| // Copyright lowRISC contributors. |
| // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. |
| // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 |
| |
| // Thoroughly test the pin mux and pad attribute controls. |
| class chip_padctrl_attributes_vseq extends chip_stub_cpu_base_vseq; |
| `uvm_object_utils(chip_padctrl_attributes_vseq) |
| `uvm_object_new |
| |
| // Value to write for insel. |
| typedef enum { |
| InselZero, |
| InselOne, |
| InselPad |
| } insel_value_e; |
| |
| // Value to write for outsel. |
| typedef enum { |
| OutselZero, |
| OutselOne, |
| OutselHighZ, |
| OutselPad |
| } outsel_value_e; |
| |
| localparam prim_pad_wrapper_pkg::pad_type_e DioPadType[DioCount] = '{ |
| prim_pad_wrapper_pkg::BidirStd, // DIO usbdev_usb_dp |
| prim_pad_wrapper_pkg::BidirStd, // DIO usbdev_usb_dn |
| prim_pad_wrapper_pkg::BidirStd, // DIO spi_host0_sd |
| prim_pad_wrapper_pkg::BidirStd, // DIO spi_host0_sd |
| prim_pad_wrapper_pkg::BidirStd, // DIO spi_host0_sd |
| prim_pad_wrapper_pkg::BidirStd, // DIO spi_host0_sd |
| prim_pad_wrapper_pkg::BidirStd, // DIO spi_device_sd |
| prim_pad_wrapper_pkg::BidirStd, // DIO spi_device_sd |
| prim_pad_wrapper_pkg::BidirStd, // DIO spi_device_sd |
| prim_pad_wrapper_pkg::BidirStd, // DIO spi_device_sd |
| prim_pad_wrapper_pkg::BidirOd, // DIO sysrst_ctrl_aon_ec_rst_l |
| prim_pad_wrapper_pkg::BidirOd, // DIO sysrst_ctrl_aon_flash_wp_l |
| prim_pad_wrapper_pkg::InputStd, // DIO spi_device_sck |
| prim_pad_wrapper_pkg::InputStd, // DIO spi_device_csb |
| prim_pad_wrapper_pkg::BidirStd, // DIO spi_host0_sck |
| prim_pad_wrapper_pkg::BidirStd // DIO spi_host0_csb |
| }; |
| |
| int dio_input_pads[$]; |
| |
| // For pad attributes testing. |
| // |
| // The following attributes are not supported: |
| // - od_en |
| // - slew_rate |
| // - schmitt_en |
| // - keep_en |
| // - drive_strength[3:1] |
| // |
| // The following attributes are supported for bi-directional pads: |
| // - invert |
| // - drive_strength[0] (0: pull, 1: strong) |
| // - virt_od_en |
| // - pull_en (0: hiz, 1: weak) |
| // - pull_select |
| // |
| // The following attributes are supported for input-only pads: |
| // - invert |
| rand prim_pad_wrapper_pkg::pad_attr_t mio_pad_attr[MioPadCount]; |
| rand prim_pad_wrapper_pkg::pad_attr_t dio_pad_attr[DioCount]; |
| |
| // For MIO pinmux testing. |
| // |
| // Driving out of the chip: |
| // There are MioOutCount signals that can be driven to MioPadCount number of MIO pads. There are |
| // thus, MioPadCount number of outsel registers. Randomly pick MioPadCount number of signals and |
| // map them onto each pad in the outsel direction. |
| rand logic [MioOutCount-1:0] periph_to_mio; |
| rand logic [MioOutCount-1:0] periph_to_mio_oe; |
| rand mio_out_e periph_to_mio_map[MioPadCount]; |
| rand outsel_value_e outsel_value_kind[MioPadCount]; |
| |
| constraint periph_to_mio_oe_c { |
| // Favor oe = 1 over 0 70% of the time. |
| foreach (periph_to_mio_oe[i]) { |
| periph_to_mio_oe[i] dist {1 :/ 7, 0 :/ 3}; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| constraint periph_to_mio_pad_map_c { |
| unique {periph_to_mio_map}; |
| foreach (periph_to_mio_map[i]) { |
