blob: 075542771b9e31d8d33c848f69390ab84a5c45fd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// This clas provides knobs to set the weights for various seq random variables.
class flash_ctrl_seq_cfg extends uvm_object;
// Randomization weights in percentages, and other related settings.
// Maximun number of times the vseq is randomized and rerun.
// TODO: This should move to `dv_base_seq_cfg`.
uint max_num_trans;
// Memory protection configuration.
uint num_en_mp_regions;
// This enables memory protection regions to overlap.
bit allow_mp_region_overlap;
// Weights for enable bits for each of the flash banks information partitions memory protection
// configuration registers.
uint mp_info_page_en_pc[flash_ctrl_pkg::NumBanks][flash_ctrl_pkg::InfoTypes];
// When this knob is NOT FlashOpInvalid (default) the selected operation will be the only
// operation to run in the test (FlashOpRead, FlashOpProgram, FlashOpErase).
flash_ctrl_pkg::flash_op_e flash_only_op;
// Weights to enable read / program and erase for each mem region.
// TODO: Should these be per region?
uint mp_region_en_pc;
uint mp_region_read_en_pc;
uint mp_region_program_en_pc;
uint mp_region_erase_en_pc;
uint mp_region_scramble_en_pc;
uint mp_region_ecc_en_pc;
uint mp_region_he_en_pc;
uint mp_region_max_pages;
// Knob to control bank level erasability.
uint bank_erase_en_pc;
// Default region knobs.
uint default_region_read_en_pc;
uint default_region_program_en_pc;
uint default_region_erase_en_pc;
uint default_region_scramble_en_pc;
uint default_region_ecc_en_pc;
uint default_region_he_en_pc;
// Weights to enable read / program and erase for each information partition page.
// For each of the information partitions in each of the banks there is a single variable to
// control all of this partition pages.
uint mp_info_page_read_en_pc[flash_ctrl_pkg::NumBanks][flash_ctrl_pkg::InfoTypes];
uint mp_info_page_program_en_pc[flash_ctrl_pkg::NumBanks][flash_ctrl_pkg::InfoTypes];
uint mp_info_page_erase_en_pc[flash_ctrl_pkg::NumBanks][flash_ctrl_pkg::InfoTypes];
uint mp_info_page_scramble_en_pc[flash_ctrl_pkg::NumBanks][flash_ctrl_pkg::InfoTypes];
uint mp_info_page_ecc_en_pc[flash_ctrl_pkg::NumBanks][flash_ctrl_pkg::InfoTypes];
uint mp_info_page_he_en_pc[flash_ctrl_pkg::NumBanks][flash_ctrl_pkg::InfoTypes];
// Control the number of flash ops.
uint max_flash_ops_per_cfg;
// Flash ctrl op randomization knobs.
// Partition select. Make sure to keep sum equals to 100.
uint op_on_data_partition_pc; // Choose data partition.
uint op_on_info_partition_pc; // Choose info partition.
uint op_on_info1_partition_pc; // Choose info1 partition.
uint op_on_info2_partition_pc; // Choose info2 partition.
bit avoid_ro_partitions; // Avoid partitions defined as read-only.
bit op_readonly_on_info_partition; // Make info partition read-only.
bit op_readonly_on_info1_partition; // Make info1 partition read-only.
bit op_readonly_on_info2_partition; // Make info2 partition read-only.
uint op_erase_type_bank_pc;
uint op_prog_type_repair_pc;
uint op_max_words;
bit op_allow_invalid;
// Poll fifo status before writing to prog_fifo / reading from rd_fifo.
uint poll_fifo_status_pc;
// Chances to start flash with all 1s and not with random values (default is 30%).
uint flash_init_set_pc;
// Set by a higher level vseq that invokes this vseq.
bit external_cfg;
// If pre-transaction back-door memory preperation isn't needed, set do_tran_prep_mem to 0.
bit do_tran_prep_mem;
// When 0, the post-transaction back-door checks will be disabled.
// Added to enable other post-transaction checks and actions.
bit check_mem_post_tran;
// Timeout for program transaction
uint prog_timeout_ns;
// Timeout for erase transaction
uint erase_timeout_ns;
// Expected time for the erase-suspend operation
uint erase_suspend_expected_time_ns;
// Timeout for read transaction
uint read_timeout_ns;
// Timeout for LC state transition
uint state_wait_timeout_ns;
// Enable/Disable the Secret Seeds and Keys during Initialisation
bit en_init_keys_seeds;
// States whether to wait for the flash_init to finish before starting the actual sequence.
bit wait_init_done;
// Enable/Disable the Random Flash Inititlisation After Reset
bit disable_flash_init;
// Path to flash wrapper hierarchy.
string flash_path_str;
// NOTE: Make sure to keep
// cfg.flash_ctrl_vif.rst_to_pd_time_ns < reset_width_clks_lo * clk_period_ns.
