blob: 10bea5c6b005a0f1434314e8cf0cc3169a8b09e2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// Copyright Luke Valenty (TinyFPGA project,
module usb_fs_rx (
// A 48MHz clock is required to recover the clock from the incoming data.
input logic clk_i,
input logic rst_ni,
input logic link_reset_i,
// configuration
input logic cfg_eop_single_bit_i,
input logic cfg_use_diff_rcvr_i,
input logic cfg_pinflip_i,
input logic diff_rx_ok_i,
// USB data+ and data- lines (synchronous)
input logic usb_d_i,
input logic usb_dp_i,
input logic usb_dn_i,
// Transmit enable disables the receiver
input logic tx_en_i,
// pulse on every bit transition.
output logic bit_strobe_o,
// Pulse on detecting a start of packet symbol (i.e. the beginning of sync)
output logic pkt_start_o,
// Pulse on end of current packet.
output logic pkt_end_o,
// Most recent packet decoded.
output logic [3:0] pid_o,
output logic [6:0] addr_o,
output logic [3:0] endp_o,
output logic [10:0] frame_num_o,
// Pulse on valid data on rx_data. Will not go high for token or handshake
// packets.
output logic rx_data_put_o,
output logic [7:0] rx_data_o,
// Most recent packet passes PID and CRC checks
output logic valid_packet_o,
// line status for the status detection (actual rx bits after clock recovery)
output logic rx_idle_det_o,
output logic rx_j_det_o,
// Error detection
output logic crc_error_o,
output logic pid_error_o,
output logic bitstuff_error_o
logic [6:0] bitstuff_history_q, bitstuff_history_d;
logic bitstuff_error;
logic bitstuff_error_q, bitstuff_error_d;
// usb receive path //
// Adjust inputs when D+/D- are flipped on the USB side
logic usb_dp_flipped, usb_dn_flipped, usb_d_flipped;
assign usb_dp_flipped = cfg_pinflip_i ? usb_dn_i : usb_dp_i;
assign usb_dn_flipped = cfg_pinflip_i ? usb_dp_i : usb_dn_i;
assign usb_d_flipped = usb_d_i ^ cfg_pinflip_i;
// line state recovery state machine //
// If the receive path is set NOT to use an external differential receiver:
// This block samples data purely from the usb_dp_i/usb_dn_i pair.
// There is a chance that one of the signals in the pair will appear to have
// changed to the new state while the other is still in the old state. The
// following state machine detects transitions and waits an extra sampling clock
// before decoding the state on the dp/dn pair. This transition period will
// only ever last for one clock as long as there is no noise on the line.
// If there is enough noise on the line then the data may be corrupted and the
// packet will fail the data integrity checks.
// If the receive path uses an external differential receiver:
// This block uses the usb_d_i input to detect K and J symbols.
// The individual signals of the differential pair must still be connected
// to this block to detect SE0.
// Note that the spec warns in section
// Both D+ and D- may temporarily be less than VIH (min) during differential
// signal transitions. This period can be up to 14 ns (TFST) for full-speed
// transitions and up to 210 ns (TLST) for low-speed transitions. Logic in the
// receiver must ensure that that this is not interpreted as an SE0.
// Since the 48MHz sample clock is 20.833ns period we will either miss this or
// sample it only once, so it will be covered by line_state=DT and the next
// sample will not be SE0 unless this was a real SE0 transition
// Note: if it is a real SE0 the usb_d_i input could be doing anything.
logic [2:0] line_state_qq, line_state_q, line_state_d;
logic [2:0] diff_state_q, diff_state_d;
logic [2:0] line_state_rx;
logic use_se;
localparam logic [2:0] DT = 3'b100; // transition state
localparam logic [2:0] DJ = 3'b010; // J - idle line state
localparam logic [2:0] DK = 3'b001; // K - inverse of J
localparam logic [2:0] SE0 = 3'b000; // single-ended 0 - end of packet or detached
// localparam logic [2:0] SE1 = 3'b011; // single-ended 1 - illegal
// Mute the input if we're transmitting
// dpair is the usb_dp_i/usb_dn_i pair, used in both modes. With
// an external differential receiver, it is only used for detecting SE0 and
// transitions. Without an external differential receiver driving the
// usb_d_i input, it is used for all symbols.
