blob: 2a48abfdcda67f204740a0ee52f134bb88a85083 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
use anyhow::{bail, Result};
use log;
use std::cell::{Cell, RefCell};
use std::io::{Read, Write};
use std::os::unix::net::UnixStream;
use std::path::PathBuf;
use std::rc::Rc;
use std::time::{Duration, Instant};
use crate::io::emu::EmuState;
use crate::io::i2c::{Bus, I2cError, Transfer};
use crate::transport::ti50emulator::emu::EMULATOR_INVALID_ID;
use crate::transport::ti50emulator::Inner;
use crate::transport::ti50emulator::Ti50Emulator;
const MAX_READ_TIMEOUT: Duration = Duration::from_millis(35);
const MAX_WRITE_TIMEOUT: Duration = Duration::from_millis(35);
const TI50_I2C_BUS_WRITE_REQ: u8 = b'W';
const TI50_I2C_BUS_READ_REQ: u8 = b'R';
const TI50_I2C_BUS_WRITE_RES: u8 = b'w';
const TI50_I2C_BUS_READ_RES: u8 = b'r';
/// Structure representing the emulated I2C BUS control packet encoder/decoder
/// The current implementation does not require the use of a low-level
/// representation with ACK/NACK bits. However, a minimal data separation
/// between successive transactions is required.
struct Ti50BusControl {}
// Emulated I2C BUS data flow:
// [NAME] - named byte.
// [####] - long sequence of data bytes
// Tx - Direction of transfer - From Host (OpenTitanTool) to Target (chip).
// Rx - Direction of transfer - From Target (chip) to Target (chip).
// (1) Write transfer
// /--2B--\/----------LEN_BE-----------\ deadline->|
// | || | |
// Tx <<< [WRITE_REQ][ADDR][LEN_BE][###########################]+------------|-
// | |
// | |
// | |
// Rx >>> ------------------------------------------------------+[WRITE_RES]-|-
// Note: There is possibility that the data will get stuck in UnixStreamSocket
// buffer so we have to wait for WRITE_RES before starting next transaction.
// (2) Read transfer
// /--2B--\ deadline->|
// | | |
// Tx <<< [READ_REQ][ADDR][LEN_BE]+----------------------------------|---------
// | |
// | /-----LEN_BE-----\ |
// | | | |
// Rx >>> ------------------------+[READ_RES][################]------|---------
// Note: In the case of a read operation, LEN_BE represents the number of bytes
// the DUT would normally respond with an ACK signal
impl Ti50BusControl {
/// Send write request
pub fn send_write_request(
fd: &mut UnixStream,
deadline: Instant,
addr: u8,
len: u16,
) -> Result<()> {
let mut header = [TI50_I2C_BUS_WRITE_REQ, addr, 0, 0];
Ti50I2cBus::tx(fd, &header, deadline)
/// Send read request
pub fn send_read_request(
fd: &mut UnixStream,
deadline: Instant,
addr: u8,
len: u16,
) -> Result<()> {
let mut header = [TI50_I2C_BUS_READ_REQ, addr, 0, 0];
Ti50I2cBus::tx(fd, &header, deadline)
/// Receive write response
pub fn recv_write_response(fd: &mut UnixStream, deadline: Instant) -> Result<()> {
let buf = &mut [1u8; 1];
let _rx_len = Ti50I2cBus::rx(fd, &mut buf[..], deadline)?;
match buf {
[TI50_I2C_BUS_WRITE_RES] => Ok(()),
[raw] => Err(
I2cError::Generic(format!("Unexpected BUS control message: {:02X}", raw)).into(),
/// Receive read response
pub fn recv_read_response(fd: &mut UnixStream, deadline: Instant) -> Result<()> {
let buf = &mut [1u8; 1];
let _rx_len = Ti50I2cBus::rx(fd, &mut buf[..], deadline)?;
match buf {
[TI50_I2C_BUS_READ_RES] => Ok(()),
[raw] => Err(
I2cError::Generic(format!("Unexpected BUS control message: {:02X}", raw)).into(),
/// Structure representing Emulated I2C BUS
pub struct Ti50I2cBus {
inner: Rc<RefCell<Inner>>,
// This socket is valid as long as SubProcess is running.
