| // Copyright lowRISC contributors. |
| // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. |
| // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 |
| |
| // This has assertions that check the reset outputs of rstmgr cascade properly. |
| // This means higher level resets always cause the lower level ones to assert. |
| // The hierarchy is |
| // por > lc > sys > specific peripherals |
| // In addition, a scan reset is at the same level as por. |
| // |
| // Local terminology: A cascading relationship is between an "above" and a "below" reset. |
| // |
| // Some individual reset outputs will always be off. Allowing for this in general would |
| // weaken the property that some resets MUST rise following other rise. |
| // |
| // Peripheral resets cascade from sys, and are checked in rstmgr_sw_rst_sva_if since they |
| // require additional inputs. |
| interface rstmgr_cascading_sva_if ( |
| input logic clk_i, |
| input logic clk_aon_i, |
| input logic clk_io_div2_i, |
| input logic clk_io_div4_i, |
| input logic clk_io_i, |
| input logic clk_main_i, |
| input logic clk_usb_i, |
| input [rstmgr_pkg::PowerDomains-1:0] por_n_i, |
| input rstmgr_pkg::rstmgr_out_t resets_o, |
| input [rstmgr_pkg::PowerDomains-1:0] rst_lc_req, |
| input [rstmgr_pkg::PowerDomains-1:0] rst_sys_req, |
| input [rstmgr_pkg::PowerDomains-1:0] rst_lc_src_n, |
| input [rstmgr_pkg::PowerDomains-1:0] rst_sys_src_n, |
| input logic scan_rst_ni, |
| input prim_mubi_pkg::mubi4_t scanmode_i |
| ); |
| |
| // The min and max bounds on the number of cycles for an edge to occur. |
| typedef struct { |
| int min; |
| int max; |
| } bounds_t; |
| |
| // The bounds for a fall and rise edge to occur. |
| typedef struct { |
| bounds_t fall; |
| bounds_t rise; |
| } edge_bounds_t; |
| |
| // This is used to check por_n_i active high leads to a rising edge of rst_por_aon_n[0]. |
| // The number of cycles with por_n_i stable is 32 plus synchronizers and some filter stages. |
| localparam edge_bounds_t PorCycles = '{fall: '{min: 0, max: 4}, rise: '{min: 35, max: 40}}; |
| |
| // This is used to check for regular synchronizing delay. Reset falls asynchronously so the |
| // fall min cycles is zero. |
| localparam edge_bounds_t SyncCycles = '{fall: '{min: 0, max: 3}, rise: '{min: 1, max: 3}}; |
| |
| // Cycles are counted from the output rst_por_aon_n or scan reset edges. The rise times can be |
| // higher since in the chip the aon reset goes through the pwrmgr slow fsm where it causes an |
| // lc rise request and there may be multiple synchronizers in the path. |
| localparam edge_bounds_t LcCycles = '{fall: '{min: 0, max: 4}, rise: '{min: 1, max: 4}}; |
| |
| // In the real system the rise of rst_lc_src_n is triggered by the pwr_i.rst_lc_req input, |
| // which can take a few cycles since it comes from the pwrmgr after it gets reset, |
| // is generated with the aon clock, and gets synchronized before it triggers |