// ddiff is the decoded data input from an external differential receiver,
// if available, and it is only for K and J symbols, plus transition detection.
logic [1:0] dpair, ddiff;
always_comb begin : proc_dpair_mute
if (tx_en_i) begin
dpair = DJ[1:0]; // J
ddiff = DJ[1:0]; // J
end else begin
dpair = {usb_dp_flipped, usb_dn_flipped};
ddiff = usb_d_flipped ? DJ[1:0] : DK[1:0]; // equiv to {usb_d_i, ~usb_d_i}
always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin : proc_line_state_q
if (!rst_ni) begin
line_state_q <= SE0;
line_state_qq <= SE0;
diff_state_q <= SE0;
end else begin
if (link_reset_i) begin
line_state_q <= SE0;
line_state_qq <= SE0;
diff_state_q <= SE0;
end else begin
line_state_q <= line_state_d;
line_state_qq <= line_state_q;
diff_state_q <= diff_state_d;
always_comb begin : proc_line_state_d
// Default assignment
line_state_d = line_state_q;
if (line_state_q == DT) begin
// if we are in a transition state, then we can sample the pair and
// move to the next corresponding line state
line_state_d = {1'b0, dpair};
end else begin
// if we are in a valid line state and the value of the pair changes,
// then we need to move to the transition state
if (dpair != line_state_q[1:0]) begin
line_state_d = DT;
always_comb begin : proc_diff_state_d
// Default assignment
diff_state_d = diff_state_q;
if (diff_state_q == DT) begin
// if we are in a transition state, then we can sample the diff input and
// move to the next corresponding line state
diff_state_d = {1'b0, ddiff};
end else begin
// if we are in a valid line state and the value of the diff input changes,
// then we need to move to the transition state
if (ddiff != diff_state_q[1:0]) begin
diff_state_d = DT;
// The received line state depends on how the receiver is configured:
// NOT using a differential receiver: it is just the line_state_q that was captured
// Using a differential receiver: recovered from the differential receiver (diff_state_q)
// unless the diff pair indicate SE0 when the differential
// receiver could produce any value
// Transition where the dp/dn pair happen to see SE0 will look like (driven by diff DT)
// line_state D? DT D?...
// diff_state Dx DT Dy (expect Dy to be inverse of Dx since diff changed)
// Transition to SE0 when usb_d_i changes will look like:
// line_state DT D? D? D? DT SE0 SE0... (DT is the first sample at SE0)
// diff_state DT Dx Dx Dx DT ?? ??... (diff saw transition as line went SE0)
// --> out DT Dx Dx Dx DT SE0 SE0 (if no transition then DT would be Dx and n=3)
// bit_phase n 0 1 2 3 0 1 (n=3 unless there was a clock resync)
// Transition to SE0 when usb_d_i does not change will look like:
// line_state DT D? D? D? DT SE0 SE0... (DT is the first sample at SE0)
// diff_state DT Dx Dx Dx Dx ?? ??... (diff no transition as line went SE0)
// --> out DT Dx Dx Dx Dx SE0 SE0 (if no transition then DT would be Dx and n=3)
// bit_phase n 0 1 2 3 0 1 (n=3 unless there was a clock resync)
// Transition to SE0 when usb_d_i does not change and clock resync earlier:
// line_state DT D? D? DT SE0 SE0 SE0... (DT is the first sample at SE0, should resync clock)
// diff_state DT Dx Dx Dx Dx ?? ??... (diff no transition as line went SE0)
// --> out DT Dx Dx Dx SE0 SE0 SE0 (if no transition then DT would be Dx and n=3)
// bit_phase n 0 1 2 3 0 1 (n=3 unless there was a clock resync)
// On transition back from SE0 want to generate a DT to resync the clock
// since SE0 could have gone on a while no idea what bit_phase is
// line_state SE0 SE0 DT D? D? D?