socket: RefCell<Option<UnixStream>>,
// full path to socket file
path: PathBuf,
// last SubProcess ID
last_id: Cell<u64>,
impl Ti50I2cBus {
/// Create new instance of [`Ti50I2cBus`] based on provided parameters.
pub fn open(ti50: &Ti50Emulator, path: &str) -> Result<Self> {
let soc_path = ti50.inner.borrow().process.get_runtime_dir().join(path);
Ok(Self {
inner: Rc::clone(&ti50.inner),
socket: RefCell::default(),
path: soc_path,
last_id: Cell::new(EMULATOR_INVALID_ID),
/// Function re-connect socket to `SubProcess` when detect
/// that process was restarted.
pub fn reconnect(&self) -> Result<()> {
let mut socket = self.socket.borrow_mut();
let id = self.inner.borrow_mut().process.get_id();
if self.last_id.get() != id {
let fd = UnixStream::connect(&self.path)?;
*socket = Some(fd);
/// Function check if I2C transaction should be performed on DUT.
pub fn check_state(&self) -> Result<()> {
let process = &mut self.inner.borrow_mut().process;
match process.get_state() {
EmuState::On => Ok(()),
state => Err(I2cError::Generic(format!(
"Operation not supported in Emulator state: {}",
/// Function try to receive data from unix socket.
pub fn rx(fd: &mut UnixStream, data: &mut [u8], deadline: Instant) -> Result<usize> {
let mut rx_count: usize = 0;
while rx_count <= data.len() {
let ts = Instant::now();
if ts > deadline {
fd.set_read_timeout(Some(deadline - ts))?;
rx_count += data[rx_count..])?;
/// Function send contents of slice to unix socket.
pub fn tx(fd: &mut UnixStream, data: &[u8], deadline: Instant) -> Result<()> {
let mut tx_count: usize = 0;
while tx_count <= data.len() {
let ts = Instant::now();
if ts > deadline {
fd.set_write_timeout(Some(deadline - ts))?;
tx_count += fd.write(&data[tx_count..])?;
/// Function perform write transaction on emulated bus.
pub fn write(&self, addr: u8, data: &[u8]) -> Result<()> {
if let Some(ref mut fd) = *self.socket.borrow_mut() {
let deadline = Instant::now() + MAX_WRITE_TIMEOUT;
"I2C Transmit transaction write request addr: {:02X} len: {}",
Ti50BusControl::send_write_request(fd, deadline, addr, data.len() as u16)?;
Ti50I2cBus::tx(fd, data, deadline)?;
return Ti50BusControl::recv_write_response(fd, deadline);
bail!(I2cError::Generic("Invalid socket".to_string()));
/// Function perform read transaction on emulated BUS.
pub fn read(&self, addr: u8, data: &mut [u8]) -> Result<()> {
if let Some(ref mut fd) = *self.socket.borrow_mut() {
let deadline = Instant::now() + MAX_READ_TIMEOUT;
"I2C Transmit transaction read request addr: {:02X} len: {}",
Ti50BusControl::send_read_request(fd, deadline, addr, data.len() as u16)?;
Ti50BusControl::recv_read_response(fd, deadline)?;
Ti50I2cBus::rx(fd, &mut data[..], deadline)?;
return Ok(());
bail!(I2cError::Generic("Invalid socket".to_string()));
impl Bus for Ti50I2cBus {
fn run_transaction(&self, addr: u8, transaction: &mut [Transfer]) -> Result<()> {
for transfer in transaction {
match transfer {
Transfer::Write(wr) => {
self.write(addr, wr)?;
Transfer::Read(rd) => {, rd)?;