blob: 21ce4b5618c60233a74cf226b12b6cd26a9ab29e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
-tree *
// Include port toggles of all IOs at these hierarchies.
begin tgl(portsonly)
+module chip_earlgrey_asic
+module ast
+module padring
+module rv_core_ibex
+moduletree top_earlgrey 2
// [LOW_RISK] These are covered in FPV. These are partly covered by some tests in DV as well, but
// it is not feasible to get a full 100% coverage on all of the bits. The rationale for this
// exclusion is documented in more detail in the issue lowrisc/opentitan#15427.
-node tb.dut.top_earlgrey.u_rv_core_ibex.u_core crash_dump_o.*
-node tb.dut.top_earlgrey.u_rv_core_ibex crash_dump_o.*
-node tb.dut.top_earlgrey.u_rstmgr_aon cpu_dump_i.*
-node tb.dut.top_earlgrey.u_alert_handler crashdump_o.*
-node tb.dut.top_earlgrey.u_rstmgr_aon alert_dump_i.*
// [UNR] The pass through port on SPI_HOST1 is tied off / unused.
-node tb.dut.top_earlgrey.u_spi_host1 passthrough_i.*
-node tb.dut.top_earlgrey.u_spi_host1 passthrough_o.*
// Include all coverage metrics in non-preverified modules.
begin line+cond+fsm+branch+assert
+module chip_earlgrey_asic
+tree tb.dut.u_prim_usb_diff_rx
+module top_earlgrey
+tree tb.dut.top_earlgrey.u_dft_tap_breakout
+moduletree padring
+moduletree pinmux
+moduletree rv_core_ibex
+moduletree rv_plic
+moduletree sensor_ctrl
// The modules below are preverified in FPV and / or DV testbenches.
-moduletree ibex_top
-moduletree prim_alert_sender
-moduletree prim_alert_receiver
-moduletree prim_count
-moduletree prim_esc_sender
-moduletree prim_esc_receiver
-moduletree prim_lfsr
-moduletree prim_onehot_check
-moduletree prim_prince
-moduletree prim_secded_inv_64_57_dec
-moduletree prim_secded_inv_39_32_dec
-moduletree prim_cdc_rand_delay // DV construct.
// [LOWRISK] This module generates a warl_mask output signal under different parameterizations.
// The unselected parameterization(s) show up as uncovered. Incorrectly formed warl_mask will
// cause the chip_pinmux_pad_attr test to fail, so it can be safely excluded.
-moduletree prim_generic_pad_attr
// TODO: Re-enable tgl(portsonly) on the the excluded pre-verified sub-modules above in
// non-preverified parents.
begin tgl(portsonly)
+tree tb.dut.top_earlgrey.u_pinmux_aon.gen_alert_tx[0].u_prim_alert_sender 1
+tree tb.dut.top_earlgrey.u_rv_core_ibex.gen_alert_senders[0].u_alert_sender 1
+tree tb.dut.top_earlgrey.u_rv_core_ibex.gen_alert_senders[1].u_alert_sender 1
+tree tb.dut.top_earlgrey.u_rv_core_ibex.gen_alert_senders[2].u_alert_sender 1
+tree tb.dut.top_earlgrey.u_rv_core_ibex.gen_alert_senders[3].u_alert_sender 1
+tree tb.dut.top_earlgrey.u_rv_core_ibex.u_core 1
+tree tb.dut.top_earlgrey.u_rv_core_ibex.u_prim_esc_receiver 1
+tree tb.dut.top_earlgrey.u_rv_plic.gen_alert_tx[0].u_prim_alert_sender 1
+tree tb.dut.top_earlgrey.u_sensor_ctrl.u_prim_fatal_alert_sender 1
+tree tb.dut.top_earlgrey.u_sensor_ctrl.u_prim_recov_alert_sender 1