blob: 50de37ff7d3c36059346042c4a7369df101e89d8 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright lowRISC Contributors.
* Copyright 2016 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE.dcrypto file.
* Derived from code in
.globl modexp_var
* Precomputation of a constant m0' for Montgomery modular arithmetic
* Word-wise Montgomery modular arithmetic requires a quantity m0' to be
* precomputed once per modulus M. m0' is the negative of the
* modular multiplicative inverse of the lowest limb m0 of the modulus M, in
* the field GF(2^w), where w is the number of bits per limb. w is set to 256
* in this subroutine.
* Returns: m0' = -m0^(-1) mod 2^256
* with m0 being the lowest limb of the modulus M
* This subroutine implements the Dusse-Kaliski method for computing the
* multiplicative modular inverse when the modulus is of the form 2^k.
* [Dus] DOI section 3.2
* (Algorithm "Modular Inverse" on p. 235)
* Flags: When leaving this subroutine, flags of FG0 depend on a
* the final subtraction and can be used if needed.
* FG0.M, FG0.L, FG0.Z depend directly on the value of the result m0'.
* FG0.C is always set.
* FG1 is not modified in this subroutine.
* @param[in] x16: dptr_m, pointer to modulus M in dmem
* @param[in] x17: dptr_m0inv, pointer to dmem location to store m0inv
* @param[in] w31: all-zero.
* clobbered registers: x8, w0, w1, w28, w29
* clobbered flag groups: FG0
/* load lowest limb of modulus to w28 */
li x8, 28
bn.lid x8, 0(x16)
/* w0 keeps track of loop iterations in one-hot encoding, i.e.
w0 = 2^i in the loop body below and initialized here with w0 = 1
It is used for both the comparison in step 4 of [Dus] and the
addition in step 6 of [Dus] */
bn.xor w0, w0, w0
bn.addi w0, w0, 1
/* according to [Dus] the result variable y is initialized with 1 */
/* w29 = y_0 = 1 */ w29, w0
/* iterate over all 256 bits of m0.
i refers to the loop cycle 0..255 in the loop body below. */
loopi 256, 13
/* y_i <= m*y_{i-1] */
bn.mulqacc.z w28.0, w29.0, 0
bn.mulqacc w28.1, w29.0, 64 w1.L, w28.0, w29.1, 64
bn.mulqacc w28.2, w29.0, 0
bn.mulqacc w28.1, w29.1, 0
bn.mulqacc w28.0, w29.2, 0
bn.mulqacc w28.3, w29.0, 64
bn.mulqacc w28.2, w29.1, 64
bn.mulqacc w28.1, w29.2, 64 w1.U, w28.0, w29.3, 64
/* This checks if w1 = y_i = m0*y_(i-1) < 2^(i-1) mod 2^i
Due to the mathematical properties it can be shown that y_i at this point,
is either 1 or (10..0..01)_(i). Therefore, just probing the i_th bit is
the same as the full compare. */
bn.and w1, w1, w0
/* Compute
y_i=w29 <= w1=m0*y_(i-1) < 2^(i-1) mod 2^i y_i ? : y_{i-1}+2^i : y_{i-1}
there cannot be overlaps => or'ing is as good as adding */
bn.or w29, w29, w1
/* double w0 (w0 <= w0 << 1) i.e. w0=2^i */
bn.add w0, w0, w0
/* finally, compute m0' (negative of inverse)
w29 = m0' = -(m0^-1) mod 2^256 = -y_255 = 0 - y_255 = w31 - w29 */
bn.sub w29, w31, w29
/* Store Montgomery constant in dmem */
li x8, 29
bn.sid x8, 0(x17)
* Variable time multi-limb bigint compare
* Compares two bigints (a, b) located in regfile (a) and dmem (b).
* Flags: When leaving this subroutine, flags of FG1 depend on the comparison
* result of the highest unequal limba, or, if all limbs are equal on
* those of the lowest limbs.
