blob: 814a5c7e0694533c132ae914ef206dc269bcb446 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// Name of the sim cfg - typically same as the name of the DUT.
// Top level dut name (sv module).
dut: otbn
// Top level testbench name (sv module).
tb: tb
// Simulator used to sign off this block
tool: xcelium
// Fusesoc core file used for building the file list.
fusesoc_core: lowrisc:dv:otbn_sim:0.1
otbn_dir: "{proj_root}/hw/ip/otbn"
// Testplan hjson file.
testplan: "{otbn_dir}/data/otbn_testplan.hjson"
exports: [
{ REPO_TOP: "{proj_root}" },
// Import additional common sim cfg files.
// TODO: remove imported cfgs that do not apply.
import_cfgs: [
// Project wide common sim cfg file
// Config files to get the correct flags for otbn_memutil and otbn_tracer
// Common CIP test lists
// Add options needed to compile against otbn_memutil, otbn_tracer, and
// memutil_dpi_scrambled.
en_build_modes: ["{tool}_otbn_memutil_build_opts",
// Add additional tops for simulation.
sim_tops: ["otbn_bind", "sec_cm_prim_sparse_fsm_flop_bind", "sec_cm_prim_onehot_check_bind",
// Default iterations for all tests - each test entry can override this.
reseed: 50
// Default UVM test and seq class name.
uvm_test: otbn_base_test
uvm_test_seq: otbn_base_vseq
// The default place to find and build ELF binaries. If you have
// some pre-built binaries, you can run the simulation with them by using
// --run-opts to override the otbn_elf_dir plusarg in run_opts.
otbn_elf_dir: "{run_dir}/otbn-binaries"
run_opts: ["+otbn_elf_dir={otbn_elf_dir}"]
// The default build mode, used for the tests explicitly listed below does not
// require any pre-build steps.
build_modes: [
name: default
pre_build_cmds: []
// The value to pass to the --size parameter for This
// controls the number of instructions that are run before ECALL or error.
binary_size: 2000
// This runs bazel to locate the RV32 toolchain, needed by
setup_env: "pushd {proj_root}; source hw/ip/otbn/dv/uvm/; popd;"
gen_binaries_py: "{setup_env} {otbn_dir}/dv/uvm/"
rnd_args: "--seed {seed} --size {binary_size}"
gen_fixed: "{gen_binaries_py}"
gen_rnd: "{gen_binaries_py} {rnd_args}"
smoke_dir: "{otbn_dir}/dv/smoke"
multi_err_dir: "{otbn_dir}/dv/otbnsim/test/simple/multi"
run_modes: [
// Run the random instruction generator and builds the one resulting binary
// in {otbn_elf_dir}. If you override the otbn_elf_dir plusarg with
// --run-opts, we'll still build the binary (but will ignore it).
name: build_otbn_rig_binary_mode
pre_run_cmds: [
"{gen_rnd} --count 1 {otbn_elf_dir}"
// Run the random instruction generator several times and build the
// resulting binaries in {otbn_elf_dir}.
name: build_otbn_rig_binaries_mode
pre_run_cmds: [
"{gen_rnd} --count 10 {otbn_elf_dir}"
// Build the smoke test in {otbn_elf_dir}.
name: build_otbn_smoke_binary_mode
pre_run_cmds: [
"{gen_fixed} --src-dir {smoke_dir} {otbn_elf_dir}"
// Build the multi-error tests in {otbn_elf_dir}.
name: build_otbn_multi_err_binaries_mode
pre_run_cmds: [
"{gen_fixed} --src-dir {multi_err_dir} {otbn_elf_dir}"
// List of test specifications.
tests: [
name: "otbn_smoke"
uvm_test_seq: "otbn_smoke_vseq"
en_run_modes: ["build_otbn_smoke_binary_mode"]
// Run just one smoke test: it's a fixed binary and there's not much
// interaction with the environment so there's probably not much point
// in running it loads of times.
