{{% lowrisc-doc-hdr Timer HWIP Technical Specification }} {{% regfile ../data/rv_timer.hjson }}

{{% section1 Overview }}

This document specifies RISC-V Timer hardware IP functionality. This module conforms to the Comportable guideline for peripheral functionality. See that document for integration overview within the broader top level system.

{{% toc 3 }}

{{% section2 Features }}

  • 64-bit timer with 12-bit prescaler and 8-bit step register
  • Compliant with RISC-V privileged specification v1.11
  • Configurable number of timers per hart and number of harts

{{% section2 Description }}

The timer module provides a configurable number of 64-bit counters where each counter increments by a step value whenever the prescaler times out. Each timer generates an interrupt if the counter reaches (or is above) a programmed value. The timer is intended to be used by the processors to check the current time relative to the reset or the system power-on.

In this version, the timer doesn't consider low-power modes and assumes the clock is neither turned off nor changed during runtime.

{{% section2 Compatibility }}

The timer IP provides memory-mapped registers mtime and mtimecmp which can be used as the machine-mode timer registers defined in the RISC-V privileged spec. Additional features such as prescaler, step, and a configurable number of timers and harts have been added.

{{% section1 Theory of Operations }}

{{% section2 Block Diagram }}

Timer Block Diagram

The timer module is composed of tick generators, counters, and comparators. A tick generator creates a tick every time its internal counter hits the !!CFG0.prescaler value. The tick is used to increment mtime by the !!CFG0.step value. The 64-bit mtime value is compared with the 64-bit mtimecmp. If mtime is greater than or equal to mtimecmp, the timer raises an interrupt.

{{% section2 Hardware Interfaces }}

{{% hwcfg timer }}

{{% section2 Design Details }}

Tick Generator

The tick module inside the timer IP is used to generate a fixed period of pulse signal. This allows creation of a call-clock timer tick such as 1us or 10us regardless of the system clock period. It is useful if the system has more than one clock as a clock source. The firmware just needs to adjust the !!CFG0.prescaler value and the actual timer interrupt handling routine does not need a variable clock period to update mtimecmp.

For instance, if a system switches between 48MHz and 200MHz clocks, a prescaler value of 47 for 48MHz and 199 for 200MHz will generate a 1us tick. In this version, the timer only supports a single fixed clock, so the firmware should change !!CFG0.prescaler appropriately.

Configurable number of timers and harts

The timer IP supports more than one HART and/or more than one timer per hart. Each hart has a set of tick generator and counter. It means the timer IP has the same number of prescalers, steps, and mtime registers as the number of harts.

Each hart can have multiple sets of mtimecmp, comparater logic, and expire interrupt signals. This version of the IP is fixed to have one Hart and one Timer per Hart.

Below is an example configuration file for N_TIMER 2 and N_HARTS 2. It has separate interrupts per timer and a set of interrupt enable and state registers per Hart.

