| // Copyright lowRISC contributors. |
| // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. |
| // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 |
| |
| package flash_ctrl_env_pkg; |
| // dep packages |
| import uvm_pkg::*; |
| import top_pkg::*; |
| import dv_utils_pkg::*; |
| import dv_base_reg_pkg::*; |
| import dv_lib_pkg::*; |
| import tl_agent_pkg::*; |
| import cip_base_pkg::*; |
| import csr_utils_pkg::*; |
| import flash_ctrl_pkg::*; |
| import flash_ctrl_core_ral_pkg::*; |
| import flash_ctrl_eflash_ral_pkg::*; |
| import flash_ctrl_prim_ral_pkg::*; |
| import mem_bkdr_util_pkg::*; |
| import prim_mubi_pkg::*; |
| import lc_ctrl_pkg::*; |
| import flash_phy_prim_agent_pkg::*; |
| import sec_cm_pkg::*; |
| |
| // macro includes |
| `include "uvm_macros.svh" |
| `include "dv_macros.svh" |
| |
| // parameters |
| parameter string LIST_OF_ALERTS[] = {"recov_err", "fatal_std_err", "fatal_err", |
| "fatal_prim_flash_alert", "recov_prim_flash_alert"}; |
| |
| // Some paths are added multiple times to accomodate |
| // indexing in the loop |
| parameter string LIST_OF_READ_SEED_FORCE_PATHS[] = { |
| "tb.dut.u_flash_hw_if.op", |
| "tb.dut.u_flash_hw_if.op", |
| "tb.dut.u_flash_hw_if.part_sel", |
| "tb.dut.u_eflash.gen_flash_cores[0].u_core.u_rd.data_i[31:0]", |
| "tb.dut.u_eflash.gen_flash_cores[0].u_core.u_rd.data_i[31:0]" |
| }; |
| |
| parameter string LIST_OF_PROG_RMA_WIPE_FORCE_PATHS[] = { |
| "tb.dut.u_eflash.gen_flash_cores[0].u_core.gen_prog_data.u_prog.data_i[31:0]", |
| "tb.dut.u_eflash.gen_flash_cores[0].u_core.gen_prog_data.u_prog.data_i[31:0]", |
| "tb.dut.u_flash_hw_if.rma_num_words" |
| }; |
| |
| parameter uint NUM_ALERTS = 5; |
| parameter uint FlashNumPages = flash_ctrl_pkg::NumBanks * flash_ctrl_pkg::PagesPerBank; |
| parameter uint FlashSizeBytes = FlashNumPages * flash_ctrl_pkg::WordsPerPage * |
| flash_ctrl_pkg::DataWidth / 8; |
| |
| parameter uint ProgFifoDepth = 4; |
| parameter uint ReadFifoDepth = 16; |
| |
| // Number of bytes in each of the flash pages. |
| parameter uint BytesPerPage = FlashSizeBytes / FlashNumPages; |
| |
| // Num of bytes in each of the flash banks for each of the flash partitions. |
| parameter uint BytesPerBank = FlashSizeBytes / flash_ctrl_pkg::NumBanks; |
| |
| parameter uint InfoTypeBytes[flash_ctrl_pkg::InfoTypes] = '{ |
| flash_ctrl_pkg::InfoTypeSize[0] * BytesPerPage, |
| flash_ctrl_pkg::InfoTypeSize[1] * BytesPerPage, |
| flash_ctrl_pkg::InfoTypeSize[2] * BytesPerPage |
| }; |
| |
| parameter uint FlashNumBusWords = FlashSizeBytes / top_pkg::TL_DBW; |
| parameter uint FlashNumBusWordsPerBank = FlashNumBusWords / flash_ctrl_pkg::NumBanks; |
| parameter uint FlashNumBusWordsPerPage = FlashNumBusWordsPerBank / flash_ctrl_pkg::PagesPerBank; |
| |
| parameter uint InfoTypeBusWords[flash_ctrl_pkg::InfoTypes] = '{ |
