This document specifies the functionality of the alert handler mechanism. The alert handler is a module that is a peripheral on the chip interconnect bus, and thus follows the [Comportability Specification]({{< relref “doc/rm/comportability_specification” >}}). It gathers alerts - defined as interrupt-type signals from other peripherals that are designated as potential security threats - throughout the design, and converts them to interrupts that the processor can handle. If the processor does not handle them, the alert handler mechanism provides hardware responses to handle the threat.
Differentially-signaled, asynchronous alert inputs from NAlerts
peripheral sources, where NAlerts
is a function of the requirements of the peripherals.
Ping testing of alert sources: responder module requests periodic alert response from each source to ensure proper wiring.
Register locking on all configuration registers.
Register-based assignment of alert to alert-class.
Register-based escalation controls.
Two locally sourced hardware alerts.
The alert handler module manages incoming alerts from throughout the system, classifies them, sends interrupts, and escalates interrupts to hardware responses if the processor does not respond to any interrupts. The intention is for this module to be a stand-in for security responses in the case where the processor can not handle the security alerts.
It is first notable that all security alerts are rare events. Module and top level designers should only designate events as alerts if they are expected to never happen, and if they have potential security consequences. Examples are parity errors (which might indicate an attack), illegal actions on cryptography or security modules, physical sensors of environmental modification (e.g. voltage, temperature), etc. Alerts will be routed through this module and initially converted to interrupts for the processor to handle. The expectation is that the secure operating system has a protocol for handling any such alert interrupt in software. The operating system should respond, then clear the interrupt. Since these are possible security attacks, the response is not always obvious, but the response is beyond the scope of this document.
This module is designed to help the full chip respond to security threats in the case where the processor is not trusted: either it has been attacked, or is not responding. It does this by escalating alerts beyond a processor interrupt. It provides four such escalation signals that can be routed to chip functions for attack responses. This could include such functions as wiping secret chip material, power down, reset, etc. It is beyond the scope of this document to specify what those escalation responses are at the chip level.
To ease software management of alerts, classification is provided whereby each alert can be classified into one of four classes. How the classification is done by software is beyond the scope of this document, but it is suggested that alerts of a similar profile (risk of occurring, level of security concern, frequency of false trigger, etc) are classed together. For each class a counter of alerts is kept, clearable by software. If that counter exceeds a programmable maximum value, then the escalation protocol for that class begins.
The details for alert signaling, classification, and escalation are all given in the Theory of Operations section.
The figure below shows a block diagram of the alert handler module, as well as a few examples of alert senders in other peripheral modules. In this diagram, there are seven sources of alerts: three sources from external modules (two from periph0
and one from periph1
), and four local sources (alert_ping_fail
, alert_sig_int
, esc_ping_fail
, esc_sig_int
). The local sources represent alerts that are created by this module itself. See the later section on special local alerts.
Also shown are internal modules for classification, interrupt generation, accumulation, escalation and ping generation. These are described later in the document. Note that the differential alert sender and receiver blocks used for alert signaling support both asynchronous and synchronous clocking schemes, and hence peripherals able to raise alerts may be placed in clock domains different from that of the alert handler (Jittered clock domains are also supported in the asynchronous clocking scheme). Proper care must however be taken when formulating the timing constraints for the diff pairs, and when determining clock-dependent parameters (such as the ping timeout) of the design. On the escalation sender / receiver side, the differential signaling blocks employ a fully synchronous clocking scheme throughout.
The following table lists the main parameters used throughout the alert handler design. Note that the alert handler is generated based on the system configuration, and hence these parameters are placed into a package as “localparams”. The parameterization rules are explained in more detail in the architectural description.
Localparam | Default (Max) | Description |
NAlerts | 8 (248) | Number of alert instances. Maximum number bounded by LFSR implementation that generates ping timing. |
EscCntWidth | 32 (32) | Width of the escalation counters in bit. |
AccuCntWidth | 16 (32) | Width of the alert accumulation counters in bit. |
AsyncOn | '0 (2^NAlerts -1) | This is a bit array specifying whether a certain alert sender / receiver pair goes across an asynchronous boundary or not. |
LfsrSeed | '1 (2^31-1) | Seed for the LFSR timer, must be nonzero. |
The next table lists free parameters in the prim_alert_sender
and prim_alert receiver
Parameter | Default (Max) | Description |
AsyncOn | 1'b0 (1'b1 ) | 0: Synchronous, 1: Asynchronous, determines whether additional synchronizer flops and logic need to be instantiated. |
{{< hwcfg “hw/ip/alert_handler/data/alert_handler.hjson” >}}
The table below lists other alert handler module signals. The number of alert instances is parametric and hence alert and ping diff pairs are grouped together in packed arrays. The diff pair signals are indexed with the corresponding alert instance <number>
Signal | Direction | Type | Description |
crashdump_o | output | packed struct | This is a collection of alert handler state registers that can be latched by hardware debugging circuitry, if needed. |
entropy_i | input | logic | Entropy input bit for LFSRtimer (can be connected to TRNG, otherwise tie off to 1'b0 if unused). |
alert_tx_i[<number>] | input | packed alert_tx_t array | Incoming alert or ping response(s), differentially encoded. Index range: [NAlerts-1:0] |
alert_rx_o[<number>] | output | packed alert_rx_t array | Outgoing alert acknowledgment and ping requests, differentially encoded. Index range: [NAlerts-1:0] |
esc_tx_o[<sev>] | output | packed esc_tx_t array | Escalation or ping request, differentially encoded. Index corresponds to severity level, and ranges from 0 to 3. |
esc_rx_i[<sev>] | input | packed esc_rx_t array | Escalation ping response, differentially encoded. Index corresponds to severity level, and ranges from 0 to 3. |
For each alert, there is a pair of input and two pairs of output signals. These signals are connected to a differential sender module within the source, and a differential receiver module within the alert handler. Both of these modules are described in more detail in the following section. These signal pairs carry differentially encoded messages that enable two types of signaling: a native alert and a ping/response test of the alert mechanism. The latter is to ensure that all alert senders are always active and have not been the target of an attack. Note that low power states are not considered at this time, but could affect the signaling and testing of alerts.
