Build Software


Make sure you followed the install instructions to [prepare the system]({{< relref “install_instructions#system-preparation” >}}) and install the [compiler toolchain]({{< relref “install_instructions#compiler-toolchain” >}}).

Building software

OpenTitan software is built using Meson. However, Meson is not an exact fit for a lot of things OpenTitan does (such as distinguishing between FPGA, ASIC, and simulations), so the setup is a little bit different.

For example, the following commands build the boot_rom and hello_world binaries for FPGA:

# Configure the Meson environment.
$ cd $REPO_TOP
$ ./

# Build the two targets we care about, specifically.
$ ninja -C build-out/sw/fpga sw/device/boot_rom/boot_rom_export
$ ninja -C build-out/sw/fpga sw/device/examples/hello_world/hello_world_export

# Build *everything*.
$ ninja -C build-out/sw/fpga all

In general, clean rules are unnecessary, and Meson will set up ninja such that it reruns files which have changed.

Build intermediates will show up in $REPO_TOP/build-out, including unlinked object files and libraries, while completed executables are exported to $REPO_TOP/build-bin. As a rule, you should only ever need to refer to artifacts inside of build-bin; the exact structure of build-out is subject to change. Complete details of these semantics are documented in util/

The locations of build-{out,bin} can be controled by setting the $BUILD_ROOT enviromnent variable, which defaults to $REPO_TOP.

./ itself is idempotent, but this behavior can be changed with additional flags; see ./ for more information. For this reason, most examples involving Meson will include a call to ./, but you will rarely need to run it more than once per checkout.

Building an executable foo destined to run on an OpenTitan device (i.e., under sw/device) will output the following files under build-bin/sw/device:

  • foo.elf: the linked program, in ELF format.
  • foo.bin: the linked program, as a plain binary with ELF debug information removed.
  • foo.dis: the disassembled program with inline source code.
  • foo.vmem: a Verilog memory file which can be read by $readmemh() in Verilog code.

Building an executable destined to run on a host machine (i.e., under sw/host) will output a host excecutable under build-bin/sw/host, which can be run directly. Currently, each “platform” (fpga, sim-verilator, etc) have their own copies of all host targets; this is a limitation of our Meson setup, and they are otherwise indistinguishable.