This document specifies the USB UART hardware IP functionality. This module conforms to the [Comportable guideline for peripheral functionality.]({{< relref “doc/rm/comportability_specification” >}}) See that document for integration overview within the broader top level system.
The USBUART module is a USB Full Speed device interface that presents the standard Comportable UART interface to the system. The serial line settings (baud rate, parity, stop bits) are ignored and the 8-bit characters flow directly over the Google USB Simple Serial Class interface.
The UART is compatible with the interface provided by the Comportable UART.
The register inteface to the USBUART matches the standard UART. There are two additional registers {{< regref “USBSTAT” >}} and {{< regref “USBPARAM” >}} that provide information about the USB interface that may be useful for software that knows this is more than the simple uart. In particular when the interface is used to bridge from USB to a real uart interface (for example for Case closed debugging) the requested Baud rate and parity may be read.
{{< hwcfg “hw/ip/usbuart/data/usbuart.hjson” >}}
The USB device interface supports only Full Speed (12Mb) operation and complies with the USB2.0 standard using the Google Simple Stream class. The USB physical interface is implemented using two general 3.3V I/O pins for the USB D+/D- wires. These should be connected through 22-48 Ohm series resistors to the USB connector (exact value and SI depends on the implementation and the resistor could be incorporated in the output driver if the implementation allows).
The USB FS interface needs a 1.5kOhm pullup to 3.3V on the D+ wire to indicate the presenece of the peripheral. This resistor is connected between the D+ line and the 3.3V usb_pullup output pin, so the device is disconnected until the pin is driven high. This is done when either the UART transmit or receive interface is enabled.
The Host of the USB connection may remove VBUS to signal a disconnection (either because an actual disconnection of the cable happened, or because the host is attempting to hard reset the device). This is detected on the usb_sense input which should signal the presence of VBUS. Depending on the implementation the chip pin may connect directly to VBUS (5V logic) or be connected using a resisor divider.
The implementation provides the USB end-point zero descriptors required (with no strings provided), OUT endpoint 1 that carries data from the host as though received by the UART and IN endpoint 1 that is used to transmit data from the UART transmit fifo to the host. Endpoint 1 will respond to SETUP packets to allow the host to read or write the baud rate and parity passed in the {{< regref “USBPARAM” >}} register. (Note the current software implementation only implements the host writing these, so for portability it is best to avoid reads at this time.)
Just as in the standard UART, a write to {{< regref “WDATA” >}} enqueues a data byte into the 32 depth write FIFO. Characters will be moved from the fifo to be available to send when an IN request is received from the host on endpoint 1. The interface attempts to gather characters. An IN transaction will be initiated either when a full USB packet (32 bytes) is ready or if there are characters pending and no additional characters have been queued by software for 3-4us.
Characters received from the OUT endpoint are inserted in to the 32-byte receive FIFO. Backpressure is applied to the host if the receive FIFO does not have room for a full USB packet. The received data can be read from the {{< regref “RDATA” >}} register.
UART module has a few interrupts including general data flow interrupts and unexpected event interrupts.
If TX or RX FIFO hits designated depth of entries, txint
or rxint
signal is raised to inform FW. FW can configure the watermark value {{< regref “FIFO_CTRL.RXILVL” >}} or {{< regref “FIFO_CTRL.TXILVL” >}} .
In any case, if any FIFO receives write request when FIFO is full, tx_overflow
or rx_overflow
interrupts is asserted.
signal is not used.
A break condition is signalled if either the VBUS is removed or the host has not sent a Start-of-Frame for 2.048ms (an SOF should happen every 1ms).
The UART does not need initialization (default is for usb_pullup to be applied). However, since the settings will be ignored it is possible to run the initialization sequence for the standard UART.
Do the following to transmit a string of characters.
int uart_tx_rdy() { return ((*UART_FIFO_STATUS_REG & UART_FIFO_STATUS_TXLVL_MASK) == 32) ? 0 : 1; } void uart_send_char(char val) { while(!uart_tx_rdy()) {} *UART_WDATA_REG = val; } void uart_send_str(char *str) { while(*str != \0) { uart_send_char(*str++); }
Do the following to receive a character, with -1 returned if RX is empty.
int uart_rx_empty() { return ((*UART_FIFO_STATUS_REG & UART_FIFO_STATUS_RXLVL_MASK) == (0 << 6)) ? 1 : 0; } char uart_rcv_char() { if(uart_rx_empty()) return 0xff; return *UART_RDATA_REG; }
void uart_interrupt_routine() { volatile uint32 is = *UART_INTR_REG; uint32 is_mask = 0; char uart_ch; uint32 ien_reg; // Turn off Interrupt Enable ien_reg = *UART_IEN_REG; *UART_IEN_REG = ien_reg & 0xFFFFFF00; // Clr bit 7:0 if (is & UART_INTR_RXPE_MASK) { // Do something ... // Store Int mask is_mask |= UART_INTR_RXPE_MASK; } if (is & UART_INTR_RXB_MASK) { // Do something ... // Store Int mask is_mask |= UART_INTR_RXB_MASK; } // .. Frame Error // TX/RX Overflow Error // RX Int if (is & UART_INTR_RX_MASK) { while(1) { uart_ch = uart_rcv_char(); if (uart_ch == 0xff) break; uart_buf.append(uart_ch); } // Store Int mask is_mask |= UART_INTR_RX_MASK; } // Clear ISTATE *UART_INTR_REG = is_mask; // Restore ICTRL *UART_IEN_REG = ictrl_reg ; }
{{< registers “hw/ip/usbuart/data/usbuart.hjson” >}}