* @param[in] x10: constant 3, used as pointer to w3
* @param[in] x11: constant 2, used as pointer to w2
* @param[in] x8: rptr_a, pointer to lowest limb of a in regfile
* @param[in] x9: rptr_a_h, pointer to highest limb of a in regfile
* @param[in] x17: dptr_b_h, pointer to highest limb of b in dmem
* @param[out] x3, bit 0: (b > a), equals FG1.C
* @param[out] x3, bit 3: (a == b), equals FG1.Z
* clobbered registers: x3, x5, x7, x9, x17, x19, w2, w3
* clobbered flag groups: FG1
addi x19, x17, 0
addi x7, x9, 0
/* load limbs from dmem and regfile: w2 <= a[i]; w3 <= b[i] */
bn.lid x10, 0(x19)
bn.movr x11, x7
/* compare limbs and store comparison result in x3 */
bn.cmp w2, w3, FG1
csrrs x3, 0x7c1, x0
/* leave loop if lowest limb was reached */
beq x8, x7, cmp_end
/* reduce limb pointers */
addi x19, x19, -32
addi x7, x7, -1
/* if limbs were equal (FG1.Z == 1), compare next lower limb */
andi x5, x3, 8
bne x5, x0, cmp_loop
* Compute square of Montgomery modulus
* Returns RR = R^2 mod M
* with M being the Modulus of length 256..4096 bit
* R = 2^(256*N), N is the number of limbs per bigint
* The squared Montgomery modulus (RR) is needed to transform bigints to and
* from the Montgomery domain.
* RR is computed in this subroutine by iteratively doubling and reduction.
* Flags: The states of both FG0 and FG1 depend on intermediate values and are
* not usable after return.
* @param[in] x16: dptr_n, pointer to first limb of modulus in dmem
* @param[in] x18: dptr_rr: dmem pointer to first limb of output buffer for RR
* @param[in] x30: N, number of limbs
* @param[in] x31: N-1, number of limbs minus 1
* @param[in] w31: all-zero
* @param[out] dmem[x18+N*32:x18]: computed RR
* clobbered registers: x3, x4, x5, x8, x9, x10, x11, x16, x18, x22, x24
* w0, w2, w3, w4, w5 to w20 depending on N
* clobbered flag groups: FG0, FG1
/* save pointer to modulus x22 <= dptr_m = x16 */
addi x22, x16, 0
/* x17 = dptr_m + (N-1)*32 points to highest limb of modulus in dmem */
slli x17, x31, 5
add x17, x22, x17
li x8, 5
/* x9 = rptr_buf_h <= rptr_buf + N-1 */
add x9, x31, x8
/* compute full length of current bigint size in bits
N*w = x24 <= N*256 = N*2^8 = x30 << 8 */
slli x24, x30, 8
/* reg pointers to current limb of buffer and modulus
/* x10 = rptr_limb_mod = &w3 */
li x10, 3
/* x11 = rptr_limb_buf = &w2 */
li x11, 2
/* clear flags */
bn.add w31, w31, w31
/* init buffer with R - m
buf = w[5+N-1:5] <= R - m = unsigned(0 - m) */
loop x30, 3
bn.lid x10, 0(x16++)
bn.subb w3, w31, w3
bn.movr x8++, x10
/* Compute R^2 mod M = R*2^(N*w) mod M.
