blob: fc581d8e02880308b4733057efe7c137e4059b7f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// This module accumulates incoming alert triggers. Once the current accumulator
// value is greater or equal the accumulator threshold, the next occurence of
// class_trig_i will trigger escalation.
// Note that the accumulator is implemented using a saturation counter which
// does not wrap around.
`include ""
module alert_handler_accu import alert_pkg::*; (
input clk_i,
input rst_ni,
input class_en_i, // class enable
input clr_i, // clear the accumulator
input class_trig_i, // increments the accu
input [AccuCntDw-1:0] thresh_i, // escalation trigger threshold
output logic [AccuCntDw-1:0] accu_cnt_o, // output of current accu value
output logic accu_trig_o, // escalation trigger output
output logic accu_fail_o // asserted if the tandem accu counters are not equal
logic trig_gated, accu_en;
assign trig_gated = class_trig_i & class_en_i;
assign accu_en = trig_gated && !(&accu_cnt_o);
// We employ two redundant counters to guard against FI attacks.
// If any of the two is glitched and the two counter states do not agree,
// the check_fail_o signal is asserted which will move the corresponding escalation
// FSM into a terminal error state where all escalation actions will be permanently asserted.
prim_count #(
// The alert handler behaves differently than other comportable IP. I.e., instead of sending out
// an alert signal, this condition is handled internally in the alert handler.
) u_prim_count (
assign accu_trig_o = (accu_cnt_o >= thresh_i) & trig_gated;
// Assertions //
`ASSERT(DisabledNoTrigFwd_A, !class_en_i |-> !accu_trig_o)
`ASSERT(DisabledNoTrigBkwd_A, accu_trig_o |-> class_en_i)
`ASSERT(CountSaturateStable_A, accu_cnt_o == {AccuCntDw{1'b1}} |=> $stable(accu_cnt_o))
endmodule : alert_handler_accu