blob: 5353df96675043b08b4ca5aef7aab053615634ec [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#include "sw/device/silicon_creator/lib/sigverify/mod_exp_ibex.h"
#include <stddef.h>
#include "sw/device/lib/base/macros.h"
#include "sw/device/lib/base/memory.h"
* Subtracts the modulus of `key` from `a` in-place, i.e. `a -= n`.
* Since `a` can be smaller than the modulus, this function also returns the
* borrow.
* @param key An RSA public key.
* @param[in,out] a Buffer that holds `a`, little-endian.
* @return Borrow.
static uint32_t subtract_modulus(const sigverify_rsa_key_t *key,
sigverify_rsa_buffer_t *a) {
uint32_t borrow = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(a->data); ++i) {
uint32_t temp = a->data[i] - borrow;
// We borrow if either the above or the below subtraction wraps around.
// Note: borrow can only be 0 or 1.
borrow = (a->data[i] < borrow) + (temp < key->[i]);
a->data[i] = temp - key->[i];
return borrow;
* Checks if `a` is greater than or equal to the modulus of `key`.
* @param key An RSA public key.
* @param a Buffer that holds `a`, little-endian.
* @return Comparison result.
static bool greater_equal_modulus(const sigverify_rsa_key_t *key,
const sigverify_rsa_buffer_t *a) {
// Note: Loop terminates when `i` wraps around.
for (size_t i = ARRAYSIZE(a->data) - 1; i < ARRAYSIZE(a->data); --i) {
if (a->data[i] != key->[i]) {
return a->data[i] > key->[i];
return true;
* Shifts `a` left one bit in-place, i.e. `a <<= 1`.
* Since the result may not fit in `a`, this function also returns the most
* significant bit of the result.
* @param[in,out] a Buffer that holds `a`, little-endian.
* @return Most significant bit of the result.
static uint32_t shift_left(sigverify_rsa_buffer_t *a) {
const uint32_t msb = a->data[ARRAYSIZE(a->data) - 1] >> 31;
for (size_t i = ARRAYSIZE(a->data) - 1; i > 0; --i) {
a->data[i] = (a->data[i] << 1) | (a->data[i - 1] >> 31);
a->data[0] <<= 1;
return msb;
* Computes the Montgomery reduction of the product of two integers.
* Given an RSA public key, x, and y this function computes x*y*R^-1 mod n,
* where
* - x and y are integers with `kSigVerifyRsaNumWords` base 2^32 digits,
* - n is the modulus of the key, and
* - R is 2^`kSigVerifyRsaNumBits`, e.g. 2^3072 for RSA-3072.
* See Handbook of Applied Cryptography, Ch. 14, Alg. 14.36.
* @param key An RSA public key.
* @param x Buffer that holds `x`, little-endian.
* @param y Buffer that holds `y`, little-endian.
* @param[out] result Buffer to write the result to, little-endian.
static void mont_mul(const sigverify_rsa_key_t *key,
const sigverify_rsa_buffer_t *x,
const sigverify_rsa_buffer_t *y,
sigverify_rsa_buffer_t *result) {
memset(result->data, 0, sizeof(result->data));
for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(x->data); ++i) {
// The loop below reads one word ahead of writes to avoid a separate loop
// for the division by `b` in step 2.2 of the algorithm. Thus, `acc0` and
// `acc1` are initialized here before the loop. `acc0` holds the sum of
// first two addends in step 2.2 while `acc1` holds the entire sum. Carries
// of these operations are stored separately in the upper words of `acc0`
// and `acc1`. `acc0` and `acc1` can safely store these intermediate values,
// i.e. without wrapping, because UINT32_MAX^2 + 2*UINT32_MAX is
// 0xffff_ffff_ffff_ffff.
