ISP Register Map

The table of ISP register definitions

VI_CCLClock Control Register0x0000000032rwvi_ccl_disClock Control Logic disable 0: processing/cfg-clocks for all sub modules enabled 1: processing/cfg-clocks for all sub modules disabled without access to ID and VI_CCL register2rw'h0
vi_ccl_dis_statusStatus of vi_ccl[2] bit (copy of vi_ccl[2])1ro'h0
ISP_ID_CUSTOM_IDcustomer id0x0000000432roisp_id_custom_idShows Proejct ID, Each Project maps to a Unique ProjectID 0x80: Project-0; 0x81: Project-1; 0x82: Project-2; 0x83:31:0ro'h500000B9
ISP_ID_PRODUCT_IDproduct id0x0000000832roproductidauxProduct Aux31:28ro'h0
productidtypeFollowing is a Example for this 4bit field (GPU/VIP Using) , You can plan the values accordling to ISP 's Product RoadMap Product Type 0: ISP Only 1: DW Only 2: VSE Only 3: ISP + DW100 4: ISP + DW100 + VSE 5: ISP + DW20027:24ro'h0
productidnumShows Product Number, Example: ISP8000L,ProductIDNum=0x08000 DW100,ProductIDNum=0x00100 DW200,ProductIDNum=0x0020023:4ro'h08000
productidgradelevelProduct GradeLevel 0: None-no extra letter on the product name 1: N (Nano) 2: L (Lite) 3: D,Dual 4: N-D, Nano-Dual 5: L-D, Lite-Dual3:0ro'h6
ISP_ID_CHIP_IDchip id0x0000000c32roisp_id_chip_idShows ChipID numbers ISPNano Series,ChipID=0x8000 ISP8000L Series,ChipID=0x8000 ISP8000 Series,ChipID=0x8000 DW100,ChipID=0x0100 DW200,ChipID=0x020031:0ro'h00008000
VI_ICCLInternal Clock Control Register0x0000001032rwvi_mi_clk_enableMemory interface clock enable 0: power safe ; 1: processing mode6rw'h1
vi_mrsz_clk_enablemain resize clock enable 0: power safe ; 1: processing mode3rw'h1
vi_isp_clk_enableISP processing clock enable 0: power safe ; 1: processing mode0rw'h1
VI_IRCLInternal Reset Control Register0x0000001432rwvi_marvin_rstHardware reset of entire image signal processor 0: Processing mode; 1: reset state7rw'h0
vi_mi_soft_rstMemory interface software reset 0: Processing mode; 1: reset state6rw'h0
vi_mrsz_soft_rstMain-picture resize software reset 0: Processing mode; 1: reset state3rw'h0
vi_ycs_soft_rstY/C splitter software reset 0: Processing mode; 1: reset state2rw'h0
vi_isp_soft_rstISP software reset 0: Processing mode; 1: reset state0rw'h0
ISP_ID_ECO_IDeco version0x0000002032roisp_id_eco_idFormal release is 0x0 The 1st ECO release is 0x1 The 2nd ECO release is 0x2 ….31:0ro'h0
ISP_ID_CHIP_REVISIONinternal chip version0x0000002432roisp_id_chip_revisionShows Tag Number Example: Tag=isp8000_1_2_1_rc3z Then,ChipRevision=0x0000_121331:0ro'h00007100
ISP_ID_PATCH_REVISIONInternal tag version0x0000002832roisp_id_patch_revisionShows the last letter of a Tag Example: Tag=isp8000_1_2_1_rc3z Then,PatchRevision=8‘d26 “a” map to 8’d1 “b” map to 8‘d2 … “z” map to 8’d2631:0ro'd6
ISP_ID_CHIP_DATEchip date value0x0000002c32roisp_id_chip_dateShows Date Value,such as 32'h2019112031:0ro'h20231017
ISP_ID_CHIP_TIMEchip time value0x0000003032roisp_id_chip_timeShows Time Value,such as 32'h1836550031:0ro'h1800
VI_ID_RSV00x0000003432romarvin_id_rsv0reserved id31:0ro'ha100
VI_ID_RSV10x0000003832romarvin_id_rsv1reserved id31:0ro'ha1
VI_ID_RSV20x0000003c32romarvin_id_rsv2reserved id31:0ro'ha2
VI_ID_RSV30x0000004032romarvin_id_rsv3reserved id31:0ro'ha3
VI_ID_RSV40x0000004432romarvin_id_rsv4reserved id31:0ro'ha4
VI_ID_RSV50x0000004832romarvin_id_rsv5reserved id31:0ro'ha5
VI_ID_RSV60x0000004c32romarvin_id_rsv6reserved id31:0ro'ha6
VI_ID_RSV70x0000005032romarvin_id_rsv7reserved id31:0ro'ha7
ISP_CTRLGlobal control register0x0000040032rwdisable_isp_clk1: enable ISP clock of SRAM. 0:disable isp clock of sram31rw'h1
statistic_3a_sel1: select demosaic output 0: select cc output21rw'h0
csm_c_rangeColor Space Matrix chrominance clipping range for ISP output 0: CbCr range 64..960 (16..240) according to ITU-R BT.601 standard 1: full UV range 0..1023 (0..255) Numbers in brackets are for 8 bit resolution. This bit also configures the YCbCr sequence align block accordingly.14rw'h0
csm_y_rangeColor Space Matrix luminance clipping range for ISP output 0: Y range 64..940 (16..235) according to ITU-R BT.601 standard 1: full Y range 0..1023 (0..255) Numbers in brackets are for 8 bit resolution. This bit also configures the YCbCr sequence align block accordingly.13rw'h0
dgain_endigital gain enable12rw'h0
gamma_out_enableGamma ON/OFF11rw'h0
gen_cfg_upd1: generate frame synchronous configuration signal at the output of ISP for shadow registers of the following processing modules, write only10wo'h0
cfg_upd1: immediately configure (update) shadow registers, write only9wo'h0
gen_cfg_upd_fix1: make gen_cfg_upd a level signal, effect since then. 0: gen_cfg_upd is a pulse signal, only effect for current frame.8rw'h0
awb_enableAuto white balance ON/OFF6rw'h0
inform_enableinput formatter 0: disabled; 1: enabled The ISP input formatter is enabled or disabled by this bit immediately, But always starts or stops acquisition frame synchronously.4rw'h0
isp_mode000 - RAW picture with BT.601 sync (ISP bypass) 001 - ITU-R BT.656 (YUV with embedded sync) 010 - ITU-R BT.601 (YUV input with H and Vsync signals) 011 - Bayer RGB processing with H and Vsync signals 100 – data mode (ISP bypass, sync signals interpreted as data enable) 101 - Bayer RGB processing with BT.656 synchronization 110 - RAW picture with ITU-R BT.656 synchronization (ISP bypass) 111 – monochrome Side effect: If RAW, BT.601, BT.656, or data mode is selected, the clock of the ISP SRAMs (ISP line buffer, Lens Shading, Bad Pixel) is switched off. Only in Bayer RGB mode the clock to the SRAMs is enabled. This further reduces power consumption.3:1rw'h0
isp_enableISP data output 0: disabled ; 1: enabled Controls output formatter frame synchronously, if isp_gen_cfg_upd is Used to activate this bit. For immediate update isp_cfg_upd must be used.0rw'h0
ISP_ACQ_PROPISP acquisition properties0x0000040432rwpin_mappingBit mapping from LSB to MSB: 000 - normal 12-bit external Interface 001 - mapping Low 10 bit to High 10 bits, append 2 zeroes as LSBs 010 - mapping Low 8 bit to High 8 bits, append 4 zeroes as LSBs 011 - mapping Middle 8 bit to High 8 bits, append 4 zeroes as LSBs 100...111 - Reserved (from March 2018)19:17rw'h0
input_selection12bit/10bit/8bit input select modes 000- 12Bit external Interface 001- 10Bit Interface, append 2 zeroes as LSBs 010- 10Bit Interface, append 2 MSBs as LSBs 011- 8Bit Interface, append 4 zeroes as LSBs 100- 8Bit Interface, append 4 MSBs as LSBs 101...111 reserved14:12rw'h0
field_inv0: do not swap odd and even fields; 1: swap odd and even fields11rw'h0
field_selection00- sample all fields (don‟t care about fields) 01- sample only even fields 10- sample only odd fields 11- reserved10:9rw'h0
ccir_seq00- YCbYCr 01- YCrYCb 10- CbYCrY 11- CrYCbY8:7rw'h0
conv_42200- cosited color subsampling Y0Cb0Cr0 – Y1 01- interleaved color subsampling Y0Cb0 – Y1Cr1 (not recommended) 10- non-cosited color subsampling Y0Cb(0+1)/2 – Y1Cr(0+1)/2 11- reserved6:5rw'h0
bayer_patColor components from sensor, starting with top left position in sampled frame (reprogram with ISP_ACQ_H_OFFS, ISP_ACQ_V_OFFS) 00- first line: RGRG..., second line: GBGB..., etc. 01- first line: GRGR..., second line: BGBG..., etc. 10- first line: GBGB..., second line: RGRG..., etc. 11- first line: BGBG..., second line: GRGR..., etc. This configuration applies for the black level area after cropping by the input formatter.4:3rw'h0
vsync_polVertical sync polarity 0: high active; 1: low active2rw'h0
hsync_polHorizontal sync polarity 0: high active; 1: low active1rw'h0
sample_edge0- negative edge sampling; 1- positive edge sampling0rw'h0
ISP_ACQ_H_OFFSHorizontal input offset0x0000040832rwacq_h_offsHorizontal sample offset in 8-bit samples (YUV: 4 samples = 2 pixels)14:0rw'h0
ISP_ACQ_V_OFFSVertical input offset0x0000040c32rwacq_v_offsVertical sample offset in lines13:0rw'h0
ISP_ACQ_H_SIZEHorizontal input size0x0000041032rwacq_h_sizeHorizontal sample size in 12-bit samples YUV input: 2 samples = 1 pixel, else 1 sample = 1 pixel; So in YUV mode ACQ_H_SIZE must be twice as large as horizontal image size. Horizontal image size must always be even except in raw picture mode; if an odd size is programmed, the value will be truncated to an even size.14:0rw'h1000
ISP_ACQ_V_SIZEVertical input size0x0000041432rwacq_v_sizeVertical sample size in lines13:0rw'hc00
ISP_TPG_CTRLTest Pattern Generator Module0x0000050032rwtpg_solution00: 1080P (1920x1080) 01: 720P (1280x720) 10: 4K (3840x2160) 11: user defined resolution and timing11:10rw'h0
tpg_max_syncSet to 1 to use VS/VDE and HS/HDE same behavior9rw'h0
tpg_def_syncSet to 1 to select the default sync output8rw'h0
tpg_color_depthTest Pattern Color Depth 00: 8-bit 01: 10-bit 10: 12-bit (pix_width)7:6rw'h0
tpg_cfa_patBayer pattern: 00: RGGB 01: GRBG 10: GBRB 11: BGGR5:4rw'h0