The crashdump_o
struct outputs a collection of CSRs and alert handler state bits that can be latched by hardware debugging circuitry. This can be useful for extracting more information about possible failures or bugs without having to use the tile-link bus interface (which may become unresponsive under certain circumstances). It is recommended for the top level to store this information in an always-on location.
This section gives the full design details of the alert handler module and its submodules.
Alerts are defined as events that have security implications, and should be handled by the main processor, or escalated to other hardware modules to take action. Each peripheral has the option to define one or more alert signals. Those peripherals should instantiate one module (prim_alert_sender
) to convert the event associated with that alert into a signal to the alert handler module. The alert handler instantiates one receiver module (prim_alert_receiver
) per alert, then handles the classification, accumulation, and escalation of the received signal. The differential signaling submodules may either use a synchronous or asynchronous clocking scheme, since the message type to be transferred is a single discrete event.
Each alert sender is connected to the corresponding alert receiver via the 3 differential pairs alert_tx_i/o.alert_p/n
, alert_rx_i/o.ack_p/n
and alert_rx_i/o.ping_p/n
, as illustrated below:
Alerts are encoded differentially and signaled using a full handshake on the alert_tx_i/o.alert_p/n
and alert_rx_i/o.ack_p/n
wires. The use of a full handshake protocol allows this mechanism to be used with an asynchronous clocking strategy, where peripherals may reside in a different clock domain than the alert handler. The full handshake guarantees that alert messages are correctly back-pressured and no alert is “lost” at the asynchronous boundary due to (possibly variable) clock ratios greater or less than 1.0. The “native alert message” will be repeated on the output wires as long as the alert event is still true within the peripheral.
The wave pattern below illustrates differential full handshake mechanism.
{{< wavejson >}} { signal: [ { name: ‘clk_i’, wave: ‘p...............’ }, { name: ‘alert_i’, wave: ‘01.|..|..|...|..’ }, { name: ‘alert_tx_o/i.alert_p’, wave: ‘01.|..|0.|..1|..’ , node: ‘.a.....c....e’}, { name: ‘alert_tx_o/i.alert_n’, wave: ‘10.|..|1.|..0|..’ }, { name: ‘alert_rx_i/o.ack_p’, wave: ‘0..|1.|..|0..|1.’ , node: ‘....b.....d..’}, { name: ‘alert_rx_i/o.ack_n’, wave: ‘1..|0.|..|1..|0.’ }, { name: ‘alert_o’, wave: ‘0..|10|..|...|10’ }, ], edge: [ ‘a~>b Phase 0/1’, ‘b~>c Phase 1/2’, ‘c~>d Phase 2/3’, ‘d~>e 2 Pause Cycles’, ], head: { text: ‘Alert signaling and repeat pattern’, }, foot: { text: ‘Native alert at time 1 with 4-phase handshake; repeated alert at time 12;’, tick: 0, } } {{< /wavejson >}}
The handshake pattern is repeated as long as the alert is true. The sender will wait for 2 cycles between handshakes.
Note that the alert is immediately propagated to alert_o
once the initial level change on alert_tx_i.alert_p/n
has been received and synchronized to the local clock on the receiver side. This ensures that the first occurrence of an alert is always propagated - even if the handshake lines have been manipulated to emulate backpressure. (In such a scenario, all subsequent alerts would be back-pressured and eventually the ping testing mechanism described in the next subsection would detect that the wires have been tampered with.)
The alert sender and receiver modules can either be used synchronously or asynchronously. The signaling protocol remains the same in both cases, but the additional synchronizer flops at the diff pair inputs may be omitted, which results in lower signaling latency.
In order to ensure that the event sending modules have not been compromised, the alert receiver module prim_alert_receiver
will “ping” or line-test the senders periodically every few microseconds. Pings timing is randomized so their appearance can not be predicted.
The ping timing is generated by a central LFSR-based timer within the alert handler that randomly asserts the ping_en_i
signal of a particular prim_alert_receiver
module. Once ping_en_i
is asserted, the receiver module encodes the ping message as a level change on the differential alert_rx_o.ping_p/n
output, and waits until the sender responds with a full handshake on the alert_tx_i.alert_p/n
and alert_rx_o.ack_p/n
lines. Once that handshake is complete, the ping_ok_o
signal is asserted. The LFSR timer has a programmable ping timeout, after which it will automatically assert a “pingfail” alert. That timeout is a function of the clock ratios present in the system, and has to be programmed accordingly at system startup (as explained later in the LFSR timer subsection).
