg = $sformatf("Failed to find symbol %0s in %0s", symbol, image); |
| if (does_not_exist_ok) begin |
| `uvm_info(`gfn, msg, UVM_LOW) |
| return; |
| end else `uvm_fatal(`gfn, msg) |
| end |
| `DV_CHECK_EQ_FATAL(size, data.size()) |
| |
| // Infer mem from address. |
| `DV_CHECK(cfg.get_mem_from_addr(addr, mem)) |
| `DV_CHECK_FATAL(mem inside {Rom, [RamMain0:RamMain15], FlashBank0Data, FlashBank1Data}, |
| $sformatf("SW symbol %0s is not expected to appear in %0s mem", symbol, mem)) |
| |
| addr_mask = (2**$clog2(cfg.mem_bkdr_util_h[mem].get_size_bytes()))-1; |
| mem_addr = addr & addr_mask; |
| |
| if (is_write) begin |
| `uvm_info(`gfn, $sformatf({"Overwriting symbol \"%s\" via backdoor in %0s: ", |
| "abs addr = 0x%0h, mem addr = 0x%0h, size = %0d, ", |
| "addr_mask = 0x%0h"}, |
| symbol, mem, addr, mem_addr, size, addr_mask), UVM_LOW) |
| for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) mem_bkdr_write8(mem, mem_addr + i, data[i]); |
| |
| // TODO: Move this specialization to an extended class called rom_bkdr_util. |
| if (mem == Rom) begin |
| `uvm_info(`gfn, "Regenerate ROM digest and update via backdoor", UVM_LOW) |
| cfg.mem_bkdr_util_h[mem].update_rom_digest(RndCnstRomCtrlScrKey, RndCnstRomCtrlScrNonce); |
| end |
| end else begin |
| `uvm_info(`gfn, $sformatf({"Reading symbol \"%s\" via backdoor in %0s: ", |
| "abs addr = 0x%0h, mem addr = 0x%0h, size = %0d, ", |
| "addr_mask = 0x%0h"}, |
| symbol, mem, addr, mem_addr, size, addr_mask), UVM_LOW) |
| for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) mem_bkdr_read8(mem, mem_addr + i, data[i]); |
| end |
| endfunction |
| |
| // Backdoor-read a const symbol in SW to make decisions based on SW constants. |
| // |
| // Wrapper function for reads via sw_symbol_backdoor_access. |
| virtual function void sw_symbol_backdoor_read(input string symbol, |
| inout bit [7:0] data[], |
| input sw_type_e sw_type = SwTypeTestSlotA, |
| input bit does_not_exist_ok = 0); |
| |
| sw_symbol_backdoor_access(symbol, data, sw_type, does_not_exist_ok, 0); |
| endfunction |
| |
| // Backdoor-override a const symbol in SW to modify the behavior of the test. |
| // |
| // Wrapper function for writes via sw_symbol_backdoor_access. |
| virtual function void sw_symbol_backdoor_overwrite(input string symbol, |
| input bit [7:0] data[], |
| input sw_type_e sw_type = SwTypeTestSlotA, |
| input bit does_not_exist_ok = 0); |
| |
| sw_symbol_backdoor_access(symbol, data, sw_type, does_not_exist_ok, 1); |
| endfunction |
| |
| // General-use function to backdoor write a byte of data to any selected memory type |
| // |
| // TODO: Add support for tiled RAM memories. |
| virtual function void mem_bkdr_write8(input chip_mem_e mem, |
| input bit [bus_params_pkg::BUS_AW-1:0] addr, |
| input byte data); |
| byte prev_data; |
| // TODO: Move these specializations to extended classes so that no special handling is needed at |
| // the call site. |
| if (mem == Rom) begin |
| bit [127:0] key = RndCnstRomCtrlScrKey; |
| bit [63:0] nonce = RndCnstRomCtrlScrNonce; |
| prev_data = cfg.mem_bkdr_util_h[mem].rom_encrypt_read8(addr, key, nonce); |
| cfg.mem_bkdr_util_h[mem].rom_encrypt_write8(addr, data, key, nonce); |
| end else begin // flash |
| prev_data = cfg.mem_bkdr_util_h[mem].read8(addr); |
| cfg.mem_bkdr_util_h[mem].write8(addr, data); |
| end |
| `uvm_info(`gfn, $sformatf("addr %0h = 0x%0h --> 0x%0h", addr, prev_data, data), UVM_HIGH) |
| endfunction |
| |
| // General-use function to backdoor read a byte of data from any selected memory type |
| // |
| // TODO: Add support for tiled RAM memories. |
| virtual function void mem_bkdr_read8(input chip_mem_e mem, |