R^2 mod M can be computed by performing N*w duplications of R,
interleaved with conditional subtractions of modulus. Modulus is
subtracted if dobiling result is greater than modulus, i.e. either
there was a final carry at the end of the doubling procedure or the lower
N*w bits of the result are greater than the modulus. */
loop x24, 27
/* Duplicate the intermediate bigint result. This can overflow such that
bit 2^(N*w) (represented by the carry flag after final loop cycle)
is set. */
li x8, 5
bn.add w31, w31, w31, FG1
loop x30, 3
bn.movr x11, x8
bn.addc w2, w2, w2, FG1
bn.movr x8++, x11
/* In case of final carry in doubling procedure substract modulus */
/* Jump to 'rr_sub' if FG1.C == 1 */
csrrs x3, 0x7c1, x0
andi x3, x3, 1
bne x3, x0, rr_sub
/* In case there was no final carry in the addition, we have to check
wether the N*w sized bigint w/o carry is greater than the modulus. */
bn.lid x10, 0(x17)
bn.movr x11, x9
bn.cmp w2, w3, FG1
csrrs x3, 0x7c1, x0
/* If the highest limbs of buf and mod are equal we have to run a
multi-limb comparison. This is very unlikely to happen. If this
verification is not used with keys where this situation occurs, the
following 3 lines and (if not needed elsewhere) the compare routine
can be removed. */
andi x5, x3, 8
beq x5, x0, rr_cmp
jal x1, cmp_dmem_reg_buf
/* if m > r: jump to end_loop (without subtraction) */
andi x5, x3, 1
bne x5, x0, rr_end_loop
/* subtract modulus from current buffer
buf = w[5+N-1:5] <= buf - m */
li x8, 5
addi x16, x22, 0
bn.add w31, w31, w31, FG1
loop x30, 4
bn.lid x10, 0(x16++)
bn.movr x11, x8
bn.subb w3, w2, w3, FG1
bn.movr x8++, x10
/* store computed RR in dmem
[dmem[dptr_RR+N*32-1]:dmem[dptr_RR]] <= buf = w[5+N-1:5] */
li x8, 5
loop x30, 2
bn.sid x8, 0(x18++)
addi x8, x8, 1
* Unrolled 512=256x256 bit multiplication.
* Returns c = a x b.
* Flags: No flags are set in this subroutine
* @param[in] w30: a, first operand
* @param[in] w25: b, second operand
* @param[out] [w26, w27]: c, result
* clobbered registers: w26, w27
* clobbered flag groups: none
bn.mulqacc.z w30.0, w25.0, 0
bn.mulqacc w30.1, w25.0, 64 w27.L, w30.0, w25.1, 64
bn.mulqacc w30.2, w25.0, 0
bn.mulqacc w30.1, w25.1, 0
bn.mulqacc w30.0, w25.2, 0
bn.mulqacc w30.3, w25.0, 64
bn.mulqacc w30.2, w25.1, 64
bn.mulqacc w30.1, w25.2, 64 w27.U, w30.0, w25.3, 64
bn.mulqacc w30.3, w25.1, 0
bn.mulqacc w30.2, w25.2, 0
bn.mulqacc w30.1, w25.3, 0
bn.mulqacc w30.3, w25.2, 64 w26.L, w30.2, w25.3, 64 w26.U, w30.3, w25.3, 0
* Unrolled 512=256x256 bit multiplication.
* Returns c = a x b.
* Flags: No flags are set in this subroutine
* @param[in] w30: a, first operand
* @param[in] w2: b, second operand
* @param[out] [w26, w27]: c, result
* clobbered registers: w26, w27
* clobbered flag groups: none
bn.mulqacc.z w30.0, w2.0, 0
bn.mulqacc w30.1, w2.0, 64 w27.L, w30.0, w2.1, 64
bn.mulqacc w30.2, w2.0, 0
bn.mulqacc w30.1, w2.1, 0
bn.mulqacc w30.0, w2.2, 0
bn.mulqacc w30.3, w2.0, 64
bn.mulqacc w30.2, w2.1, 64
bn.mulqacc w30.1, w2.2, 64 w27.U, w30.0, w2.3, 64
bn.mulqacc w30.3, w2.1, 0
bn.mulqacc w30.2, w2.2, 0
bn.mulqacc w30.1, w2.3, 0
bn.mulqacc w30.3, w2.2, 64 w26.L, w30.2, w2.3, 64 w26.U, w30.3, w2.3, 0
* Main loop body for variable-time Montgomery Modular Multiplication
* Returns: C <= (C + A*b_i + M*m0'*(C[0] + A[0]*b_i))/(2^WLEN) mod R
* This implements the main loop body for the Montgomery Modular Multiplication
* as well as the conditional subtraction. See e.g. Handbook of Applied
* Cryptography (HAC) 14.36 (steps 2.1 and 2.2) and step 3.
* This subroutine has to be called for every iteration of the loop in step 2
* of HAC 14.36, i.e. once per limb of operand B (x in HAC notation). The limb
* is supplied via w2. In the comments below, the index i refers to the
* i_th call to this subroutine within one full Montgomery Multiplication run.
* Step 3 of HAC 14.36 is replaced by the approach to perform the conditional
* subtraction when the intermediate result is larger than R instead of m. See
* e.g. section 2.4.2 for a justification.