// This will make sure that the power-down assertion will happen before reset deassertion.
// Low limit of reset assertion time in clock cycles (from assertion to deassertion).
uint reset_width_clks_lo;
// High limit of reset assertion time in clock cycles (from assertion to deassertion).
uint reset_width_clks_hi;
// Set partition select percentages. Make sure to keep sum equals to 100.
virtual function void set_partition_pc(uint sel_data_part_pc = 100, uint sel_info_part_pc = 0,
uint sel_info1_part_pc = 0,
uint sel_info2_part_pc = 0);
`DV_CHECK_EQ(sel_data_part_pc + sel_info_part_pc + sel_info1_part_pc + sel_info2_part_pc,
100, $sformatf(
"Error! sum of arguments must be 100. Be aware of arguments ",
"default values - 100 for data partition and 0 for all the ",
"others. Arguments current value: sel_data_part_pc=%0d , ",
"sel_info_part_pc=%0d , sel_info1_part_pc=%0d , ",
op_on_data_partition_pc = sel_data_part_pc;
op_on_info_partition_pc = sel_info_part_pc;
op_on_info1_partition_pc = sel_info1_part_pc;
op_on_info2_partition_pc = sel_info2_part_pc;
endfunction : set_partition_pc
virtual function void configure();
max_num_trans = 20;
num_en_mp_regions = flash_ctrl_pkg::MpRegions;
allow_mp_region_overlap = 1'b0;
mp_region_en_pc = 50;
mp_region_read_en_pc = 50;
mp_region_program_en_pc = 50;
mp_region_erase_en_pc = 50;
mp_region_scramble_en_pc = 0;
mp_region_ecc_en_pc = 0;
mp_region_he_en_pc = 0;
mp_region_max_pages = 32;
bank_erase_en_pc = 50;
default_region_read_en_pc = 50;
default_region_program_en_pc = 50;
default_region_erase_en_pc = 50;
default_region_scramble_en_pc = 0;
default_region_ecc_en_pc = 0;
default_region_he_en_pc = 0;
foreach (mp_info_page_en_pc[i, j]) begin
mp_info_page_en_pc[i][j] = 50;
mp_info_page_read_en_pc[i][j] = 50;
mp_info_page_program_en_pc[i][j] = 50;
mp_info_page_erase_en_pc[i][j] = 50;
mp_info_page_scramble_en_pc[i][j] = 0;
mp_info_page_ecc_en_pc[i][j] = 0;
mp_info_page_he_en_pc[i][j] = 0;
flash_only_op = FlashOpInvalid;
max_flash_ops_per_cfg = 50;
op_readonly_on_info_partition = 0;
// info1 partition will be read-only by default
op_readonly_on_info1_partition = 1;
avoid_ro_partitions = 0;
op_erase_type_bank_pc = 20;
op_prog_type_repair_pc = 10;
op_max_words = 512;
op_allow_invalid = 1'b0;
poll_fifo_status_pc = 30;
flash_init_set_pc = 30;
external_cfg = 1'b0;
do_tran_prep_mem = 1'b1;
check_mem_post_tran = 1'b1;
prog_timeout_ns = 10_000_000; // 10ms
read_timeout_ns = 100_000; // 100us
erase_timeout_ns = 120_000_000; // 120ms
erase_suspend_expected_time_ns = 50_000; // 50us
state_wait_timeout_ns = 500_000; // 500us
en_init_keys_seeds = 1'b0; // Off
// By default, wait for flash to finish initializing process before sending transactions
// requests.
wait_init_done = 1'b1;
disable_flash_init = 1'b0; // Off
flash_path_str = "tb.dut.u_eflash.u_flash.gen_generic.u_impl_generic";
// NOTE: Make sure to keep
// cfg.flash_ctrl_vif.rst_to_pd_time_ns < reset_width_clks_lo * min clock period in ns.
// This will make sure that the power-down assertion will happen before reset deassertion.
reset_width_clks_lo = 50;
reset_width_clks_hi = 100;
endfunction : configure