| input bit [bus_params_pkg::BUS_AW-1:0] addr, |
| output byte data); |
| // TODO: Move these specializations to extended classes so that no special handling is needed at |
| // the call site. |
| if (mem == Rom) begin |
| bit [127:0] key = RndCnstRomCtrlScrKey; |
| bit [63:0] nonce = RndCnstRomCtrlScrNonce; |
| data = cfg.mem_bkdr_util_h[mem].rom_encrypt_read8(addr, key, nonce); |
| end else begin // flash |
| data = cfg.mem_bkdr_util_h[mem].read8(addr); |
| end |
| `uvm_info(`gfn, $sformatf("addr %0h = 0x%0h", addr, data), UVM_HIGH) |
| endfunction |
| |
| |
| // LC state transition tasks |
| // This function takes the token value from the four LC_CTRL token CSRs, then runs through |
| // cshake128 to get a 768-bit XORed token output. |
| // The first 128 bits of the decoded token should match the OTP partition's descrambled tokens |
| // value. |
| virtual function bit [TokenWidthBit-1:0] dec_otp_token_from_lc_csrs( |
| bit [7:0] token_in[TokenWidthByte]); |
| |
| bit [7:0] dpi_digest[kmac_pkg::AppDigestW/8]; |
| bit [kmac_pkg::AppDigestW-1:0] digest_bits; |
| |
| digestpp_dpi_pkg::c_dpi_cshake128(token_in, "", "LC_CTRL", TokenWidthByte, |
| kmac_pkg::AppDigestW/8, dpi_digest); |
| |
| digest_bits = {<< byte {dpi_digest}}; |
| return (digest_bits[TokenWidthBit-1:0]); |
| endfunction |
| |
| |
| // LC_CTRL JTAG tasks |
| virtual task wait_lc_status(lc_ctrl_status_e expect_status, int max_attempt = 5000); |
| int i; |
| for (i = 0; i < max_attempt; i++) begin |
| bit [TL_DW-1:0] status_val; |
| lc_ctrl_status_e dummy; |
| cfg.clk_rst_vif.wait_clks($urandom_range(0, 10)); |
| jtag_riscv_agent_pkg::jtag_read_csr(ral.lc_ctrl.status.get_offset(), |
| p_sequencer.jtag_sequencer_h, |
| status_val); |
| |
| // Ensure that none of the other status bits are set. |
| `DV_CHECK_EQ(status_val >> dummy.num(), 0, |
| $sformatf("Unexpected status error %0h", status_val)) |
| if (status_val[expect_status]) begin |
| `uvm_info(`gfn, $sformatf("LC status %0s.", expect_status.name), UVM_LOW) |
| break; |
| end |
| end |
| |
| if (i >= max_attempt) begin |
| `uvm_fatal(`gfn, $sformatf("max attempt reached to get lc status %0s!", expect_status.name)) |
| end |
| endtask |
| |
| virtual task wait_lc_initialized(bit allow_err = 1, int max_attempt = 5000); |
| cfg.m_jtag_riscv_agent_cfg.allow_errors = allow_err; |
| wait_lc_status(LcInitialized, max_attempt); |
| cfg.m_jtag_riscv_agent_cfg.allow_errors = 0; |
| endtask |
| |
| virtual task wait_lc_ready(bit allow_err = 1, int max_attempt = 5000); |
| cfg.m_jtag_riscv_agent_cfg.allow_errors = allow_err; |
| wait_lc_status(LcReady, max_attempt); |
| cfg.m_jtag_riscv_agent_cfg.allow_errors = 0; |
| endtask |
| |
| virtual task wait_lc_transition_successful(bit allow_err = 1, int max_attempt = 5000); |
| cfg.m_jtag_riscv_agent_cfg.allow_errors = allow_err; |
| wait_lc_status(LcTransitionSuccessful, max_attempt); |
| cfg.m_jtag_riscv_agent_cfg.allow_errors = 0; |
| endtask |
| |
| // Use JTAG interface to transit LC_CTRL from one state to the valid next state. |
| // Currently support the following transitions: |
| // 1). RAW state -> test unlock state N |
| // This transition will use default raw unlock token. |
| // 2). Test lock state N -> test unlock state N+1 |
| // This transition requires user to input the correct test unlock token. |
| virtual task jtag_lc_state_transition(dec_lc_state_e src_state, |
| dec_lc_state_e dest_state, |
| bit [TokenWidthBit-1:0] test_unlock_token = 0); |
| bit [TL_DW-1:0] actual_src_state; |
| bit valid_transition; |
| int max_attempt; |
| |
| // Check that the LC controller is ready to accept a transition. |
