The environment variable $REPO_TOP
is the top-level of the git source tree.
Make sure you followed the install instructions to prepare the system and to install the software development tools and Verilator.
Build the simulator and the software and then run the simulation
$ cd $REPO_TOP $ fusesoc --cores-root . run --target=sim --setup --build lowrisc:systems:top_earlgrey_verilator $ make SIM=1 -C sw/device/boot_rom clean all $ make SIM=1 -C sw/device/examples/hello_world clean all $ build/lowrisc_systems_top_earlgrey_verilator_0.1/sim-verilator/Vtop_earlgrey_verilator --rominit=sw/device/boot_rom/rom.vmem \ $ --flashinit=sw/device/examples/hello_world/sw.vmem
See the Getting Started with Verilator Guide for more information.
Make sure you followed the install instructions to prepare the system and to install the software development tools.
Do you want to try out the design without installing EDA tools and waiting for a long build? Then you have come to the right place!
You need the following things:
Once you have obtained these things, follow these steps to get started.
See the Getting Started on FPGAs Guide for full instructions how to build your own bitstream.