The OpenTitan Reference Firmware Images together make up the Opentitan Reference Firmware Stack. Different images are used for different boot stages.
The Reference Firmware Images are, in boot order:
), executed at chip reset;sw/device/silicon_creator/rom_exts
), the second stage Silicon Creator code, executed from flash; andsw/device/tock
), the Silicon Owner code, also executed from flash.There are also some other standalone firmware images in the repository, which are only used for testing.
]({{< relref “sw/device/tests/” >}}) contains many standalone smoke test images. This directory also contains unit tests for software modules, which are executed on host (not device) systems using GoogleTest.
]({{< relref “sw/device/benchmarks/coremark/” >}}) contains infrastructure for running the CoreMark benchmark suite on the OpenTitan device.
contains infrastructure so we can run the RISC-V Compliance tests on the OpenTitan core.
contains on-device software used for Side-Channel Analysis.
contains pre-built Tock images, which may not be up-to-date.
contains example images, including a simple [Hello World]({{< relref “sw/device/examples/hello_world/” >}}).
There are also prototype versions of some of the boot stages, now only used for testing:
]({{< relref “sw/device/boot_rom/” >}}) is a previous, testing-only version of the Mask ROM.sw/device/exts
contains software for our prototype second boot stage images.{{% sectionContent %}}