The following wave diagram illustrates a correct ping sequence, viewed from the receiver side:
{{< wavejson >}} { signal: [ { name: ‘clk_i’, wave: ‘p..............’ }, { name: ‘ping_en_i’, wave: ‘01.|..|..|..|.0’ }, { name: ‘ping_ok_o’, wave: ‘0..|..|..|..|10’ , node: ‘.............e’}, { name: ‘alert_rx_o.ping_p’, wave: ‘01.|..|..|..|..’ , node: ‘.a’}, { name: ‘alert_rx_o.ping_n’, wave: ‘10.|..|..|..|..’ , node: ‘.b’}, { name: ‘alert_tx_i.alert_p’, wave: ‘0..|1.|..|0.|..’ , node: ‘....c’}, { name: ‘alert_tx_i.alert_n’, wave: ‘1..|0.|..|1.|..’ }, { name: ‘alert_rx_o.ack_p’, wave: ‘0..|..|1.|..|0.’ , node: ‘.............d’}, { name: ‘alert_rx_o.ack_n’, wave: ‘1..|..|0.|..|1.’ }, ], edge: [ ‘a-b’, ‘b~>c ping response’, ‘d->e response complete’, ], head: { text: ‘Ping testing’, }, foot: { text: ‘Level change at time 1 triggers a full handshake (ping response) at time 4’, tick: 0, } } {{< /wavejson >}}
In the unlikely case that a ping request collides with a native alert at the sender side, the native alert is held back until the ping handshake has been completed. This slightly delays the transmission of a native alert, but the alert will eventually be signaled. Further, if an alert is sent out right before a ping requests comes in at the sender side, the receiver will treat the alert as a ping response. However, the “true” ping response will be returned right after the alert handshake completed, and thus the alert will eventually be signaled with a slight delay.
Note that in both collision cases mentioned, the delay will be in the order of the handshake length, plus the constant amount of pause cycles between handshakes (2 sender cycles).
All differential pairs are monitored for signal integrity issues, and if an encoding failure is detected, the receiver module asserts a signal integrity alert via integ_fail_o
. In particular, this covers the following failure cases:
The alert_tx_i.alert_p/n
pair is not correctly encoded on the receiver side. This can be directly flagged as an integrity failure on the receiver side.
The alert_rx_i.ping_p/n
or the alert_rx_i.ack_p/n
pairs are not correctly encoded on the sender side. This is signaled to the receiver by setting the alert_tx_o.alert_p/n
wires to the same value, and that value will be continuously toggled. This implicitly triggers a signal integrity alert on the receiver side.
Some of these failure patterns are illustrated in the wave diagram below:
{{< wavejson >}} { signal: [ { name: ‘clk_i’, wave: ‘p..............’ }, { name: ‘alert_tx_o.alert_p’, wave: ‘0.1...|0..10101’ , node: ‘..a.......d’}, { name: ‘alert_tx_o.alert_n’, wave: ‘1.....|....0101’ }, { name: ‘alert_rx_i.ack_p’, wave: ‘0.....|.1......’ , node: ‘........c’}, { name: ‘alert_rx_i.ack_n’, wave: ‘1.....|........’ }, { name: ‘integ_fail_o’, wave: ‘0...1.|0....1..’ , node: ‘....b.......e’}, ], edge: [ ‘a~>b sigint issue detected’, ‘c~>d’, ‘d~>e indirect sigint issue detected’, ], head: { text: ‘Detection of Signal Integrity Issues’, }, foot: { text: ‘signal integrity issues occur at times 2 and 8; synchronizer latency is 2 cycles.’, tick: 0, } } {{< /wavejson >}}
Note that if signal integrity failures occur during ping or alert handshaking, it is possible that the protocol state-machines lock up and the alert sender and receiver modules become unresponsive. However, the above mechanisms ensure that this will always trigger either a signal integrity alert or eventually a “pingfail” alert.
Note that there is likely a (small) skew present within each differential pair of the signaling mechanism above. Since these pairs cross clock domain boundaries, it may thus happen that a level change appears in staggered manner after resynchronization, as illustrated below:
{{< wavejson >}} { signal: [ { name: ‘clk_i’, wave: ‘p...........’ }, { name: ‘diff_p’, wave: ‘0.1.|.0.|..1’ , node: ‘......a....d’ }, { name: ‘diff_n’, wave: ‘1.0.|..1|.0.’ , node: ‘.......b..c.’ }, ], edge: [ ‘a-~>b skew’, ‘c-~>d skew’ ], head: { text: ‘Skewed diff pair’, }, foot: { text: ‘Correctly sampled diff pair at time 2; staggered samples at time 6-7 and 10-11’, tick: 0, } } {{< /wavejson >}}
This behavior is permissible, but needs to be accounted for in the protocol logic. Further, the skew within the differential pair should be constrained to be smaller than the shortest clock period in the system. This ensures that the staggered level changes appear at most 1 cycle apart from each other.
