blob: 103ed23c27dc8d00c88431b4877eae1180c06d53 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// performance test vseq
class i2c_host_perf_vseq extends i2c_rx_tx_vseq;
// should have few long transactions
constraint num_wr_bytes_c {
num_wr_bytes dist {
1 :/ 1,
[2:8] :/ 1,
[9:32] :/ 1,
256 :/ 1
// num_rd_bytes = 0: read transaction length is 256b bytes
constraint num_rd_bytes_c {
num_rd_bytes dist {
0 :/ 1,
1 :/ 1,
[2:8] :/ 1,
[9:32] :/ 1
// clear interrupt immediately
constraint clear_intr_dly_c { clear_intr_dly == 0; }
// set latency to zero values for fatest access fmt_fifo and rx_fifo
constraint fmt_fifo_access_dly_c { fmt_fifo_access_dly == 0;}
constraint rx_fifo_access_dly_c { rx_fifo_access_dly == 0;}
// fast timing values programmed to registers
constraint timing_val_c {
thigh == 1;
t_r == 1;
t_f == 1;
thd_sta == 1;
tsu_sto == 1;
tsu_dat == 1;
thd_dat == 1;
t_timeout == 1;
e_timeout == 1;
tsu_sta == 1;
tlow == 5; // min: (t_r + tsu_dat + thd_dat + 1) + 1 to make tClockLow > 0
t_buf == 1; // min: (tsu_sta - t_r + 1)
endclass : i2c_host_perf_vseq