blob: a060df5707021fce0b09f75279610daf6632da48 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#include "otbn_trace_checker.h"
#include <cassert>
#include <cstring>
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include "otbn_trace_source.h"
#include "sv_utils.h"
static std::unique_ptr<OtbnTraceChecker> trace_checker;
: rtl_started_(false),
last_data_vld_(false) {
OtbnTraceChecker::~OtbnTraceChecker() {
if (!done_) {
<< ("WARNING: Destroying OtbnTraceChecker object with an "
"unfinished operation.\n");
OtbnTraceChecker &OtbnTraceChecker::get() {
if (!trace_checker) {
trace_checker.reset(new OtbnTraceChecker());
return *trace_checker;
void OtbnTraceChecker::AcceptTraceString(const std::string &trace,
unsigned int cycle_count) {
assert(!(rtl_pending_ && iss_pending_));
if (seen_err_)
done_ = false;
OtbnTraceEntry trace_entry;
if (!trace_entry.from_rtl_trace(trace)) {
seen_err_ = true;
if (trace_entry.trace_type() == OtbnTraceEntry::Invalid) {
std::cerr << "ERROR: Invalid RTL trace entry with invalid header:\n";
trace_entry.print(" ", std::cerr);
seen_err_ = true;
// Check we don't already have a pending RTL final entry
if (rtl_pending_) {
<< ("ERROR: Two back-to-back RTL "
"trace entries with no ISS entry.\n"
" First RTL entry was:\n");
rtl_entry_.print(" ", std::cerr);
std::cerr << " Second RTL entry was:\n";
trace_entry.print(" ", std::cerr);
seen_err_ = true;
// At this point, we know that the header is a Stall, Exec, WipeInProgress or
// WipeComplete. We want to coalesce entries for an instruction/wipe here to
// avoid the ISS needing to figure out which write happens at what time on a
// multi-cycle instruction.
// We work on the basis that an instruction will appear as zero or more
// "partial entries" (S or U) followed by an "final" entry (E or V). When we
// see a partial entry, we merge it into rtl_partial_entry_, setting
// rtl_partial_ to flag that it contains some information.
// When a final entry comes up, we check it matches any pending partial entry
// and then merge all the fields together, finally setting rtl_pending_.
if (trace_entry.is_partial()) {
if (rtl_started_) {
// We already have a partial entry. Make sure the headers match.
if (!trace_entry.is_compatible(rtl_entry_)) {
<< ("ERROR: Partial trace entry followed by "
"mis-matching partial entry.\n"
" Existing partial entry was:\n");
rtl_entry_.print(" ", std::cerr);
std::cerr << " New partial entry was:\n";
trace_entry.print(" ", std::cerr);
seen_err_ = true;
rtl_entry_.take_writes(trace_entry, false);
} else {
// This is the first partial entry. Set the rtl_started_ flag and save
// trace_entry.
rtl_started_ = true;
rtl_entry_ = trace_entry;
// This wasn't a partial entry. At this point, we should know it's a final
// one.
// If had a partial entry before, merge in any writes from it, making sure
// the entries are compatible.
if (rtl_started_) {
if (!trace_entry.is_compatible(rtl_entry_)) {
<< ("ERROR: Final trace entry doesn't match partial entry:\n"
" Partial entry was:\n");
rtl_entry_.print(" ", std::cerr);
std::cerr << " Final entry was:\n";
trace_entry.print(" ", std::cerr);
seen_err_ = true;
trace_entry.take_writes(rtl_entry_, true);
rtl_pending_ = true;
rtl_started_ = false;
rtl_entry_ = trace_entry;
if (!MatchPair()) {
seen_err_ = true;
bool OtbnTraceChecker::OnIssTrace(const std::vector<std::string> &lines) {
assert(!(rtl_pending_ && iss_pending_));
if (seen_err_) {
return false;
OtbnIssTraceEntry trace_entry;
if (!trace_entry.from_iss_trace(lines)) {
// Error parsing ISS trace. This has already printed a message to stderr.