* This does not omit the conditional subtraction.
* Variable names of HAC are mapped as follows to the ones used in the
* this library: x=B, y=A, A=C, b=2^WLEN, m=M, R=R, m' = m0', n=N.
* Flags: The states of both FG0 and FG1 depend on intermediate values and are
* not usable after return.
* @param[in] x16: dmem pointer to first limb of modulus M
* @param[in] x19: dmem pointer to first limb operand A
* @param[in] x31: N-1, number of limbs minus one
* @param[in] w2: current limb of operand B, b_i
* @param[in] w3: Montgomery constant m0'
* @param[in] w31: all-zero
* @param[in] [w[4+N-1]:w4] intermediate result A
* @param[out] [w[4+N-1]:w4] intermediate result A
* clobbered registers: x8, x10, x12, x13, x16, x19
* w24, w25, w26, w27, w28, w29, w30, w4 to w[4+N-1]
* clobbered Flag Groups: FG0, FG1
/* save pointer to modulus */
addi x22, x16, 0
/* pointers to temp. wregs */
li x12, 30
li x13, 24
/* buffer read pointer */
li x8, 4
/* buffer write pointer */
li x10, 4
/* load 1st limb of input y (operand a): w30 = y[0] */
bn.lid x12, 0(x19++)
/* This is x_i*y_0 in step 2.1 of HAC 14.36 */
/* [w26, w27] = w30*w2 = y[0]*x_i */
jal x1, mul256_w30xw2
/* w24 = w4 = A[0] */
bn.movr x13, x8++
/* add A[0]: [w29, w30] = [w26, w27] + w24 = y[0]*x_i + A[0] */
bn.add w30, w27, w24
/* this serves as c_xy in the first cycle of the loop below */
bn.addc w29, w26, w31
/* w25 = w3 = m0' */ w25, w3
/* multiply by m0', this concludes Step 2.1 of HAC 14.36 */
/* [_, u_i] = [w26, w27] = w30*w25 = (y[0]*x_i + A[0])*m0'*/
jal x1, mul256_w30xw25
/* With the computation of u_i, the compuations for a cycle 0 for the loop
below are already partly done. The following instructions (until the
start of the loop) implement the remaining steps, such that cylce 0 can be
omitted in the loop */
/* [_, u_i] = [w28, w25] = [w26, w27] */ w25, w27 w28, w26
/* w24 = w30 = y[0]*x_i + A[0] mod b */ w24, w30
/* load first limb of modulus: w30 = m[0] */
bn.lid x12, 0(x16++)
/* [w26, w27] = w30*w25 = m[0]*u_i*/
jal x1, mul256_w30xw25
/* [w28, w27] = [w26, w27] + w24 = m[0]*u_i + (y[0]*x_i + A[0] mod b) */
bn.add w27, w27, w24
/* this serves as c_m in the first cycle of the loop below */
bn.addc w28, w26, w31
/* This loop implements step 2.2 of HAC 14.36 with a word-by-word approach.
The loop body is subdivided into two steps. Each step performs one
multiplication and subsequently adds two WLEN sized words to the
2WLEN-sized result, such that there are no overflows at the end of each
Two carry words are required between the cycles. Those are c_xy and c_m.
Assume that the variable j runs from 1 to N-1 in the explanations below.