tpg_img_numTest Pattern Generator Image index 000: 3x3 color block 001: Color bar 010: Gray Bar 011: Highlighted grid 100: Random Generator Others: Reserved3:1rw'h0
tpg_enableEnable/Disable Test Pattern Generator 0: Disable the TPG 1: Enable the TPG0rw'h0
ISP_TPG_TOTAL_INThe total clock0x0000050432rwtpg_htotal_inThe total clock of vertical27:14rw'h0
tpg_vtotal_inThe total clock of horizontal13:0rw'h0
ISP_TPG_ACT_INThe available clock0x0000050832rwtpg_hact_inThe total clock of horizontal27:14rw'h0
tpg_vact_inThe available clock of vertical13:0rw'h0
ISP_TPG_FP_INThe first valid0x0000050C32rwtpg_fp_h_inThe first valid of hs27:14rw'h0
tpg_fp_v_inThe first valid of vs13:0rw'h0
ISP_TPG_BP_INThe distance between positive edge of vs with positive edge of hde0x0000051032rwtpg_bp_h_inThe distance between positive edge of vs with positive edge of hde27:14rw'h0
tpg_bp_v_inThe distance between positive edge of vs with positive edge of vde13:0rw'h0
ISP_TPG_W_INAvailable clk0x0000051432rwtpg_hs_w_inAvailable clk of hs27:14rw'h0
tpg_vs_w_inAvailable clk of vs13:0rw'h0
ISP_TPG_GAP_INThe gap of sub_picture0x0000051832rwtpg_pix_gap_inThe width of sub_picture27:14rw'h0
tpg_line_gap_inThe height of sub_picture13:0rw'h0
ISP_TPG_GAP_STD_INThe gap stdio of sub_picture0x0000051C32rwtpg_pix_gap_std_inThe gap of sub_picture13:0rw'h0
ISP_TPG_RANDOM_SEEDRandom seed0x0000052032rwtpg_random_seedRandom seed31:0rw'h0
ISP_TPG_FRAME_NUMTest Pattern Generator frame number0x0000052432rwtpg_frame_num0:all of the frame output is valid Other:when the frame_cnt <= frame_num, the output is valid15:0rw'h0
ISP_OUT_H_OFFSHorizontal offset of output window0x0000060432rwout_h_offsHorizontal pic offset in lines13:0rw'h0
ISP_OUT_V_OFFSVertical offset of output window0x0000060832rwout_v_offsVertical pic offset in lines13:0rw'h0
ISP_OUT_H_SIZEOutput horizontal picture size0x0000060c32rwout_h_sizeHorizontal picture size in pixel if ISP_MODE is set to: 001-(ITU-R BT.656 YUV), 010-( ITU-R BT.601 YUV), 011-( ITU-R BT.601 Bayer RGB), 101-( ITU-R BT.656 Bayer RGB) Only even numbers are accepted, because complete quadruples of YUYV(YCbYCr) are needed for the 422 output. If an odd size is programmed, the value will be truncated to an even size.14:0rw'h280
ISP_OUT_V_SIZEOutput vertical picture size0x0000061032rwout_v_sizeVertical picture size in lines13:0rw'h1e0
ISP_OUT_H_OFFS_SHDCurrent horizontal offset of output window (shadow register)0x0000061432roout_h_offs_shdCurrent horizontal picture offset in lines13:0ro'h0
ISP_OUT_V_OFFS_SHDCurrent vertical offset of output window (shadow register)0x0000061832roout_v_offs_shdCurrent vertical picture offset in lines13:0ro'h0
ISP_OUT_H_SIZE_SHDCurrent output horizontal picture size (shadow register)0x0000061c32roout_h_size_shdCurrent horizontal picture size in pixels.14:0ro'h0
ISP_OUT_V_SIZE_SHDCurrent output vertical picture size (shadow register)0x0000062032roout_v_size_shdCurrent vertical picture size in lines.13:0ro'h0
ISP_BLS_CTRLBlack Level Subtraction Global Control Register0x0000070032rwbls_en1: black level subtraction is enabled 0: bypass the black level processing0rw'h0
ISP_BLS_A_FIXEDFixed Black Level A0x0000070432rwbls_a_fixedFixed black level for A pixels-signed, two's complement Valid range from -4096 to +4095, A positive value will be subtracted from the pixel values12:0rw'h0
ISP_BLS_B_FIXEDFixed Black Level B0x0000070832rwbls_b_fixedFixed black level for B pixels-signed, two's complement Valid range from -4096 to +4095, A positive value will be subtracted from the pixel values12:0rw'h0
ISP_BLS_C_FIXEDFixed Black Level C0x0000070c32rwbls_c_fixedFixed black level for C pixels-signed, two's complement Valid range from -4096 to +4095, A positive value will be subtracted from the pixel values12:0rw'h0
ISP_BLS_D_FIXEDFixed Black Level D0x0000071032rwbls_d_fixedFixed black level for D pixels-signed, two's complement Valid range from -4096 to +4095, A positive value will be subtracted from the pixel values12:0rw'h0
ISP_EXP_CONFExposure Control0x0000072032rwexp_alt_mode0: luminance calculation according to Y=16+0.25R+0.5G+0.1094B 1: luminance calculation according to Y=(R+G+B) x 0.33231rw'h0
autostop0: continuous measurement 1: stop measuring after a complete frame1rw'h0
exp_ena1: start measuring a frame. If autostop is set to 1, the exposure block will reset this bit and halt after completing one frame.0rw'h0
ISP_EXP_H_OFFSETHorizontal Offset for First Block0x0000072432rwexp_h_offsetHorizontal offset of first block in pixels.12:0rw'h0
ISP_EXP_V_OFFSETVertical Offset for First Block0x0000072832rwexp_v_offsetVertical offset of first block in pixels.12:0rw'h0
ISP_EXP_H_SIZEHorizontal Size of One Block0x0000072c32rwexp_h_sizeHorizontal size of one block in pixels.10:0rw'h0
ISP_EXP_V_SIZEVertical Size of One Block0x0000073032rwexp_v_sizeVertical size of one block in pixels (must be a multiple of 2). Note: The vertical size must be set in a way that after the last measurement window, At least two lines of the image will follow. I10:0rw'h0
ISP_EXP_MEAN_00Mean Luminance Value of Block 000x0000073432roexp_mean_00Mean luminance value of block 00 (x,y)7:0ro'h0
ISP_EXP_MEAN_10Mean Luminance Value of Block 100x0000073832roexp_mean_10Mean luminance value of block 10 (x,y)7:0ro'h0
ISP_EXP_MEAN_20Mean Luminance Value of Block 200x0000073c32roexp_mean_20Mean luminance value of block 20 (x,y)7:0ro'h0
ISP_EXP_MEAN_30Mean Luminance Value of Block 300x0000074032roexp_mean_30Mean luminance value of block 30 (x,y)7:0ro'h0
ISP_EXP_MEAN_40Mean Luminance Value of Block 400x0000074432roexp_mean_40Mean luminance value of block 40 (x,y)7:0ro'h0
ISP_EXP_MEAN_01Mean Luminance Value of Block 010x0000074832roexp_mean_01Mean luminance value of block 01 (x,y)7:0ro'h0
ISP_EXP_MEAN_11Mean Luminance Value of Block 110x0000074c32roexp_mean_11Mean luminance value of block 11 (x,y)7:0ro'h0
ISP_EXP_MEAN_21Mean Luminance Value of Block 210x0000075032roexp_mean_21Mean luminance value of block 21 (x,y)7:0ro'h0
ISP_EXP_MEAN_31Mean Luminance Value of Block 310x0000075432roexp_mean_31Mean luminance value of block 31 (x,y)7:0ro'h0
ISP_EXP_MEAN_41Mean Luminance Value of Block 410x0000075832roexp_mean_41Mean luminance value of block 41 (x,y)7:0ro'h0
ISP_EXP_MEAN_02Mean Luminance Value of Block 020x0000075c32roexp_mean_02Mean luminance value of block 02 (x,y)7:0ro'h0
ISP_EXP_MEAN_12Mean Luminance Value of Block 120x0000076032roexp_mean_12Mean luminance value of block 12 (x,y)7:0ro'h0
ISP_EXP_MEAN_22Mean Luminance Value of Block 220x0000076432roexp_mean_22Mean luminance value of block 22 (x,y)7:0ro'h0
ISP_EXP_MEAN_32Mean Luminance Value of Block 320x0000076832roexp_mean_32Mean luminance value of block 32 (x,y)7:0ro'h0
ISP_EXP_MEAN_42Mean Luminance Value of Block 420x0000076c32roexp_mean_42Mean luminance value of block 42 (x,y)7:0ro'h0
ISP_EXP_MEAN_03Mean Luminance Value of Block 030x0000077032roexp_mean_03Mean luminance value of block 03 (x,y)7:0ro'h0
ISP_EXP_MEAN_13Mean Luminance Value of Block 130x0000077432roexp_mean_13Mean luminance value of block 13 (x,y)7:0ro'h0
ISP_EXP_MEAN_23Mean Luminance Value of Block 230x0000077832roexp_mean_23Mean luminance value of block 23 (x,y)7:0ro'h0
ISP_EXP_MEAN_33Mean Luminance Value of Block 330x0000077c32roexp_mean_33Mean luminance value of block 33 (x,y)7:0ro'h0
ISP_EXP_MEAN_43Mean Luminance Value of Block 430x0000078032roexp_mean_43Mean luminance value of block 43 (x,y)7:0ro'h0
ISP_EXP_MEAN_04Mean Luminance Value of Block 040x0000078432roexp_mean_04Mean luminance value of block 04 (x,y)7:0ro'h0
ISP_EXP_MEAN_14Mean Luminance Value of Block 140x0000078832roexp_mean_14Mean luminance value of block 14 (x,y)7:0ro'h0
ISP_EXP_MEAN_24Mean Luminance Value of Block 240x0000078c32roexp_mean_24Mean luminance value of block 24 (x,y)7:0ro'h0
ISP_EXP_MEAN_34Mean Luminance Value of Block 340x0000079032roexp_mean_34Mean luminance value of block 34 (x,y)7:0ro'h0
ISP_EXP_MEAN_44Mean Luminance Value of Block 440x0000079432roexp_mean_44Mean luminance value of block 44 (x,y)7:0ro'h0
ISP_DGAIN_RBdigital gain of red blue0x0000080032rwdgain_rdigital gain of red channel31:16rw'h100
dgain_bdigital gain of blue channel15:0rw'h100
ISP_DGAIN_Gdigital gain of green0x0000080432rwdgain_grdigital gain of red line green channel31:16rw'h100
dgain_gbdigital gain of blue line green channel15:0rw'h100
ISP_DGAIN_RB_SHDdigital gain of red blue0x0000080832rodgain_rdigital gain of red channel31:16ro'h100
dgain_bdigital gain of blue channel15:0ro'h100
ISP_DGAIN_G_SHDdigital gain of green0x0000080c32rodgain_grdigital gain of red line green channel31:16ro'h100
dgain_gbdigital gain of blue line green channel15:0ro'h100
ISP_DEMOSAICDemosaic parameters0x0000081032rwdemosaic_bypass0: normal operation for RGB Bayer Pattern input 1: demosaicing bypass for Black&White input data10rw'h0
