blob: 1df3e0b530d1a67b0037714e86891a35c7bbb217 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// Register Package auto-generated by `reggen` containing data structure
package i2c_reg_pkg;
// Param list
parameter int FifoDepth = 64;
parameter int NumAlerts = 1;
// Address widths within the block
parameter int BlockAw = 7;
// Typedefs for registers //
typedef struct packed {
struct packed {
logic q;
} fmt_threshold;
struct packed {
logic q;
} rx_threshold;
struct packed {
logic q;
} fmt_overflow;
struct packed {
logic q;
} rx_overflow;
struct packed {
logic q;
} nak;
struct packed {
logic q;
} scl_interference;
struct packed {
logic q;
} sda_interference;
struct packed {
logic q;
} stretch_timeout;
struct packed {
logic q;
} sda_unstable;
struct packed {
logic q;
} cmd_complete;
struct packed {
logic q;
} tx_stretch;
struct packed {
logic q;
} tx_overflow;
struct packed {
logic q;
} acq_full;
struct packed {
logic q;
} unexp_stop;
struct packed {
logic q;
} host_timeout;
} i2c_reg2hw_intr_state_reg_t;
typedef struct packed {
struct packed {
logic q;
} fmt_threshold;
struct packed {
logic q;
} rx_threshold;
struct packed {
logic q;
} fmt_overflow;
struct packed {
logic q;
} rx_overflow;
struct packed {
logic q;
} nak;
struct packed {
logic q;
} scl_interference;
struct packed {
logic q;
} sda_interference;
struct packed {
logic q;
} stretch_timeout;
struct packed {
logic q;
} sda_unstable;
struct packed {
logic q;
} cmd_complete;
struct packed {
logic q;
} tx_stretch;
struct packed {
logic q;
} tx_overflow;
struct packed {
logic q;
} acq_full;
struct packed {
logic q;
} unexp_stop;
struct packed {
logic q;
} host_timeout;
} i2c_reg2hw_intr_enable_reg_t;
typedef struct packed {
struct packed {
logic q;
logic qe;
} fmt_threshold;
struct packed {
logic q;
logic qe;
} rx_threshold;
struct packed {
logic q;
logic qe;
} fmt_overflow;
struct packed {
logic q;
logic qe;
} rx_overflow;
struct packed {
logic q;
logic qe;
} nak;
struct packed {
logic q;
logic qe;
} scl_interference;
struct packed {
logic q;
logic qe;
} sda_interference;
struct packed {
logic q;
logic qe;
} stretch_timeout;
struct packed {
logic q;
logic qe;
} sda_unstable;
struct packed {
logic q;
logic qe;
} cmd_complete;
struct packed {
logic q;
logic qe;
} tx_stretch;
struct packed {
logic q;
logic qe;
} tx_overflow;
struct packed {
logic q;
logic qe;
} acq_full;
struct packed {
logic q;
logic qe;
} unexp_stop;
struct packed {
logic q;
logic qe;
} host_timeout;
} i2c_reg2hw_intr_test_reg_t;
typedef struct packed {
logic q;
logic qe;
} i2c_reg2hw_alert_test_reg_t;
typedef struct packed {
struct packed {
logic q;
} enablehost;
struct packed {
logic q;
} enabletarget;
struct packed {
logic q;
} llpbk;
} i2c_reg2hw_ctrl_reg_t;
typedef struct packed {
logic [7:0] q;
logic re;
} i2c_reg2hw_rdata_reg_t;
typedef struct packed {
struct packed {
logic [7:0] q;
logic qe;
} fbyte;
struct packed {
logic q;
logic qe;
} start;
struct packed {
logic q;
logic qe;
} stop;
struct packed {
logic q;
logic qe;
} read;
struct packed {
