blob: cf9cf4e211aec005efe07d3d4a7531ea53aacde9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// SPI Device Flash/ Passthrough mode Command Parser
// This module decodes the incoming SPI Flash commands. Then activates proper
// downstream module.
`include ""
module spi_cmdparse
import spi_device_pkg::*;
input clk_i,
input rst_ni,
// Data from spi_s2p
input data_valid_i,
input spi_byte_t data_i,
// Configurations
input spi_mode_e spi_mode_i,
// Command info slot
// cmdparse uses the command info slot to activate sub-datapath. It uses
// pre-assigned index and search opcode. e.g) if cmdslot[0].opcode == 'h03,
// then if received opcode matches to the cmdslot[0] opcode, then it activates
// Read Status module as Index 0 is pre-assigned to Read Status.
input cmd_info_t [NumTotalCmdInfo-1:0] cmd_info_i,
// control to spi_s2p
output io_mode_e io_mode_o,
// Activate downstream modules
// cmd_info_o is a registered output, latched at 8th posedge SCK
output sel_datapath_e sel_dp_o,
output cmd_info_t cmd_info_o,
output logic [CmdInfoIdxW-1:0] cmd_info_idx_o,
// CFG: Intercept
input cfg_intercept_en_status_i,
input cfg_intercept_en_jedec_i,
input cfg_intercept_en_sfdp_i,
// Output assumed
output logic intercept_status_o,
output logic intercept_jedec_o,
output logic intercept_sfdp_o,
// Command Config is not implemented yet.
// Indicator of command config. The pulse is generated at 3rd bit position
// of Opcode. The upper 5 bits are used as address to fetch command configs
// from DPSRAM.
output logic cmd_config_req_o,
output logic [4:0] cmd_config_idx_o
// Temporary //
assign io_mode_o = SingleIO;
assign cmd_config_req_o = 1'b 0;
assign cmd_config_idx_o = data_i[4:0];
// Only opcode in the cmd_info is used. Tie the rest of the members.
logic unused_cmdinfo_members;
always_comb begin
unused_cmdinfo_members = 1'b 0;
for (int unsigned i = 0 ; i < NumTotalCmdInfo ; i++) begin
unused_cmdinfo_members ^= ^{ cmd_info_i[i].addr_mode,
// Definition //
typedef enum logic [3:0] {
// At Idle, FSM waits command valid signal.
// The last 8th bit in the command byte determines the last two bit from
// `upload_mask`. Then triggers proper downstream modules based on
// predefined opcode and `upload_mask`.
// State machine has state for each downstream module, to track and select
// proper io_mode and signals
// Mailbox is processed in Read Command block.
// EN4B/ EX4B fall into this state
// Write Enable / Disable state
// If opcode does not matched, FSM moves to here and wait the reset.
} st_e;
st_e st, st_d;
// spi_flash_cmd_e defines HW supported (TBD for IO) commands.
// If received SPI Flash command falls into one of these commands, the module
// processes the command without SW intervention.
typedef enum logic [7:0] {
OpReadStatus1 = 'h 05,
OpReadStatus2 = 'h 35,
OpReadStatus3 = 'h 15,
OpReadJEDEC = 'h 9F,
OpReadSfdp = 'h 5A,
OpReadNormal = 'h 03,
OpReadFast = 'h 0B,
OpReadDual = 'h 3B,
OpReadQuad = 'h 6B,
// Supporting DualIO/ QuadIO is TBD.
OpReadDualIO = 'h BB,
OpReadQuadIO = 'h EB
} spi_flash_cmd_e;
// Signal //
sel_datapath_e sel_dp;
assign sel_dp_o = sel_dp;
`ASSERT_KNOWN(SelDpKnown_A, sel_dp_o)
// FSM asserts latching enable signal for cmd_info in 8th opcode cycle.
logic latch_cmdinfo;
cmd_info_t cmd_info_d, cmd_info_q;
logic [CmdInfoIdxW-1:0] cmd_info_idx_d, cmd_info_idx_q;
// the logic operates only when module_active condition is met
logic module_active;
logic in_flashmode, in_passthrough;
// Intercept passthrough if Passthrough is in active
// As intercept does not affect in Flash mode, the logic ignores
// `in_passthrough` condition.