| flash_ctrl_pkg::InfoTypeSize[0] * FlashNumBusWordsPerPage, |
| flash_ctrl_pkg::InfoTypeSize[1] * FlashNumBusWordsPerPage, |
| flash_ctrl_pkg::InfoTypeSize[2] * FlashNumBusWordsPerPage |
| }; |
| |
| parameter uint FlashBankBytesPerWord = flash_ctrl_pkg::DataWidth / 8; |
| |
| parameter uint FlashDataByteWidth = $clog2(FlashBankBytesPerWord); |
| parameter uint FlashWordLineWidth = $clog2(flash_ctrl_pkg::WordsPerPage); |
| parameter uint FlashPageWidth = $clog2(flash_ctrl_pkg::PagesPerBank); |
| parameter uint FlashBankWidth = $clog2(flash_ctrl_pkg::NumBanks); |
| parameter uint FlashPgmRes = flash_ctrl_pkg::BusPgmRes; |
| parameter uint FlashPgmResWidth = $clog2(FlashPgmRes); |
| |
| parameter uint FlashMemAddrWordMsbBit = FlashDataByteWidth - 1; |
| parameter uint FlashMemAddrLineMsbBit = FlashDataByteWidth + FlashWordLineWidth - 1; |
| parameter uint FlashMemAddrPageMsbBit = FlashDataByteWidth + FlashWordLineWidth + |
| FlashPageWidth - 1; |
| parameter uint FlashMemAddrBankMsbBit = FlashDataByteWidth + FlashWordLineWidth + |
| FlashPageWidth + FlashBankWidth - 1; |
| |
| // params for words |
| parameter uint NUM_PAGE_WORDS = FlashNumBusWordsPerPage; |
| parameter uint NUM_BK_DATA_WORDS = FlashNumBusWordsPerBank; // 256 pages |
| parameter uint NUM_BK_INFO_WORDS = InfoTypeBusWords[0]; // 10 pages |
| |
| // params for num of pages |
| parameter uint NUM_PAGE_PART_DATA = flash_ctrl_pkg::PagesPerBank; |
| parameter uint NUM_PAGE_PART_INFO0 = flash_ctrl_pkg::InfoTypeSize[0]; |
| parameter uint NUM_PAGE_PART_INFO1 = flash_ctrl_pkg::InfoTypeSize[1]; |
| parameter uint NUM_PAGE_PART_INFO2 = flash_ctrl_pkg::InfoTypeSize[2]; |
| |
| parameter otp_ctrl_pkg::flash_otp_key_rsp_t FLASH_OTP_RSP_DEFAULT = '{ |
| data_ack: 1'b1, |
| addr_ack: 1'b1, |
| key: '0, |
| rand_key: '0, |
| seed_valid: 1'b0 |
| }; |
| |
| // For Secret Partitions and RMA |
| parameter uint FlashSecretPartWords = 8; // Size Of Secret Part - (8x32=256 Bits) |
| parameter uint FlashCreatorPartStartAddr = 32'h00000800; // Info Partition Page 1 |
| parameter uint FlashOwnerPartStartAddr = 32'h00001000; // Info Partition Page 2 |
| parameter uint FlashIsolPartStartAddr = 32'h00001800; |
| parameter uint FlashIsolPartEndAddr = 32'h00001FFF; |
| |
| parameter uint FlashData0StartAddr = 32'h00000000; |
| parameter uint FlashData0EndAddr = 32'h00080000; |
| parameter uint FlashData1StartAddr = 32'h00080000; |
| parameter uint FlashData1EndAddr = 32'h00100000; |
| |
| parameter uint FullPageNumWords = 512; // 32 Cycles of 16 Words = 512 Words |
| parameter uint FullBankNumWords = 131072; // 8192 Cycles of 16 Words = 131072 Words |
| |
| parameter uint MaxNumPages = 256; // Number of Pages in a Bank |
| parameter uint FIFO_DEPTH = 16; // Depth of the Program and Read FIFO in words |
| |
| // Read Check Parameters |
| parameter bit READ_CHECK_NORM = 0; // Check Read Data via the Backdoor |