demosaic_thThreshold for Bayer demosaicing texture detection. This value shifted left 4bit is compared with the difference of the vertical and horizontal 12Bit wide texture indicators, to decide if the vertical or horizontal texture flag must be set. 0x00: maximum edge sensitivity; 0xFF: no texture detection7:0rw'h4
ISP_FILT_MODEFilter Block Mode Control Register0x0000081432rwfilt_lp_selectGreen filter stage 1 select (Valid range: 0x0...0x8): 0x0: maximum blurring . . . 0x4: Default 0x7: minimum blurring 0x8: filter stage1 bypass11:8rw'h4
filt_chr_h_modeChroma filter horizontal mode: 00: horizontal chroma filter bypass 01: horizontal chroma filter 1 static mask = [10 12 10] 10: horizontal chroma filter 2 (dynamic blur1) 11: horizontal chroma filter 3 (dynamic blur2) (Default)7:6rw'h3
filt_chr_v_modeChroma filter vertical mode: 00: vertical chroma filter bypass 01: vertical chroma filter 1 static [8 16 8] 10: vertical chroma filter 2 static [10 12 10] 11: vertical chroma filter 3 static [12 8 12] (Default)5:4rw'h3
filt_mode0: green filter static mode (active filter factor = FILT_FAC_MID) 1: dynamic noise reduction/sharpen (Default)1rw'h1
filt_enable1: enable filter 0: bypass filter (Default)0rw'h0
ISP_FILT_THRES_BL0Blurring Threshold 00x0000081832rwfilt_thres_bl0If filt_thresh_bl1 < sum_grad < filt_thresh_bl0 then filt_fac_bl0 is selected Note: sum_grad is calculated by the texture detection unit as the sum of horizontal and vertical gradients9:0rw'h00d
ISP_FILT_THRES_BL1Blurring Threshold 10x0000081c32rwfilt_thres_bl1If sum_grad < filt_thresh_bl1 then filt_fac_bl1 is selected Note: sum_grad is calculated by the texture detection unit as the sum of horizontal and vertical gradients9:0rw'h005
ISP_FILT_THRES_SH0Sharpening Threshold 00x0000082032rwfilt_thres_sh0If filt_thresh_sh1 < sum_grad < filt_thresh_sh0 then filt_fac_bl0 is selected Note: sum_grad is calculated by the texture detection unit as the sum of horizontal and vertical gradients9:0rw'h01a
ISP_FILT_THRES_SH1Sharpening Threshold 10x0000082432rwfilt_thres_sh1If sum_grad < filt_thresh_sh1 then filt_fac_bl1 is selected Note: sum_grad is calculated by the texture detection unit as the sum of horizontal and vertical gradients9:0rw'h02c
ISP_FILT_LUM_WEIGHTParameters for Luminance Weight Function0x0000082832rwlum_weight_gainGain select of luminance weight function18:16rw'h2
lum_weight_kinkKink position of luminance weight function15:8rw'h20
lum_weight_minMinimum value of luminance weight function7:0rw'h40
ISP_FILT_FAC_SH1Filter Factor Sharp10x0000082c32rwfilt_fac_sh1Filter factor for sharp1 level5:0rw'h10
ISP_FILT_FAC_SH0Filter Factor Sharp00x0000083032rwfilt_fac_sh0Filter factor for sharp0 level5:0rw'h0c
ISP_FILT_FAC_MIDFilter Factor Middle0x0000083432rwfilt_fac_midFilter factor for mid level and for static filter mode5:0rw'h0a
ISP_FILT_FAC_BL0Parameter for Blur 0 Filter0x0000083832rwfilt_fac_bl0Filter factor for blur 0 level5:0rw'h06
ISP_FILT_FAC_BL1Parameter for Blur 1 Filter0x0000083c32rwfilt_fac_bl1Filter factor for blur 1 level (max blur)5:0rw'h02
ISP_CAC_CTRLGlobal control register0x0000087032rwcac_h_clip_modeDefines the maximum red/blue pixel shift in horizontal direction At pixel positions, that require a larger displacement, the maximum shift value is used instead (vector clipping) 0: Set horizontal vector clipping to +/-4 pixel displacement (Default) 1: Set horizontal vector clipping to +/-4 or +/-5 pixel displacement depending on pixel position inside the Bayer raster (dynamic switching between +/-4 and +/-5)3rw'h0
cac_v_clip_modeDefines the maximum red/blue pixel shift in vertical direction 00: Set vertical vector clipping to +/-2 pixel ; fix filter_enable (Default) 01: Set vertical vector clipping to +/-3 pixel; dynamic filter_enable for chroma low pass filter 10: Set vertical vector clipping +/-3 or +/-4 pixel displacement depending on pixel position inside the Bayer raster (dynamic switching between +/-3 and +/-4) 11: reserved2:1rw'h0
cac_enable0: chromatic aberration correction off 1: chromatic aberration correction on0rw'h0
ISP_CAC_COUNT_STARTPreload Values for CAC Pixel and Line Counter0x0000087432rwcac_v_count_start12 bit v_count preload value (range 4095 ... 1) of the vertical CAC line counter. Before frame start v_count has to be preloaded with (v_size/2 + v_center_offset), with v_size the image height and v_center_offset the vertical distance between image center and optical center. After frame start the v_count decrements with every line until a value of zero is reached for the line in the optical center. Than the v_sign bit toggles and the v_counter decrements with every line until end of frame.28:16rw'h1000
cac_h_count_start12 bit h_count preload value (range 4095 .. 1) of the horizontal CAC pixel counter. Before line start h_count has to be preloaded with (h_size/2 + h_center_offset), with h_size the image width and h_center_offset the horizontal distance between image center and optical center. After line start the h_count decrements with every pixel until a value of zero is reached for the column in the optical center. Than the h_sign bit toggles and the h_counter increments with every pixel until end of line.12:0rw'h1000
ISP_CAC_ALinear Parameters for Radial Shift Calculation0x0000087832rwcac_a_blueParameter A_Blue for radial blue shift calculation, according to (A_Blue * r + B_Blue * r^2 + C_Blue * r^3). It is a 9 bit twos complement integer with 4 fractional digits value and value range from -16 up to 15.9375.24:16rw'h0
cac_a_redParameter A_Red for radial red shift calculation, according to (A_Red * r + B_Red * r^2 + C_Red * r^3). It is a 9 bit twos complement integer with 4 fractional digits value and value range from -16 up to 15.9375.8:0rw'h0
ISP_CAC_BSquare Parameters for Radial Shift Calculation0x0000087c32rwcac_b_blueParameter B_Blue for radial blue shift calculation, according to (A_Blue * r + B_Blue * r^2 + C_Blue * r^3). It is a 9 bit twos complement integer with 4 fractional digits value and value range from -16 up to 15.9375.24:16rw'h0
cac_b_redParameter B_Red for radial red shift calculation, according to (A_Red * r + B_Red * r^2 + C_Red * r^3). It is a 9 bit twos complement integer with 4 fractional digits value and value range from -16 up to 15.9375.8:0rw'h0
ISP_CAC_CCubical Parameters for Radial Shift Calculation0x0000088032rwcac_c_blueParameter C_Blue for radial blue shift calculation, according to (A_Blue * r + B_Blue * r^2 + C_Blue * r^3). It is a 9 bit twos complement integer with 4 fractional digits value and value range from -16 up to 15.9375.24:16rw'h0
cac_c_redParameter C_Red for radial red shift calculation, according to (A_Red * r + B_Red * r^2 + C_Red * r^3). It is a 9 bit twos complement integer with 4 fractional digits value and value range from -16 up to 15.9375.8:0rw'h0
ISP_CAC_X_NORMNormalization Parameters for Calculation of Image Coordinate x_d0x0000088432rwcac_x_norm_shiftHorizontal normalization shift parameter x_ns (3 bit unsigned integer) in equation x_d[7:0] = (((h_count << 4) >> x_ns) * x_normfactor) >> 519:16rw'h8
cac_x_norm_factorHorizontal scaling factor x_normfactor (5 bit unsigned integer) range 0 .. 31 in equation x_d[7:0] = (((h_count << 4) >> x_ns) * x_normfactor) >> 54:0rw'h10
ISP_CAC_Y_NORMNormalization Parameters for Calculation of Image Coordinate y_d0x0000088832rwcac_y_norm_shiftVertical normalization shift parameter y_ns (3 bit unsigned integer) in equation y_d[7:0] = (((v_count << 4) >> y_ns) * y_normfactor) >> 519:16rw'h8
cac_y_norm_factorVertical scaling factor y_normfactor (5 bit unsigned integer) range 0 .. 31 in equation y_d[7:0] = (((v_count << 4) >> y_ns) * y_normfactor) >> 54:0rw'h10
ISP_GAMMA_OUT_MODEGamma segmentation mode register for output gamma0x0000090032rwequ_segm0: logarithmic like segmentation of gamma curve (default after reset) segmentation from 0 to 4095: 64 64 64 64 128 128 128 128 256 256 256 512 512 512 512 512 1: equidistant segmentation (all 16 segments are 256)0rw'h0
ISP_GAMMA_OUT_Y_0Gamma Out Curve definition y0x0000090432rwgamma_out_y0Gamma_out curve point definition y-axis (output) for all color components (red,green,blue) RESTRICTION: The difference between two Y_n (dy = Y_n - Y_n-1) is restricted to +511/-512 (10 bit signed).9:0rw'h000
ISP_GAMMA_OUT_Y_1Gamma Out Curve definition y0x0000090832rwgamma_out_y1Gamma_out curve point definition y-axis (output) for all color components (red,green,blue) RESTRICTION: The difference between two Y_n (dy = Y_n - Y_n-1) is restricted to +511/-512 (10 bit signed).9:0rw'h049
ISP_GAMMA_OUT_Y_2Gamma Out Curve definition y0x0000090c32rwgamma_out_y2Gamma_out curve point definition y-axis (output) for all color components (red,green,blue) RESTRICTION: The difference between two Y_n (dy = Y_n - Y_n-1) is restricted to +511/-512 (10 bit signed).9:0rw'h089