logic q;
logic qe;
} rcont;
struct packed {
logic q;
logic qe;
} nakok;
} i2c_reg2hw_fdata_reg_t;
typedef struct packed {
struct packed {
logic q;
logic qe;
} rxrst;
struct packed {
logic q;
logic qe;
} fmtrst;
struct packed {
logic [2:0] q;
logic qe;
} rxilvl;
struct packed {
logic [1:0] q;
logic qe;
} fmtilvl;
struct packed {
logic q;
logic qe;
} acqrst;
struct packed {
logic q;
logic qe;
} txrst;
} i2c_reg2hw_fifo_ctrl_reg_t;
typedef struct packed {
struct packed {
logic q;
} txovrden;
struct packed {
logic q;
} sclval;
struct packed {
logic q;
} sdaval;
} i2c_reg2hw_ovrd_reg_t;
typedef struct packed {
struct packed {
logic [15:0] q;
} thigh;
struct packed {
logic [15:0] q;
} tlow;
} i2c_reg2hw_timing0_reg_t;
typedef struct packed {
struct packed {
logic [15:0] q;
} t_r;
struct packed {
logic [15:0] q;
} t_f;
} i2c_reg2hw_timing1_reg_t;
typedef struct packed {
struct packed {
logic [15:0] q;
} tsu_sta;
struct packed {
logic [15:0] q;
} thd_sta;
} i2c_reg2hw_timing2_reg_t;
typedef struct packed {
struct packed {
logic [15:0] q;
} tsu_dat;
struct packed {
logic [15:0] q;
} thd_dat;
} i2c_reg2hw_timing3_reg_t;
typedef struct packed {
struct packed {
logic [15:0] q;
} tsu_sto;
struct packed {
logic [15:0] q;
} t_buf;
} i2c_reg2hw_timing4_reg_t;
typedef struct packed {
struct packed {
logic [30:0] q;
} val;
struct packed {
logic q;
} en;
} i2c_reg2hw_timeout_ctrl_reg_t;
typedef struct packed {
struct packed {
logic [6:0] q;
} address0;
struct packed {
logic [6:0] q;
} mask0;
struct packed {
logic [6:0] q;
} address1;
struct packed {
logic [6:0] q;
} mask1;
} i2c_reg2hw_target_id_reg_t;
typedef struct packed {
struct packed {
logic [7:0] q;
logic re;
} abyte;
struct packed {
logic [1:0] q;
logic re;
} signal;
} i2c_reg2hw_acqdata_reg_t;
typedef struct packed {
logic [7:0] q;
logic qe;
} i2c_reg2hw_txdata_reg_t;
typedef struct packed {
logic [31:0] q;
} i2c_reg2hw_host_timeout_ctrl_reg_t;
typedef struct packed {
struct packed {
logic d;
logic de;
} fmt_threshold;
struct packed {
logic d;
logic de;
} rx_threshold;
struct packed {
logic d;
logic de;
} fmt_overflow;
struct packed {
logic d;
logic de;
} rx_overflow;
struct packed {
logic d;
logic de;
} nak;
struct packed {
logic d;
logic de;
} scl_interference;
struct packed {
logic d;
logic de;
} sda_interference;
struct packed {
logic d;
logic de;
} stretch_timeout;
struct packed {
logic d;
logic de;
} sda_unstable;
struct packed {
logic d;
logic de;
} cmd_complete;
struct packed {
logic d;
logic de;
} tx_stretch;
struct packed {
logic d;
logic de;
} tx_overflow;
struct packed {
logic d;
logic de;
} acq_full;
struct packed {
logic d;
logic de;
} unexp_stop;
struct packed {
logic d;
logic de;
} host_timeout;
} i2c_hw2reg_intr_state_reg_t;
typedef struct packed {
struct packed {
logic d;
} fmtfull;
struct packed {
logic d;
} rxfull;
struct packed {
logic d;
} fmtempty;
struct packed {
logic d;
} hostidle;
struct packed {
logic d;
} targetidle;
struct packed {
logic d;
} rxempty;
struct packed {
logic d;
} txfull;
struct packed {