// Holds the sum of the first two addends in step 2.2.
uint64_t acc0 = (uint64_t)x->data[i] * y->data[0] + result->data[0];
const uint32_t u_i = (uint32_t)acc0 * key->n0_inv[0];
// Holds the sum of the all three addends in step 2.2.
uint64_t acc1 = (uint64_t)u_i * key->[0] + (uint32_t)acc0;
// Process the i^th digit of `x`, i.e. `x[i]`.
for (size_t j = 1; j < ARRAYSIZE(result->data); ++j) {
acc0 = (uint64_t)x->data[i] * y->data[j] + result->data[j] + (acc0 >> 32);
acc1 = (uint64_t)u_i * key->[j] + (uint32_t)acc0 + (acc1 >> 32);
result->data[j - 1] = (uint32_t)acc1;
acc0 = (acc0 >> 32) + (acc1 >> 32);
result->data[ARRAYSIZE(result->data) - 1] = (uint32_t)acc0;
// The intermediate result of this algorithm before the check below is
// bounded by R + n (Eq. (4) in Montgomery Arithmetic from a Software
// Perspective, Bos. J. W, Montgomery, P. L.) where n is the modulus of
// `key` and n < R. Therefore, if there is a carry, then `result` is not the
// least non-negative residue of x*y*R^-1 mod n. Since `acc0 >> 32` here is
// at most 1, we can subtract the modulus from `result` without taking it
// into account and fit `result` into `kSigVerifyRsaNumWords`. Since this is
// not a direct comparison with the modulus, the final result is not
// guaranteed to be the the least non-negative residue of x*y*R^-1 mod n.
if (acc0 >> 32) {
subtract_modulus(key, result);
* Calculates R^2 mod n, where R = 2^kSigVerifyRsaNumBits.
* @param key An RSA public key.
* @param[out] result Buffer to write the result to, little-endian.
static void calc_r_square(const sigverify_rsa_key_t *key,
sigverify_rsa_buffer_t *result) {
sigverify_rsa_buffer_t buf;
memset(, 0, sizeof(result->data));
// This subtraction sets buf = -n mod R = R - n, which is equivalent to R
// modulo n and ensures that `buf` fits in `kSigVerifyRsaNumWords` going
// into the loop.
subtract_modulus(key, &buf);
// Compute (2^96 * R) mod n.
// Each run of the loop doubles buf and reduces modulo n.
for (size_t i = 0; i < 96; ++i) {
uint32_t msb = shift_left(&buf);
// Reduce until buf < n. Doing this at every iteration minimizes the
// total number of subtractions that we need to perform.
while (msb > 0 || greater_equal_modulus(key, &buf)) {
msb -= subtract_modulus(key, &buf);
// Perform 5 montgomery squares to get RR = ((2^96)^32 * R) mod n
mont_mul(key, &buf, &buf, result);
for (size_t i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
mont_mul(key, result, result, &buf);
mont_mul(key, &buf, &buf, result);
rom_error_t sigverify_mod_exp_ibex(const sigverify_rsa_key_t *key,
const sigverify_rsa_buffer_t *sig,
sigverify_rsa_buffer_t *result) {
// Reject the signature if it is too large (n <= sig): RFC 8017, section
// 5.2.2, step 1.
if (greater_equal_modulus(key, sig)) {
return kErrorSigverifyBadSignature;
sigverify_rsa_buffer_t buf;
// result = R^2 mod n
calc_r_square(key, result);
// buf = sig * R mod n
mont_mul(key, sig, result, &buf);
for (size_t i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
// result = sig^{2*4^i} * R mod n (sig's exponent: 2, 8, 32, ..., 32768)
mont_mul(key, &buf, &buf, result);
// buf = sig^{4^{i+1}} * R mod n (sig's exponent: 4, 16, 64, ..., 65536)
mont_mul(key, result, result, &buf);
// result = sig^65537 mod n
mont_mul(key, &buf, sig, result);
// We need this check because the result of `mont_mul` is not guaranteed to be
// the least non-negative residue. We need to subtract the modulus n from
// `result` at most once because R/2 < n < R.
if (greater_equal_modulus(key, result)) {
subtract_modulus(key, result);
return kErrorOk;