ISP_GAMMA_OUT_Y_3Gamma Out Curve definition y0x0000091032rwgamma_out_y3Gamma_out curve point definition y-axis (output) for all color components (red,green,blue) RESTRICTION: The difference between two Y_n (dy = Y_n - Y_n-1) is restricted to +511/-512 (10 bit signed).9:0rw'h0b7
ISP_GAMMA_OUT_Y_4Gamma Out Curve definition y0x0000091432rwgamma_out_y4Gamma_out curve point definition y-axis (output) for all color components (red,green,blue) RESTRICTION: The difference between two Y_n (dy = Y_n - Y_n-1) is restricted to +511/-512 (10 bit signed).9:0rw'h0df
ISP_GAMMA_OUT_Y_5Gamma Out Curve definition y0x0000091832rwgamma_out_y5Gamma_out curve point definition y-axis (output) for all color components (red,green,blue) RESTRICTION: The difference between two Y_n (dy = Y_n - Y_n-1) is restricted to +511/-512 (10 bit signed).9:0rw'h11f
ISP_GAMMA_OUT_Y_6Gamma Out Curve definition y0x0000091c32rwgamma_out_y6Gamma_out curve point definition y-axis (output) for all color components (red,green,blue) RESTRICTION: The difference between two Y_n (dy = Y_n - Y_n-1) is restricted to +511/-512 (10 bit signed).9:0rw'h154
ISP_GAMMA_OUT_Y_7Gamma Out Curve definition y0x0000092032rwgamma_out_y7Gamma_out curve point definition y-axis (output) for all color components (red,green,blue) RESTRICTION: The difference between two Y_n (dy = Y_n - Y_n-1) is restricted to +511/-512 (10 bit signed).9:0rw'h183
ISP_GAMMA_OUT_Y_8Gamma Out Curve definition y0x0000092432rwgamma_out_y8Gamma_out curve point definition y-axis (output) for all color components (red,green,blue) RESTRICTION: The difference between two Y_n (dy = Y_n - Y_n-1) is restricted to +511/-512 (10 bit signed).9:0rw'h1ad
ISP_GAMMA_OUT_Y_9Gamma Out Curve definition y0x0000092832rwgamma_out_y9Gamma_out curve point definition y-axis (output) for all color components (red,green,blue) RESTRICTION: The difference between two Y_n (dy = Y_n - Y_n-1) is restricted to +511/-512 (10 bit signed).9:0rw'h1f6
ISP_GAMMA_OUT_Y_10Gamma Out Curve definition y0x0000092c32rwgamma_out_y10Gamma_out curve point definition y-axis (output) for all color components (red,green,blue) RESTRICTION: The difference between two Y_n (dy = Y_n - Y_n-1) is restricted to +511/-512 (10 bit signed).9:0rw'h235
ISP_GAMMA_OUT_Y_11Gamma Out Curve definition y0x0000093032rwgamma_out_y11Gamma_out curve point definition y-axis (output) for all color components (red,green,blue) RESTRICTION: The difference between two Y_n (dy = Y_n - Y_n-1) is restricted to +511/-512 (10 bit signed).9:0rw'h26f
ISP_GAMMA_OUT_Y_12Gamma Out Curve definition y0x0000093432rwgamma_out_y12Gamma_out curve point definition y-axis (output) for all color components (red,green,blue) RESTRICTION: The difference between two Y_n (dy = Y_n - Y_n-1) is restricted to +511/-512 (10 bit signed).9:0rw'h2d3
ISP_GAMMA_OUT_Y_13Gamma Out Curve definition y0x0000093832rwgamma_out_y13Gamma_out curve point definition y-axis (output) for all color components (red,green,blue) RESTRICTION: The difference between two Y_n (dy = Y_n - Y_n-1) is restricted to +511/-512 (10 bit signed).9:0rw'h32a
ISP_GAMMA_OUT_Y_14Gamma Out Curve definition y0x0000093c32rwgamma_out_y14Gamma_out curve point definition y-axis (output) for all color components (red,green,blue) RESTRICTION: The difference between two Y_n (dy = Y_n - Y_n-1) is restricted to +511/-512 (10 bit signed).9:0rw'h378
ISP_GAMMA_OUT_Y_15Gamma Out Curve definition y0x0000094032rwgamma_out_y15Gamma_out curve point definition y-axis (output) for all color components (red,green,blue) RESTRICTION: The difference between two Y_n (dy = Y_n - Y_n-1) is restricted to +511/-512 (10 bit signed).9:0rw'h3bf
ISP_GAMMA_OUT_Y_16Gamma Out Curve definition y0x0000094432rwgamma_out_y16Gamma_out curve point definition y-axis (output) for all color components (red,green,blue) RESTRICTION: The difference between two Y_n (dy = Y_n - Y_n-1) is restricted to +511/-512 (10 bit signed).9:0rw'h3ff
ISP_AWB_PROPAuto white balance properties0x0000095032rwawb_meas_mode1: RGB based measurement mode 0: near white discrimination mode using YCbCr color space31rw'h0
awb_max_en0: disable; 1: enable Not valid in RGB measurement mode.2rw'h0
awb_mode00: no measurement 01: reserved 10: measurement of YCbCr means (AWB_MEAS_MODE = 0) or RGB means (AWB_MEAS_MODE = 1) 11: reserved1:0rw'h0
ISP_AWB_H_OFFSAuto white balance horizontal offset of measure window0x0000095432rwh_offsHorizontal window offset in pixels12:0rw'h0
ISP_AWB_V_OFFSAuto white balance vertical offset of measure window0x0000095832rwv_offsVertical window offset in lines12:0rw'h0
ISP_AWB_H_SIZEAuto white balance horizontal window size0x0000095c32rwh_sizeHorizontal measurement of window size in pixels13:0rw'h0
ISP_AWB_V_SIZEAuto white balance vertical window size0x0000096032rwv_sizeVertical measurement of window size in lines13:0rw'h0
ISP_AWB_FRAMESAuto white balance mean value over multiple frames0x0000096432rwawb_framesNumber of frames - 1 used for mean value calculation (a value of 0 means 1 frame; a value of 7 means 8 frames)2:0rw'h0
ISP_AWB_REFAuto white balance reference Cb/Cr values0x0000096832rwawb_ref_cr__max_rReference Cr value for AWB regulation; target for AWB - maximum red value, if RGB measurement mode is selected15:8rw'h80
awb_ref_cb__max_bReference Cb value for AWB regulation; target for AWB - maximum red value, if RGB measurement mode is selected7:0rw'h80
ISP_AWB_THRESHAuto white balance threshold values0x0000096c32rwawb_max_yLuminance maximum value, only consider pixels with luminance smaller than threshold for the White Balance measurement (must be enabled by register AWB_MODE bit AWB_MAX_EN). Not valid for RGB measurement mode.31:24rw'he9
awb_min_y__max_gLuminance minimum value, only consider pixels with luminance greater than threshold for the White Balance measurement - Maximum green value, if RGB measurement mode is selected23:16rw'hc0
awb_max_csumChrominance sum maximum value, only consider pixels with Cb+Cr Smaller than threshold for White Balance measurements15:8rw'h10
awb_min_cChrominance minimum value, only consider pixels with Cb/Cr each Greater than threshold value for White Balance measurements7:0rw'h10
ISP_AWB_WHITE_CNTAuto white balance white pixel count0x0000098032roawb_white_cntWhite pixel count, number of “white pixels” found during last measurement, I.e. pixels included in mean value calculation27:0ro'h0
ISP_AWB_MEANAuto white balance measured mean value0x0000098432roawb_mean_y__gMean value of Cb within window and frames- Mean value of blue, If RGB measurement mode is selected23:16ro'h0
awb_mean_cb__bMean value of Cr within window and frames- Mean value of red, if RGB measurement mode is selected15:8ro'h0
awb_mean_cr__rMean value of Y within window and frames- mean value of green, if RGB measurement mode is selected7:0ro'h0
ISP_CC_COEFF_00x00000a0032rwcc_coeff0Coefficient 0 for color space conversion8:0rw'h21
ISP_CC_COEFF_10x00000a0432rwcc_coeff1Coefficient 1 for color space conversion8:0rw'h40
ISP_CC_COEFF_20x00000a0832rwcc_coeff2Coefficient 2 for color space conversion8:0rw'hd
ISP_CC_COEFF_30x00000a0c32rwcc_coeff3Coefficient 3 for color space conversion8:0rw'h1ed
ISP_CC_COEFF_40x00000a1032rwcc_coeff4Coefficient 4 for color space conversion8:0rw'h1db
ISP_CC_COEFF_50x00000a1432rwcc_coeff5Coefficient 5 for color space conversion8:0rw'h38
ISP_CC_COEFF_60x00000a1832rwcc_coeff6Coefficient 6 for color space conversion8:0rw'h38
ISP_CC_COEFF_70x00000a1c32rwcc_coeff7Coefficient 7 for color space conversion8:0rw'h1d1
ISP_CC_COEFF_80x00000a2032rwcc_coeff8Coefficient 8 for color space conversion8:0rw'h1f7
FORMAT_CONV_CTRLoutput contro register0x00000a2432rwy_only0: output y and c data from format conv 1: only output Y data0rw'h0
ISP_CT_COEFF_0Cross-talk configuration register (color correction matrix)0x00000a3032rwct_coeff0Coefficient for cross talk matrix. Values are 11-bit signed fixed-point numbers with 4 bit integer and 7 bit fractional part, ranging from -8 (0x400) to +7.992 (0x3FF). 0 is represented by 0x000 and a coefficient value of 1 as 0x080.10:0rw'h80
ISP_CT_COEFF_1Cross-talk configuration register (color correction matrix)0x00000a3432rwct_coeff1Coefficient for cross talk matrix. Values are 11-bit signed fixed-point numbers with 4 bit integer and 7 bit fractional part, ranging from -8 (0x400) to +7.992 (0x3FF). 0 is represented by 0x000 and a coefficient value of 1 as 0x080.10:0rw'h0
ISP_CT_COEFF_2Cross-talk configuration register (color correction matrix)0x00000a3832rwct_coeff2Coefficient for cross talk matrix. Values are 11-bit signed fixed-point numbers with 4 bit integer and 7 bit fractional part, ranging from -8 (0x400) to +7.992 (0x3FF). 0 is represented by 0x000 and a coefficient value of 1 as 0x080.10:0rw'h0
ISP_CT_COEFF_3Cross-talk configuration register (color correction matrix)0x00000a3c32rwct_coeff3Coefficient for cross talk matrix. Values are 11-bit signed fixed-point numbers with 4 bit integer and 7 bit fractional part, ranging from -8 (0x400) to +7.992 (0x3FF). 0 is represented by 0x000 and a coefficient value of 1 as 0x080.10:0rw'h0
