blob: 73be1d05f664fd6aaf967f05fae944c7e967021b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
class flash_ctrl_rand_ops_vseq extends flash_ctrl_rand_ops_base_vseq;
// Configure sequence knobs to tailor it to smoke seq.
virtual function void configure_vseq();
cfg.seq_cfg.max_num_trans = 8;
// Do fewer flash ops in each rerun for the smoke test.
cfg.seq_cfg.max_flash_ops_per_cfg = 20;
// Do no more than 128 words per op.
cfg.seq_cfg.op_max_words = 128;
// Don't enable any memory protection.
cfg.seq_cfg.num_en_mp_regions = 0;
// Enable access to all information partitions.
foreach (cfg.seq_cfg.mp_info_page_en_pc[i, j]) begin
cfg.seq_cfg.mp_info_page_en_pc[i][j] = 100;
cfg.seq_cfg.mp_info_page_read_en_pc[i][j] = 100;
cfg.seq_cfg.mp_info_page_program_en_pc[i][j] = 100;
cfg.seq_cfg.mp_info_page_erase_en_pc[i][j] = 100;
// Enable default region read/program and erasability.
cfg.seq_cfg.default_region_read_en_pc = 100;
cfg.seq_cfg.default_region_program_en_pc = 100;
cfg.seq_cfg.default_region_erase_en_pc = 100;
// Allow banks to be erased.
cfg.seq_cfg.bank_erase_en_pc = 100;
cfg.seq_cfg.poll_fifo_status_pc = 0;
endclass : flash_ctrl_rand_ops_vseq