blob: c926017150b7ecf1aed8b5f715e5fdafe67438ba [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package clkmgr_env_pkg;
// dep packages
import uvm_pkg::*;
import sec_cm_pkg::*;
import top_pkg::*;
import dv_utils_pkg::*;
import dv_lib_pkg::*;
import tl_agent_pkg::*;
import cip_base_pkg::*;
import dv_base_reg_pkg::*;
import csr_utils_pkg::*;
import clkmgr_ral_pkg::*;
import prim_mubi_pkg::mubi4_t;
import prim_mubi_pkg::MuBi4False;
import prim_mubi_pkg::MuBi4True;
import lc_ctrl_pkg::lc_tx_t;
import lc_ctrl_pkg::On;
import lc_ctrl_pkg::Off;
// macro includes
`include "uvm_macros.svh"
`include "dv_macros.svh"
typedef virtual clkmgr_if clkmgr_vif;
typedef virtual clk_rst_if clk_rst_vif;
// parameters
parameter int NUM_PERI = 4;
parameter int NUM_TRANS = 4;
typedef logic [NUM_PERI-1:0] peri_enables_t;
typedef logic [NUM_TRANS-1:0] hintables_t;
typedef mubi4_t [NUM_TRANS-1:0] mubi_hintables_t;
parameter mubi_hintables_t IdleAllBusy = {NUM_TRANS{prim_mubi_pkg::MuBi4False}};
parameter int MainClkHz = 100_000_000;
parameter int IoClkHz = 96_000_000;
parameter int UsbClkHz = 48_000_000;
parameter int AonClkHz = 200_000;
parameter int FakeAonClkHz = 7_000_000;
// alerts
parameter uint NUM_ALERTS = 2;
parameter string LIST_OF_ALERTS[] = {"recov_fault", "fatal_fault"};
// types
// Forward class decl to enable cfg to hold a scoreboard handle.
typedef class clkmgr_scoreboard;
// The enum values for these match the bit order in the CSRs.
typedef enum int {
} peri_e;
typedef struct packed {
logic usb_peri_en;
logic io_peri_en;
logic io_div2_peri_en;
logic io_div4_peri_en;
} clk_enables_t;
typedef enum int {
} trans_e;
typedef struct packed {
logic otbn_main;
logic kmac;
logic hmac;
logic aes;
} clk_hints_t;
typedef struct {
logic valid;
logic slow;
logic fast;
} freq_measurement_t;
// These are ordered per the bits in the recov_err_code register.
typedef enum int {
} clk_mesr_e;
// Mubi test mode
typedef enum int {
ClkmgrMubiNone = 0,
ClkmgrMubiIdle = 1,
ClkmgrMubiLcCtrl = 2,
ClkmgrMubiLcHand = 3,
ClkmgrMubiHand = 4,
ClkmgrMubiDiv = 5
} clkmgr_mubi_e;
// This is to examine separately the measurement and timeout recoverable error bits.
typedef logic [ClkMesrUsb:0] recov_bits_t;
typedef struct packed {
recov_bits_t timeouts;
recov_bits_t measures;
logic shadow_update;
} clkmgr_recov_err_t;
// These must be after the declaration of clk_mesr_e for sizing.
parameter int ClkInHz[ClkMesrUsb+1] = {IoClkHz, IoClkHz / 2, IoClkHz / 4, MainClkHz, UsbClkHz};
parameter int ExpectedCounts[ClkMesrUsb+1] = {
ClkInHz[ClkMesrIo] / AonClkHz - 1,
ClkInHz[ClkMesrIoDiv2] / AonClkHz - 1,
ClkInHz[ClkMesrIoDiv4] / AonClkHz - 1,
ClkInHz[ClkMesrMain] / AonClkHz - 1,
ClkInHz[ClkMesrUsb] / AonClkHz - 1
// functions
function automatic void print_hintable(hintables_t tbl);
foreach (tbl[i]) begin
`uvm_info("HINTBL", $sformatf("entry%0d : %b", i, tbl[i]), UVM_LOW)
endfunction : print_hintable
function automatic void print_mubi_hintable(mubi_hintables_t tbl);
string val = "INVALID";
foreach (tbl[i]) begin
if (tbl[i].name != "") val = tbl[i].name;
`uvm_info("MUBIHINTBL", $sformatf("entry%0d : %s", i, val), UVM_LOW)
endfunction : print_mubi_hintable
// package sources
`include ""
`include ""
`include ""
`include ""
`include ""
`include ""