ISP_CT_COEFF_4Cross-talk configuration register (color correction matrix)0x00000a4032rwct_coeff4Coefficient for cross talk matrix. Values are 11-bit signed fixed-point numbers with 4 bit integer and 7 bit fractional part, ranging from -8 (0x400) to +7.992 (0x3FF). 0 is represented by 0x000 and a coefficient value of 1 as 0x080.10:0rw'h80
ISP_CT_COEFF_5Cross-talk configuration register (color correction matrix)0x00000a4432rwct_coeff5Coefficient for cross talk matrix. Values are 11-bit signed fixed-point numbers with 4 bit integer and 7 bit fractional part, ranging from -8 (0x400) to +7.992 (0x3FF). 0 is represented by 0x000 and a coefficient value of 1 as 0x080.10:0rw'h0
ISP_CT_COEFF_6Cross-talk configuration register (color correction matrix)0x00000a4832rwct_coeff6Coefficient for cross talk matrix. Values are 11-bit signed fixed-point numbers with 4 bit integer and 7 bit fractional part, ranging from -8 (0x400) to +7.992 (0x3FF). 0 is represented by 0x000 and a coefficient value of 1 as 0x080.10:0rw'h0
ISP_CT_COEFF_7Cross-talk configuration register (color correction matrix)0x00000a4c32rwct_coeff7Coefficient for cross talk matrix. Values are 11-bit signed fixed-point numbers with 4 bit integer and 7 bit fractional part, ranging from -8 (0x400) to +7.992 (0x3FF). 0 is represented by 0x000 and a coefficient value of 1 as 0x080.10:0rw'h0
ISP_CT_COEFF_8Cross-talk configuration register (color correction matrix)0x00000a5032rwct_coeff8Coefficient for cross talk matrix. Values are 11-bit signed fixed-point numbers with 4 bit integer and 7 bit fractional part, ranging from -8 (0x400) to +7.992 (0x3FF). 0 is represented by 0x000 and a coefficient value of 1 as 0x080.10:0rw'h80
ISP_CT_OFFSET_RCross-talk offset red0x00000a5432rwct_offset_rRed offset for the cross talk matrix. Two's complement integer number ranging from -2048 (0x800) to 2047 (0x7FF). 0 is represented as 0x000.11:0rw'h0
ISP_CT_OFFSET_GCross-talk offset green0x00000a5832rwct_offset_gGreen offset for the cross talk matrix. Two's complement integer number ranging from -2048 (0x800) to 2047 (0x7FF). 0 is represented as 0x000.11:0rw'h0
ISP_CT_OFFSET_BCross-talk offset blue0x00000a5c32rwct_offset_bBlue offset for the cross talk matrix. Two's complement integer number ranging from -2048 (0x800) to 2047 (0x7FF). 0 is represented as 0x000.11:0rw'h0
ISP_IMSCInterrupt mask0x00000b0032rwimsc_exp_endExposure measurement complete18rw'h0
imsc_h_start0: mask out; 1: enable interrupt7rw'h0
imsc_v_start0: mask out; 1: enable interrupt6rw'h0
imsc_frame_in0: mask out; 1: enable interrupt5rw'h0
imsc_awb_done0: mask out; 1: enable interrupt4rw'h0
imsc_size_err0: mask out; 1: enable interrupt3rw'h0
imsc_dataloss0: mask out; 1: enable interrupt2rw'h0
ISP_RISRaw interrupt status0x00000b0432roris_exp_endExposure measurement complete18ro'h0
ris_h_startStart edge of h_sync7ro'h0
ris_v_startStart edge of v_sync6ro'h0
ris_frame_inSampled input frame is complete5ro'h0
ris_awb_doneWhite balancing measurement cycle is complete; results can be read out4ro'h0
ris_size_errPicture size violation occurred; incorrect programming3ro'h0
ris_datalossLoss of data occurred within a line, processing failure2ro'h0
ISP_MISMasked interrupt status0x00000b0832romis_exp_endExposure measurement complete18ro'h0
mis_h_startStart edge of h_sync7ro'h0
mis_v_startStart edge of v_sync6ro'h0
mis_frame_inSampled input frame is complete5ro'h0
mis_awb_doneWhite balancing measurement cycle is complete; results can be read out4ro'h0
mis_size_errPicture size violation occurred; incorrect programming3ro'h0
mis_datalossLoss of data occurred within a line, processing failure2ro'h0
ISP_ICRInterrupt clear register0x00000b0c32woicr_exp_endClear interrupt18wo'h0
icr_h_startClear interrupt7wo'h0
icr_v_startClear interrupt6wo'h0
icr_frame_inClear interrupt5wo'h0
icr_awb_doneClear interrupt4wo'h0
icr_size_errClear interrupt3wo'h0
icr_datalossClear interrupt2wo'h0
ISP_ISRInterrupt set register0x00000b1032woisr_exp_endSet interrupt18wo'h0
isr_h_startSet interrupt7wo'h0
isr_v_startSet interrupt6wo'h0
isr_frame_inSet interrupt5wo'h0
isr_awb_doneSet interrupt4wo'h0
isr_size_errSet interrupt3wo'h0
isr_datalossSet interrupt2wo'h0
ISP_ERRISP error register0x00000b1432rocrop_size_errSize error is generated in crop submodule2ro'h0
inform_size_errSize error is generated in inform submodule0ro'h0
ISP_ERR_CLRISP error clear register0x00000b1832wocrop_size_err_clrSize error is cleared2wo'h0
inform_size_err_clrSize error is cleared0wo'h0
MI_CTRLGlobal control register0x00000e0032rwsp_output_formatSelf path output format 000: YCbCr 4:0:0 not supported 001: YCbCr 4:2:0 not supported 010: YCbCr 4:2:2 011: YCbCr 4:4:4 100: RGB565 101: RGB666 110: RGB888 111: Reserved30:28rw'h0
sp_input_formatSelf Path input format 00: YCbCr 4:0:0 Not supported 01: YCbCr 4:2:0 Not supported 10: YCbCr 4:2:2 11: YCbCr 4:4:427:26rw'h0
sp_write_formatDefines how YCbCr self picture data is written to memory. In YCbCr mode the following meaning is applicable: 00: Planar, only support 4:4:4 01: Semi planar, for YCbCr 4:2:x 10: Interleaved (combined), for YCbCr 4:2:2 only 11: YUV only In RAW data mode the following meaning is applicable: 00: RAW 8 bit 01: RAW 10 bit 10: RAW 12bit 11: Reserved Note: Programmed value becomes effective immediately. So write to the register only if no picture data is sent to the main path.25:24rw'h0
mp_write_formatDefines how YCbCr main picture data is written to memory. In YCbCr mode the following meaning is applicable: 00: Planar 01: Semi planar, for YCbCr 4:2:x 10: Interleaved (combined), for YCbCr 4:2:2 only 11: YUV only In RAW data mode the following meaning is applicable: 00: RAW 8 bit 01: RAW 10 bit 10: RAW 12bit 11: Reserved Note: Programmed value becomes effective immediately. So write to the register only if no picture data is sent to the main path.23:22rw'h0
init_offset_enEnables updating of the offset counters shadow registers for main and self picture to the programmed register init values. MI_MP/SP_Y/CB/CR_OFFS_CNT_INIT-> MI_MP/SP_Y/CB/CR_OFFS_CNT_SHD The update will be executed either when a forced software update occurs (in register MI_INIT bit cfg_upd = 1) or when an automatic config update signal arrives at the MI input port. The latter is split into main and self picture. So only the corresponding main/self shadow registers are affected. After a picture skip has been performed init_offset_en selects between skip restart and skip init mode (see bit skip in register MI_INIT).21rw'h0
init_base_enEnables updating of the base address and buffer size shadow registers for main and self picture to the programmed register init values. MI_MP/SP_Y/CB/CR_BASE_AD_INIT ->MI_MP/SP_Y/CB/CR_BASE_AD_SHD MI_MP/SP_Y/CB/CR_SIZE_INIT-> MI_MP/SP_Y/CB/CR_SIZE_SHD The update will be executed either when a forced software update occurs (in register MI_INIT bit cfg_upd = 1) or when an automatic config update signal arrives at the MI input port. The latter is split into main and self picture. So only the corresponding main/self shadow registers are affected.20rw'h0
burst_len_chromBurst length for Cb or Cr data affecting write port. 00: 4-beat bursts 01: 8-beat bursts 10: 16-beat bursts 11: Reserved Ignored if 8- or 16-beat bursts are not supported. If rotation is active, then only 4-beat bursts will be generated in self path, regardless of the setting here. Note: Programmed value becomes effective immediately. So write to the register only if no picture data is sent to the main and self path.19:18rw'h0
burst_len_lumBurst length for Y, JPEG, or raw data affecting write port. 00: 4-beat bursts 01: 8-beat bursts 10: 16-beat bursts 11: Reserved Ignored if 8- or 16-beat bursts are not supported. Note: Programmed value becomes effective immediately. So write to the register only if no picture data is sent to the main and self path.17:16rw'h0
mp_auto_updateAutomatic update of configuration registers for main path at frame end. 0: Disabled; 1: enabled13rw'h0
mp_pingpong_enablePingpong mode of configuration registers for main path at frame end. 0: Disabled; 1: enabled11rw'h0
path_enableEnables data paths of Memory Interface according to the following table: 0000: Disabled, no data is transferred 0001: YUV data output, mainpath only (mp_enable only) 1000: RAW data output, mainpath only (raw_enable only) 1101: Reserved The programmed value becomes effective (visible in shadow register) after a soft reset, a forced software update or an automatic configuration update. Affects the MI_IN and MI_OUT module.3:0rw'h0
MI_INITControl register for address init and skip function0x00000e0432rwmp_output_formatSelects output format of main picture. 0000: YCbCr 4:0:0 0001: YCbCr 4:2:0 0010: YCbCr 4:2:2 0101: RAW 8 0100: RAW 12 0111: RAW 108:5rw'h0