The ping_en inputs of all signaling modules (prim_alert_receiver
, prim_esc_sender
) instantiated within the alert handler are connected to a central ping timer that determines the random amount of wait cycles between ping requests. Further, this ping timer also randomly selects a particular line to be pinged. That should make it more difficult to predict the next ping occurrence based on past observations.
The ping timer is implemented using an [LFSR-based PRNG of Galois type]({{< relref “hw/ip/prim/doc/” >}}). In order to increase the entropy of the pseudo random sequence, 1 random bit from the TRNG is XOR'ed into the LFSR state every time a new random number is drawn (which happens every few 10k cycles). The LFSR is 32bits wide, but only 24bits of its state are actually being used to generate the random timer count and select the alert/escalation line to be pinged. I.e., the 32bits first go through a fixed permutation function, and then bits [23:16]
are used to determine which peripheral to ping. The random cycle count is created by splitting bits [15:0]
and concatenating them as follows:
cycle_cnt = {permuted[15:2], 8'b01, permuted[1:0]}
This constant DC offset introduces a minimum ping spacing of 4 cycles (1 cycle + margin) to ensure that the handshake protocols of the sender receiver pairs work.
After selecting one of the peripherals to ping, the LFSR timer waits until either the corresponding *_ping_ok[<number>]
signal is asserted, or until the programmable ping timeout value is reached. In both cases, the LFSR timer proceeds with the next ping, but in the second case it will additionally raise a “pingfail” alert. The ping enable signal remains asserted during the time where the LFSR counter waits.
The timeout value is a function of the ratios between the alert handler clock and peripheral clocks present in the system, and can be programmed at startup time via the register {{< regref “PING_TIMEOUT_CYC” >}}. Note that this register is locked in together with the alert enable and disable configuration.
The ping timer starts as soon as the initial configuration phase is over and the registers have been locked in.
Note that the ping timer directly flags a “pingfail” alert if a spurious “ping ok” message comes in that has not been requested.
The alert handler module contains one alert receiver module (prim_alert_receiver
) per sending module. This receiver module has three outputs based upon the signaling of the input alert. Primary is the signal of a received native alert, shown in the top-level diagram as alert_triggered[<number>]
. Also generated are two other outputs, one that signals a differential encoding error (alert_integ_fail[<number>]
), and one that signals the receipt of a ping response (alert_ping_ok[<number>]
). Each “triggered” alert received is sent into the classification block for individual configuration. All of the integ_fail
signals are OR'ed together to create one alert for classification. The ping responses are fed to the LFSR timer, which determines whether a ping has correctly completed within the timeout window or not.
Each of the incoming and local alert signals can be classified generically to one of four classes, or disabled for no classification at all. These are the classes A, B, C, and D. There is no pre-determined definition of a class, that is left to software. But for guidance, software can consider that some alert types are similar to others; some alert types are more “noisy” than others (i.e. when triggered they stay on for long periods of time); some are more critical than others, etc.
For each alert class (A-D), an interrupt is generally sent. Like all other peripheral interrupts, there is a triad of registers: enable, status, test. Thus like all other interrupts, software should handle the source of the interrupt (in this case, the original alert), then clear the state. Since the interrupt class is disassociated with the original alert (due to the classification process), software can access cause registers to determine which alerts have fired since the last clearing. Since alerts are expected to be rare (if ever) events, the complexity of dealing with multiple interrupts per class firing during the same time period should not be of concern. See the programming section on interrupt clearing.
Each of the four interrupts can optionally trigger a timeout counter that triggers escalation if the interrupt is not handled and cleared within a certain time frame. This feature is explained in more detail in the next subsection about escalation mechanisms.
Note that an interrupt always fires once an alert has been registered in the corresponding class. Interrupts are not dependent on escalation mechanisms like alert accumulation or timeout as described in the next subsection.
There are two mechanisms per class that can trigger the corresponding escalation protocol:
The first consists of an accumulation counter that counts the amount of alert occurrences within a particular class. An alert classified to class A indicates that on every received alert trigger, the accumulation counter for class A is incremented. Note: since alerts are expected to be rare or never occur, the module does not attempt to count every alert per cycle, but rather all triggers per class are ORd before sending to the accumulation counter as an increment signal. Once the threshold has been reached, the next occurrence triggers the escalation escalation protocol for this particular class. The counter is a saturation counter, meaning that it will not wrap around once it hits the maximum representable count. This mechanism has two associated CSRs:
The second way is an interrupt timeout counter which triggers escalation if an alert interrupt is not handled within the programmable timeout window. Once the counter hits the timeout threshold, the escalation protocol is triggered. The corresponding CSRs are:
state. Software should clear the corresponding interrupt state bit {{< regref “INTR_STATE.CLASSA” >}} before the timeout expires to avoid escalation.Technically, the interrupt timeout feature (2. above) is implemented using the same counter used to time the escalation phases. This is possible since escalation phases or interrupt timeout periods are non-overlapping (escalation always takes precedence should it be triggered).
There are four output escalation signals, 0, 1, 2, and 3. There is no predetermined definition of an escalation signal, that is left to the top-level integration. Examples could be processor Non Maskable Interrupt (NMI), privilege lowering, secret wiping, chip reset, etc. Typically the assumption is that escalation level 0 is the first to trigger, followed by 1, 2, and then 3, emulating a “fuse” that is lit that can't be stopped once the first triggers (this is however not a requirement). See register section for discussion of counter clearing and register locking to determine the finality of accumulation triggers.