A cycle 0 is omitted, since the results from the computations above are
re-used */
loop x31, 14
/* Step 1: First multiplication takes a limb of each of the operands and
computes the product. The carry word from the previous cycle c_xy and
the j_th limb of the buffer A, A[j] arre added to the multiplication
/* load limb of y (operand a) and mult. with x_i: [w26, w27] <= y[j]*x_i */
bn.lid x12, 0(x19++)
jal x1, mul256_w30xw2
/* add limb of buffer: [w26, w27] <= [w26,w27] + w24 = y[j]*x_i + A[j] */
bn.movr x13, x8++
bn.add w27, w27, w24
bn.addc w26, w26, w31
/* add carry word from previous cycle:
[c_xy, a_tmp] = [w29, w24] <= [w26,w27] + w29 = y[j]*x_i + A[j] + c_xy*/
bn.add w24, w27, w29
bn.addc w29, w26, w31
/* Step 2: Second multiplication computes the product of a limb m[j] of
the modulus with u_i. The 2nd carry word from the previous loop cycle
c_m and the lower word a_tmp of the result of Step 1 are added. */
/* load limb m[j] of modulus and multiply with u_i:
[w26, w27] = w30*w25 = m[j+1]*u_i */
bn.lid x12, 0(x16++)
jal x1, mul256_w30xw25
/* add result from first step
[w26, w27] <= [w26,w27] + w24 = m[j+1]*u_i + a_tmp */
bn.add w27, w27, w24
bn.addc w26, w26, w31
/* [c_m, A[j]] = [w28, w24] = m[j+1]*u_i + a_tmp + c_m */
bn.add w24, w27, w28, FG1
/* store at w[4+j] = A[j-1]
This includes the reduction by 2^WLEN = 2^b in step 2.2 of HAC 14.36 */
bn.movr x10++, x13
bn.addc w28, w26, w31, FG1
/* Most significant limb of A is sum of the carry words of last loop cycle
A[N-1] = w24 <= w29 + w28 = c_xy + c_m */
bn.addc w24, w29, w28, FG1
bn.movr x10++, x13
/* No subtracion if carry bit of addition of carry words not set. */
csrrs x2, 0x7c1, x0
andi x2, x2, 1
beq x2, x0, mont_loop_no_sub
/* limb-wise subtraction */
li x12, 30
li x13, 24
addi x16, x22, 0
li x8, 4
loop x30, 4
bn.lid x13, 0(x16++)
bn.movr x12, x8
bn.subb w24, w30, w24
bn.movr x8++, x13
/* restore pointers */
li x8, 4
li x10, 4
* Variable-time Montgomery Modular Multiplication
* Returns: C = montmul(A,B) = A*B*R^(-1) mod M
* This implements the limb-by-limb interleadved Montgomory Modular
* Multiplication Algorithm. This is only a wrapper around the main loop body.
* For algorithmic implementation details see the mont_loop subroutine.
* Flags: The states of both FG0 and FG1 depend on intermediate values and are
* not usable after return.
* @param[in] x16: dptr_M, dmem pointer to first limb of modulus M
* @param[in] x17: dptr_m0d, dmem pointer to Montgomery Constant m0'
* @param[in] x19: dptr_a, dmem pointer to first limb of operand A
* @param[in] x20: dptr_b, dmem pointer to first limb of operand B
* @param[in] w31: all-zero
* @param[in] x30: N, number of limbs
* @param[in] x31: N-1, number of limbs minus one
* @param[in] x9: pointer to temp reg, must be set to 3
* @param[in] x10: pointer to temp reg, must be set to 4
* @param[in] x11: pointer to temp reg, must be set to 2
* @param[out] [w[4+N-1]:w4]: result C
* clobbered registers: x5, x6, x7, x8, x10, x12, x13, x17, x19, x20, x21
* w2, w3, w24 to w30, w4 to w[4+N-1]
* clobbered Flag Groups: FG0, FG1
/* load Montgomery constant: w3 = dmem[x17] = dmem[dptr_m0d] = m0' */
bn.lid x9, 0(x17)
/* init regfile bigint buffer with zeros */ w2, w31
loop x30, 1
bn.movr x10++, x11
/* iterate over limbs of operand B */
loop x30, 8
/* load limb of operand b */
bn.lid x11, 0(x20++)
/* save some regs */
addi x6, x16, 0
addi x7, x19, 0
/* Main loop body of Montgomory Multiplication algorithm */
jal x1, mont_loop
/* restore regs */
addi x16, x6, 0
addi x19, x7, 0
/* restore pointers */
li x8, 4
li x10, 4
* Variable time modular exponentiation with exponent of the form e=2^e'+1
* Returns: C = modexp(A,2^e'+1) = A^(2^e'+1) mod M
* This implements the square and multiply algorithm for exponents of the
* form e=2^e'+1. Thus, the routine can be used for exponentiation with Fermat
* primes (by setting e'=16 for e=F4=65537 and e'=1 for e=F0=3).
