blob: ec2a6f2003e46b2d7e74ce0895d71f4723239b60 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// This module implements the crash dump functionality
`include ""
module rstmgr_crash_info
import rstmgr_pkg::*;
import rstmgr_reg_pkg::IdxWidth;
import rstmgr_reg_pkg::RdWidth;
parameter int CrashDumpWidth = 32,
localparam int CrashRemainder = CrashDumpWidth % RdWidth > 0 ? 1 : 0,
localparam int unsigned CrashStoreSlot = CrashDumpWidth / RdWidth + CrashRemainder,
localparam int SlotCntWidth = $clog2(CrashStoreSlot)
) (
input clk_i,
input rst_ni,
input [CrashDumpWidth-1:0] dump_i,
input dump_capture_i,
input [IdxWidth-1:0] slot_sel_i,
output logic [IdxWidth-1:0] slots_cnt_o,
output logic [RdWidth-1:0] slot_o
localparam int TotalWidth = CrashStoreSlot * RdWidth;
logic [2**SlotCntWidth-1:0][RdWidth-1:0] slots;
logic [ CrashStoreSlot-1:0][RdWidth-1:0] slots_q;
always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin
if (!rst_ni) begin
slots_q <= '0;
end else if (dump_capture_i) begin
slots_q <= TotalWidth'(dump_i);
always_comb begin
slots = '0;
slots[CrashStoreSlot-1:0] = slots_q;
assign slots_cnt_o = CrashStoreSlot[IdxWidth-1:0];
assign slot_o = slots[slot_sel_i[SlotCntWidth-1:0]];
if (SlotCntWidth < IdxWidth) begin : gen_tieoffs
//VCS coverage off
// pragma coverage off
logic [IdxWidth-SlotCntWidth-1:0] unused_idx;
assign unused_idx = slot_sel_i[IdxWidth-1:SlotCntWidth];
//VCS coverage on
// pragma coverage on
// Make sure the crash dump isn't excessively large
`ASSERT_INIT(CntStoreSlot_A, CrashStoreSlot < (1 << IdxWidth))
`ASSERT_INIT(CntWidth_A, SlotCntWidth <= IdxWidth)
endmodule // rstmgr_crash_info