| periph_to_mio_map[i] != MioOutCount; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| constraint outsel_value_kind_c { |
| solve mio_pad_attr before outsel_value_kind; |
| foreach (outsel_value_kind[i]) { |
| outsel_value_kind[i] dist {OutselZero :/ 1, OutselOne :/ 2, OutselHighZ :/ 2, OutselPad :/ 5}; |
| // Pick Hi-Z only if pull_en is asserted. Otherwise, assertion errors may get thrown. |
| if (!mio_pad_attr[i].pull_en) outsel_value_kind[i] != OutselHighZ; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Driving into the chip: |
| // |
| // There are MioPadCount pads that can be driven externally and forwarded to any of the |
| // MioInCount core/peripheral facing signals inside the chip. Randomly map the pads to each |
| // peripheral input. Pads may be duplicated to more than one peripheral input. |
| rand logic [MioPadCount-1:0] mio_to_periph; |
| rand logic [MioPadCount-1:0] mio_to_periph_oe; |
| rand mio_pad_e mio_to_periph_map[MioInCount]; |
| rand insel_value_e insel_value_kind[MioInCount]; |
| |
| constraint mio_to_periph_oe_c { |
| solve mio_pad_attr before mio_to_periph_oe; |
| // Favor oe = 1 over 0 70% of the time, but only if pull is enabled (so that the peripherals do |
| // not see Xs). |
| foreach (mio_to_periph_oe[i]) { |
| if (mio_pad_attr[i].pull_en) { |
| mio_to_periph_oe[i] dist {1 :/ 7, 0 :/ 3}; |
| } else { |
| mio_to_periph_oe[i] == 1; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| constraint mio_to_periph_map_c { |
| foreach (mio_to_periph_map[i]) { |
| mio_to_periph_map[i] != MioPadCount; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| constraint insel_value_kind_c { |
| foreach (insel_value_kind[i]) { |
| insel_value_kind[i] dist {InselZero :/ 2, InselOne :/ 2, InselPad :/ 6}; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // For DIO pinmux testing. |
| // |
| // Pads are either analog, input only or bidirectional. For bdirectional, only drive either the |
| // pad or the periph input. If none are driven, then on the pull. For input only, drive the periph |
| // randomly - it should have no effect. |
| rand logic [DioCount-1:0] dio_to_periph; |
| rand logic [DioCount-1:0] dio_to_periph_oe; |
| rand logic [DioCount-1:0] periph_to_dio; |
| rand logic [DioCount-1:0] periph_to_dio_oe; |
| |
| // Either only drive the pad or the periph input for bidirectional pads. |
| constraint periph_to_dio_oe_c { |
| solve dio_pad_attr before dio_to_periph_oe; |
| solve dio_pad_attr before periph_to_dio_oe; |
| solve dio_to_periph_oe before periph_to_dio_oe; |
| foreach (periph_to_dio_oe[i]) { |
| if (DioPadType[i] != prim_pad_wrapper_pkg::InputStd) { |
| if (dio_pad_attr[i].pull_en) { |
| !(dio_to_periph_oe[i] && periph_to_dio_oe[i]); |
| } else { |
| dio_to_periph_oe[i] ^ periph_to_dio_oe[i]; |
| } |
| } else { |
| if (!dio_pad_attr[i].pull_en) { |
| dio_to_periph_oe[i] == 1; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| virtual task body(); |
| // The chip_padctrl_attributes test verifies the input / output connections of the pads to |
| // peripherals and fully verifies all pad attributes. In doing so, Xs may end up propagating |
| // into the peripheral. We hence, disable SVAs in these blocks while the test is running. |
| cfg.chip_vif.chip_padctrl_attributes_test_sva_disable = 1; |