// Just return false to pass the error code along.
return false;
done_ = false;
if (iss_pending_) {
// An instruction finished execution on the ISS and its trace entry is
// stored in iss_entry_. Another one has just started, but we haven't
// seen an RTL trace entry in the intervening time.
<< ("ERROR: Two back-to-back ISS "
"trace entries with no RTL entry.\n"
" First ISS entry was:\n");
iss_entry_.print(" ", std::cerr);
std::cerr << " Second ISS entry was:\n";
trace_entry.print(" ", std::cerr);
seen_err_ = true;
return false;
if (iss_started_) {
// We have some changes associated with a stall. Merge in the changes that
// we've just seen. We do it "backwards" so that if trace_entry is an
// final entry then so is the result.
trace_entry.take_writes(iss_entry_, true);
iss_started_ = true;
iss_entry_ = trace_entry;
// Set the pending flag if we've got the end of an event (either E or V).
if (iss_entry_.is_final()) {
iss_pending_ = true;
return MatchPair();
void OtbnTraceChecker::Flush() {
rtl_pending_ = false;
rtl_started_ = false;
iss_pending_ = false;
iss_started_ = false;
no_sec_wipe_data_chk_ = false;
bool OtbnTraceChecker::Finish() {
assert(!(rtl_pending_ && iss_pending_));
done_ = true;
if (seen_err_) {
return false;
if (iss_pending_) {
<< ("ERROR: Got to end of RTL operation, but there is no RTL "
"trace entry to match the pending ISS one:\n");
iss_entry_.print(" ", std::cerr);
seen_err_ = true;
return false;
if (rtl_pending_) {
<< ("ERROR: Got to end of ISS operation, but there is no ISS "
"trace entry to match the pending RTL one:\n");
rtl_entry_.print(" ", std::cerr);
seen_err_ = true;
return false;
return true;
const OtbnIssTraceEntry::IssData *OtbnTraceChecker::PopIssData() {
if (!last_data_vld_)
return nullptr;
last_data_vld_ = false;
return &last_data_;
void OtbnTraceChecker::set_no_sec_wipe_chk() { no_sec_wipe_data_chk_ = true; }
bool OtbnTraceChecker::MatchPair() {
if (!(rtl_pending_ && iss_pending_)) {
return true;
rtl_pending_ = false;
iss_pending_ = false;
iss_started_ = false;
std::string err_desc;
if (!(rtl_entry_.compare_rtl_iss_entries(iss_entry_, no_sec_wipe_data_chk_,
&err_desc))) {
std::cerr << "ERROR: Mismatch between RTL and ISS trace entries: "
<< err_desc << "\n RTL entry is:\n";
rtl_entry_.print(" ", std::cerr);
std::cerr << " ISS entry is:\n";
iss_entry_.print(" ", std::cerr);
seen_err_ = true;
return false;
if (rtl_entry_.trace_type() == OtbnTraceEntry::WipeComplete) {
no_sec_wipe_data_chk_ = false;
// We've got a matching pair of entries. Move the ISS data out of the (now
// defunct) iss_entry_ and into last_data_.
if (rtl_entry_.trace_type() == OtbnTraceEntry::Exec) {
last_data_ = std::move(iss_entry_.data_);
last_data_vld_ = true;
return true;
// Exposed over DPI as:
// import "DPI-C" function bit
// otbn_trace_checker_pop_iss_insn(output bit [31:0] insn_addr,
// output string mnemonic);
// Any string output argument will stay unchanged until the next call to this
// function.
extern "C" unsigned char otbn_trace_checker_pop_iss_insn(
svBitVecVal *insn_addr, const char **mnemonic) {
static char mnemonic_buf[16];
const OtbnIssTraceEntry::IssData *iss_data =
if (!iss_data)
return 0;
assert(iss_data->mnemonic.size() + 1 <= sizeof mnemonic_buf);
memcpy(mnemonic_buf, iss_data->mnemonic.c_str(),
iss_data->mnemonic.size() + 1);
*mnemonic = mnemonic_buf;
set_sv_u32(insn_addr, iss_data->insn_addr);
return 1;