| parameter bit READ_CHECK_EXPLICIT = 1; // Check Read Data Explicitly |
| |
| // Code Fetch Key |
| parameter uint CODE_EXEC_KEY_W = 32; |
| parameter uint CODE_EXEC_KEY = 32'ha26a38f7; |
| |
| // MP Access Flags |
| parameter bit MP_PASS = 0; |
| parameter bit MP_VIOLATION = 1; |
| |
| // Flash Error Bits (flash_ctrl.err_code) |
| parameter uint NumFlashErrBits = 7; |
| parameter uint FlashOpErr = 0; |
| parameter uint FlashMpErr = 1; |
| parameter uint FlashRdErr = 2; |
| parameter uint FlashProgErr = 3; |
| parameter uint FlashProgWinErr = 4; |
| parameter uint FlashProgTypeErr = 5; |
| parameter uint FlashUpdateErr = 6; |
| |
| // Flash STD Fault Bits (flash_ctrl.std_fault_status) |
| parameter uint FlashStdFaultRegIntgErr = 0; |
| parameter uint FlashStdFaultProgIntgErr = 1; |
| parameter uint FlashStdFaultLcmgrErr = 2; |
| parameter uint FlashStdFaultLcmgrIntgErr = 3; |
| parameter uint FlashStdFaultArbFsmErr = 4; |
| parameter uint FlashStdFaultStorageErr = 5; |
| parameter uint FlashStdFaultPhyFsmErr = 6; |
| parameter uint FlashStdFaultCtrlCntErr = 7; |
| parameter uint FlashStdFaultFifoErr = 8; |
| |
| // Flash Fault Bits (flash_ctrl.fault_status) |
| parameter uint FlashFaultOpErr = 0; |
| parameter uint FlashFaultMpErr = 1; |
| parameter uint FlashFaultRdErr = 2; |
| parameter uint FlashFaultProgErr = 3; |
| parameter uint FlashFaultProgWinErr = 4; |
| parameter uint FlashFaultProgTypeErr = 5; |
| parameter uint FlashFaultFlashMacroErr = 6; |
| parameter uint FlashFaultSeedErr = 7; |
| parameter uint FlashFaultPhyRelblErr = 8; |
| parameter uint FlashFaultPhyStorageErr = 9; |
| parameter uint FlashFaultSpuriousAck = 10; |
| parameter uint FlashFaultArbErr = 11; |
| parameter uint FlashFaultHostGntErr = 12; |
| |
| // From flash_ctrl_lcmgr.sv |
| parameter logic [10:0] FlashLcDisabled = 11'b11111100011; |
| parameter logic [10:0] FlashLcInvalid = 11'b11101011000; |
| // types |
| typedef enum bit [1:0] { |
| OTFCfgTrue, |
| OTFCfgFalse, |
| OTFCfgRand |
| } otf_cfg_mode_e; |
| |
| typedef enum { |
| ReadCheckNorm = 0, |
| ReadCheckRand = 1, |
| ReadCheckErased = 2 |
| } read_check_e; |
| |
| typedef enum int { |
| FlashCtrlIntrProgEmpty = 0, |
| FlashCtrlIntrProgLvl = 1, |
| FlashCtrlIntrRdFull = 2, |
| FlashCtrlIntrRdLvl = 3, |
| FlashCtrlIntrOpDone = 4, |
| FlashCtrlIntrErr = 5, |
| NumFlashCtrlIntr = 6 |
| } flash_ctrl_intr_e; |
| |
| typedef enum { |
| FlashMemInitCustom, // Initialize flash (via bkdr) with custom data set. |
| FlashMemInitSet, // Initialize with all 1s. |
| FlashMemInitClear, // Initialize with all 0s. |
| FlashMemInitRandomize, // Initialize with random data. |
| FlashMemInitInvalidate, // Initialize with Xs. |
| FlashMemInitEccMode // Flash init for ecc_mode |
| } flash_mem_init_e; |
| |
| // Partition select for DV |