| |
| // TODO: remove later, once default pulls on straps are refactored. |
| cfg.chip_vif.tap_straps_if.disconnect(); |
| // TODO: remove later, once default pulls on JTAG IOs are refactored. |
| cfg.chip_vif.mios_if.disconnect(); |
| |
| foreach (DioPadType[i]) begin |
| if (DioPadType[i] == prim_pad_wrapper_pkg::InputStd) dio_input_pads.push_back(i); |
| end |
| |
| fork |
| begin : mio_test |
| pinmux_mio_outsel_test(); |
| cfg.chip_vif.io_div4_clk_rst_if.wait_clks($urandom_range(1, 20)); |
| pinmux_mio_outsel_reset(); |
| |
| pinmux_mio_insel_test(); |
| cfg.chip_vif.io_div4_clk_rst_if.wait_clks($urandom_range(1, 20)); |
| pinmux_mio_insel_reset(); |
| end : mio_test |
| begin : dio_test |
| bit enable_spi_host_save = cfg.chip_vif.enable_spi_host; |
| cfg.chip_vif.cfg_default_weak_pulls_on_dios(0); |
| cfg.chip_vif.enable_spi_host = 0; |
| pinmux_dio_test(); |
| cfg.chip_vif.enable_spi_host = enable_spi_host_save; |
| cfg.chip_vif.dios_if.disconnect(); |
| cfg.chip_vif.cfg_default_weak_pulls_on_dios(1); |
| end : dio_test |
| // TODO: Test the "manual" DIO pads as well. |
| join |
| |
| void'(cfg.chip_vif.signal_probe_pinmux_periph_to_mio_oe_i(SignalProbeRelease)); |
| void'(cfg.chip_vif.signal_probe_pinmux_periph_to_mio_i(SignalProbeRelease)); |
| void'(cfg.chip_vif.signal_probe_pinmux_periph_to_dio_oe_i(SignalProbeRelease)); |
| void'(cfg.chip_vif.signal_probe_pinmux_periph_to_dio_i_11_0(SignalProbeRelease)); |
| void'(cfg.chip_vif.signal_probe_pinmux_periph_to_dio_i_15_14(SignalProbeRelease)); |
| cfg.chip_vif.mios_if.disconnect(); |
| |
| // Reset the DUT before reenabling the assertions. |
| dut_init(); |
| cfg.chip_vif.chip_padctrl_attributes_test_sva_disable = 0; |
| endtask : body |
| |
| // Test the pinmux outsel functionality with pad attributes. |
| task pinmux_mio_outsel_test(); |
| int iterations; |
| `DV_CHECK_STD_RANDOMIZE_WITH_FATAL(iterations, iterations inside {[5:20]};) |
| for (int i = 1; i <= iterations; i++) begin |
| `uvm_info(`gfn, $sformatf("pinmux_outsel_test %0d/%0d", i, iterations), UVM_LOW) |
| pinmux_mio_pad_attr_config(); |
| pinmux_mio_outsel_config(); |
| `DV_CHECK_MEMBER_RANDOMIZE_FATAL(periph_to_mio_oe) |
| void'(cfg.chip_vif.signal_probe_pinmux_periph_to_mio_oe_i(SignalProbeForce, |
| periph_to_mio_oe)); |
| void'(cfg.chip_vif.signal_probe_pinmux_periph_to_mio_i(SignalProbeForce, periph_to_mio)); |
| repeat ($urandom_range(4, 20)) begin |
| cfg.chip_vif.io_div4_clk_rst_if.wait_clks($urandom_range(1, 20)); |
| randcase |
| 1: begin |
| `DV_CHECK_MEMBER_RANDOMIZE_FATAL(periph_to_mio_oe) |
| void'(cfg.chip_vif.signal_probe_pinmux_periph_to_mio_oe_i(SignalProbeForce, |
| periph_to_mio_oe)); |
| end |
| 1: begin |
| void'(cfg.chip_vif.signal_probe_pinmux_periph_to_mio_i(SignalProbeForce, periph_to_mio)); |
| end |
| endcase |
| cfg.chip_vif.io_div4_clk_rst_if.wait_clks(1); |
| pinmux_mio_outsel_checks(); |
| end |
| end |
| // Restore the MIO pad attributes to default. |
| pinmux_mio_pad_attr_reset(); |
| endtask |
| |
| // Program the MIO pad attr registers based on the values randomized. |
| task pinmux_mio_pad_attr_config(); |
| for (int i = 0; i < MioPadCount; i++) begin |
| uvm_reg_data_t value = '0; |