logic d;
} acqfull;
struct packed {
logic d;
} txempty;
struct packed {
logic d;
} acqempty;
} i2c_hw2reg_status_reg_t;
typedef struct packed {
logic [7:0] d;
} i2c_hw2reg_rdata_reg_t;
typedef struct packed {
struct packed {
logic [6:0] d;
} fmtlvl;
struct packed {
logic [6:0] d;
} txlvl;
struct packed {
logic [6:0] d;
} rxlvl;
struct packed {
logic [6:0] d;
} acqlvl;
} i2c_hw2reg_fifo_status_reg_t;
typedef struct packed {
struct packed {
logic [15:0] d;
} scl_rx;
struct packed {
logic [15:0] d;
} sda_rx;
} i2c_hw2reg_val_reg_t;
typedef struct packed {
struct packed {
logic [7:0] d;
} abyte;
struct packed {
logic [1:0] d;
} signal;
} i2c_hw2reg_acqdata_reg_t;
// Register -> HW type
typedef struct packed {
i2c_reg2hw_intr_state_reg_t intr_state; // [383:369]
i2c_reg2hw_intr_enable_reg_t intr_enable; // [368:354]
i2c_reg2hw_intr_test_reg_t intr_test; // [353:324]
i2c_reg2hw_alert_test_reg_t alert_test; // [323:322]
i2c_reg2hw_ctrl_reg_t ctrl; // [321:319]
i2c_reg2hw_rdata_reg_t rdata; // [318:310]
i2c_reg2hw_fdata_reg_t fdata; // [309:291]
i2c_reg2hw_fifo_ctrl_reg_t fifo_ctrl; // [290:276]
i2c_reg2hw_ovrd_reg_t ovrd; // [275:273]
i2c_reg2hw_timing0_reg_t timing0; // [272:241]
i2c_reg2hw_timing1_reg_t timing1; // [240:209]
i2c_reg2hw_timing2_reg_t timing2; // [208:177]
i2c_reg2hw_timing3_reg_t timing3; // [176:145]
i2c_reg2hw_timing4_reg_t timing4; // [144:113]
i2c_reg2hw_timeout_ctrl_reg_t timeout_ctrl; // [112:81]
i2c_reg2hw_target_id_reg_t target_id; // [80:53]
i2c_reg2hw_acqdata_reg_t acqdata; // [52:41]
i2c_reg2hw_txdata_reg_t txdata; // [40:32]
i2c_reg2hw_host_timeout_ctrl_reg_t host_timeout_ctrl; // [31:0]
} i2c_reg2hw_t;
// HW -> register type
typedef struct packed {
i2c_hw2reg_intr_state_reg_t intr_state; // [117:88]
i2c_hw2reg_status_reg_t status; // [87:78]
i2c_hw2reg_rdata_reg_t rdata; // [77:70]
i2c_hw2reg_fifo_status_reg_t fifo_status; // [69:42]
i2c_hw2reg_val_reg_t val; // [41:10]
i2c_hw2reg_acqdata_reg_t acqdata; // [9:0]
} i2c_hw2reg_t;
// Register offsets
parameter logic [BlockAw-1:0] I2C_INTR_STATE_OFFSET = 7'h 0;
parameter logic [BlockAw-1:0] I2C_INTR_ENABLE_OFFSET = 7'h 4;
parameter logic [BlockAw-1:0] I2C_INTR_TEST_OFFSET = 7'h 8;
parameter logic [BlockAw-1:0] I2C_ALERT_TEST_OFFSET = 7'h c;
parameter logic [BlockAw-1:0] I2C_CTRL_OFFSET = 7'h 10;
parameter logic [BlockAw-1:0] I2C_STATUS_OFFSET = 7'h 14;
parameter logic [BlockAw-1:0] I2C_RDATA_OFFSET = 7'h 18;
parameter logic [BlockAw-1:0] I2C_FDATA_OFFSET = 7'h 1c;
parameter logic [BlockAw-1:0] I2C_FIFO_CTRL_OFFSET = 7'h 20;
parameter logic [BlockAw-1:0] I2C_FIFO_STATUS_OFFSET = 7'h 24;
parameter logic [BlockAw-1:0] I2C_OVRD_OFFSET = 7'h 28;
parameter logic [BlockAw-1:0] I2C_VAL_OFFSET = 7'h 2c;
parameter logic [BlockAw-1:0] I2C_TIMING0_OFFSET = 7'h 30;
parameter logic [BlockAw-1:0] I2C_TIMING1_OFFSET = 7'h 34;
parameter logic [BlockAw-1:0] I2C_TIMING2_OFFSET = 7'h 38;
parameter logic [BlockAw-1:0] I2C_TIMING3_OFFSET = 7'h 3c;
parameter logic [BlockAw-1:0] I2C_TIMING4_OFFSET = 7'h 40;
