title: “RSTMGR DV document”


  • DV
    • Verify all RSTMGR IP features by running dynamic simulations with a SV/UVM based testbench
    • Develop and run all tests based on the testplan below towards closing code and functional coverage on the IP and all of its sub-modules
  • FPV
    • Verify TileLink device protocol compliance with an SVA based testbench

Current status

  • [Design & verification stage]({{< relref “hw” >}})
    • [HW development stages]({{< relref “doc/project/development_stages” >}})
  • Simulation results

Design features

For detailed information on RSTMGR design features, please see the [RSTMGR HWIP technical specification]({{< relref “hw/ip/rstmgr/doc” >}}).

Testbench architecture

RSTMGR testbench has been constructed based on the [CIP testbench architecture]({{< relref “hw/dv/sv/cip_lib/doc” >}}).

Block diagram

Block diagram

Top level testbench

The top level testbench is located at hw/ip/rstmgr/dv/tb.sv. It instantiates the RSTMGR DUT module hw/top_earlgrey/ip/rstmgr/rtl/autogen/rstmgr.sv. In addition, it instantiates the following interfaces, connects them to the DUT and sets their handle into uvm_config_db:

  • [Clock and reset interface]({{< relref “hw/dv/sv/common_ifs” >}})
  • [TileLink host interface]({{< relref “hw/dv/sv/tl_agent/README.md” >}})
  • RSTMGR interface hw/ip/rstmgr/dv/env/rstmgr_if.sv
  • Alerts ([alert_esc_if]({{< relref “hw/dv/sv/alert_esc_agent/README.md” >}}))
  • Devmode ([pins_if]({{< relref “hw/dv/sv/common_ifs” >}}))

Common DV utility components

The following utilities provide generic helper tasks and functions to perform activities that are common across the project:

  • [dv_utils_pkg]({{< relref “hw/dv/sv/dv_utils/README.md” >}})
  • [csr_utils_pkg]({{< relref “hw/dv/sv/csr_utils/README.md” >}})

Global types & methods

All common types and methods defined at the package level can be found in rstmgr_env_pkg. Some of them in use are:

  typedef logic [NumSwResets-1:0] sw_rst_t;
  typedef logic [$bits(alert_pkg::alert_crashdump_t)-1:0] linearized_alert_dump_t;
  typedef virtual pwrmgr_rstmgr_sva_if #(.CHECK_RSTREQS(0)) parameterized_pwrmgr_rstmgr_sva_vif;


The RSTMGR testbench instantiates (already handled in CIP base env) [tl_agent]({{< relref “hw/dv/sv/tl_agent/README.md” >}}). This provides the ability to drive and independently monitor random traffic via the TL host interface into the RSTMGR device.


RSTMGR testbench instantiates (already handled in CIP base env) [alert_agents]({{< relref “hw/dv/sv/alert_esc_agent/README.md” >}}): [list alert names]. The alert_agents provide the ability to drive and independently monitor alert handshakes via alert interfaces in RSTMGR device.


The RSTMGR RAL model is created with the [ralgen]({{< relref “hw/dv/tools/ralgen/README.md” >}}) FuseSoC generator script automatically when the simulation is at the build stage.

It can be created manually by invoking [regtool]({{< relref “util/reggen/README.md” >}}).

Stimulus strategy

The following test sequences and covergroups are described in more detail in the testplan at hw/ip/pwrmgr/data/rstmgr_testplan.hjson, and also included below.

This IP is only reset via the por_n_i input, and by scan_rst_ni qualified by scanmode_i being active. The regular rst_ni input is connected to its own resets_o.rst_por_io_div4_n[0] output, so the reset output from clk_rst_if is not connected. Similarly, all reset outputs from other clk_rst_if instances are ignored, and only their clock output is used. This is consistent with this IP being in charge of all derived resets in the chip.

Besides the POR resets above, the test sequences mostly assert various reset requests from pwrmgr and trigger resets vir RESET_REQ CSR. Alert and CPU dump info is randomized and checked on resets.

Test sequences

The test sequences reside in hw/ip/rstmgr/dv/env/seq_lib. All test sequences are extended from rstmgr_base_vseq, which is extended from cip_base_vseq and serves as a starting point. It provides commonly used handles, variables, functions and tasks that the test sequences can simple use / call. Some of the most commonly used tasks / functions are as follows:

  • task wait_for_cpu_out_of_reset: Waits for the resets_o.rst_sys_n[1] output to go high, indicating the CPU is out of reset and CSRs can be accessed.
  • task check_cpu_dump_info: Reads and compares each field in the cpu_info CSR against the given cpu dump.
  • task check_software_reset_csr_and_pins: Reads and compares the sw_rst_ctrl_n CSR and the output reset ports against the given value.

Other sequences follow:

  • rstmgr_smoke_vseq tests the rstmgr through software initiated low power, peripheral reset, ndm reset, and software initiated resets.
  • rstmgr_reset_stretcher_vseq tests the resets_o.rst_por_aon_n[0] output is asserted after 32 stable cycles of ast_i.aon_pok.
  • rstmgr_sw_rst_vseq tests the functionality provided by the sw_rst_regwen and sw_rst_ctrl_n.
  • rstmgr_reset_info_vseq tests the reset_info CSR contents correspond to the different resets.
  • rstmgr_cpu_info_vseq tests the cpu_info CSR contents capture to the cpu_dump_i present at the time of a reset.
  • rstmgr_alert_info_vseq tests the alert_info CSR contents capture to the alert_dump_i present at the time of a reset.

Functional coverage

To ensure high quality constrained random stimulus, it is necessary to develop a functional coverage model. The following covergroups have been developed to prove that the test intent has been adequately met:

  • reset_stretcher_cg
  • alert_info_cg
  • cpu_info_cg
  • alert_info_capture_cg
  • cpu_info_capture_cg
  • sw_rst_cg

Self-checking strategy

Most self checking is done using SVA, and via explicit CSR reads. The latter are described in the testplan.


Testing V2S components

The rstmgr_cnsty_chk module is a D2S component. It depends on very specific timing, and requires tampering stimulus to verify its functionality. It has its own separate dv environment and tests at hw/ip/rstmgr/dv/rstmgr_cnsty_chk. It is excluded from coverage for the rstmgr dv tests.

Building and running tests

We are using our in-house developed [regression tool]({{< relref “hw/dv/tools/README.md” >}}) for building and running our tests and regressions. Please take a look at the link for detailed information on the usage, capabilities, features and known issues. Here's how to run a smoke test:

$ $REPO_TOP/util/dvsim/dvsim.py $REPO_TOP/hw/ip/rstmgr/dv/rstmgr_sim_cfg.hjson -i rstmgr_smoke


{{< incGenFromIpDesc “../../data/rstmgr_testplan.hjson” “testplan” >}}