reseed: 1
name: "otbn_single"
uvm_test_seq: "otbn_single_vseq"
en_run_modes: ["build_otbn_rig_binary_mode"]
reseed: 100
// This test runs 10 binaries each time, so we give it a reseed value
// that's much less than for otbn_single: these tests should equally good
// at catching errors within a single run, so the coverage that they give
// is specifically to do with improper clearing of state when starting or
// ending an operation.
name: "otbn_multi"
uvm_test_seq: "otbn_multi_vseq"
en_run_modes: ["build_otbn_rig_binaries_mode"]
reseed: 10
// This test asserts reset somewhere in the middle of an operation. It is
// good for flushing out testbench bugs that are triggered on a reset, but
// it will also catch incorrect initialisation of state and hit some
// FSM/toggle coverage points that need a reset.
name: "otbn_reset"
uvm_test_seq: "otbn_reset_vseq"
en_run_modes: ["build_otbn_rig_binary_mode"]
reseed: 10
// This test runs a fixed set of binaries, one after the other. Since this
// is essentially a directed test, there's probably no real benefit to
// running it more than once.
name: "otbn_multi_err"
uvm_test_seq: "otbn_sequential_vseq"
en_run_modes: ["build_otbn_multi_err_binaries_mode"]
reseed: 1
// This test causes a fault in the middle of an execution by triggering an
// IMEM error. We run it several times because (historically) some of the
// bugs it has found have been depended on unfortunate timing coincidences,
// so we want to have a chance of seeing them.
name: "otbn_imem_err"
uvm_test_seq: "otbn_imem_err_vseq"
en_run_modes: ["build_otbn_rig_binary_mode"]
reseed: 10
// This test causes a fault in the middle of an execution by triggering an
// DMEM error. As with the IMEM case, we want a reasonable number of
// reseeds to see awkward timing corners. Also, there's a possibility of an
// otbn_dmem_err test not actually generating an error (if we don't load
// from DMEM after invalidating it), so we bump things up slightly further
// to correct for that.
name: "otbn_dmem_err"
uvm_test_seq: "otbn_dmem_err_vseq"
en_run_modes: ["build_otbn_rig_binary_mode"]
reseed: 15
// This test sets the lc_escalate_en_i and lc_rma_req_i signals somewhere in
// the middle of an operation and makes sure that we see an alert. There's
// not much interesting that can happen here, so a small number of seeds should
// suffice.
name: "otbn_escalate"
uvm_test_seq: "otbn_escalate_vseq"
en_run_modes: ["build_otbn_rig_binary_mode"]
reseed: 60
name: "otbn_alu_bignum_mod_err"
uvm_test_seq: "otbn_alu_bignum_mod_err_vseq"
en_run_modes: ["build_otbn_rig_binary_mode"]
reseed: 5
name: "otbn_controller_ispr_rdata_err"
uvm_test_seq: "otbn_controller_ispr_rdata_err_vseq"
en_run_modes: ["build_otbn_rig_binary_mode"]
reseed: 5
name: "otbn_mac_bignum_acc_err"
uvm_test_seq: "otbn_mac_bignum_acc_err_vseq"
en_run_modes: ["build_otbn_rig_binary_mode"]
reseed: 5
name: "otbn_rf_bignum_intg_err"
uvm_test_seq: "otbn_rf_bignum_intg_err_vseq"
en_run_modes: ["build_otbn_rig_binary_mode"]
reseed: 10
name: "otbn_rf_base_intg_err"
uvm_test_seq: "otbn_rf_base_intg_err_vseq"
en_run_modes: ["build_otbn_rig_binary_mode"]
reseed: 10
// This test runs several sequences back-to-back. Unlike otbn_multi, these
// sequences can include imem or dmem error sequences. We shouldn't need
// many seeds here because each test runs several operations.
name: "otbn_stress_all"
uvm_test_seq: "otbn_stress_all_vseq"
en_run_modes: ["build_otbn_rig_binaries_mode"]
reseed: 10
// A combination of otbn_stress_all and otbn_reset.