// diff_state ?? ?? ?? Dx Dx Dx
// --> out SE0 SE0 DT Dx Dx Dx
// bit_phase ? ? ? 0 1 2
assign use_se = (line_state_q == SE0) || ((line_state_q == DT) && (line_state_qq == SE0));
assign line_state_rx = cfg_use_diff_rcvr_i ? (use_se ? line_state_q : diff_state_q) :
// clock recovery //
// the DT state from the line state recovery state machine is used to align to
// transmit clock. the line state is sampled in the middle of the bit time.
// example of signal relationships
// -------------------------------
// line_state_valid ________----____________----____________----________----____
// bit_phase 0 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 0 1 2
logic [1:0] bit_phase_q, bit_phase_d;
logic line_state_valid;
assign line_state_valid = (bit_phase_q == 2'd1);
assign bit_strobe_o = (bit_phase_q == 2'd2);
// keep track of phase within each bit
assign bit_phase_d = (line_state_rx == DT) ? 0 : bit_phase_q + 1;
always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin : proc_bit_phase_q
if (!rst_ni) begin
bit_phase_q <= 0;
end else begin
if (link_reset_i) begin
bit_phase_q <= 0;
end else begin
bit_phase_q <= bit_phase_d;
// packet detection //
// usb uses a sync to denote the beginning of a packet's PID and two
// single-ended-0 to denote the end of a packet. this state machine
// recognizes the beginning and end of packets for subsequent layers to
// process.
logic [11:0] line_history_q, line_history_d;
logic packet_valid_q, packet_valid_d;
logic see_sop, see_eop, packet_start, packet_end;
logic in_packet_d, in_packet_q;
// A bit of a misnomer: packet_start pulses when the PID begins, not SOP.
assign packet_start = packet_valid_d & ~packet_valid_q;
assign packet_end = ~packet_valid_d & packet_valid_q;
// EOP detection is configurable for 1/2 bit periods of SE0.
// The standard (Table 7-7) mandates min = 82 ns = 1 bit period.
// We also trigger an EOP on seeing a bitstuff error.
assign see_eop = (cfg_eop_single_bit_i && line_history_q[1:0] == 2'b00)
|| (line_history_q[3:0] == 4'b0000) || bitstuff_error_q;
// SOP is the transition from idle (J) to K
assign see_sop = (line_history_q[3:0] == 4'b1001) & ~tx_en_i & ~in_packet_q;
assign in_packet_d = see_eop ? 1'b0 :
see_sop ? 1'b1 : in_packet_q;
always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin : proc_reg_in_packet
if (!rst_ni) begin
in_packet_q <= 1'b0;
end else begin
in_packet_q <= in_packet_d;
always_comb begin : proc_packet_valid_d
if (line_state_valid) begin
// If the differential K and J symbols are not valid, reject the
// containing packet as invalid.
if (~diff_rx_ok_i) begin
packet_valid_d = 0;
// check for packet start: KJKJKK, we use the last 6 bits
end else if (!packet_valid_q && line_history_q[11:0] == 12'b011001100101) begin
packet_valid_d = 1;
// check for packet end: SE0 SE0
else if (packet_valid_q && see_eop) begin
packet_valid_d = 0;
end else begin
packet_valid_d = packet_valid_q;
end else begin
packet_valid_d = packet_valid_q;
// keep a history of the last two states on the line
assign line_history_d = line_state_valid ? {line_history_q[9:0], line_state_rx[1:0]} :
always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin : proc_reg_pkt_line
if (!rst_ni) begin
packet_valid_q <= 0;
line_history_q <= 12'b101010101010; // all K
end else begin
if (link_reset_i) begin
packet_valid_q <= 0;
line_history_q <= 12'b101010101010; // all K
end else begin
packet_valid_q <= packet_valid_d;
line_history_q <= line_history_d;
// mask out idle detection when transmitting (because rx may be forced to
// J and look like an idle symbol)
logic rx_idle_det_d, rx_idle_det_q;
assign rx_idle_det_d = (~tx_en_i & line_state_valid) ? (line_state_q == DJ) : rx_idle_det_q;
assign rx_idle_det_o = rx_idle_det_q;
always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin : proc_reg_idle_det
if (!rst_ni) begin
rx_idle_det_q <= 1'b0;
end else begin
rx_idle_det_q <= rx_idle_det_d;
// Used for seeing a J after the completion of resume signaling
assign rx_j_det_o = diff_rx_ok_i & ~tx_en_i & (line_history_q[1:0] == 2'b10);
// NRZI decode //
// in order to ensure there are enough bit transitions for a receiver to recover
// the clock usb uses NRZI encoding.