Each class can be programmed with its own escalation protocol. If one of the two mechanisms described above fires, a timer for that particular class is started. The timer can be programmed with up to 4 delays (e.g., {{< regref “CLASSA_PHASE0_CYC” >}}), each representing a distinct escalation phase (0 - 3). Each of the four escalation severity outputs (0 - 3) are by default configured to be asserted during the corresponding phase, e.g., severity 0 in phase 0, severity 1 in phase 1, etc. However, this mapping can be freely reassigned by modifying the corresponding enable/phase mappings (e.g., {{< regref “CLASSA_CTRL.E0_MAP” >}} for enable bit 0 of class A). This mapping will be locked in together with the alert enable configuration after initial configuration.
SW can stop a triggered escalation protocol by clearing the corresponding escalation counter (e.g., {{< regref “CLASSA_ESC_CNT” >}}). Protection of this clearing is up to software, see the register control section that follows for {{< regref “CLASSA_CTRL.LOCK” >}}.
It should be noted that each of the escalation phases have a duration of at least 1 clock cycle, even if the cycle count of a particular phase has been set to 0.
The next waveform shows the gathering of alerts of one class until eventually the escalation protocol is engaged. In this diagram, two different alerts are shown for class A, and the gathering and escalation configuration values are shown.
{{< wavejson >}} { signal: [ { name: ‘clk_i’, wave: ‘p...................’ }, { name: ‘CLASSA_ACCUM_THRESH’, wave: ‘2...................’, data: [‘15’] }, { name: ‘CLASSA_PHASE0_CYC’, wave: ‘2...................’, data: [‘1e3 cycles’] }, { name: ‘CLASSA_PHASE1_CYC’, wave: ‘2...................’, data: [‘1e4 cycles’] }, { name: ‘CLASSA_PHASE2_CYC’, wave: ‘2...................’, data: [‘1e5 cycles’] }, { name: ‘CLASSA_PHASE3_CYC’, wave: ‘2...................’, data: [‘1e6 cycles’] }, { name: ‘alert_triggered[0]’, wave: ‘010|.10.............’ }, { name: ‘alert_triggered[1]’, wave: ‘0..|10..............’ }, { name: ‘CLASSA_ACCUM_CNT’, wave: ‘33.|33..............’, data: [‘0’, ‘1’,‘15’,‘16’] }, { name: ‘irq_o[0]’, wave: ‘01.|................’ }, { name: ‘CLASSA_STATE’, wave: ‘3..|.3|3.|3..|3..|3.’, data: [‘Idle’, ' Phase0',‘Phase1’,‘Phase2’,‘Phase3’,‘Terminal’] }, { name: ‘CLASSA_ESC_CNT’, wave: ‘3..|.3|33|333|333|3.’, data: [‘0’,‘1’,‘1’,‘2’,‘1’,‘2’,‘3’,‘1’,‘2’,‘3’,‘0’] }, { name: ‘esc_tx_o.esc_p[0]’, wave: ‘0..|.1|0............’, node: ‘.....a.b’ }, { name: ‘esc_tx_o.esc_n[0]’, wave: ‘1..|.0|1............’ }, { name: ‘esc_tx_o.esc_p[1]’, wave: ‘0..|..|1.|0.........’, node: ‘.......c..d’ }, { name: ‘esc_tx_o.esc_n[1]’, wave: ‘1..|..|0.|1.........’ }, { name: ‘esc_tx_o.esc_p[2]’, wave: ‘0..|.....|1..|0.....’, node: ‘..........e...f’ }, { name: ‘esc_tx_o.esc_n[2]’, wave: ‘1..|.....|0..|1.....’ }, { name: ‘esc_tx_o.esc_p[3]’, wave: ‘0..|.........|1..|0.’, node: ‘..............g...h’ }, { name: ‘esc_tx_o.esc_n[3]’, wave: ‘1..|.........|0..|1.’ }, ], edge: [ ‘a->b 1e3 cycles’, ‘c->d 1e4 cycles’, ‘e->f 1e5 cycles’, ‘g->h 1e6 cycles’, ], head: { text: ‘Alert class gathering and escalation triggers (fully synchronous case)’, }, foot: { text: ‘alert class A gathers 16 alerts, triggers first escalation, followed by three more’, tick: 0, } } {{< /wavejson >}}
In this diagram, the first alert triggers an interrupt to class A. The assumption is that the processor is wedged or taken over, in which case it does not handle the interrupt. Once enough interrupts gather (16 in this case), the first escalation phase is entered, followed by three more (each phase has its own programmable length). Note that the accumulator threshold is set to 15 in order to trigger on the 16th occurrence. If escalation shall be triggered on the first occurrence within an alert class, the accumulation threshold shall be set to 0. Also note that it takes one cycle to activate escalation and enter phase 0.
The next wave shows a case where an interrupt remains unhandled and hence the interrupt timeout counter triggers escalation.