parameter logic [BlockAw-1:0] I2C_TIMEOUT_CTRL_OFFSET = 7'h 44;
parameter logic [BlockAw-1:0] I2C_TARGET_ID_OFFSET = 7'h 48;
parameter logic [BlockAw-1:0] I2C_ACQDATA_OFFSET = 7'h 4c;
parameter logic [BlockAw-1:0] I2C_TXDATA_OFFSET = 7'h 50;
parameter logic [BlockAw-1:0] I2C_HOST_TIMEOUT_CTRL_OFFSET = 7'h 54;
// Reset values for hwext registers and their fields
parameter logic [14:0] I2C_INTR_TEST_RESVAL = 15'h 0;
parameter logic [0:0] I2C_INTR_TEST_FMT_THRESHOLD_RESVAL = 1'h 0;
parameter logic [0:0] I2C_INTR_TEST_RX_THRESHOLD_RESVAL = 1'h 0;
parameter logic [0:0] I2C_INTR_TEST_FMT_OVERFLOW_RESVAL = 1'h 0;
parameter logic [0:0] I2C_INTR_TEST_RX_OVERFLOW_RESVAL = 1'h 0;
parameter logic [0:0] I2C_INTR_TEST_NAK_RESVAL = 1'h 0;
parameter logic [0:0] I2C_INTR_TEST_SCL_INTERFERENCE_RESVAL = 1'h 0;
parameter logic [0:0] I2C_INTR_TEST_SDA_INTERFERENCE_RESVAL = 1'h 0;
parameter logic [0:0] I2C_INTR_TEST_STRETCH_TIMEOUT_RESVAL = 1'h 0;
parameter logic [0:0] I2C_INTR_TEST_SDA_UNSTABLE_RESVAL = 1'h 0;
parameter logic [0:0] I2C_INTR_TEST_CMD_COMPLETE_RESVAL = 1'h 0;
parameter logic [0:0] I2C_INTR_TEST_TX_STRETCH_RESVAL = 1'h 0;
parameter logic [0:0] I2C_INTR_TEST_TX_OVERFLOW_RESVAL = 1'h 0;
parameter logic [0:0] I2C_INTR_TEST_ACQ_FULL_RESVAL = 1'h 0;
parameter logic [0:0] I2C_INTR_TEST_UNEXP_STOP_RESVAL = 1'h 0;
parameter logic [0:0] I2C_INTR_TEST_HOST_TIMEOUT_RESVAL = 1'h 0;
parameter logic [0:0] I2C_ALERT_TEST_RESVAL = 1'h 0;
parameter logic [0:0] I2C_ALERT_TEST_FATAL_FAULT_RESVAL = 1'h 0;
parameter logic [9:0] I2C_STATUS_RESVAL = 10'h 33c;
parameter logic [0:0] I2C_STATUS_FMTEMPTY_RESVAL = 1'h 1;
parameter logic [0:0] I2C_STATUS_HOSTIDLE_RESVAL = 1'h 1;
parameter logic [0:0] I2C_STATUS_TARGETIDLE_RESVAL = 1'h 1;
parameter logic [0:0] I2C_STATUS_RXEMPTY_RESVAL = 1'h 1;
parameter logic [0:0] I2C_STATUS_TXEMPTY_RESVAL = 1'h 1;
parameter logic [0:0] I2C_STATUS_ACQEMPTY_RESVAL = 1'h 1;
parameter logic [7:0] I2C_RDATA_RESVAL = 8'h 0;
parameter logic [30:0] I2C_FIFO_STATUS_RESVAL = 31'h 0;
parameter logic [31:0] I2C_VAL_RESVAL = 32'h 0;
parameter logic [9:0] I2C_ACQDATA_RESVAL = 10'h 0;
// Register index
typedef enum int {
} i2c_id_e;
// Register width information to check illegal writes
parameter logic [3:0] I2C_PERMIT [22] = '{
4'b 0011, // index[ 0] I2C_INTR_STATE
4'b 0011, // index[ 1] I2C_INTR_ENABLE
4'b 0011, // index[ 2] I2C_INTR_TEST
4'b 0001, // index[ 3] I2C_ALERT_TEST
4'b 0001, // index[ 4] I2C_CTRL
4'b 0011, // index[ 5] I2C_STATUS
4'b 0001, // index[ 6] I2C_RDATA
4'b 0011, // index[ 7] I2C_FDATA
4'b 0011, // index[ 8] I2C_FIFO_CTRL
4'b 1111, // index[ 9] I2C_FIFO_STATUS
4'b 0001, // index[10] I2C_OVRD
4'b 1111, // index[11] I2C_VAL
4'b 1111, // index[12] I2C_TIMING0
4'b 1111, // index[13] I2C_TIMING1
4'b 1111, // index[14] I2C_TIMING2
4'b 1111, // index[15] I2C_TIMING3
4'b 1111, // index[16] I2C_TIMING4
4'b 1111, // index[17] I2C_TIMEOUT_CTRL
4'b 1111, // index[18] I2C_TARGET_ID
4'b 0011, // index[19] I2C_ACQDATA
4'b 0001, // index[20] I2C_TXDATA
4'b 1111 // index[21] I2C_HOST_TIMEOUT_CTRL