logic dvalid_raw;
logic din;
always_comb begin
unique case (line_history_q[3:0])
4'b0101 : din = 1;
4'b0110 : din = 0;
4'b1001 : din = 0;
4'b1010 : din = 1;
default : din = 0;
if (packet_valid_q && line_state_valid) begin
unique case (line_history_q[3:0])
4'b0101 : dvalid_raw = 1;
4'b0110 : dvalid_raw = 1;
4'b1001 : dvalid_raw = 1;
4'b1010 : dvalid_raw = 1;
default : dvalid_raw = 0;
end else begin
dvalid_raw = 0;
// Undo bit stuffing and detect bit stuffing errors //
always_comb begin : proc_bitstuff_history_d
if (packet_end) begin
bitstuff_history_d = '0;
end else if (dvalid_raw) begin
bitstuff_history_d = {bitstuff_history_q[5:0], din};
end else begin
bitstuff_history_d = bitstuff_history_q;
always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin : proc_bitstuff_history_q
if (!rst_ni) begin
bitstuff_history_q <= 0;
end else begin
if (link_reset_i) begin
bitstuff_history_q <= 0;
end else begin
bitstuff_history_q <= bitstuff_history_d;
logic dvalid;
assign dvalid = dvalid_raw && !(bitstuff_history_q[5:0] == 6'b111111);
// 7 consecutive ones should not be seen on the bus
// USB spec, "If the receiver sees seven
// consecutive ones anywhere in the packet, then a bit stuffing error
// has occurred and the packet should be ignored."
assign bitstuff_error = bitstuff_history_q == 7'b1111111;
// remember the bitstuff errors
always_comb begin : proc_bistuff_error_d
bitstuff_error_d = bitstuff_error_q;
if (packet_start) begin
bitstuff_error_d = 0;
end else if (bitstuff_error && dvalid_raw) begin
bitstuff_error_d = 1;
always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin : proc_bitstuff_error_q
if (!rst_ni) begin
bitstuff_error_q <= 0;
end else begin
bitstuff_error_q <= bitstuff_error_d;
assign bitstuff_error_o = bitstuff_error_q && packet_end;
// save and check pid //
// shift in the entire 8-bit pid with an additional 9th bit used as a sentinel.