| value = get_csr_val_with_updated_field(ral.pinmux_aon.mio_pad_attr[i].invert, value, |
| mio_pad_attr[i].invert); |
| value = get_csr_val_with_updated_field(ral.pinmux_aon.mio_pad_attr[i].virtual_od_en, value, |
| mio_pad_attr[i].virt_od_en); |
| value = get_csr_val_with_updated_field(ral.pinmux_aon.mio_pad_attr[i].pull_en, value, |
| mio_pad_attr[i].pull_en); |
| value = get_csr_val_with_updated_field(ral.pinmux_aon.mio_pad_attr[i].pull_select, value, |
| mio_pad_attr[i].pull_select); |
| value = get_csr_val_with_updated_field(ral.pinmux_aon.mio_pad_attr[i].keeper_en, value, |
| mio_pad_attr[i].keep_en); |
| value = get_csr_val_with_updated_field(ral.pinmux_aon.mio_pad_attr[i].schmitt_en, value, |
| mio_pad_attr[i].schmitt_en); |
| value = get_csr_val_with_updated_field(ral.pinmux_aon.mio_pad_attr[i].od_en, value, |
| mio_pad_attr[i].od_en); |
| value = get_csr_val_with_updated_field(ral.pinmux_aon.mio_pad_attr[i].slew_rate, value, |
| mio_pad_attr[i].slew_rate); |
| value = get_csr_val_with_updated_field(ral.pinmux_aon.mio_pad_attr[i].drive_strength, value, |
| mio_pad_attr[i].drive_strength); |
| `uvm_info(`gfn, $sformatf("%0d: mio_pad_attr = %0p / 0x%0h", i, mio_pad_attr[i], value), |
| UVM_LOW) |
| csr_wr(.ptr(ral.pinmux_aon.mio_pad_attr[i]), .value(value), .blocking(1), .predict(1)); |
| end |
| endtask |
| |
| // Reset the MIO pad attr registers. |
| task pinmux_mio_pad_attr_reset(); |
| for (int i = 0; i < MioPadCount; i++) begin |
| uvm_reg_data_t value = ral.pinmux_aon.mio_pad_attr[i].get_reset(); |
| csr_wr(.ptr(ral.pinmux_aon.mio_pad_attr[i]), .value(value), .blocking(1), .predict(1)); |
| end |
| endtask |
| |
| // Program the MIO outsel registers based on the values randomized. |
| task pinmux_mio_outsel_config(); |
| `DV_CHECK_MEMBER_RANDOMIZE_FATAL(periph_to_mio_map) |
| `DV_CHECK_MEMBER_RANDOMIZE_FATAL(outsel_value_kind) |
| for (int i = 0; i < MioPadCount; i++) begin |
| uvm_reg_data_t value = int'(outsel_value_kind[i]); |
| if (outsel_value_kind[i] == OutselPad) begin |
| value += periph_to_mio_map[i]; |
| end |
| `uvm_info(`gfn, $sformatf("%0d: outsel_value_kind = %0s, periph_to_mio_map = %0s", |
| i, outsel_value_kind[i].name(), periph_to_mio_map[i].name()), |
| UVM_LOW) |
| csr_wr(.ptr(ral.pinmux_aon.mio_outsel[i].out), .value(value), .blocking(1), .predict(1)); |
| end |
| endtask |
| |
| // Reset the MIO outsel registers. |
| task pinmux_mio_outsel_reset(); |
| for (int i = 0; i < MioPadCount; i++) begin |
| uvm_reg_data_t value = ral.pinmux_aon.mio_outsel[i].out.get_reset(); |
| csr_wr(.ptr(ral.pinmux_aon.mio_outsel[i].out), .value(value), .blocking(1), .predict(1)); |
| end |
| endtask |
| |
| // Verifies the MIO pad value against the periph out value for the outsel test. |
| function void pinmux_mio_outsel_checks(); |
| for (int i = 0; i < MioPadCount; i++) begin |
| string msg = $sformatf("on MIO[%0d]", i); |
| logic exp_oe, exp_out; |
| string exp_strength, obs_strength; |
| |
| case (outsel_value_kind[i]) |
| OutselZero: begin |
| exp_out = 0; |
| exp_oe = 1; |
| end |
| OutselOne: begin |
| exp_out = 1; |
| exp_oe = 1; |
| end |
| OutselHighZ: begin |
| exp_out = 0; |
| exp_oe = 0; |
| end |
| OutselPad: begin |
| exp_out = periph_to_mio[periph_to_mio_map[i]]; |