| typedef enum logic [flash_ctrl_pkg::InfoTypes:0] { // Data partition and all info partitions |
| FlashPartData = 0, |
| FlashPartInfo = 1, |
| FlashPartInfo1 = 2, |
| FlashPartInfo2 = 4 |
| } flash_dv_part_e; |
| |
| // Program Type Select Normal/Repair |
| typedef enum bit { |
| FlashProgSelNormal = 0, |
| FlashProgSelRepair = 1 |
| } flash_prog_sel_e; |
| |
| // Special Partitions |
| typedef enum logic [2:0] { |
| FlashCreatorPart = 0, |
| FlashOwnerPart = 1, |
| FlashIsolPart = 2, |
| FlashData0Part = 3, |
| FlashData1Part = 4 |
| } flash_sec_part_e; |
| |
| typedef enum { |
| AllOnes, // All 1s |
| AllZeros, // All 0s |
| CustomVal // Custom Value |
| } flash_scb_wr_e; |
| |
| typedef enum { |
| TgtRd = 0, |
| TgtDr = 1, // direct read |
| TgtWr = 2, // program |
| TgtEr = 3, // erase |
| NumTgt = 4 |
| } flash_tgt_prefix_e; |
| |
| typedef enum { |
| FlashEccDisabled, |
| FlashEccEnabled, |
| FlashSerrTestMode, |
| FlashDerrTestMode, |
| FlashIerrTestMode |
| } ecc_mode_e; |
| |
| typedef enum { |
| ReadTaskCtrl = 0, |
| ReadTaskHost = 1 |
| } read_task_e; |
| |
| typedef struct packed { |
| mubi4_t en; // enable this region |
| mubi4_t read_en; // enable reads |
| mubi4_t program_en; // enable write |
| mubi4_t erase_en; // enable erase |
| mubi4_t scramble_en; // enable scramble |
| mubi4_t ecc_en; // enable ecc |
| mubi4_t he_en; // enable high endurance |
| uint num_pages; // 0:NumPages % start_page |
| uint start_page; // 0:NumPages-1 |
| } flash_mp_region_cfg_t; |
| |
| typedef struct packed { |
| mubi4_t en; // enable this page |
| mubi4_t read_en; // enable reads |
| mubi4_t program_en; // enable write |
| mubi4_t erase_en; // enable erase |
| mubi4_t scramble_en; // enable scramble |
| mubi4_t ecc_en; // enable ecc |
| mubi4_t he_en; // enable high endurance |
| } flash_bank_mp_info_page_cfg_t; |
| |
| // 2-states flash data type |
| typedef bit [TL_DW-1:0] data_t; |
| // 4-states flash data type |
| typedef logic [TL_DW-1:0] data_4s_t; |
| // flash address type |
| typedef bit [TL_AW-1:0] addr_t; |
| // Queue of 4-states data words |
| typedef data_4s_t data_q_t[$]; |
| // Queue of 2-states data words |
| typedef data_t data_b_t[$]; |
| // Array of 2-states data words indexed with flash addresses. |
| // Useful for the flash model. |
| typedef data_t data_model_t[addr_t]; |
| |
| typedef struct packed { |
| flash_dv_part_e partition; // data or one of the info partitions |
| flash_erase_e erase_type; // erase page or the whole bank |
| flash_op_e op; // read / program or erase |
| flash_prog_sel_e prog_sel; // program select |
| uint num_words; // number of words to read or program (TL_DW) |
| addr_t addr; // starting addr for the op |
| // addres for the ctrl interface per bank, 18:0 |
| bit [flash_ctrl_pkg::BusAddrByteW-2:0] otf_addr; |
| } flash_op_t; |
| |
| // Address combined with region |
| // Need for error injection. |