{{< wavejson >}} { signal: [ { name: ‘clk_i’, wave: ‘p.....................’ }, { name: ‘CLASSA_TIMEOUT_CYC’, wave: ‘2.....................’, data: [‘1e4 cycles’] }, { name: ‘alert_triggered[0]’, wave: ‘010.|.................’ }, { name: ‘irq_o[0]’, wave: ‘01..|.................’, node: ‘.a..|.b’ }, { name: ‘CLASSA_ESC_STATE’, wave: ‘33..|.3|3.|3..|3...|3.’, data: [‘Idle’, ‘Timeout’,' Phase0',‘Phase1’,‘Phase2’,‘Phase3’,‘Terminal’] }, { name: ‘CLASSA_ESC_CNT’, wave: ‘3333|33|33|333|3333|3.’, data: [‘0’, ‘1’,‘2’,‘3’,‘1e4’,‘1’,‘1’,‘2’,‘1’,‘2’,‘3’,‘1’,‘2’,‘3’,‘4’,‘0’] }, { name: ‘esc_tx_o.esc_p[0]’, wave: ‘0...|.1|0.............’ }, { name: ‘esc_tx_o.esc_n[0]’, wave: ‘1...|.0|1.............’ }, { name: ‘esc_tx_o.esc_p[1]’, wave: ‘0...|..|1.|0..........’ }, { name: ‘esc_tx_o.esc_n[1]’, wave: ‘1...|..|0.|1..........’ }, { name: ‘esc_tx_o.esc_p[2]’, wave: ‘0...|.....|1..|0......’ }, { name: ‘esc_tx_o.esc_n[2]’, wave: ‘1...|.....|0..|1......’ }, { name: ‘esc_tx_o.esc_p[3]’, wave: ‘0...|.........|1...|0.’ }, { name: ‘esc_tx_o.esc_n[3]’, wave: ‘1...|.........|0...|1.’ }, ], edge: [ ‘a->b 1e4 cycles’, ], head: { text: ‘Escalation due to an interrupt timeout (fully synchronous case)’, }, foot: { text: ‘alert class A triggers an interrupt and the timeout counter, which eventually triggers escalation after 1e4 cycles.’, tick: 0, } } {{< /wavejson >}}
For each of the four escalation severities, the alert handler instantiates a prim_esc_sender
module and each of the four escalation countermeasures instantiates an prim_esc_receiver
module. The signaling mechanism has similarities with the alert signaling mechanism - but it is a fully synchronous protocol. Hence, it must be ensured at the top-level that all escalation sender and receiver modules are using the same clock and reset signals.
As illustrated in the following block diagram, a sender-receiver pair is connected with two differential lines, one going from sender to receiver and the other going from receiver to sender.
Upon receiving an escalation enable pulse of width N > 0 at the esc_en_i
input, the escalation sender encodes that signal as a differential pulse of width N+1 on esc_tx.esc_p/n
. The receiver decodes that message and asserts the esc_en_o
output after one cycle of delay. Further, it acknowledges the receipt of that message by continuously toggling the esc_rx.resp_p/n
signals as long as the escalation signal is asserted. Any failure to respond correctly will trigger a integ_fail_o
alert, as illustrated below:
{{< wavejson >}} { signal: [ { name: ‘clk_i’, wave: ‘p..................’ }, { name: ‘ping_en_i’, wave: ‘0........|.........’ }, { name: ‘ping_ok_o’, wave: ‘0........|.........’ }, { name: ‘integ_fail_o’, wave: ‘0........|..1010...’ , node: ‘............b.d’ }, { name: ‘ping_fail_o’, wave: ‘0........|.........’ }, { name: ‘esc_en_i’, wave: ‘01....0..|.1....0..’ }, { name: ‘esc_rx_i/o.resp_p’, wave: ‘0.101010.|.........’, node: ‘............a.c’ }, { name: ‘esc_rx_i/o.resp_n’, wave: ‘1.010101.|.........’ }, { name: ‘esc_tx_o/i.esc_p’, wave: ‘01.....0.|.1.....0.’ }, { name: ‘esc_tx_o/i.esc_n’, wave: ‘10.....1.|.0.....1.’ }, { name: ‘esc_en_o’, wave: ‘0.1....0.|..?....0.’}, ], edge: [ ‘a~>b missing response’, ‘c~>d’, ], head: { text: ‘Escalation signaling and response’, }, foot: { text: ‘escalation enable pulse shown at input sender at time 1 and 11; missing response and repeated integfail at time 12 and 14’, tick: 0, } } {{< /wavejson >}}
Further, any differential signal mismatch on both the esc_tx_i.esc_p/n
and esc_rx_i.resp_p/n
lines will trigger an integ_fail_o
alert. Mismatches on esc_rx_i.resp_p/n
can be directly detected at the sender. Mismatches on the esc_tx_i.esc_p/n
line will be signaled back to the sender by setting both the positive and negative response wires to the same value - and that value is being toggled each cycle. This implicitly triggers a signal integrity alert on the sender side.
This back-signaling mechanism can be leveraged to fast-track escalation and use another countermeasure in case it is detected that a particular escalation signaling path has been tampered with.