| exp_oe = periph_to_mio_oe[periph_to_mio_map[i]]; |
| end |
| default: ; |
| endcase |
| if (mio_pad_attr[i].invert && exp_out !== 1'bz && exp_oe) exp_out = ~exp_out; |
| // If virtual open drain is enabled, then the pad is driven to 0 if out is 0, else hi-z. |
| if (mio_pad_attr[i].virt_od_en && exp_out && exp_oe) exp_oe = 0; |
| |
| obs_strength = $sformatf("%v", cfg.chip_vif.mios_if.pins[i]); |
| if (exp_oe && exp_out !== 1'bz) begin |
| exp_strength = {mio_pad_attr[i].drive_strength[0] ? "St" : "Pu", $sformatf("%0d", exp_out)}; |
| `DV_CHECK_EQ(exp_out, cfg.chip_vif.mios_if.pins[i], msg) |
| // TODO: this check fails; address later: `DV_CHECK_STREQ(exp_strength, obs_strength, msg) |
| end else begin |
| if (mio_pad_attr[i].pull_en) begin |
| exp_strength = $sformatf("We%0d", mio_pad_attr[i].pull_select); |
| `DV_CHECK_EQ(mio_pad_attr[i].pull_select, cfg.chip_vif.mios_if.pins[i], msg) |
| // TODO: this check fails; address later: `DV_CHECK_STREQ(exp_strength, obs_strength, msg) |
| end else begin |
| `DV_CHECK_CASE_EQ(cfg.chip_vif.mios_if.pins[i], 1'bz, msg) |
| `DV_CHECK_STREQ(obs_strength, "HiZ", msg) |
| end |
| end |
| end |
| endfunction |
| |
| // Test the pinmux insel functionality with pad attributes. |
| task pinmux_mio_insel_test(); |
| int iterations; |
| `DV_CHECK_STD_RANDOMIZE_WITH_FATAL(iterations, iterations inside {[5:20]};) |
| for (int i = 1; i <= iterations; i++) begin |
| `uvm_info(`gfn, $sformatf("pinmux_insel_test %0d/%0d", i, iterations), UVM_LOW) |
| pinmux_mio_pad_attr_config(); |
| pinmux_mio_insel_config(); |
| `DV_CHECK_MEMBER_RANDOMIZE_FATAL(mio_to_periph_oe) |
| cfg.chip_vif.mios_if.pins_oe = mio_to_periph_oe; |
| cfg.chip_vif.mios_if.pins_o = mio_to_periph; |
| repeat ($urandom_range(4, 20)) begin |
| cfg.chip_vif.io_div4_clk_rst_if.wait_clks($urandom_range(1, 20)); |
| randcase |
| 1: begin |
| cfg.chip_vif.mios_if.pins_o = mio_to_periph; |
| end |
| 1: begin |
| `DV_CHECK_MEMBER_RANDOMIZE_FATAL(mio_to_periph_oe) |
| cfg.chip_vif.mios_if.pins_oe = mio_to_periph_oe; |
| end |
| endcase |
| cfg.chip_vif.io_div4_clk_rst_if.wait_clks(1); |
| pinmux_mio_insel_checks(); |
| end |
| end |
| // Restore the MIO pad attributes to default. |
| pinmux_mio_pad_attr_reset(); |
| endtask |
| |
| // Program the MIO insel registers based on the values randomized. |
| task pinmux_mio_insel_config(); |
| `DV_CHECK_MEMBER_RANDOMIZE_FATAL(mio_to_periph_map) |
| `DV_CHECK_MEMBER_RANDOMIZE_FATAL(insel_value_kind) |
| for (int i = 0; i < MioInCount; i++) begin |
| uvm_reg_data_t value = int'(insel_value_kind[i]); |
| if (insel_value_kind[i] == InselPad) begin |
| value += mio_to_periph_map[i]; |
| end |
| `uvm_info(`gfn, $sformatf("%0d: insel_value_kind = %0s, mio_to_periph_map = %0s", |
| i, insel_value_kind[i].name(), mio_to_periph_map[i].name()), |
| UVM_LOW) |
| csr_wr(.ptr(ral.pinmux_aon.mio_periph_insel[i].in), .value(value), .blocking(1), .predict(1)); |
| end |
| endtask |
| |
| // Reset the MIO insel registers. |
| task pinmux_mio_insel_reset(); |
| for (int i = 0; i < MioInCount; i++) begin |
| uvm_reg_data_t value = ral.pinmux_aon.mio_periph_insel[i].in.get_reset(); |
| csr_wr(.ptr(ral.pinmux_aon.mio_periph_insel[i].in), .value(value), .blocking(1), .predict(1)); |
