blob: c58df1c793143b7b2b3f881ef08d1a6454d15505 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright lowRISC contributors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
load("@ot_hack_bazelbuild_buildtools//buildifier:def.bzl", "buildifier", "buildifier_test")
load("@lowrisc_lint//rules:rules.bzl", "licence_test")
load("//rules:quality.bzl", "clang_format_check", "clang_format_test", "html_coverage_report")
load("@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl", "rustfmt_test")
package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
name = "license_check",
exclude_patterns = [
# Exclude anything in vendored directories
## Hardware Exclusions
# DV Vendored test vectors
# Vendored CRC model
# Vendored HMAC model
# PRINCE C++ reference model from Sebastien Riou
# PRESENT C reference model from Thomas Siebert
# PRESENT Python reference model
# Vendored FPGA information
# Manually checked, files contain additional copyright header lines
## Software Exclusions
# Coremark Vendored Files
## Other Exclusions
# Other Licences,
# Site Assets
# Code taken from Chromium, so covered by the BSD licence
# Mersenne Twister PRNG
# Alma testbench files
licence = """
Copyright lowRISC contributors.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
workspace = "//:WORKSPACE",
clang_format_exclude = [
# Vendored source code dirs
# Rust cargo build dirs
# Directories used exclusively to store build artifacts are still copied into.
# fusesoc build dir
name = "clang_format_check",
exclude_patterns = clang_format_exclude,
mode = "diff",
workspace = "//:WORKSPACE",
name = "clang_format_fix",
exclude_patterns = clang_format_exclude,
mode = "fix",
buildifier_exclude = [
"./WORKSPACE", # Prevent Buildifier from inserting unnecessary newlines.
"./third_party/rust/crates/crates.bzl", # Autogenerated by cargo-raze
name = "buildifier_fix",
exclude_patterns = buildifier_exclude,
name = "buildifier_check",
diff_command = "diff -u",
exclude_patterns = buildifier_exclude,
mode = "diff",
no_sandbox = True,
verbose = True,
workspace = "//:WORKSPACE",
# TODO(cfrantz): Find a way to keep this list of rust targets synchronized
# with the full set of rust targets in the codebase.
# $ bazel query 'kind("rust_(binary|library|test)", //...)' | grep -v bindgen
name = "rustfmt_check",
targets = RUST_TARGETS,
name = "html_coverage_report",