blob: 385e9613a363f306f94c63c88bdb4747c015d338 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// Provides abstraction for mapping a flash memory address in flash organization.
class flash_mem_addr_attrs;
addr_t addr; // Input addr, bus-word aligned.
addr_t bank_addr; // Addr within the bank, bus-word aligned.
addr_t word_addr; // Addr within the bank, flash word aligned.
int offset; // Byte offset within the flash word.
addr_t bank_start_addr; // Start addr of the bank (bus word aligned).
addr_t page_start_addr; // Start addr of the page within the bank.
uint bank; // The bank the address belongs to.
uint page; // The page within the bank.
uint line; // The word line within the page.
uint byte_offset; // Byte offset within the flash word.
function new(addr_t addr = 0);
// Set attributes from a sample input addr.
function void set_attrs(addr_t addr);
this.addr = {addr[TL_AW-1:TL_SZW], {TL_SZW{1'b0}}};
bank_addr = this.addr[FlashMemAddrPageMsbBit : 0];
word_addr = {bank_addr[TL_AW-1:FlashDataByteWidth], {FlashDataByteWidth{1'b0}}};
bank_start_addr = {addr[TL_AW-1 : FlashMemAddrPageMsbBit+1], {FlashMemAddrPageMsbBit+1{1'b0}}};
page_start_addr = {addr[FlashMemAddrPageMsbBit : FlashMemAddrLineMsbBit+1],
bank = addr[FlashMemAddrBankMsbBit : FlashMemAddrPageMsbBit+1];
page = addr[FlashMemAddrPageMsbBit : FlashMemAddrLineMsbBit+1];
line = addr[FlashMemAddrLineMsbBit : FlashMemAddrWordMsbBit+1];
byte_offset = addr[FlashDataByteWidth-1 : 0];
function void incr(addr_t offset);
// TODO: Check for overflow
set_attrs(addr + offset);
function string sprint();
return $sformatf({{"addr_attrs: addr = 0x%0h, word_addr = 0x%0h, bank_addr = 0x%0h "},
{"bank_start_addr = 0x%0h, page_start_addr = 0x%0h "},
{"bank = %0d, page = %0d, line = %0d, byte_offset = %0d"}},
addr, word_addr, bank_addr, bank_start_addr, page_start_addr,
bank, page, line, byte_offset);