  // ...
  interrupt_list: [
    { name: "timer_expired_0_0",
      desc: "raised if the timer 0_0 expired (mtimecmp >= mtime)"
    { name: "timer_expired_0_1",
      desc: "raised if the timer 0_1 expired (mtimecmp >= mtime)"
    { name: "timer_expired_1_0",
      desc: "raised if the timer 1_0 expired (mtimecmp >= mtime)"
    { name: "timer_expired_1_1",
      desc: "raised if the timer 1_1 expired (mtimecmp >= mtime)"
  registers: {
    // ...
    { skipto: "0x100" },
    { name: "CFG0",
      desc: "Configuration for Hart 0",
      swaccess: "rw",
      hwaccess: "hro",
      fields: [
        { bits: "11:0", name: "prescale", desc: "Prescaler to generate tick" },
        { bits: "23:16", name: "step", resval: "0x1", desc: "Incremental value for each tick" },
    // ...
    { multireg: {
        name: "INTR_ENABLE0",
        desc: "Interrupt Enable",
        count: 2,
        cname: "TIMER",
        swaccess: "rw",
        hwaccess: "hro",
        fields: [
          { bits: "0", name: "IE", desc: "Interrupt Enable for timer" }
    { multireg: {
        name: "INTR_STATE0",
        desc: "Interrupt Status",
        count: 2,
        cname: "TIMER",
        swaccess: "ro",
        hwaccess: "hrw",
        fields: [
          { bits: "0", name: "IS", desc: "Interrupt status for timer" }
    // ...
    { skipto: "0x200" },
    { name: "CFG1",
      desc: "Configuration for Hart 1",
      swaccess: "rw",
      hwaccess: "hro",
      fields: [
        { bits: "11:0", name: "prescale", desc: "Prescaler to generate tick" },
        { bits: "23:16", name: "step", resval: "0x1", desc: "Incremental value for each tick" },
    // ...
    { name: "TIMER_V_UPPER1",
      desc: "Timer value Upper",
      swaccess: "rw",
      hwaccess: "hrw",
      fields: [
        { bits: "31:0", name: "v", desc: "Timer value [63:32]" },
    // ...

{{% section1 Programmer's Guide }}

{{% section2 Initialization }}

Software is expected to configure prescaler and step before activating the timer. These two fields need to be stable to correctly increment the timer value. If software wants to change these fields, it should de-activate the timer and then proceed.

{{% section2 Register Access }}

The timer IP has 64-bit timer value registers and 64-bit compare registers. The register interface, however, is set to 32-bit data width. The CPU cannot access 64-bit data in a single request. However, when split into two reads, it is possible the timer value can increment between the two requests.

The IP doesn‘t have a latching or blocking mechanism to avoid this issue. It is the programmer’s responsibility to ensure the correct value is read. For instance, if the CPU reads 0xFFFF_FFFF from lower 32-bit timer value (mtime) and 0x0000_0001 from upper 32-bit timer value (mtimeh), there is a chance that rather than having the value 0x1_FFFF_FFFF the timer value has changed from 0x0_FFFF_FFFF to 0x1_0000_0000 between the two reads. If there is the possibility of an interrupt between the two reads then the counter could have advanced even more.

This condition can be detected in a standard way using a third read. Figure 10.1 in the RISC-V unprivileged specification explains how to avoid this.

    rdcycleh  x3
    rdcycle   x2
    rdcycleh  x4
    bne       x3, x4, again

Updating mtimecmp register also follows a similar approach to avoid a spurious interrupt during the register update. Please refer to the mtimecmp section in the RISC-V privileged specification.

# New comparand is in a1:a0.
li t0, -1
sw t0, mtimecmp   # No smaller than old value.
sw a1, mtimecmp+4 # No smaller than new value.
sw a0, mtimecmp   # New value.

{{% section2 Timer behaviour close to 2^64 }}

There are some peculiarities when mtime and mtimecmp get close to the end of the 64-bit integer range. In particular, because an unsigned comparison is done between mtime and mtimecmp care is needed. A couple of cases are:

  1. mtimecmp close to 0xFFFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF. In this case the time-out event will be signaled when mtime passes the comparison value, the interrupt will be raised and the source indicated in the corresponding bit of the interrupt status register. However, if there is a delay in servicing the interrupt the mtime value could wrap to zero (and continue to increment) so the value read by the interrupt service routine will be less than the comparison value.

  2. When the timer is setup to trigger a timeout some number of timer ticks into the future, the computation of the comparison value mtime + timeout may overflow. If this value is set in mtimecmp it would make mtime greater than mtimecmp and immediately signal an interrupt. A possible solution is to have an intermediate interrupt by setting the mtimecmp to 64-bit all-ones, 0xFFFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF. Then the service routine for that interrupt will need to poll mtime until it wraps (which could take up to a timer clock tick) before scheduling the required interrupt using the originally computed mtimecmp value.

{{% section2 Interrupt Handling }}


{{% section2 Register Table }}

{{% registers x }}