mi_cfg_updForced configuration update. Leads to an immediate update of the shadow registers. Depending on the two init enable bits in the MI_CTRL register (init_offset_en and init_base_en) the offset counter, base address and buffer size shadow registers are also updated.4wo'h0
mi_skipSkip of current or next starting main picture: - Aborts writing of main picture image data of the current frame to RAM (after the current burst transmission has been completed). Further main picture data up to the end of the current frame are discarded. - No further macroblock line interrupt (mblk_line), no wrap around interrupt for main picture (wrap_mp_y/cb/cr) and no fill level interrupt (fill_mp_y) are generated. - Skip does not affect the generation of the main path frame end interrupt (mp_frame_end). - Skip does not affect the processing of self picture and its corresponding interrupts namely the self path frame end interrupt (sp_frame_end). - The byte counter (register MI_BYTE_CNT) is not affected. It produces the correct number of JPEG or RAW data bytes at the end of the current (skipped) frame. - After a skip has been performed, the offset counter for the main picture at the start of the following frame are set depending on the bit init_offset_en in register MI_CTRL: • Skip restart mode (init_offset_en = 0) The offset counters of the main picture are restarted at the old start values of the previous skipped frame. • Skip init mode (init_offset_en = 1) The offset counters of the main picture are initialized with the register contents of the offset counter init registers without any additional forced software update or automatic config update.2wo'h0
MI_MP_Y_BASE_AD_INITBase address for main picture Y component, JPEG or raw data0x00000e0832rwmp_y_base_ad_initBase address of main picture Y component ring buffer, JPEG ring buffer or raw data ring buffer. Programmed value becomes effective (visible in corresponding shadow register) after a soft reset, a forced software update or an automatic configuration update.31:3rw'h0
MI_MP_Y_SIZE_INITSize of main picture Y component, JPEG or raw data0x00000e0c32rwmp_y_size_initSize of main picture Y component ring buffer, JPEG ring buffer or raw data ring buffer. Programmed value becomes effective (visible in corresponding shadow register) after a soft reset, a forced software update or an automatic configuration update.28:3rw'h0
MI_MP_Y_OFFS_CNT_INITOffset counter init value for main picture Y, JPEG or raw data0x00000e1032rwmp_y_offs_cnt_initOffset counter init value of main picture Y component ring buffer, JPEG ring buffer or raw data ring buffer. Programmed value becomes effective (visible in corresponding shadow register) after a soft reset, a forced software update or an automatic configuration update.28:3rw'h0
MI_MP_Y_OFFS_CNT_STARTOffset counter start value for main picture Y, JPEG or raw data0x00000e1432romp_y_offs_cnt_startOffset counter value which points to the start address of the previously processed picture (main picture Y component, JPEG or raw data). Updated at frame end. Note: A soft reset resets the contents to the reset value.28:3ro'h0
MI_MP_Y_IRQ_OFFS_INITFill level interrupt offset value for main picture Y, JPEG or raw data0x00000e1832rwmp_y_irq_offs_initReaching this programmed value by the current offset counter for addressing main picture Y component, JPEG or raw data leads to the generation of fill level interrupt fill_mp_y. Programmed value becomes effective (visible in corresponding shadow register) after a soft reset, a forced software update or an automatic configuration update.28:3rw'h0
MI_MP_CB_BASE_AD_INITBase address for main picture Cb component ring buffer0x00000e1c32rwmp_cb_base_ad_initBase address of main picture Cb component ring buffer. Programmed value becomes effective (visible in corresponding shadow register) after a soft reset, a forced software update or an automatic config update. Note: Set control bit init_base_en before updating so that a forced or automatic update can take effect.31:3rw'h0
MI_MP_CB_SIZE_INITSize of main picture Cb component ring buffer0x00000e2032rwmp_cb_size_initSize of main picture Cb component ring buffer. Programmed value becomes effective (visible in corresponding shadow register) after a soft reset, a forced software update or an automatic config update. Note: Set control bit init_base_en before updating so that a forced or automatic update can take effect.27:3rw'h0
MI_MP_CB_OFFS_CNT_INITOffset counter init value for main picture Cb component ring buffer0x00000e2432rwmp_cb_offs_cnt_initOffset counter init value of main picture Cb component ring buffer. Programmed value becomes effective (visible in corresponding shadow register) after a soft reset, a forced software update or an automatic configuration update. Note: Set control bit init_base_en before updating so that a forced or automatic update can take effect. Check exceptionhandling in skip modes.27:3rw'h0
MI_MP_CB_OFFS_CNT_STARTOffset counter start value for main picture Cb component ring buffer0x00000e2832romp_cb_offs_cnt_startOffset counter value which points to the start address of the previously processed picture (main picture Cb component). Updated at frame end.27:3ro'h0
MI_MP_CR_BASE_AD_INITBase address for main picture Cr component ring buffer0x00000e2c32rwmp_cr_base_ad_initBase address of main picture Cr component ring buffer. Programmed value becomes effective (visible in corresponding shadow register) after a soft reset, a forced software update or an automatic config update. Note: Set control bit init_base_en before updating so that a forced or automatic update can take effect.31:3rw'h0
MI_MP_CR_SIZE_INITSize of main picture Cr component ring buffer0x00000e3032rwmp_cr_size_initSize of main picture Cr component ring buffer. Programmed value becomes effective (visible in corresponding shadow register) after a soft reset, a forced software update or an automatic configuration update. Note: Set control bit init_base_en before updating so that a forced or automatic update can take effect.27:3rw'h0
MI_MP_CR_OFFS_CNT_INITOffset counter init value for main picture Cr component ring buffer0x00000e3432rwmp_cr_offs_cnt_initOffset counter init value of main picture Cr component ring buffer. Programmed value becomes effective (visible in corresponding shadow register) after a soft reset, a forced software update or an automatic configuration update. Note: Set control bit init_base_en before updating so that a forced or automatic update can take effect. Check exception handling in skip modes.27:3rw'h0
MI_MP_CR_OFFS_CNT_STARTOffset counter start value for main picture Cr component ring buffer0x00000e3832romp_cr_offs_cnt_startOffset counter value which points to the start address of the previously processed picture (main picture Cr component). Updated at frame end. Note: Soft reset will reset the contents to the reset value.27:3ro'h0
MI_BYTE_CNTCounter value of JPEG or RAW data bytes0x00000e7032robyte_cntCounter value specifies the number of JPEG or RAW data bytes of the last transmitted frame. Updated at frame end. A soft reset will set the byte counter to zero.27:0ro'h0
MI_CTRL_SHDGlobal control internal shadow register0x00000e7432ropath_enable_outPath_enable shadow register for module MI_OUT (former raw_enable_out, jpeg_enable_out, sp_enable_out, mp_enable_out)19:16ro'h0
path_enable_inPath_enable shadow register for module MI_IN (former raw_enable_in, jpeg_enable_in, sp_enable_in, mp_enable_in)3:0ro'h0
MI_MP_Y_BASE_AD_SHDBase address shadow register for main picture Y component, JPEG or raw data ring buffer0x00000e7832romp_y_base_adBase address of main picture Y component ring buffer, JPEG ring buffer or raw data ring buffer.31:3ro'h0
MI_MP_Y_SIZE_SHDSize shadow register of main picture Y component, JPEG or raw data0x00000e7c32romp_y_sizeSize of main picture Y component ring buffer, JPEG ring buffer or raw data ring buffer.28:3ro'h0
MI_MP_Y_OFFS_CNT_SHDCurrent offset counter of main picture Y component, JPEG or raw data ring buffer0x00000e8032romp_y_offs_cntCurrent offset counter of main picture Y component, JPEG or raw data ring buffer for address generation. Note: Soft reset will reset the contents to the reset value.28:3ro'h0
MI_MP_Y_IRQ_OFFS_SHDShadow register of fill level interrupt offset value for main picture Y component, JPEG or raw data0x00000e8432romp_y_irq_offsReaching this offset value by the current offset counter for addressing the main picture Y component, JPEG or raw data leads to the generation of fill level interrupt fill_mp_y.28:3ro'h0
MI_MP_CB_BASE_AD_SHDBase address shadow register for main picture Cb component ring buffer0x00000e8832romp_cb_base_adBase address of main picture Cb component ring buffer.31:3ro'h0
