blob: f031100fffae3a57d8f5514c0ba948d696e5e441 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// Backdoor interface that can be bound into an OTBN register file and exports a function to peek at
// the memory contents.
interface otbn_rf_snooper_if #(
parameter int Width = 39, // Memory width in bits (including integrity bits)
parameter int Depth = 32, // Number of registers
parameter bit IntegrityEnabled = 1 // Does the RF include integrity bits?
) (
input logic [Width-1:0] rf [Depth]
export "DPI-C" function otbn_rf_peek;
// Number of data bits per integrity code
localparam int IntgGranule = IntegrityEnabled ? 32 : Width;
localparam int IntgBitsPerGranule = IntegrityEnabled ? 7 : 0; // Bits per integrity code
// Number of integrity granules to cover all data bits
localparam int IntgGranules = Width / (IntgGranule + IntgBitsPerGranule);
// Width of the data portion of a register (not including integrity bits)
localparam int DataWidth = IntgGranules * IntgGranule;
localparam int IntgWidth = IntgGranule + IntgBitsPerGranule;
function automatic int otbn_rf_peek(input int index, output bit [255:0] val);
// Function only works for register files with 256 data bits or fewer
if (DataWidth > 256) begin
return 0;
if (index > Depth) begin
return 0;
val = '0;
for (int i = 0; i < IntgGranules; ++i) begin
val[i * IntgGranule +: IntgGranule] = rf[index][i * IntgWidth +: IntgGranule];
return 1;
`endif // SYNTHESIS