* The squared Montgomery modulus RR and the Montgomery constant m0' have to
* be precomputed and provided at the appropriate locations in dmem.
* Flags: The states of both FG0 and FG1 depend on intermediate values and are
* not usable after return.
* The base bignum A is expected in the input buffer, the result C is written
* to the output buffer. Note, that the content of the input buffer is
* modified during execution.
* @param[in] dmem[0] e': number for exponent derivation (e = 2^e+1)
* @param[in] dmem[4] N: Number of limbs per bignum
* @param[in] dmem[8] dptr_m0inv: pointer to m0' in dmem
* @param[in] dmem[12] dptr_rr: pointer to RR in dmem
* @param[in] dmem[16] dptr_m: pointer to first limb of modulus M in dmem
* @param[in] dmem[20] dptr_sig: pointer to signature in dmem
* @param[in] dmem[28] dptr_out: pointer to recovered message
* clobbered registers: x2, x5 to x13, x16 to x21, x29, x30, x31
w2, w3, w24 to w31, w4 to w[4+N-1]
* clobbered Flag Groups: FG0, FG1
/* prepare all-zero reg */
bn.xor w31, w31, w31
/* load number of limbs (x30 <= N; x31 = N-1 <= N1) */
lw x30, 4(x0)
addi x31, x30, -1
/* load pointer to modulus (x16 <= dptr_m) */
lw x16, 16(x0)
/* load pointer to m0' (x17 <= dptr_m0inv)*/
lw x17, 8(x0)
/* load pointer to RR (x18 <= dptr_rr) */
lw x18, 12(x0)
/* load exponent (x29 <= e') */
lw x29, 0(x0)
/* Compute Montgomery constants and reload clobbered pointers */
jal x1, compute_m0inv
jal x1, compute_rr
lw x16, 16(x0)
lw x17, 8(x0)
lw x18, 12(x0)
/* prepare pointers to temp regs */
li x8, 4
li x9, 3
li x10, 4
li x11, 2
/* convert signature to Montgomery domain
out_buf = *x28 = *dmem[28]
<= montmul(*x19, *x20) = montmul(*dptr_sig, *dptr_rr) = sig*R mod M */
lw x19, 20(x0)
lw x20, 12(x0)
lw x21, 28(x0)
jal x1, montmul
/* store result in dmem starting at dmem[dptr_out] */
loop x30, 2
bn.sid x8, 0(x21++)
addi x8, x8, 1
/* 16 consecutive Montgomery squares on the outbut buffer, i.e. after loop:
out_buf <= out_buf^65536*R mod M */
loop x29, 8
/* out_buf = *x28 = *dmem[28]
<= montmul(*x28, *x20) = montmul(*dptr_out, *dptr_out)
= out_buf^2*R mod M */
lw x19, 28(x0)
lw x20, 28(x0)
lw x21, 28(x0)
jal x1, montmul
/* Store result in dmem starting at dmem[dptr_out] */
loop x30, 2
bn.sid x8, 0(x21++)
addi x8, x8, 1
/* final multiplication and conversion of result from Montgomery domain
out_buf = *x28 = *dmem[28]
<= montmul(*x28, *x20) = montmul(*dptr_sig, *dptr_out)
= out_buf*sig/R mod M = sig^65537 mod M */
lw x19, 20(x0)
lw x20, 28(x0)
lw x21, 28(x0)
jal x1, montmul
/* Final conditional subtraction of modulus if mod >= out_buf. This could
be done in variable time, but for the sake of reduced code we use a loop
with N cycles. */
bn.add w31, w31, w31
li x17, 16
loop x30, 4
bn.movr x11, x8++
bn.lid x9, 0(x16++)
bn.subb w2, w2, w3
bn.movr x17++, x11
csrrs x2, 0x7c0, x0
/* TODO: currently we subtract the modulus if out_buf == M. This should
never happen in an RSA context. We could catch this and raise an
alert. */
andi x2, x2, 1
li x8, 4
bne x2, x0, no_sub
li x8, 16
/* store result in dmem starting at dmem[dptr_out] */
lw x21, 28(x0)
loop x30, 2
bn.sid x8, 0(x21++)
addi x8, x8, 1