| // a rise in rst_lc_src_n. There is an SVA for the rise in pwrmgr_rstmgr_sva_if. |
| |
| // The cycles are counted from Lc edges. |
| localparam edge_bounds_t SysCycles = '{fall: '{min: 0, max: 3}, rise: '{min: 1, max: 5}}; |
| |
| // The different peripheral edges are synchronized to their respective clocks, |
| // so these counts assume synchronization and are triggered on the correct clock. |
| localparam edge_bounds_t PeriCycles = '{fall: '{min: 0, max: 4}, rise: '{min: 2, max: 8}}; |
| |
| bit disable_sva; |
| |
| // Macros to avoid excessive boiler-plate code below. |
| `define FALL_ASSERT(_name, _from, _to, _cycles, _clk) \ |
| `ASSERT(_name``AboveFall_A, \ |
| $fell(_from) |-> ##[_cycles.fall.min:_cycles.fall.max] _from || !_to, _clk, \ |
| disable_sva) |
| |
| `define RISE_ASSERTS(_name, _from, _to, _cycles, _clk) \ |
| `ASSERT(_name``AboveRise_A, \ |
| $rose(_from) ##1 _from [* _cycles.rise.min] |=> ##[0:_cycles.rise.max-_cycles.rise.min] (!_from || _to), _clk, \ |
| disable_sva) \ |
| |
| `define CASCADED_ASSERTS(_name, _from, _to, _cycles, _clk) \ |
| `FALL_ASSERT(_name, _from, _to, _cycles, _clk) \ |
| `RISE_ASSERTS(_name, _from, _to, _cycles, _clk) |
| |
| // A fall in por_n_i leads to a fall in rst_por_aon_n[0]. |
| `FALL_ASSERT(CascadePorToAon, por_n_i[rstmgr_pkg::DomainAonSel], |
| resets_o.rst_por_aon_n[rstmgr_pkg::DomainAonSel], PorCycles, clk_aon_i) |
| |
| // A number of consecutive cycles with por_n_i inactive (high) should cause the aon resets to |
| // become inactive. This checks POR stretching. |
| |
| // The antecedent: por_n_i rising and being active for enough cycles. |
| |
| logic scanmode; |
| always_comb scanmode = prim_mubi_pkg::mubi4_test_true_strict(scanmode_i); |
| |
| logic scan_reset_n; |
| always_comb scan_reset_n = !scanmode || scan_rst_ni; |
| |
| // In scanmode only scan_rst_ni controls reset, so por_n_i is ignored. |
| logic aon_por_n_i; |
| always_comb aon_por_n_i = por_n_i[rstmgr_pkg::DomainAonSel] && !scanmode; |
| |
| sequence PorStable_S; |
| $rose( |
| aon_por_n_i |
| ) ##1 aon_por_n_i [* PorCycles.rise.min]; |
| endsequence |
| |
| // The reset stretching assertion. |
| `ASSERT(StablePorToAonRise_A, |
| PorStable_S |-> ##[0:(PorCycles.rise.max-PorCycles.rise.min)] |
| !aon_por_n_i || resets_o.rst_por_aon_n[0], |
| clk_aon_i, disable_sva) |
| |
| // The scan reset to Por. |
| `ASSERT(ScanRstToAonRise_A, scan_reset_n && scanmode |-> resets_o.rst_por_aon_n[0], clk_aon_i, |
| disable_sva) |
| |
| logic [rstmgr_pkg::PowerDomains-1:0] effective_aon_rst_n; |
| always_comb |
| effective_aon_rst_n = resets_o.rst_por_aon_n & {rstmgr_pkg::PowerDomains{scan_reset_n}}; |
| |
| // The AON reset triggers the various POR reset for the different clock domains through |
| // synchronizers. |
| // The current system doesn't have any consumers of domain 1 por_io_div4, and thus only domain 0 |
| // cascading is checked here. |