| wait_lc_ready(); |
| |
| jtag_riscv_agent_pkg::jtag_read_csr(ral.lc_ctrl.lc_state.get_offset(), |
| p_sequencer.jtag_sequencer_h, |
| actual_src_state); |
| `DV_CHECK_EQ({DecLcStateNumRep{src_state}}, actual_src_state) |
| |
| // Check if the requested transition is valid. |
| case (src_state) |
| DecLcStRaw: begin |
| if (dest_state inside {DecLcStTestUnlocked0, DecLcStTestUnlocked1, DecLcStTestUnlocked2, |
| DecLcStTestUnlocked3, DecLcStTestUnlocked4, DecLcStTestUnlocked5, |
| DecLcStTestUnlocked6, DecLcStTestUnlocked7}) begin |
| valid_transition = 1; |
| test_unlock_token = RndCnstRawUnlockToken; |
| end else if (dest_state == DecLcStScrap) begin |
| // This transition is unconditional and can use test_unlock_token = 0. |
| valid_transition = 1; |
| end |
| end |
| DecLcStTestLocked0: begin |
| if (dest_state inside {DecLcStTestUnlocked1, DecLcStTestUnlocked2, DecLcStTestUnlocked3, |
| DecLcStTestUnlocked4, DecLcStTestUnlocked5, DecLcStTestUnlocked6, |
| DecLcStTestUnlocked7, DecLcStScrap}) begin |
| valid_transition = 1; |
| end |
| end |
| DecLcStTestLocked1: begin |
| if (dest_state inside {DecLcStTestUnlocked2, DecLcStTestUnlocked3, DecLcStTestUnlocked4, |
| DecLcStTestUnlocked5, DecLcStTestUnlocked6,DecLcStTestUnlocked7, |
| DecLcStScrap}) begin |
| valid_transition = 1; |
| end |
| end |
| DecLcStTestLocked2: begin |
| if (dest_state inside {DecLcStTestUnlocked3, DecLcStTestUnlocked4, DecLcStTestUnlocked5, |
| DecLcStTestUnlocked6, DecLcStTestUnlocked7, DecLcStScrap}) begin |
| valid_transition = 1; |
| end |
| end |
| DecLcStTestLocked3: begin |
| if (dest_state inside {DecLcStTestUnlocked4, DecLcStTestUnlocked5, DecLcStTestUnlocked6, |
| DecLcStTestUnlocked7, DecLcStScrap}) begin |
| valid_transition = 1; |
| end |
| end |
| DecLcStTestLocked4: begin |
| if (dest_state inside {DecLcStTestUnlocked5, DecLcStTestUnlocked6, DecLcStTestUnlocked7, |
| DecLcStScrap}) begin |
| valid_transition = 1; |
| end |
| end |
| DecLcStTestLocked5: begin |
| if (dest_state inside {DecLcStTestUnlocked6, DecLcStTestUnlocked7, DecLcStScrap}) begin |
| valid_transition = 1; |
| end |
| end |
| DecLcStTestLocked6: begin |
| if (dest_state inside {DecLcStTestUnlocked7, DecLcStScrap}) valid_transition = 1; |
| end |
| DecLcStTestUnlocked0, |
| DecLcStTestUnlocked1, |
| DecLcStTestUnlocked2, |
| DecLcStTestUnlocked3, |
| DecLcStTestUnlocked4, |
| DecLcStTestUnlocked5, |
| DecLcStTestUnlocked6, |
| DecLcStTestUnlocked7: begin |
| if (dest_state inside {DecLcStProd, DecLcStScrap}) valid_transition = 1; |
| end |
| DecLcStDev, |
| DecLcStProd: begin |
| if(dest_state inside {DecLcStRma, DecLcStScrap}) valid_transition = 1; |
| end |
| DecLcStProdEnd, |
| DecLcStRma: begin |
| if(dest_state inside {DecLcStScrap}) valid_transition = 1; |
| end |
| default: `uvm_fatal(`gfn, $sformatf("%0s src state not supported", src_state.name)) |
| endcase |
| |
| if (!valid_transition) begin |
| `uvm_fatal(`gfn, $sformatf("invalid state transition request from %0s state to %0s", |
| src_state.name, dest_state.name)) |
| end |
| |
| `uvm_info(`gfn, $sformatf("Start LC transition request from %0s state to %0s state", |
| src_state.name, dest_state.name), UVM_LOW) |
| jtag_riscv_agent_pkg::jtag_write_csr(ral.lc_ctrl.claim_transition_if.get_offset(), |
| p_sequencer.jtag_sequencer_h, |
| prim_mubi_pkg::MuBi8True); |
| |
| // Write LC state transition token. |
| begin |
| bit [TL_DW-1:0] token_csr_vals[4] = {<< 32 {{>> 8 {test_unlock_token}}}}; |
| foreach (token_csr_vals[index]) begin |
| jtag_riscv_agent_pkg::jtag_write_csr(ral.lc_ctrl.transition_token[index].get_offset(), |
| p_sequencer.jtag_sequencer_h, |
