blob: e1d8bac2bdd0b171bd9250303c4e692fb28bf752 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// This contains SVA assertions for trans clocks.
interface clkmgr_trans_sva_if (
input logic clk,
input logic rst_n,
input logic hint,
input logic idle,
input logic scanmode,
input logic status,
input logic trans_clk
// This fires at negedges: if the trans clock is inactive its value is expected to be low, and
// viceversa. The clock takes some cycles to react to idle and hint.
localparam int MIN_START_CYCLES = 0;
localparam int MAX_START_CYCLES = 3;
localparam int MIN_STOP_CYCLES = 2;
localparam int MAX_STOP_CYCLES = 15;
) ##1 hint [* MIN_START_CYCLES] |=>
##[0:MAX_START_CYCLES-MIN_START_CYCLES] !hint || trans_clk,
!clk, !rst_n)
hint || !idle || scanmode
) ##1 !hint && !scanmode [* MIN_STOP_CYCLES] |=>
##[0:MAX_STOP_CYCLES-MIN_STOP_CYCLES] hint || scanmode || !trans_clk,
!clk, !rst_n)