logic intercept_d;
// below signals are used in the FSM to determine to activate a certain
// datapath based on the received input (opcode). The opcode is the SW
// configurable CSRs `cmd_info_i`.
logic opcode_readstatus, opcode_readjedec, opcode_readsfdp, opcode_readcmd;
logic opcode_en4b, opcode_ex4b;
logic opcode_wren, opcode_wrdi;
always_comb begin
opcode_readstatus = 1'b 0;
for (int i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++) begin
if (cmd_info_i[CmdInfoReadStatus1+i].valid
&& (data_i == cmd_info_i[CmdInfoReadStatus1+i].opcode)) begin
opcode_readstatus = 1'b 1;
assign opcode_readjedec = cmd_info_i[CmdInfoReadJedecId].valid
&& (data_i == cmd_info_i[CmdInfoReadJedecId].opcode);
assign opcode_readsfdp = cmd_info_i[CmdInfoReadSfdp].valid
&& (data_i == cmd_info_i[CmdInfoReadSfdp].opcode);
assign opcode_en4b = cmd_info_i[CmdInfoEn4B].valid
&& (data_i == cmd_info_i[CmdInfoEn4B].opcode);
assign opcode_ex4b = cmd_info_i[CmdInfoEx4B].valid
&& (data_i == cmd_info_i[CmdInfoEx4B].opcode);
assign opcode_wren = cmd_info_i[CmdInfoWrEn].valid
&& (data_i == cmd_info_i[CmdInfoWrEn].opcode);
assign opcode_wrdi = cmd_info_i[CmdInfoWrDi].valid
&& (data_i == cmd_info_i[CmdInfoWrDi].opcode);
always_comb begin
opcode_readcmd = 1'b 0;
for (int unsigned i = CmdInfoReadCmdStart ; i <= CmdInfoReadCmdEnd ; i++) begin
if (cmd_info_i[i].valid && data_i == cmd_info_i[i].opcode) begin
opcode_readcmd = 1'b 1;
// cmd_info latch
// TODO: This can be furthur optimized. At 7th beat, check the opcode[7:1]
// with cmd_info[NumCmdInfo-1:0].opcode[7:1]. Unless SW configures more than
// one cmd_info slots with same opcode, at most two slots match with the
// opcode[7:1]. The two can be latched then at 8th beat, only the last bit
// of the opcode in the two cmd_info entries can be compared.
// It reduces the logic from 8bit compare with 24 logic depth into 1bit
// compare with 1 logic depth.
always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin
if (!rst_ni) begin
cmd_info_q <= '{
payload_dir: payload_dir_e'(PayloadIn),
addr_mode: addr_mode_e'(0),
default: '0
cmd_info_idx_q <= '0;
end else if (latch_cmdinfo) begin
cmd_info_q <= cmd_info_d;
cmd_info_idx_q <= cmd_info_idx_d;
always_comb begin
cmd_info_d = '{
payload_dir: payload_dir_e'(PayloadIn),
addr_mode: addr_mode_e'(0),
default: '0
cmd_info_idx_d = '0;
if ((st == StIdle) && module_active && data_valid_i) begin
for (int unsigned i = 0 ; i < NumTotalCmdInfo ; i++ ) begin
if (cmd_info_i[i].valid && (data_i == cmd_info_i[i].opcode)) begin
cmd_info_d = cmd_info_i[i];
cmd_info_idx_d = CmdInfoIdxW'(i);
// cmd_info & cmd_info_idx are registered output in the cmdparse module.
// The upload module in SPI_DEVICE uses cmd_info to determine if the address
// field exists or not.
// The cmd_info value arrives to the rest of the module one clock late. It
// results in the upload module to assume the command does not have the
// address field.