| typedef struct packed { |
| bit bank; |
| addr_t addr; |
| flash_dv_part_e part; |
| } rd_cache_t; |
| |
| parameter uint ALL_ZEROS = 32'h0000_0000; |
| parameter uint ALL_ONES = 32'hffff_ffff; |
| |
| // Parameter for Probing into the DUT RMA FSM |
| parameter string PRB_RMA_FSM = "tb.dut.u_flash_hw_if.state_q"; |
| |
| // Taken from enum type lcmgr_state_e in flash_ctrl_lcmgr.sv |
| parameter uint RMA_FSM_STATE_ST_RMA_RSP = 11'b10110001010; |
| |
| // Indicate host read |
| parameter int unsigned OTFBankId = flash_ctrl_pkg::BusAddrByteW - 1; // bit19 |
| parameter int unsigned OTFHostId = OTFBankId - 1; // bit 18 |
| parameter int unsigned DVPageMSB = 18; |
| parameter int unsigned DVPageLSB = 11; |
| localparam int unsigned CTRL_TRANS_MIN = 1; |
| localparam int unsigned CTRL_TRANS_MAX = 32; |
| |
| // functions |
| // Add below for the temporary until PR12492 is merged. |
| // Will be removed after. |
| localparam int unsigned FlashDataWidth = flash_phy_pkg::DataWidth; |
| localparam int unsigned FlashStagesPerCycle = FlashDataWidth / flash_phy_pkg::GfMultCycles; |
| localparam int unsigned FlashKeySize = flash_phy_pkg::KeySize; |
| localparam int unsigned FlashNumRoundsHalf = crypto_dpi_prince_pkg::NumRoundsHalf; |
| localparam int unsigned FlashAddrWidth = 16; |
| |
| // remove bank select |
| localparam int unsigned FlashByteAddrWidth = flash_ctrl_pkg::BusAddrByteW - 1; |
| |
| localparam bit [FlashDataWidth-1:0] IPoly = FlashDataWidth'(1'b1) << 15 | |
| FlashDataWidth'(1'b1) << 9 | |
| FlashDataWidth'(1'b1) << 7 | |
| FlashDataWidth'(1'b1) << 4 | |
| FlashDataWidth'(1'b1) << 3 | |
| FlashDataWidth'(1'b1) << 0; |
| |
| function automatic bit [FlashDataWidth-1:0] flash_gf_mult2(bit [FlashDataWidth-1:0] operand); |
| bit [FlashDataWidth-1:0] mult_out; |
| |
| mult_out = operand[FlashDataWidth-1] ? (operand << 1) ^ IPoly : (operand << 1); |
| return mult_out; |
| endfunction |
| |
| function automatic bit [FlashStagesPerCycle-1:0][FlashDataWidth-1:0] flash_gen_matrix( |
| bit [FlashDataWidth-1:0] seed, bit init); |
| bit [FlashStagesPerCycle-1:0][FlashDataWidth-1:0] matrix_out; |
| |
| matrix_out[0] = init ? seed : flash_gf_mult2(seed); |
| matrix_out[FlashStagesPerCycle-1:1] = '0; |
| for (int i = 1; i < FlashStagesPerCycle; i++) begin |
| matrix_out[i] = flash_gf_mult2(matrix_out[i-1]); |
| end |
| return matrix_out; |
| endfunction |
| |
| function automatic bit [FlashDataWidth-1:0] flash_galois_multiply(bit [FlashKeySize-1:0] addr_key, |
| bit [FlashAddrWidth-1:0] addr); |
| bit [FlashStagesPerCycle-1:0][FlashDataWidth-1:0] matrix[2]; |
| bit [FlashDataWidth-1:0] product[2]; |
| bit [FlashDataWidth-1:0] add_vector; |
| bit [FlashDataWidth-1:0] mult_out; |
| |
| // generate matrix. |
| matrix[0] = |
| flash_gen_matrix({addr_key[FlashKeySize-FlashAddrWidth-1:FlashKeySize-64], addr}, 1'b1); |