| end |
| endtask |
| |
| // Verifies the MIO periph value against the pad input value for the insel test. |
| function void pinmux_mio_insel_checks(); |
| for (int i = 0; i < MioInCount; i++) begin |
| string msg = $sformatf("on MIO_IN[%0d]", i); |
| mio_pad_e pad = mio_to_periph_map[i]; |
| logic act_in, exp_in; |
| |
| act_in = cfg.chip_vif.mio_to_periph[i]; |
| case (insel_value_kind[i]) |
| InselZero: exp_in = 0; |
| InselOne: exp_in = 1; |
| InselPad: begin |
| exp_in = cfg.chip_vif.mios_if.pins[pad]; |
| if (mio_pad_attr[pad].invert && exp_in !== 1'bz) exp_in = ~exp_in; |
| if (exp_in === 1'bz && mio_pad_attr[i].pull_en) exp_in = mio_pad_attr[i].pull_select; |
| end |
| default: ; |
| endcase |
| `DV_CHECK_CASE_EQ(exp_in, act_in, msg) |
| end |
| endfunction |
| |
| // Test the DIO pad attributes for both directions. |
| task pinmux_dio_test(); |
| int iterations; |
| `DV_CHECK_STD_RANDOMIZE_WITH_FATAL(iterations, iterations inside {[5:20]};) |
| // Sanitize the inputs at the start of the test. |
| foreach (dio_to_periph_oe[i]) begin |
| if (DioPadType[i] == prim_pad_wrapper_pkg::InputStd) dio_to_periph_oe[i] = 1; |
| end |
| pinmux_dio_drive_inputs(); |
| for (int i = 1; i <= iterations; i++) begin |
| `uvm_info(`gfn, $sformatf("pinmux_dio_test %0d/%0d", i, iterations), UVM_LOW) |
| pinmux_dio_pad_attr_config(); |
| `DV_CHECK_MEMBER_RANDOMIZE_FATAL(dio_to_periph_oe) |
| `DV_CHECK_MEMBER_RANDOMIZE_FATAL(periph_to_dio_oe) |
| pinmux_dio_drive_inputs(); |
| repeat ($urandom_range(4, 20)) begin |
| cfg.chip_vif.io_div4_clk_rst_if.wait_clks($urandom_range(1, 20)); |
| randcase |
| 1: `DV_CHECK_MEMBER_RANDOMIZE_FATAL(dio_to_periph) |
| 1: `DV_CHECK_MEMBER_RANDOMIZE_FATAL(periph_to_dio) |
| 1: `DV_CHECK_MEMBER_RANDOMIZE_FATAL(dio_to_periph_oe) |
| 1: `DV_CHECK_MEMBER_RANDOMIZE_FATAL(periph_to_dio_oe) |
| endcase |
| pinmux_dio_drive_inputs(); |
| cfg.chip_vif.io_div4_clk_rst_if.wait_clks(1); |
| pinmux_dio_insel_checks(); |
| end |
| end |
| // Restore the DIO pad attributes to default. |
| pinmux_dio_pad_attr_reset(); |
| endtask |
| |
| // Program the DIO pad attr registers based on the values randomized. |
| task pinmux_dio_pad_attr_config(); |
| for (int i = 0; i < DioCount; i++) begin |
| uvm_reg_data_t value = '0; |
| value = get_csr_val_with_updated_field(ral.pinmux_aon.dio_pad_attr[i].invert, value, |
| dio_pad_attr[i].invert); |
| value = get_csr_val_with_updated_field(ral.pinmux_aon.dio_pad_attr[i].virtual_od_en, value, |
| dio_pad_attr[i].virt_od_en); |
| value = get_csr_val_with_updated_field(ral.pinmux_aon.dio_pad_attr[i].pull_en, value, |
| dio_pad_attr[i].pull_en); |
| value = get_csr_val_with_updated_field(ral.pinmux_aon.dio_pad_attr[i].pull_select, value, |
| dio_pad_attr[i].pull_select); |
| value = get_csr_val_with_updated_field(ral.pinmux_aon.dio_pad_attr[i].keeper_en, value, |
| dio_pad_attr[i].keep_en); |
| value = get_csr_val_with_updated_field(ral.pinmux_aon.dio_pad_attr[i].schmitt_en, value, |
| dio_pad_attr[i].schmitt_en); |
| value = get_csr_val_with_updated_field(ral.pinmux_aon.dio_pad_attr[i].od_en, value, |
| dio_pad_attr[i].od_en); |
| value = get_csr_val_with_updated_field(ral.pinmux_aon.dio_pad_attr[i].slew_rate, value, |