| token_csr_vals[index]); |
| end |
| end |
| |
| jtag_riscv_agent_pkg::jtag_write_csr(ral.lc_ctrl.transition_target.get_offset(), |
| p_sequencer.jtag_sequencer_h, |
| {DecLcStateNumRep{dest_state}}); |
| jtag_riscv_agent_pkg::jtag_write_csr(ral.lc_ctrl.transition_cmd.get_offset(), |
| p_sequencer.jtag_sequencer_h, |
| 1); |
| `uvm_info(`gfn, "Sent LC transition request", UVM_LOW) |
| |
| // Transitions into RMA take much longer, hence we increase this number. |
| if (dest_state == DecLcStRma) begin |
| max_attempt = 50_000; |
| end else begin |
| max_attempt = 5_000; |
| end |
| wait_lc_transition_successful(.max_attempt(max_attempt)); |
| `uvm_info(`gfn, "LC transition request succeeded successfully!", UVM_LOW) |
| endtask |
| |
| // Use JTAG interface to program OTP fields. |
| virtual task jtag_otp_program32(int addr, |
| bit [31:0] data); |
| |
| bit [TL_DW-1:0] status; |
| bit [TL_DW-1:0] err_mask = 0; |
| bit idle = 0; |
| int base_addr = top_earlgrey_pkg::TOP_EARLGREY_OTP_CTRL_CORE_BASE_ADDR; |
| jtag_riscv_agent_pkg::jtag_write_csr(base_addr + |
| ral.otp_ctrl_core.direct_access_address.get_offset(), |
| p_sequencer.jtag_sequencer_h, |
| addr); |
| |
| jtag_riscv_agent_pkg::jtag_write_csr(base_addr + |
| ral.otp_ctrl_core.direct_access_wdata[0].get_offset(), |
| p_sequencer.jtag_sequencer_h, |
| data[31:0]); |
| |
| jtag_riscv_agent_pkg::jtag_write_csr(base_addr + |
| ral.otp_ctrl_core.direct_access_cmd.get_offset(), |
| p_sequencer.jtag_sequencer_h, |
| 1 << ral.otp_ctrl_core.direct_access_cmd.wr.get_lsb_pos()); |
| |
| |
| while (!idle) begin |
| jtag_riscv_agent_pkg::jtag_read_csr(base_addr + |
| ral.otp_ctrl_core.status.get_offset(), |
| p_sequencer.jtag_sequencer_h, |
| status); |
| |
| idle = dv_base_reg_pkg::get_field_val(ral.otp_ctrl_core.status.dai_idle, status); |
| |
| err_mask = ~((1 << ral.otp_ctrl_core.status.dai_idle.get_lsb_pos()) | |
| (1 << ral.otp_ctrl_core.status.check_pending.get_lsb_pos())); |
| |
| `uvm_info(`gfn, $sformatf("Waiting for DAI to become idle = 1, actual: %d!", idle), |
| |
| // If any bits other than dai_idle and check pending are set, error back. |
| `DV_CHECK((status & err_mask) == '0, "Otp program failed") |
| end |
| endtask : jtag_otp_program32 |
| |
| // End the test with status. |
| // |
| // SW test code finishes the test sequence usually by returing true or false |
| // in the `test_main()` function. However, some tests may need vseq to |
| // finish the tests. For example, `chip_sw_sleep_pin_mio_dio_val` checks the |
| // PADs output value then finishes the test without waking up the SW again. |
| // |
| // If pass is 1, then `sw_test_status` is set to SwTestStatusPassed. |
| virtual function void override_test_status_and_finish(bit passed); |
| cfg.sw_test_status_vif.sw_test_status = (passed) ? SwTestStatusPassed |
| : SwTestStatusFailed; |
| cfg.sw_test_status_vif.sw_test_done = 1'b 1; |
| endfunction : override_test_status_and_finish |
| |
| task assert_por_reset_deep_sleep (int delay = 0); |
| repeat (delay) @cfg.chip_vif.pwrmgr_low_power_if.cb; |
| cfg.chip_vif.por_n_if.drive(0); |
| repeat (6) @cfg.chip_vif.pwrmgr_low_power_if.cb; |
| |
| cfg.clk_rst_vif.wait_clks(10); |
| cfg.chip_vif.por_n_if.drive(1); |
| endtask // assert_por_reset_deep_sleep |
| |
| // push button 50us; |
| // this task requires proper sysrst_ctrl config |
| // see sw/device/tests/pwrmgr_b2b_sleep_reset_test.c |
| // 'static void prgm_push_button_wakeup()' for example |
| task push_button(); |
| cfg.chip_vif.pwrb_in_if.drive(0); |
| #50us; |
| cfg.chip_vif.pwrb_in_if.drive(1); |
| endtask // push_button |
| |
| endclass : chip_sw_base_vseq |