name: "otbn_stress_all_with_rand_reset"
en_run_modes: ["build_otbn_rig_binaries_mode"]
reseed: 10
name: "otbn_zero_state_err_urnd"
uvm_test_seq: "otbn_zero_state_err_urnd_vseq"
en_run_modes: ["build_otbn_rig_binary_mode"]
reseed: 5
name: "otbn_illegal_mem_acc"
uvm_test_seq: "otbn_illegal_mem_acc_vseq"
en_run_modes: ["build_otbn_rig_binary_mode"]
reseed: 5
name: "otbn_sw_errs_fatal_chk"
uvm_test_seq: "otbn_sw_errs_fatal_chk_vseq"
en_run_modes: ["build_otbn_rig_binary_mode"]
reseed: 10
name: "otbn_pc_ctrl_flow_redun"
uvm_test_seq: "otbn_pc_ctrl_flow_redun_vseq"
en_run_modes: ["build_otbn_rig_binary_mode"]
reseed: 5
name: "otbn_rnd_sec_cm"
uvm_test_seq: "otbn_rnd_sec_cm_vseq"
en_run_modes: ["build_otbn_rig_binary_mode"]
reseed: 5
name: "otbn_ctrl_redun"
uvm_test_seq: "otbn_ctrl_redun_vseq"
en_run_modes: ["build_otbn_rig_binary_mode"]
reseed: 12
name: "otbn_sec_wipe_err"
uvm_test_seq: "otbn_sec_wipe_err_vseq"
en_run_modes: ["build_otbn_rig_binary_mode"]
reseed: 7
name: "otbn_urnd_err"
uvm_test_seq: "otbn_urnd_err_vseq"
en_run_modes: ["build_otbn_rig_binary_mode"]
reseed: 2
name: "otbn_sw_no_acc"
uvm_test_seq: "otbn_sw_no_acc_vseq"
en_run_modes: ["build_otbn_rig_binary_mode"]
reseed: 5
name: "otbn_mem_gnt_acc_err"
uvm_test_seq: "otbn_mem_gnt_acc_err_vseq"
en_run_modes: ["build_otbn_rig_binary_mode"]
reseed: 2
name: "otbn_stack_addr_integ_chk"
uvm_test_seq: "otbn_stack_addr_integ_chk_vseq"
en_run_modes: ["build_otbn_rig_binary_mode"]
reseed: 5
// List of regressions.
regressions: [
name: smoke
tests: ["otbn_smoke"]
name: "core"
tests: [
"otbn_smoke", "otbn_single", "otbn_multi", "otbn_reset",
"otbn_multi_err", "otbn_imem_err", "otbn_dmem_err",
"otbn_stress_all", "otbn_escalate", "otbn_illegal_mem_acc",
"otbn_zero_state_err_urnd", "otbn_sw_errs_fatal_chk",
"otbn_rnd_sec_cm", "otbn_mac_bignum_acc_err", "otbn_rf_base_intg_err",
"otbn_controller_ispr_rdata_err", "otbn_alu_bignum_mod_err"
name: "ci"
tests: [
# V1
"otbn_smoke", "otbn_single", "otbn_csr_hw_reset", "otbn_csr_rw",
"otbn_csr_bit_bash", "otbn_csr_aliasing",
# V1 but known broken
# "otbn_mem_walk",
# V2
"otbn_reset", "otbn_multi", "otbn_stress_all",
"otbn_zero_state_err_urnd", "otbn_sw_errs_fatal_chk", "otbn_alert_test",
"otbn_intr_test", "otbn_tl_errors",
# V2 but known broken
# "otbn_multi_err", "otbn_escalate",
# V2S
"otbn_imem_err", "otbn_dmem_err", "otbn_illegal_mem_acc",
"otbn_tl_intg_err", "otbn_sec_cm", "otbn_pc_ctrl_flow_redun",
"otbn_rnd_sec_cm", "otbn_alu_bignum_mod_err",
"otbn_controller_ispr_rdata_err", "otbn_mac_bignum_acc_err",
"otbn_sec_wipe_err", "otbn_urnd_err",
# V2S but known broken
# "otbn_passthru_mem_tl_intg_err",
# V3 thus not yet active
# "otbn_stress_all_with_rand_reset",