logic [8:0] full_pid_q, full_pid_d;
logic pid_valid, pid_complete;
assign pid_valid = full_pid_q[4:1] == ~full_pid_q[8:5];
assign pid_complete = full_pid_q[0];
always_comb begin : proc_full_pid_d
if (dvalid && !pid_complete) begin
full_pid_d = {din, full_pid_q[8:1]};
end else if (packet_start) begin
full_pid_d = 9'b100000000;
end else begin
full_pid_d = full_pid_q;
// check crc5 //
logic [4:0] crc5_q, crc5_d;
logic crc5_valid, crc5_invert;
assign crc5_valid = crc5_q == 5'b01100;
assign crc5_invert = din ^ crc5_q[4];
always_comb begin
crc5_d = crc5_q; // default value
if (packet_start) begin
crc5_d = 5'b11111;
if (dvalid && pid_complete) begin
crc5_d = {crc5_q[3:0], 1'b0} ^ ({5{crc5_invert}} & 5'b00101);
// check crc16 //
logic [15:0] crc16_q, crc16_d;
logic crc16_valid, crc16_invert;
assign crc16_valid = crc16_q == 16'b1000000000001101;
assign crc16_invert = din ^ crc16_q[15];
always_comb begin
crc16_d = crc16_q; // default value
if (packet_start) begin
crc16_d = 16'b1111111111111111;
if (dvalid && pid_complete) begin
crc16_d = {crc16_q[14:0], 1'b0} ^ ({16{crc16_invert}} & 16'b1000000000000101);
// output control signals //
logic pkt_is_token, pkt_is_data, pkt_is_handshake;
assign pkt_is_token = full_pid_q[2:1] == 2'b01;
assign pkt_is_data = full_pid_q[2:1] == 2'b11;
assign pkt_is_handshake = full_pid_q[2:1] == 2'b10;
assign valid_packet_o = pid_valid && !bitstuff_error_q &&
((pkt_is_handshake) ||
(pkt_is_data && crc16_valid) ||
(pkt_is_token && crc5_valid)
// Detect CRC errors
assign crc_error_o = ((pkt_is_data && !crc16_valid) ||
(pkt_is_token && !crc5_valid)) && packet_end;
// Detect PID errors
assign pid_error_o = !pid_valid && packet_end;
logic [11:0] token_payload_q, token_payload_d;
logic token_payload_done;
assign token_payload_done = token_payload_q[0];
logic [6:0] addr_q, addr_d;
logic [3:0] endp_q, endp_d;
logic [10:0] frame_num_q, frame_num_d;
always_comb begin
token_payload_d = token_payload_q; // default
if (packet_start) begin
token_payload_d = 12'b100000000000;
if (dvalid && pid_complete && pkt_is_token && !token_payload_done) begin
token_payload_d = {din, token_payload_q[11:1]};
always_comb begin
// defaults
addr_d = addr_q;
endp_d = endp_q;
frame_num_d = frame_num_q;
if (token_payload_done && pkt_is_token) begin
addr_d = token_payload_q[7:1];
endp_d = token_payload_q[11:8];
frame_num_d = token_payload_q[11:1];
assign addr_o = addr_q;
assign endp_o = endp_q;
assign frame_num_o = frame_num_q;
assign pid_o = full_pid_q[4:1];
assign pkt_start_o = see_sop;
assign pkt_end_o = packet_end;
// deserialize and output data //
//assign rx_data_put = dvalid && pid_complete && pkt_is_data;
logic [8:0] rx_data_buffer_q, rx_data_buffer_d;
logic rx_data_buffer_full;
assign rx_data_buffer_full = rx_data_buffer_q[0];
assign rx_data_put_o = rx_data_buffer_full;
assign rx_data_o = rx_data_buffer_q[8:1];
always_comb begin
rx_data_buffer_d = rx_data_buffer_q; // default
if (packet_start || rx_data_buffer_full) begin
rx_data_buffer_d = 9'b100000000;
if (dvalid && pid_complete && pkt_is_data) begin
rx_data_buffer_d = {din, rx_data_buffer_q[8:1]};
// Registers //
always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin : proc_gp_regs
if (!rst_ni) begin
full_pid_q <= 0;
crc16_q <= 0;
crc5_q <= 0;
token_payload_q <= 0;
addr_q <= 0;
endp_q <= 0;
frame_num_q <= 0;
rx_data_buffer_q <= 0;
end else begin
if (link_reset_i) begin
full_pid_q <= 0;
crc16_q <= 0;
crc5_q <= 0;
token_payload_q <= 0;
addr_q <= 0;
endp_q <= 0;
frame_num_q <= 0;
rx_data_buffer_q <= 0;
end else begin
full_pid_q <= full_pid_d;
crc16_q <= crc16_d;
crc5_q <= crc5_d;
token_payload_q <= token_payload_d;
addr_q <= addr_d;
endp_q <= endp_d;
frame_num_q <= frame_num_d;
rx_data_buffer_q <= rx_data_buffer_d;
endmodule // usb_fs_rx