For detailed information on RV_PLIC design features, please see the [RV_PLIC design specification]({{< relref “hw/ip/rv_plic/doc” >}}).
RV_PLIC FPV testbench has been constructed based on the [formal architecture]({{< relref “hw/formal/README.md” >}}).
binds the tlul_assert
[assertions]({{< relref “hw/ip/tlul/doc/TlulProtocolChecker.md” >}}) to rv_plic to ensure TileLink interface protocol compliance../fpv/vip/
to assert the TileLink writes and reads correct CSRsThe ../fpv/tb/rv_plic_bind.sv
binds the rv_plic_assert
under ../fpv/vip/rv_plic_assert.sv
. The assertion file ensures RV_PLIC's outputs (irq_o
and irq_id_o
) and important signals (ip
) are being asserted.
Due to there are large number of input interrupt sources, the symbolic variable is used to reduce the number of repeated assertions code. In RV_PLIC, we declared two symbolic variables src_sel
and tgt_sel
to represent the index for interrupt source and interrupt target. Detailed explanation is listed in the [Symbolic Variables]({{< relref “hw/formal/README.md#symbolic-variables” >}}) section.
{{< testplan “hw/ip/rv_plic/data/rv_plic_fpv_testplan.hjson” >}}