| matrix[1] = flash_gen_matrix(matrix[0][FlashStagesPerCycle-1], 1'b0); |
| `uvm_info("SCR_DBG", $sformatf("waddr: %x op_a_i : %x vector: %x", |
| addr, {addr_key[FlashKeySize-FlashAddrWidth-1:FlashKeySize-64], addr}, |
| matrix[0][FlashStagesPerCycle-1]), UVM_HIGH) |
| |
| // galois multiply. |
| for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) begin |
| mult_out = '0; |
| for (int i = 0; i < FlashStagesPerCycle; i++) begin |
| add_vector = addr_key[(j*FlashStagesPerCycle)+i] ? matrix[j][i] : '0; |
| mult_out = mult_out ^ add_vector; |
| end |
| product[j] = mult_out; |
| end |
| product[1] = product[1] ^ product[0]; |
| `uvm_info("SCR_DBG", $sformatf("prod1:%x prod0:%x",product[1],product[0]), UVM_HIGH) |
| |
| return product[1]; |
| endfunction |
| |
| function automatic bit[63:0] create_flash_data( |
| bit [FlashDataWidth-1:0] data, bit [FlashByteAddrWidth-1:0] byte_addr, |
| bit [FlashKeySize-1:0] flash_addr_key, bit [FlashKeySize-1:0] flash_data_key, |
| bit dis = 1); |
| bit [FlashAddrWidth-1:0] word_addr; |
| bit [FlashDataWidth-1:0] mask; |
| bit [FlashDataWidth-1:0] masked_data; |
| bit [FlashNumRoundsHalf-1:0][FlashDataWidth-1:0] scrambled_data; |
| |
| // These parameters will be removed once it is included in mem_bkdr_util.sv |
| int addr_lsb = 3; |
| |
| word_addr = byte_addr >> addr_lsb; |
| mask = flash_galois_multiply(flash_addr_key, word_addr); |
| masked_data = data ^ mask; |
| crypto_dpi_prince_pkg::sv_dpi_prince_encrypt(.plaintext(masked_data), .key(flash_data_key), |
| .old_key_schedule(0), .ciphertext(scrambled_data)); |
| masked_data = scrambled_data[FlashNumRoundsHalf-1] ^ mask; |
| |
| if (dis) begin |
| `uvm_info("SCR_DBG", $sformatf("addr:%x mask:%x din:%x dout:%x", |
| word_addr, mask, data, masked_data), UVM_MEDIUM) |
| end |
| return masked_data; |
| endfunction |
| |
| // 64bit in out |
| function automatic bit[FlashDataWidth-1:0] create_raw_data( |
| input bit [FlashDataWidth-1:0] data, |
| input bit [FlashAddrWidth-1:0] bank_addr, |
| input bit [FlashKeySize-1:0] flash_addr_key, |
| input bit [FlashKeySize-1:0] flash_data_key, |
| input bit dis = 1); |
| bit [FlashDataWidth-1:0] mask; |
| bit [FlashDataWidth-1:0] masked_data; |
| bit [FlashDataWidth-1:0] plain_text; |
| bit [FlashNumRoundsHalf-1:0][FlashDataWidth-1:0] descrambled_data; |
| |
| mask = flash_galois_multiply(flash_addr_key, bank_addr); |
| masked_data = data ^ mask; |
| plain_text = crypto_dpi_prince_pkg::c_dpi_prince_decrypt(masked_data, |
| flash_data_key[127:64], |
| flash_data_key[63:0], |
| FlashNumRoundsHalf, |
| 0); |
| if (dis) begin |
| `uvm_info("DCR_DBG", $sformatf("datakey:%x", flash_data_key), UVM_HIGH) |
| `uvm_info("DCR_DBG", $sformatf("masked_data:%x cout:%x", masked_data, plain_text), UVM_HIGH) |
| `uvm_info("DCR_DBG", $sformatf( |
| "addr:%x mask:%x din:%x dout:%x ", |
