title: “Website Usage Licence” aliases:
You may use the web pages located under the domain OpenTitan.org (“this website”) on the terms set out on this page. They are not intended to form a contract between you and us.
In these terms, certain words and phrases have a particular meaning as follows:
“content” means any text, images, video, audio or other multimedia content, software, or other information or material submitted to or on the website;
“intellectual property” means any rights in patents, design , copyright, databases, trade marks, domain names confidential information and all other forms of intellectual property, whether registered or unregistered, wherever in the world;
“you” or “your” means the person accessing or using the website or its content;
“processing” when applied to personal information includes storage of that information; and
“we”, “us” or “our” refers to lowRISC Community Interest Company, company registration number 09272283, with VAT registration number 327 0252 32 and whose registered address is at 4a Newmarket Road, Cambridge, CB5 8DT, UK.
You should read these terms carefully before using this website. We do not permit you to access this website or use any content if you do not comply with these terms.
This website is intended only to give you information about us and our products and services. We do not intend, through this website:
make you any promises;
make any contractual offer to you;
supply any products or services to you.
You have our permission to browse this website and in so doing make use of its content through a web browser. Unless we explicitly say otherwise, you may not use this website for any other purpose. For example, you may not download this website or any part of it for your own use.
If you subscribe to emails from us using this website, you consent to us using your email address for the purposes set out in our [privacy policy], which contains more detail about what sorts of emails we may send you. Every email of this kind will contain a link to allow you to unsubscribe from our mailing lists.
We may process other information about you, such as the IP address from which you access this website. For more information about how and why we process your information, please see our [privacy notice].
While we try to make sure that this website is secure, we cannot guarantee the security of any information that you supply to us and therefore we cannot guarantee that it will be kept confidential. For that reason, you should not submit any information you regard as confidential. Any information you do submit, you submit at your own risk.
While we hope that this website is accurate, up-to-date and free from bugs, we cannot promise that it will be. Furthermore, we cannot promise that this website will be fit or suitable for any purpose. Any reliance that you may place on the information of this website is at your own risk.
We may suspend or terminate operation of this website at any time as we see fit.
Any content is provided for your general information purposes only. It does not constitute technical, financial or legal advice or any other type of advice and should not be relied upon for any purposes.
Except for any legal responsibility that we cannot exclude in law (such as for death or personal injury caused by our negligence and our statutory duties under data protection law), we have no liability to you connected with your use of our website. For example, we are not liable for
any missing or inaccurate content;
any unavailability of the website;
any incompatibility of this website with any particular browser or browser plugin; or
1. economic loss or other loss of turnover, profit, business or goodwill.