| // Copyright lowRISC contributors. |
| // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. |
| // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 |
| |
| // Sequence that probes into AES to verify that the masking can be switched off if |
| // these four conditions are met together: |
| // - The corresponding Sec parameter is enabled. |
| // - The force_masks configuration bit is set. |
| // - EDN produces the correct seed for the AES masking PRNG to output an all-zero vector. |
| // - Share 1 of the initial key is an all-zero vector. |
| class chip_sw_aes_masking_off_vseq extends chip_sw_base_vseq; |
| `uvm_object_utils(chip_sw_aes_masking_off_vseq) |
| |
| `uvm_object_new |
| |
| string aes_cipher_core_path; |
| int unsigned block_ctr; |
| int unsigned num_blocks; |
| |
| function automatic bit hdl_read_bit(string path, string failure_msg); |
| bit val; |
| `DV_CHECK_FATAL(uvm_hdl_read(path, val), failure_msg) |
| return val; |
| endfunction |
| |
| function automatic logic hdl_read_logic(string path); |
| logic val; |
| `DV_CHECK_FATAL(uvm_hdl_read(path, val)) |
| return val; |
| endfunction |
| |
| function automatic aes_pkg::sp2v_e hdl_read_sp2v(string path); |
| logic [aes_pkg::Sp2VWidth-1:0] val; |
| `DV_CHECK_FATAL(uvm_hdl_read(path, val)) |
| return aes_pkg::sp2v_e'(val); |
| endfunction |
| |
| function automatic logic [aes_pkg::WidthPRDMasking-1:0] hdl_read_prd(string path); |
| logic [aes_pkg::WidthPRDMasking-1:0] val; |
| `DV_CHECK_FATAL(uvm_hdl_read(path, val)) |
| return val; |
| endfunction |
| |
| function automatic logic [255:0] hdl_read_aes_key_share(string path); |
| logic [255:0] val; |
| `DV_CHECK_FATAL(uvm_hdl_read(path, val)) |
| return val; |
| endfunction |
| |
| function automatic logic [127:0] hdl_read_aes_state_share(string path); |
| logic [127:0] val; |
| `DV_CHECK_FATAL(uvm_hdl_read(path, val)) |
| return val; |
| endfunction |
| |
| task check_masking_prng(); |
| |
| string aes_masking_prng_path; |
| bit allow_forcing_masks; |
| logic force_masks; |
| logic reseed_req; |
| logic reseed_ack; |
| logic [aes_pkg::WidthPRDMasking-1:0] prd; |
| |
| // Set path to masking PRNG. |
| aes_masking_prng_path = |
| $sformatf("%s.gen_masks.u_aes_prng_masking", aes_cipher_core_path); |
| |
| // Check parameter value. |
| allow_forcing_masks = hdl_read_bit($sformatf("%s.SecAllowForcingMasks", aes_masking_prng_path), |
| "Could not read SecAllowForcingMasks parameter value."); |
| `DV_CHECK_EQ_FATAL(allow_forcing_masks, 1'b1, |
| "SecAllowForcingMasks parameter seems not to be enabled.") |
| |
| // Wait for config bit to be set. |
| `uvm_info(`gfn, "Waiting for force_masks config bit to be set.", UVM_LOW) |
| forever begin |
| force_masks = hdl_read_logic($sformatf("%s.force_masks_i", aes_masking_prng_path)); |
| if (force_masks == 1'b1) break; |
| @(cfg.chip_vif.cpu_clk_rst_if.cbn); |
| end |
| ) |
| |
| // Wait for masking PRNG reseed to finish. |
| `uvm_info(`gfn, "Waiting for AES masking PRNG reseed to finish.", UVM_LOW) |
| forever begin |
| reseed_req = hdl_read_logic($sformatf("%s.reseed_req_i", aes_masking_prng_path)); |
| reseed_ack = hdl_read_logic($sformatf("%s.reseed_ack_o", aes_masking_prng_path)); |
| @(cfg.chip_vif.cpu_clk_rst_if.cbn); |
| if (reseed_req == 1'b1 && reseed_ack == 1'b1) break; |
| end |
| ) |
| |
| // Verify that PRNG output remains zero while doing some AES encryptions. |
| `uvm_info(`gfn, "Verifying that AES masking PRNG outputs zero.", UVM_LOW) |
| while (block_ctr < num_blocks) begin |
| prd = hdl_read_prd($sformatf("%s.data_o", aes_masking_prng_path)); |
| `DV_CHECK_EQ_FATAL(prd, '0, "PRNG output not equal zero.") |
| @(cfg.chip_vif.cpu_clk_rst_if.cbn); |
| end |
| endtask |
| |
| task check_cipher_core(); |
| |
| bit masking; |
| aes_pkg::sp2v_e in_valid; |
| aes_pkg::sp2v_e in_ready; |
| aes_pkg::sp2v_e crypt; |
| aes_pkg::sp2v_e sub_bytes_en; |
| aes_pkg::sp2v_e sub_bytes_out_req; |
| aes_pkg::sp2v_e state_we; |
| aes_pkg::sp2v_e out_valid; |
| aes_pkg::sp2v_e out_ready; |
| logic [255:0] key_init_share1; |
| logic [127:0] state_init_share1; |
| logic [127:0] state_d_share1; |
| logic [127:0] state_o_share1; |
| logic [127:0] sb_in_mask; |