| `CASCADED_ASSERTS(CascadeEffAonToRstPorIoDiv4, effective_aon_rst_n[0], |
| resets_o.rst_por_io_div4_n[0], SyncCycles, clk_io_div4_i) |
| |
| // The internal reset is triggered by one of synchronized por. |
| logic [rstmgr_pkg::PowerDomains-1:0] por_rst_n; |
| always_comb por_rst_n = resets_o.rst_por_aon_n; |
| |
| logic [rstmgr_pkg::PowerDomains-1:0] local_rst_or_lc_req_n; |
| always_comb local_rst_or_lc_req_n = por_rst_n & ~rst_lc_req; |
| |
| logic [rstmgr_pkg::PowerDomains-1:0] lc_rst_or_sys_req_n; |
| always_comb lc_rst_or_sys_req_n = por_rst_n & ~rst_sys_req; |
| |
| for (genvar pd = 0; pd < rstmgr_pkg::PowerDomains; ++pd) begin : g_power_domains |
| // The root lc reset is triggered either by the internal reset, or by the pwr_i.rst_lc_req |
| // input. The latter is checked independently in pwrmgr_rstmgr_sva_if. |
| `CASCADED_ASSERTS(CascadeLocalRstToLc, local_rst_or_lc_req_n[pd], rst_lc_src_n[pd], LcCycles, |
| clk_i) |
| |
| // The root sys reset is triggered by the lc reset, or independently by external requests. |
| // The latter is checked independently in pwrmgr_rstmgr_sva_if. |
| `CASCADED_ASSERTS(CascadeLcToSys, lc_rst_or_sys_req_n[pd], rst_sys_src_n[pd], SysCycles, clk_i) |
| |
| // Controlled by rst_sys_src_n. |
| if (pd == rstmgr_pkg::DomainAonSel) begin : gen_sys_io_div4_chk |
| `CASCADED_ASSERTS(CascadeSysToSysIoDiv4, rst_sys_src_n[pd], resets_o.rst_sys_io_div4_n[pd], |
| SysCycles, clk_io_div4_i) |
| end |
| end |
| |
| // Aon to POR |
| `CASCADED_ASSERTS(CascadeEffAonToRstPor, effective_aon_rst_n[rstmgr_pkg::DomainAonSel], |
| resets_o.rst_por_n[rstmgr_pkg::DomainAonSel], SyncCycles, clk_main_i) |
| `CASCADED_ASSERTS(CascadeEffAonToRstPorIo, effective_aon_rst_n[rstmgr_pkg::DomainAonSel], |
| resets_o.rst_por_io_n[rstmgr_pkg::DomainAonSel], SyncCycles, clk_io_i) |
| `CASCADED_ASSERTS(CascadeEffAonToRstPorIoDiv2, effective_aon_rst_n[rstmgr_pkg::DomainAonSel], |
| resets_o.rst_por_io_div2_n[rstmgr_pkg::DomainAonSel], SyncCycles, clk_io_div2_i) |
| `CASCADED_ASSERTS(CascadeEffAonToRstPorUcb, effective_aon_rst_n[rstmgr_pkg::DomainAonSel], |
| resets_o.rst_por_usb_n[rstmgr_pkg::DomainAonSel], SyncCycles, clk_usb_i) |
| |
| // Controlled by rst_lc_src_n. |
| `CASCADED_ASSERTS(CascadeLcToLcAon, rst_lc_src_n[rstmgr_pkg::DomainAonSel], |
| resets_o.rst_lc_aon_n[rstmgr_pkg::DomainAonSel], SysCycles, clk_aon_i) |
| `CASCADED_ASSERTS(CascadeLcToLc, rst_lc_src_n[rstmgr_pkg::Domain0Sel], |
| resets_o.rst_lc_n[rstmgr_pkg::Domain0Sel], SysCycles, clk_main_i) |
| |
| // Controlled by rst_sys_src_n. |
| `CASCADED_ASSERTS(CascadeSysToSys, rst_sys_src_n[rstmgr_pkg::Domain0Sel], |
| resets_o.rst_sys_n[rstmgr_pkg::Domain0Sel], PeriCycles, clk_main_i) |
| `CASCADED_ASSERTS(CascadeLcToLcShadowed, rst_lc_src_n[rstmgr_pkg::Domain0Sel], |
| resets_o.rst_lc_shadowed_n[rstmgr_pkg::Domain0Sel], SysCycles, clk_main_i) |
| |
| `undef FALL_ASSERT |
| `undef RISE_ASSERTS |
| endinterface |