Some signal integrity failure cases are illustrated in the wave diagram below:
{{< wavejson >}} { signal: [ { name: ‘clk_i’, wave: ‘p...........’ }, { name: ‘ping_en_i’, wave: ‘0....|......’ }, { name: ‘ping_ok_o’, wave: ‘0....|......’ }, { name: ‘integ_fail_o’, wave: ‘0.1.0|.1....’ , node: ‘..b....e’ }, { name: ‘esc_en_i’, wave: ‘0....|......’ }, { name: ‘esc_rx_i.resp_p’, wave: ‘0.1.0|..1010’, node: ‘..a..’ }, { name: ‘esc_rx_i.resp_n’, wave: ‘1....|.01010’, node: ‘.......d’ }, { name: ‘esc_tx_i.esc_p’, wave: ‘0....|1.....’, node: ‘......c..’ }, { name: ‘esc_tx_i.esc_n’, wave: ‘1....|......’ }, { name: ‘esc_en_o’, wave: ‘0....|......’}, ], edge: [ ‘a~>b’, ‘c->d’, ‘d->e’, ], head: { text: ‘possible signal integrity failure cases’, }, foot: { text: ‘direct signal integrity failure at time 2; indirect failure at time 6’, tick: 0, } } {{< /wavejson >}}
Similarly to the alert signaling scheme, the escalation signaling lines can be pinged / line tested in order to test whether the escalation receiver has been tampered with. This is achieved by asserting ping_en_i
at the escalation sender module. A ping request is encoded as a single cycle pulse on the esc_tx_o.esc_p/n
outputs. Hence, the receiver module will not decode this single cycle pulse as an escalation enable message, but it will respond to it with a “1010” pattern on the esc_rx_i.resp_p/n
lines. The escalation sender module will assert ping_ok_o
if that pattern is received correctly after one cycle of latency. Otherwise the LFSR timer will raise a “pingfail” alert after the programmable timeout is reached. This mechanism is illustrated below from the viewpoint of the sender module.
{{< wavejson >}} { signal: [ { name: ‘clk_i’, wave: ‘p..............’ }, { name: ‘ping_en_i’, wave: ‘01....0|.1.0...’ , node: ‘.a’}, { name: ‘ping_ok_o’, wave: ‘0....10|.......’ , node: ‘.....e....g’}, { name: ‘integ_fail_o’, wave: ‘0......|.......’ }, { name: ‘esc_en_i’, wave: ‘0......|.......’ }, { name: ‘esc_rx_i.resp_p’, wave: ‘0.1010.|.......’ , node: ‘..c..d....f’}, { name: ‘esc_rx_i.resp_n’, wave: ‘1.0101.|.......’ }, { name: ‘esc_tx_o.esc_p’, wave: ‘010....|.10....’ , node: ‘.b’}, { name: ‘esc_tx_o.esc_n’, wave: ‘101....|.01....’ }, ], edge: [ ‘a->b’, ‘b->c’, ‘d->e correct response’, ‘f->g missing response’, ], head: { text: ‘ping testing of escalation lines’, }, foot: { text: ‘ping trig at sender input at time 1 and 9; correct response at time 5; missing response at time 10’, tick: 0, } } {{< /wavejson >}}
Note that the escalation signal always takes precedence, and the ping_en_i
will just be acknowledged with ping_ok_o
in case esc_en_i
is already asserted. An ongoing ping sequence will be aborted immediately.
False alerts during power-up and reset are not possible since the alerts are disabled by default, and need to be configured and locked in by the firmware.
The ping timer won't start until initial configuration is over and the registers are locked in.
To initialize the block, software running at a high privilege levels (early in the security settings process) should do the following:
For each alert and each local alert:
Determine if alert is enabled (should only be false if alert is known to be faulty). Set {{< regref “ALERT_EN.EN_A0” >}} and {{< regref “LOC_ALERT_EN.EN_LA0” >}} accordingly.
Determine which class (A..D) the alert is associated with. Set {{< regref “ALERT_CLASS.CLASS_A” >}} and {{< regref “LOC_ALERT_CLASS.CLASS_LA” >}} accordingly.
Set the ping timeout value {{< regref “PING_TIMEOUT_CYC” >}}. This value is dependent on the clock ratios present in the system.
For each class (A..D):
Determine whether to enable escalation mechanisms (accumulation / interrupt timeout) for this particular class. Set {{< regref “CLASSA_CTRL.EN” >}} accordingly.
Determine if this class of alerts allows clearing of escalation once it has begun. Set {{< regref “CLASSA_CTRL.LOCK” >}} to true if clearing should be disabled. If true, once escalation protocol begins, it can not be stopped, the assumption being that it ends in a chip reset else it will be rendered useless thenceforth.
Determine the number of alerts required to be accumulated before escalation protocol kicks in. Set {{< regref “CLASSA_ACCUM_THRESH” >}} accordingly.
Determine whether the interrupt associated with that class needs a timeout. If yes, set {{< regref “CLASSA_TIMEOUT_CYC” >}} to an appropriate value greater than zero (zero corresponds to an infinite timeout and disables the mechanism).
For each escalation phase (0..3):
For each escalation signal (0..3):
After initial configuration at startup, lock the alert enable and escalation config registers by writing 1 to {{< regref “REGEN” >}}. This protects the registers from being altered later on, and activates the ping mechanism for the enabled alerts and escalation signals.
For every alert that is enabled, an interrupt will be triggered on class A, B, C, or D. To handle an interrupt of a particular class, software should execute the following steps:
If needed, check the escalation state of this class by reading {{< regref “CLASSA_STATE” >}}. This reveals whether escalation protocol has been triggered and in which escalation phase the class is. In case interrupt timeouts are enabled the class will be in timeout state unless escalation has already been triggered. The current interrupt or escalation cycle counter can be read via {{< regref “CLASSA_ESC_CNT” >}}.