| logic [127:0] sb_out_mask; |
| |
| // Check parameter value. |
| masking = hdl_read_bit($sformatf("%s.SecMasking", aes_cipher_core_path), |
| "Could not read SecMasking parameter value."); |
| `DV_CHECK_EQ_FATAL(masking, 1'b1, |
| "SecMasking parameter seems not to be enabled.") |
| |
| // Wait for first encryption to start. |
| `uvm_info(`gfn, "Waiting for first encryption to start.", UVM_LOW) |
| forever begin |
| in_valid = hdl_read_sp2v($sformatf("%s.in_valid_i", aes_cipher_core_path)); |
| in_ready = hdl_read_sp2v($sformatf("%s.in_ready_o", aes_cipher_core_path)); |
| crypt = hdl_read_sp2v($sformatf("%s.crypt_i", aes_cipher_core_path)); |
| if (in_valid == aes_pkg::SP2V_HIGH && in_ready == aes_pkg::SP2V_HIGH && |
| crypt == aes_pkg::SP2V_HIGH) break; |
| @(cfg.chip_vif.cpu_clk_rst_if.cbn); |
| end |
| ) |
| |
| // Verify that the masking is off for the next couple of encryptions. |
| `uvm_info(`gfn, "Verifying that AES masking is switched off.", UVM_LOW) |
| while (block_ctr < num_blocks) begin |
| // Probe handshake and control signals. |
| in_valid = hdl_read_sp2v($sformatf("%s.in_valid_i", aes_cipher_core_path)); |
| in_ready = hdl_read_sp2v($sformatf("%s.in_ready_o", aes_cipher_core_path)); |
| crypt = hdl_read_sp2v($sformatf("%s.crypt_o", aes_cipher_core_path)); |
| sub_bytes_en = hdl_read_sp2v($sformatf("%s.sub_bytes_en", aes_cipher_core_path)); |
| sub_bytes_out_req = hdl_read_sp2v($sformatf("%s.sub_bytes_out_req", aes_cipher_core_path)); |
| state_we = hdl_read_sp2v($sformatf("%s.state_we", aes_cipher_core_path)); |
| out_valid = hdl_read_sp2v($sformatf("%s.out_valid_o", aes_cipher_core_path)); |
| out_ready = hdl_read_sp2v($sformatf("%s.out_ready_i", aes_cipher_core_path)); |
| |
| // Check Share 1 of the initial key and input. |
| if (in_valid == aes_pkg::SP2V_HIGH) begin |
| key_init_share1 = hdl_read_aes_key_share($sformatf("%s.key_init_i[1]", |
| aes_cipher_core_path)); |
| `DV_CHECK_EQ_FATAL(key_init_share1, '0, "Share 1 of the initial key not equal zero.") |
| state_init_share1 = hdl_read_aes_state_share($sformatf("%s.state_init_i[1]", |
| aes_cipher_core_path)); |
| `DV_CHECK_EQ_FATAL(state_init_share1, '0, "Share 1 of the input not equal zero.") |
| end |
| |
| // Check mask input and output of SubBytes. |
| if (sub_bytes_en == aes_pkg::SP2V_HIGH) begin |
| sb_in_mask = hdl_read_aes_state_share($sformatf("%s.sb_in_mask", aes_cipher_core_path)); |
| `DV_CHECK_EQ_FATAL(sb_in_mask, '0, "SubBytes mask input not equal zero.") |
| end |
| if (sub_bytes_out_req == aes_pkg::SP2V_HIGH) begin |
| sb_out_mask = hdl_read_aes_state_share($sformatf("%s.sb_out_mask", aes_cipher_core_path)); |
| `DV_CHECK_EQ_FATAL(sb_out_mask, '0, "SubBytes mask output not equal zero.") |
| end |
| |
| // Check Share 1 of the value written to the state register when doing an encryption unless |
| // we're in the last round. |
| if (crypt == aes_pkg::SP2V_HIGH && |
| state_we == aes_pkg::SP2V_HIGH && |
| out_valid != aes_pkg::SP2V_HIGH) begin |
| state_d_share1 = hdl_read_aes_state_share($sformatf("%s.state_d[1]", |
| aes_cipher_core_path)); |
| `DV_CHECK_EQ_FATAL(state_d_share1, '0, "Share 1 of the state register not equal zero.") |
| end |
| |
| // Check Share 1 of the output. |
| if (out_valid == aes_pkg::SP2V_HIGH) begin |
| state_o_share1 = hdl_read_aes_state_share($sformatf("%s.state_o[1]", |
| aes_cipher_core_path)); |
| `DV_CHECK_EQ_FATAL(state_o_share1, '0, "Share 1 of the output not equal zero.") |
| end |
| |
| // Advance the block counter. |
| if (out_valid == aes_pkg::SP2V_HIGH && out_ready == aes_pkg::SP2V_HIGH) begin |
| block_ctr++; |
| end |
| @(cfg.chip_vif.cpu_clk_rst_if.cbn); |
| end |
| endtask |
| |
| virtual task body(); |
| super.body(); |
| |
| // Set path to the AES cipher core. |
| aes_cipher_core_path = "tb.dut.top_earlgrey.u_aes.u_aes_core.u_aes_cipher_core"; |
| |
| // Initialize block counter. We will do 4 blocks. |
| block_ctr = 0; |
| num_blocks = 4; |
| |
| fork |
| check_masking_prng(); |
| check_cipher_core(); |
| join |
| |
| // Wait for the SW test to finish with pass/fail status. |
| `DV_WAIT(cfg.sw_test_status_vif.sw_test_status inside {SwTestStatusPassed, SwTestStatusFailed}) |
| endtask |
| endclass |