// This commit pulls in the cmd_info one clock early. It leads to longer
// datapath as cmdparse cannot register the data.
always_comb begin : cmd_info_output
cmd_info_o = cmd_info_q;
cmd_info_idx_o = cmd_info_idx_q;
if ((st == StIdle) && module_active && data_valid_i) begin
cmd_info_o = cmd_info_d;
cmd_info_idx_o = cmd_info_idx_d;
// Check upload field in the cmd_info
logic upload;
assign upload = cmd_info_d.upload;
// Intercept: Latched in SCK
always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin
if (!rst_ni) begin
intercept_status_o <= 1'b 0;
intercept_jedec_o <= 1'b 0;
intercept_sfdp_o <= 1'b 0;
end else if (intercept_d) begin
if (opcode_readstatus) intercept_status_o <= 1'b 1;
if (opcode_readjedec) intercept_jedec_o <= 1'b 1;
if (opcode_readsfdp) intercept_sfdp_o <= 1'b 1;
// State Machine //
assign in_flashmode = spi_mode_i == FlashMode ;
assign in_passthrough = spi_mode_i == PassThrough ;
assign module_active = in_flashmode || in_passthrough ;
always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin
if (!rst_ni) begin
st <= StIdle;
end else if (module_active) begin
st <= st_d;
always_comb begin
st_d = st;
sel_dp = DpNone;
latch_cmdinfo = 1'b 0;
intercept_d = 1'b 0;
unique case (st)
StIdle: begin
if (module_active && data_valid_i && cmd_info_d.valid) begin
// 8th bit is valid here
latch_cmdinfo = 1'b 1;
priority case (1'b 1)
opcode_readstatus: begin
if (in_flashmode) begin
st_d = StStatus;
end else if (cfg_intercept_en_status_i) begin
st_d = StStatus;
intercept_d = 1'b 1;
end else begin
st_d = StWait;
opcode_readjedec: begin
if (in_flashmode) begin
st_d = StJedec;
end else if (cfg_intercept_en_jedec_i) begin
st_d = StJedec;
intercept_d = 1'b 1;
end else begin
st_d = StWait;
// Read SFDP may combine with Read command later
opcode_readsfdp: begin
if (in_flashmode) begin
st_d = StSfdp;
end else if (cfg_intercept_en_sfdp_i) begin
st_d = StSfdp;
intercept_d = 1'b 1;
end else begin
// Check passthrough
st_d = StWait;
opcode_readcmd: begin
// Let it move to ReadCmd regardless of the modes
// Then, ReadCmd will handle Mailbox command if received address
// falls into Mailbox address range
st_d = StReadCmd;
upload: begin
st_d = StUpload;
// Reason to select dp here is for Opcode-only commands such as
// ChipErase. As no further SCK is given after 8th bit, need to
// write the command to FIFO at the same cycle.
// May sel_dp have glitch. As Opcode isn't yet fully stable, it
// has a chance to select datapath to Upload and back to None.
// If we can write opcode in negedge of SCK, then selecting DP
// at 8th posedge of SCK is also possible.
// If not, then we may end up latch `sel_dp` at negedge of SCK.
// Then when 8th bit is visible here (`data_valid_i`), the
// sel_dp may change. But the output of sel_dp affects only when
// 8th negedge of SCK.
sel_dp = DpUpload;
opcode_en4b, opcode_ex4b: begin
st_d = StAddr4B;
// opcode only commands. Need to assert DP before transition
sel_dp = (opcode_en4b) ? DpEn4B : DpEx4B ;
opcode_wren, opcode_wrdi: begin
st_d = StWrEn;
// opcode only commands. Need to assert DP before transition
sel_dp = (opcode_wren) ? DpWrEn : DpWrDi ;
default: begin
st_d = StWait;
// DpNone
end // if (module_active && data_valid_i && cmd_info_d.valid)
else if (module_active && data_valid_i) begin
// Could not find valid command information entry.
st_d = StWait;
end // if (module_active && data_valid_i)
// dead-end states below. Reset (CSb de-assertion) let SM back to Idle
StStatus: sel_dp = DpReadStatus;
StJedec: sel_dp = DpReadJEDEC;
StSfdp: sel_dp = DpReadSFDP;
StReadCmd: sel_dp = DpReadCmd;
StUpload: sel_dp = DpUpload;
StAddr4B: sel_dp = DpNone; // Terminal state wait reset
StWrEn: sel_dp = DpNone; // Terminal state wait reset
StWait: begin
st_d = StWait;
sel_dp = DpNone;
default: begin
sel_dp = DpNone;
st_d = StIdle;
`ASSERT_KNOWN(StKnown_A, st)
// Assertion //
// at the first byte, only one datapath shall be active or stay silent.
`ASSERT(OnlyOneDatapath_A, module_active && data_valid_i && (st == StIdle)
|-> $onehot0({opcode_readstatus, opcode_readjedec, opcode_readsfdp,