| bank_addr, mask, data, (plain_text^mask)), |
| end |
| |
| return (plain_text ^ mask); |
| endfunction // create_raw_data |
| |
| // Temp add end |
| // Print 16 byte per line |
| function automatic void flash_otf_print_data64(data_q_t data, string str = "data"); |
| int size, tail, line, idx; |
| bit [127:0] vec; |
| size = data.size(); |
| line = size / 4; |
| tail = size % 4; |
| idx = 0; |
| `dv_info($sformatf("size : %0d byte (%0d x 4B)", (size * 4), size), UVM_MEDIUM, str) |
| |
| for (int i = 0; i < line; ++i) begin |
| for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) begin |
| vec[127-(32*j) -:32] = data[idx]; |
| idx++; |
| end |
| `dv_info($sformatf("%4d:%8x_%8x_%8x_%8x", i, |
| vec[127:96], vec[95:64], vec[63:32], vec[31:0]), |
| UVM_MEDIUM, str) |
| vec = 'h0; |
| end |
| |
| if (tail > 0) begin |
| // print tail |
| for (int j = 0; j < tail; ++j) begin |
| vec[127-(32*j) -:32] = data[idx]; |
| idx++; |
| end |
| `dv_info($sformatf("%4d:%8x_%8x_%8x_%8x", line, |
| vec[127:96], vec[95:64], vec[63:32], vec[31:0]), |
| UVM_MEDIUM, str) |
| end |
| endfunction // flash_otf_print_data64 |
| |
| function automatic flash_dv_part_e get_part_name(flash_phy_pkg::flash_phy_prim_flash_req_t req); |
| flash_dv_part_e part; |
| |
| if (req.part == 0) return FlashPartData; |
| else begin |
| case(req.info_sel) |
| 0: begin |
| return FlashPartInfo; |
| end |
| 1: begin |
| return FlashPartInfo1; |
| end |
| 2: begin |
| return FlashPartInfo2; |
| end |
| default: begin |
| `uvm_error("get_partition_name", $sformatf("part:%0d info_sel:%0d doesn't exist", |
| req.part, req.info_sel)) |
| end |
| endcase |
| end |
| |
| `uvm_error("get_partition_name", $sformatf("part:%0d info_sel:%0d doesn't exist", |
| req.part, req.info_sel)) |
| return FlashPartData; |
| endfunction // get_part_name |
| |
| // Struct convertion from rtl to dv. |
| function automatic flash_bank_mp_info_page_cfg_t conv2env_mp_info(info_page_cfg_t info); |
| flash_bank_mp_info_page_cfg_t env_info; |
| |
| env_info.en = info.en; |
| env_info.read_en = info.rd_en; |
| env_info.program_en = info.prog_en; |
| env_info.erase_en = info.erase_en; |
| env_info.scramble_en = info.scramble_en; |
| env_info.ecc_en = info.ecc_en; |
| env_info.he_en = info.he_en; |
| return env_info; |
| endfunction |
| |
| |
| // package sources |
| `include "flash_mem_bkdr_util.sv" |
| `include "flash_mem_addr_attrs.sv" |
| `include "flash_otf_item.sv" |
| `include "flash_otf_read_entry.sv" |
| `include "flash_otf_mem_entry.sv" |
| `include "flash_ctrl_seq_cfg.sv" |
| `include "flash_ctrl_env_cfg.sv" |
| `include "flash_ctrl_env_cov.sv" |
| `include "flash_ctrl_virtual_sequencer.sv" |
| `include "flash_ctrl_scoreboard.sv" |
| `include "flash_ctrl_otf_scoreboard.sv" |
| `include "flash_ctrl_env.sv" |
| `include "flash_ctrl_vseq_list.sv" |
| |
| endpackage |