MI_MP_CB_SIZE_SHDSize shadow register of main picture Cb component ring buffer0x00000e8c32romp_cb_sizeSize of main picture Cb component ring buffer.27:3ro'h0
MI_MP_CB_OFFS_CNT_SHDCurrent offset counter of main picture Cb component ring buffer0x00000e9032romp_cb_offs_cntCurrent offset counter of main picture Cb component ring buffer for address generation. Note: Soft reset will reset the contents to the reset value.27:3ro'h0
MI_MP_CR_BASE_AD_SHDBase address shadow register for main picture Cr component ring buffer0x00000e9432romp_cr_base_adBase address of main picture Cr component ring buffer.31:3ro'h0
MI_MP_CR_SIZE_SHDSize shadow register of main picture Cr component ring buffer0x00000e9832romp_cr_sizeSize of main picture Cr component ring buffer.27:3ro'h0
MI_MP_CR_OFFS_CNT_SHDCurrent offset counter of main picture Cr component ring buffer0x00000e9c32romp_cr_offs_cntCurrent offset counter of main picture Cr component ring buffer for address generation. Note: Soft reset will reset the contents to the reset value.27:3ro'h0
MI_IMSCInterrupt Mask („1‟: interrupt active, „0‟: interrupt masked)0x00000ef832rwwrap_sp_crMask bit for self picture Cr address wrap interrupt9rw'h0
wrap_sp_cbMask bit for self picture Cb address wrap interrupt8rw'h0
wrap_sp_yMask bit for self picture Y address wrap interrupt7rw'h0
wrap_mp_crMask bit for main picture Cr address wrap interrupt6rw'h0
wrap_mp_cbMask bit for main picture Cb address wrap interrupt5rw'h0
wrap_mp_yMask bit for main picture Y address wrap interrupt4rw'h0
fill_mp_yMask bit for fill level interrupt of main picture Y, JPEG or raw data3rw'h0
mblk_lineMask bit for macroblock line interrupt of main picture (16 lines of Y, 8 lines of Cb and 8 lines of Cr are written into RAM)2rw'h0
sp_frame_endMask self picture end of frame interrupt1rw'h0
mp_frame_endMask main picture end of frame interrupt0rw'h0
MI_RISRaw Interrupt Status0x00000efc32rowrap_sp_crRaw status of self picture Cr address wrap interrupt9ro'h0
wrap_sp_cbRaw status of self picture Cb address wrap interrupt8ro'h0
wrap_sp_yRaw status of self picture Y address wrap interrupt7ro'h0
wrap_mp_crRaw status of main picture Cr address wrap interrupt6ro'h0
wrap_mp_cbRaw status of main picture Cb address wrap interrupt5ro'h0
wrap_mp_yRaw status of main picture Y address wrap interrupt4ro'h0
fill_mp_yRaw status of fill level interrupt of main picture Y, JPEG or raw data3ro'h0
mblk_lineRaw status of macroblock line interrupt of main picture (16 lines of Y, 8 lines of Cb and 8 lines of Cr are written into RAM; valid only for planar and semi-planar mode)2ro'h0
sp_frame_endRaw status of self picture end of frame interrupt1ro'h0
mp_frame_endRaw status of main picture end of frame interrupt0ro'h0
MI_MISMasked Interrupt Status0x00000f0032rowrap_sp_crMasked status of self picture Cr address wrap interrupt9ro'h0
wrap_sp_cbMasked status of self picture Cb address wrap interrupt8ro'h0
wrap_sp_yMasked status of self picture Y address wrap interrupt7ro'h0
wrap_mp_crMasked status of main picture Cr address wrap interrupt6ro'h0
wrap_mp_cbMasked status of main picture Cb address wrap interrupt5ro'h0
wrap_mp_yMasked status of main picture Y address wrap interrupt4ro'h0
fill_mp_yMasked status of fill level interrupt of main picture Y, JPEG or raw data3ro'h0
mblk_lineMasked status of macroblock line interrupt of main picture (16 lines of Y, 8 lines of Cb and 8 lines of Cr are written into RAM, valid only for planar and semi-planar mode)2ro'h0
sp_frame_endMasked status of self picture end of frame interrupt1ro'h0
mp_frame_endMasked status of main picture end of frame interrupt0ro'h0
MI_ICRInterrupt Clear Register0x00000f0432wowrap_sp_crClear self picture Cr address wrap interrupt9wo'h0
wrap_sp_cbClear self picture Cb address wrap interrupt8wo'h0
wrap_sp_yClear self picture Y address wrap interrupt7wo'h0
wrap_mp_crClear main picture Cr address wrap interrupt6wo'h0
wrap_mp_cbClear main picture Cb address wrap interrupt5wo'h0
wrap_mp_yClear main picture Y address wrap interrupt4wo'h0
fill_mp_yClear fill level interrupt3wo'h0
mblk_lineClear macroblock line interrupt2wo'h0
sp_frame_endClear self picture end of frame interrupt1wo'h0
mp_frame_endClear main picture end of frame interrupt0wo'h0
MI_ISRInterrupt Set Register0x00000f0832wowrap_sp_crSet self picture Cr address wrap interrupt9wo'h0
wrap_sp_cbSet self picture Cb address wrap interrupt8wo'h0
wrap_sp_ySet self picture Y address wrap interrupt7wo'h0
wrap_mp_crSet main picture Cr address wrap interrupt6wo'h0
wrap_mp_cbSet main picture Cb address wrap interrupt5wo'h0
wrap_mp_ySet main picture Y address wrap interrupt4wo'h0
fill_mp_ySet fill level interrupt3wo'h0
mblk_lineSet macroblock line interrupt2wo'h0
sp_frame_endSet self picture end of frame interrupt1wo'h0
mp_frame_endSet main picture end of frame interrupt0wo'h0
MI_STATUSMI Status Register0x00000f0c32rosp_cr_fifo_fullFIFO full flag of Cr FIFO in self path asserted since last clear6ro'h0
sp_cb_fifo_fullFIFO full flag of Cb FIFO in self path asserted since last clear5ro'h0
sp_y_fifo_fullFIFO full flag of Y FIFO in self path asserted since last clear4ro'h0
mp_cr_fifo_fullFIFO full flag of Cr FIFO in main path asserted since last clear2ro'h0
mp_cb_fifo_fullFIFO full flag of Cb FIFO in main path asserted since last clear1ro'h0
mp_y_fifo_fullFIFO full flag of Y FIFO in main path asserted since last clear0ro'h0
MI_STATUS_CLRMI Status Clear Register0x00000f1032wosp_cr_fifo_fullClear status of Cr FIFO full flag in self path6wo'h0
sp_cb_fifo_fullClear status of Cb FIFO full flag in self path5wo'h0
sp_y_fifo_fullClear status of Y FIFO full flag in self path4wo'h0
mp_cr_fifo_fullClear status of Cr FIFO full flag in main path2wo'h0
mp_cb_fifo_fullClear status of Cb FIFO full flag in main path1wo'h0
mp_y_fifo_fullClear status of Y FIFO full flag in main path0wo'h0
MI_MP_Y_BASE_AD_INIT2Base address 2 (ping pong) for main picture Y component, JPEG or raw data0x00000f3032rwmp_y_base_ad_init22nd ping pong base address of main picture Y component buffer, JPEG buffer or raw data buffer. Programmed value becomes effective (visible in corresponding shadow register) after a soft reset, a forced software update or an automatic configure update. Note: Set control bit MI_CTRL.init_base_en[bit 20] before updating so that a forced or automatic update can take effect.31:3rw'h0
MI_MP_CB_BASE_AD_INIT2Base address 2 (pingpong) for main picture Cb component0x00000f3432rwmp_cb_base_ad_init22nd ping pong base address of main picture Cb component buffer. Programmed value becomes effective (visible in corresponding shadow register) after a soft reset, a forced software update or an automatic configure update. Note: Set control bit MI_CTRL.init_base_en[bit 20] before updating so that a forced or automatic update can take effect.31:3rw'h0
MI_MP_CR_BASE_AD_INIT2Base address 2 (pingpong) for main picture Cr component ring buffer0x00000f3832rwmp_cr_base_ad_init22nd ping pong base address of main picture Cr component buffer. Programmed value becomes effective (visible in corresponding shadow register) after a soft reset, a forced software update or an automatic configure update. Note: Set control bit MI_CTRL.init_base_en[bit 20] before updating so that a forced or automatic update can take effect.31:3rw'h0
MI_MP_Y_LLENGTHBase address 2 (pingpong) for main picture Cb component0x00000f5032rwmp_y_llenghLine length of main picture Y component in pixel, also known as line stride. If no line stride is used, line length must match image width. For the main picture Y component, the line length in 4:2:x planar mode must be a multiple of 8; for all other component modes, the line length must be a multiple of 4 In planar mode, the line length of the Cb and Cr component is assumed according to the YCbCr format, i.e. half for 4:2:x and the same size for 4:4:4. In semi planar 4:2:x mode, the line length of the Cb and Cr component is assumed to be the same size.14:0rw'h0
MI_OUTPUT_ALIGN_FORMATOutput align format for main path0x00000f5c32rwmp_little_endian1: little endian 0: big endian10rw'h0
mp_byte_swapSwap bytes: Bit 0 to swap bytes Bit 1 to swap words Bit 2 to swap dwords 000: ABCDEFGH => ABCDEFGH 001: ABCDEFGH => BADCFEHG 010: ABCDEFGH => CDABGHEF 011: ABCDEFGH => DCBAHGFE 100: ABCDEFGH => EFGHABCD 101: ABCDEFGH => FEHGBADC 110: ABCDEFGH => GHEFCDAB 111: ABCDEFGH => HGFEDCBA3:1rw'h0
mp_lsb_alignment0: MSB aligned for RAW10 and RAW12 formats 1: LSB aligned for RAW10 and RAW12 formats0rw'h0
MI_MP_OUTPUT_FIFO_SIZEOutput FIFO size for main path0x00000f6032rwmp_output_fifo_sizeSelect Output FIFO depth setting 00: FULL (2 KBytes) 01: HALF (1 KByte) 10: 1/4 (512 Bytes) 11: 1/8 (256 Bytes)1:0rw'h0
