| CAPI=2: |
| # Copyright lowRISC contributors. |
| # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. |
| # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 |
| name: "lowrisc:ip:otbn_top_sim:0.1" |
| description: "Standalone OpenTitan Big Number Accelerator (OTBN) simulation" |
| |
| filesets: |
| files_otbn: |
| depend: |
| - lowrisc:ip:otbn |
| - lowrisc:dv:otbn_model |
| - lowrisc:ip:otbn_tracer |
| - lowrisc:ip:keymgr_pkg |
| files_verilator: |
| depend: |
| - lowrisc:dv:otbn_memutil |
| - lowrisc:dv_verilator:memutil_verilator |
| - lowrisc:dv_verilator:simutil_verilator |
| files: |
| - otbn_top_sim.cc: { file_type: cppSource } |
| - otbn_top_sim.sv: { file_type: systemVerilogSource } |
| - otbn_mock_edn.sv: { file_type: systemVerilogSource } |
| files_verilator_waiver: |
| files: |
| - otbn_top_sim_waivers.vlt |
| file_type: vlt |
| |
| targets: |
| default: &default_target |
| filesets: |
| - files_verilator_waiver |
| - files_otbn |
| - files_verilator |
| toplevel: otbn_top_sim |
| |
| lint: |
| <<: *default_target |
| default_tool: verilator |
| tools: |
| verilator: |
| mode: lint-only |
| verilator_options: |
| - "-Wall" |
| # RAM primitives wider than 64bit (required for ECC) fail to build in |
| # Verilator without increasing the unroll count (see Verilator#1266) |
| - "--unroll-count 72" |
| |
| sim: |
| <<: *default_target |
| default_tool: verilator |
| tools: |
| vcs: |
| vcs_options: |
| - '-xlrm uniq_prior_final' |
| - '-debug_access+r' |
| verilator: |
| mode: cc |
| verilator_options: |
| # Disabling tracing reduces compile times but doesn't have a |
| # huge influence on runtime performance. |
| - '--trace' |
| - '--trace-fst' # this requires -DVM_TRACE_FMT_FST in CFLAGS below! |
| - '--trace-structs' |
| - '--trace-params' |
| - '--trace-max-array 1024' |
| - '-CFLAGS "-std=c++11 -Wall -DVM_TRACE_FMT_FST -DTOPLEVEL_NAME=otbn_top_sim"' |
| - '-LDFLAGS "-pthread -lutil -lelf"' |
| - "-Wall" |
| # RAM primitives wider than 64bit (required for ECC) fail to build in |
| # Verilator without increasing the unroll count (see Verilator#1266) |
| - "--unroll-count 72" |