Since the interrupt does not indicate which alert triggered, SW must read the cause registers {{< regref “LOC_ALERT_CAUSE” >}} and {{< regref “ALERT_CAUSE” >}} etc. The cause bits of all alerts are concatenated and chunked into 32bit words. Hence the register file contains as many cause words as needed to cover all alerts present in the system. Each cause register contains a sticky bit that is set by the incoming alert, and is clearable with a write by software. This should only be cleared after software has cleared the event trigger, if applicable. It is possible that the event requires no clearing (e.g. a parity error), or can't be cleared (a breach in the metal mesh protecting the chip).
Note that in the rare case when multiple events are triggered at or about the same time, all events should be cleared before proceeding.
After the event is cleared (if needed or possible), software should handle the interrupt as follows:
Resetting the accumulation register for the class by writing {{< regref “CLASSA_CLR” >}}. This also aborts escalation protocol if it has been triggered. If for some reason it is desired to never allow the accumulator or escalation to be cleared, software can initialize the {{< regref “CLASSA_CLREN” >}} register to zero. If {{< regref “CLASSA_CLREN” >}} is already false when an alert interrupt is detected (either due to software control or hardware trigger via {{< regref “CLASSA_CTRL.LOCK” >}}), then the accumulation counter can not be cleared and this step has no effect.
After the accumulation counter is reset (if applicable), software should clear the class A interrupt state bit {{< regref “INTR_STATE.CLASSA” >}}. Clearing the class A interrupt state bit also clears and stops the interrupt timeout counter (if enabled).
Note that testing interrupts by writing to the interrupt test registers does also trigger the internal interrupt timeout (if enabled), since the interrupt state is used as enable signal for the timer. However, alert accumulation will not be triggered by this testing mechanism.
The below register description can be generated with the
script. The reason for having yet another script for register generation is that the alert handler is configurable for the number of alert sources (similar to the rv_plic design).
The register description below may not match with the actual instance in Top Earlgrey, since the alert handler is generated by the topgen tool so that the number of alert sources matches.
In order to generate the register file below, from hw/ip/alert_handler/doc
$ ./ alert_handler.hjson.tpl -n 4 > alert_handler.hjson
This creates the register file for 4 alert sources.
Note that you should also update the regfile wrapper after updating the regfile using
$ ./ -n 4 > ../rtl/
{{< registers “hw/ip/alert_handler/data/alert_handler.hjson” >}}
The skew within all differential signal pairs must be constrained to be smaller than the period of the fastest clock operating the alert handler receivers. The maximum propagation delay of differential pair should also be constrained (although it may be longer than the clock periods involved).
Note that it is possible to program a certain class to provide a fast-track response for critical alerts by setting its accumulation trigger value to 1, and configuring the escalation protocol such that the appropriate escalation measure is triggered within escalation phase 0. This results in a minimal escalation latency of 4 clock cycles from alert sender input to escalation receiver output in the case where all involved signaling modules are completely synchronous with the alert handler. In case the alert sender is asynchronous w.r.t. to the alert handler, the actual latency depends on the clock periods involved. Assuming both clocks have the same frequency alert propagation takes at least 6-8 clock alert handler clock cycles.
For alerts that mandate an asynchronous response (i.e. without requiring a clock to be active), it is highly recommended to build a separate network at the top-level. That network should OR' the critical sources together and route the asynchronous alert signal directly to the highest severity countermeasure device. Examples for alert conditions of this sort would be attacks on the secure clock.
The list below sketches ideas for features and improvements which might be added in the future.
Ping pause support for IPs with low-power modes. This feature is a function of dedicated (and optional) low-power state signals exposed by the peripheral IPs. The software has only read access to these control signals. I.e., the idea is to have (possibly differentially encoded) power status bits coming from the peripheral IPs which can pause ping testing IFF this low-power mode has been enabled during initial configuration.
Support for LFSR cross checking. This feature adds a second redundant LFSR to enable continuous comparison of the timer states. If they are not consistent (e.g. due to a glitch attack), a local alert will be raised. One idea would be to operate a Galois and Fibonacci implementation in parallel, since under certain circumstances they are guaranteed to produce the same sequence - yet with a differently wired logic and hence different response to glitching attacks. This needs some further theoretical work in order to validate whether this can work (there may be restrictions on the polynomials that can be used, and the initial states of the two LFSRs need to be correctly computed).
Monitoring of the pings in order to make sure that every peripheral has been pinged during a certain time window. Since a full histogram approach would be expensive and is not really needed, the idea is to add a bank of set regs (one for each peripheral) which are set whenever a peripheral has successfully been pinged. Every now and then, these registers need to be checked. They could be exposed to SW in a similar manner as the cause / interrupt state bits such that SW can do the checking. HW could check these registers after a certain amount of correctly executed pings, and raise a local alert if not all peripherals have been exercised. Note however that since we have an entropy input in the LFSR timer, there is no way to guarantee a safe #pings threshold in this case. I.e., there is always a small probability of triggering false positives which have to be handled in SW.