| dio_pad_attr[i].slew_rate); |
| value = get_csr_val_with_updated_field(ral.pinmux_aon.dio_pad_attr[i].drive_strength, value, |
| dio_pad_attr[i].drive_strength); |
| `uvm_info(`gfn, $sformatf("%0d: dio_pad_attr = %0p / 0x%0h", i, dio_pad_attr[i], value), |
| UVM_LOW) |
| csr_wr(.ptr(ral.pinmux_aon.dio_pad_attr[i]), .value(value), .blocking(1), .predict(1)); |
| end |
| endtask |
| |
| function void pinmux_dio_drive_inputs(); |
| cfg.chip_vif.dios_if.pins_oe = '0; |
| void'(cfg.chip_vif.signal_probe_pinmux_periph_to_dio_i_11_0(SignalProbeForce, |
| periph_to_dio[11:0])); |
| void'(cfg.chip_vif.signal_probe_pinmux_periph_to_dio_i_15_14(SignalProbeForce, |
| periph_to_dio[15:14])); |
| void'(cfg.chip_vif.signal_probe_pinmux_periph_to_dio_oe_i(SignalProbeForce, periph_to_dio_oe)); |
| for (int i = 0; i < DioCount; i++) begin |
| cfg.chip_vif.dios_if.pins_oe[DioToDioPadMap[i]] = dio_to_periph_oe[i]; |
| cfg.chip_vif.dios_if.pins_o[DioToDioPadMap[i]] = dio_to_periph[i]; |
| end |
| endfunction |
| |
| // Reset the DIO pad attr registers. |
| task pinmux_dio_pad_attr_reset(); |
| for (int i = 0; i < DioCount; i++) begin |
| uvm_reg_data_t value = ral.pinmux_aon.dio_pad_attr[i].get_reset(); |
| csr_wr(.ptr(ral.pinmux_aon.dio_pad_attr[i]), .value(value), .blocking(1), .predict(1)); |
| end |
| endtask |
| |
| // Check both, the DIO pad and DIO periph value based on what is driven and the pad attributes. |
| function void pinmux_dio_insel_checks(); |
| for (int i = 0; i < DioCount; i++) begin |
| string msg = $sformatf("on DIO[%0d]", i); |
| if (DioPadType[i] == prim_pad_wrapper_pkg::InputStd) begin |
| logic exp; |
| // periph_to_dio_oe / periph_to_dio_o have no effect. |
| if (dio_to_periph_oe[i]) exp = dio_to_periph[i]; |
| else begin |
| `DV_CHECK(dio_pad_attr[i].pull_en) |
| exp = dio_pad_attr[i].pull_select; |
| end |
| if (dio_pad_attr[i].invert) exp = ~exp; |
| `DV_CHECK_CASE_EQ(exp, cfg.chip_vif.dio_to_periph[i], msg) |
| end else begin |
| logic exp, exp_in, exp_out; |
| case ({periph_to_dio_oe[i], dio_to_periph_oe[i]}) |
| 2'b00: begin |
| `DV_CHECK(dio_pad_attr[i].pull_en) |
| exp = dio_pad_attr[i].pull_select; |
| exp_in = exp; |
| exp_out = exp; |
| end |
| 2'b01: begin |
| exp = dio_to_periph[i]; |
| exp_in = exp; |
| exp_out = exp; |
| end |
| 2'b10: begin |
| exp = periph_to_dio[i]; |
| exp_out = exp; |
| if (dio_pad_attr[i].invert) exp_out = ~exp_out; |
| if (dio_pad_attr[i].virt_od_en && exp_out) exp_out = 1'bz; |
| if (exp_out === 1'bz && dio_pad_attr[i].pull_en) exp_out = dio_pad_attr[i].pull_select; |
| exp_in = exp_out; |
| if (exp_in === 1'bz) exp_in = 1'bx; // Undriven input treated as x. |
| end |
| 2'b11: begin |
| `DV_CHECK_FATAL(0, "Tricky, unsupported stimulus") |
| continue; |
| end |
| default: ; |
| endcase |
| if (dio_pad_attr[i].invert) exp_in = ~exp_in; |
| `DV_CHECK_CASE_EQ(exp_in, cfg.chip_vif.dio_to_periph[i], msg) |
| `DV_CHECK_CASE_EQ(exp_out, cfg.chip_vif.dios_if.pins[DioToDioPadMap[i]], msg) |
| end |
| end |
| endfunction |
| |
| task post_start(); |
| // TODO: remove this hack that prevents base class' post_start from applying a reset. |
| cfg.use_jtag_dmi = 1; |
| super.post_start(); |
| endtask |
| |
| endclass |