MI_MP_Y_PIC_WIDTHImage width of the Y component in pixels for main path0x00000f6432rwmp_y_pic_widthImage width of the main picture Y component in pixel. For YCbCr 4:2:x the image width must be a multiple of 2. In planar mode the image width of the Cb and Cr component is assumed according to the YCbCr format, i.e. half for 4:2:x and the same size for 4:4:4. In semi planar 4:2:x mode the image width of the Cb component (which includes Cr) is assumed the same size. In interleave mode no Cb/Cr image width is used.31:0rw'h0
MI_MP_Y_PIC_HEIGHTImage height of the Y component in pixels for main path0x00000f6832rwmp_y_pic_heightImage height of the y component in pixel. In planar and semi planar mode the image height of the Cb and Cr component is assumed according to the YCbCr format, i.e. half for 4:2:0 and the same for 4:2:2 and 4:4:4.31:0rw'h0
MI_MP_Y_PIC_SIZEImage size of the Y component in pixels for main path0x00000f6c32rwmp_y_pic_sizeImage size of the Y component in pixel which has to be the Y line length multiplied by the Y image height (mp_y_llength * mp_y_pic_height). In planar mode the image size of the Cb and Cr component is assumed according to the YCbCr format, i.e. a quarter for 4:2:0, half for 4:2:2 and the same for 4:4:4. In semi planar mode the image size of the Cb and Cr component is assumed half for 4:2:0 and the same size for 4:2:2.31:0rw'h0
SRSZ_CTRLGlobal control register0x0000100032rwauto_upd0: no update; 1: update shadow registers at frame end9rw'h0
cfg_updWrite 0: nothing happens Write 1: update shadow registers Read: Always 08wo'h0
scale_vc_up0: Vertical chrominance downscaling selected 1: Vertical chrominance upscaling selected7rw'h0
scale_vy_up0: Vertical luminance downscaling selected 1: Vertical luminance upscaling selected6rw'h0
scale_hc_up0: Horizontal chrominance downscaling selected 1: Horizontal chrominance upscaling selected5rw'h0
scale_hy_up0: Horizontal luminance downscaling selected 1: Horizontal luminance upscaling selected4rw'h0
scale_vc_enableVertical chrominance scaling unit 0: Bypass; 1: enable3rw'h0
scale_vy_enableVertical luminance scaling unit 0: Bypass; 1: enable2rw'h0
scale_hc_enableHorizontal chrominance scaling unit 0: bypass; 1: enable1rw'h0
scale_hy_enableHorizontal luminance scaling unit 0: Bypass; 1: enable0rw'h0
SRSZ_SCALE_HYHorizontal luminance scale factor register0x0000100432rwscale_hyThis register is set to the horizontal luminance downscale factor or to the reciprocal of the horizontal luminance upscale factor.15:0rw'h0
SRSZ_SCALE_HCBHorizontal Cb scale factor register0x0000100832rwscale_hcbThis register is set to the horizontal Cb downscale factor or to the reciprocal of the horizontal Cb upscale factor.15:0rw'h0
SRSZ_SCALE_HCRHorizontal Cr scale factor register0x0000100c32rwscale_hcrThis register is set to the horizontal Cr downscale factor or to the reciprocal of the horizontal Cr upscale factor.15:0rw'h0
SRSZ_SCALE_VYVertical luminance scale factor register0x0000101032rwscale_vyThis register is set to the vertical luminance downscale factor or to the reciprocal of the vertical luminance upscale factor.15:0rw'h0
SRSZ_SCALE_VCVertical chrominance scale factor register0x0000101432rwscale_vcThis register is set to the vertical chrominance downscale factor or to the reciprocal of the vertical chrominance upscale factor.15:0rw'h0
SRSZ_PHASE_HYHorizontal luminance phase register0x0000101832rwphase_hyThis register is set to the horizontal luminance phase offset.15:0rw'h0
SRSZ_PHASE_HCHorizontal chrominance phase register0x0000101c32rwphase_hcThis register is set to the horizontal chrominance phase offset.15:0rw'h0
SRSZ_PHASE_VYVertical luminance phase register0x0000102032rwphase_vyThis register is set to the vertical luminance phase offset.15:0rw'h0
SRSZ_PHASE_VCVertical chrominance phase register0x0000102432rwphase_vcThis register is set to the vertical chrominance phase offset.15:0rw'h0
SRSZ_SCALE_LUT_ADDRAddress pointer of up-scaling look up table0x0000102832rwscale_lut_addrPointer to entry of upscaling lookup table.5:0rw'h0
SRSZ_SCALE_LUTEntry of up-scaling look up table0x0000102c32rwscale_lutEntry of lookup table at position scale_lut_addr. The lookup table must be filled with appropriate values before the upscaling functionality can be used.5:0rw'h0
SRSZ_CTRL_SHDGlobal control shadow register0x0000103032roscale_vc_up_shd0: Vertical chrominance downscaling selected 1: Vertical chrominance upscaling selected7ro'h0
scale_vy_up_shd0: Vertical luminance downscaling selected 1: Vertical luminance upscaling selected6ro'h0
scale_hc_up_shd0: Horizontal chrominance downscaling selected 1: Horizontal chrominance upscaling selected5ro'h0
scale_hy_up_shd0: Horizontal luminance downscaling selected 1: Horizontal luminance upscaling selected4ro'h0
scale_vc_enable_shdVertical chrominance scaling unit 0: Bypass; 1: enable3ro'h0
scale_vy_enable_shdVertical luminance scaling unit 0: Bypass; 1: enable2ro'h0
scale_hc_enable_shdHorizontal chrominance scaling unit 0: Bypass; 1: enable1ro'h0
scale_hy_enable_shdHorizontal luminance scaling unit 0: Bypass; 1: enable0ro'h0
SRSZ_SCALE_HY_SHDHorizontal luminance scale factor shadow register0x0000103432roscale_hy_shdThis register is set to the horizontal luminance downscale factor or to the reciprocal of the horizontal luminance upscale factor.15:0ro'h0
SRSZ_SCALE_HCB_SHDHorizontal Cb scale factor shadow register0x0000103832roscale_hcb_shdThis register is set to the horizontal Cb downscale factor or to the reciprocal of the horizontal Cb upscale factor.15:0ro'h0
SRSZ_SCALE_HCR_SHDHorizontal Cr scale factor shadow register0x0000103c32roscale_hcr_shdThis register is set to the horizontal Cr downscale factor or to the reciprocal of the horizontal Cr upscale factor.15:0ro'h0
SRSZ_SCALE_VY_SHDVertical luminance scale factor shadow register0x0000104032roscale_vy_shdThis register is set to the vertical luminance downscale factor or to the reciprocal of the vertical luminance upscale factor.15:0ro'h0
SRSZ_SCALE_VC_SHDVertical chrominance scale factor shadow register0x0000104432roscale_vc_shdThis register is set to the vertical chrominance downscale factor or to the reciprocal of the vertical chrominance upscale factor.15:0ro'h0
SRSZ_PHASE_HY_SHDHorizontal luminance phase shadow register0x0000104832rophase_hy_shdThis register is set to the horizontal luminance phase offset.15:0ro'h0
SRSZ_PHASE_HC_SHDHorizontal chrominance phase shadow register0x0000104c32rophase_hc_shdThis register is set to the horizontal chrominance phase offset.15:0ro'h0
SRSZ_PHASE_VY_SHDVertical luminance phase shadow register0x0000105032rophase_vy_shdThis register is set to the vertical luminance phase offset.15:0ro'h0
SRSZ_PHASE_VC_SHDVertical chrominance phase shadow register0x0000105432rophase_vc_shdThis register is set to the vertical chrominance phase offset.15:0ro'h0
SRSZ_FORMAT_CONV_CTRLFormat conversion control0x0000106c32rwcfg_422nocosited0: YCbCr422 data are co-sited (Y0 Cb0 and Cr0 are sampled at the same position) 1: YCbCr422 data are non_co-sited (Cb and Cr samples are centered between Y samples) so modified interpolation is activated Note: the programmed value becomes effective immediately after this register is set. Therefore, only write to this register if no picture data is sent to the Self Path.7rw'h0
cfg_cbcr_full0: CbCr has a compressed range of [16..240] 1: CbCr has full range [0..255] Note: the programmed value becomes effective immediately after this register is set. Therefore, only write to this register if no picture data is sent to the Self Path.6rw'h0
cfg_y_full0: Y has a compressed range of [16..235] 1: Y has full range [0..255] Note: the programmed value becomes effective immediately after this register is set. Therefore, only write to this register if no picture data is sent to the Self Path.5rw'h0
rsz_output_formatMain Resize output format 000: YCbCr 4:0:0 001: YCbCr 4:2:0 010: YCbCr 4:2:2 011: YCbCr 4:4:4 100: RGB565,not supported 101: RGB666,not supported 110: RGB888 Reserved4:2rw'h0
rsz_input_formatMain resize input format 00: YCbCr 4:0:0 01: YCbCr 4:2:0 10: YCbCr 4:2:2 11: YCbCr 4:4:41:0rw'h0
MI_SP_Y_BASE_AD_INITBase address for self path 1 picture Y component ring buffer0x00000e3c32rwsp_y_base_ad_initBase address for self path 1 picture Y component ring buffer31:3rw'h0
MI_SP_Y_SIZE_INITSize of self path 1 picture Y component ring buffer0x00000e4032rwsp_y_size_initSize of self path 1 picture Y component ring buffer28:3rw'h0
MI_SP_Y_OFFS_CNT_INITOffset counter init value for self path 1 picture Y component ring buffer0x00000e4432rwsp_y_offs_cnt_initOffset counter init value for self path 1 picture Y component ring buffer28:3rw'h0
MI_SP_Y_OFFS_CNT_STARTOffset counter start value for self picture 1 component0x00000e4832rosp_y_offs_cnt_startOffset counter start value for self picture 1 component28:3ro'h0
MI_SP_Y_LLENGTHY component original line length0x00000e4c32rwsp_y_llengthY component original line length14:0rw'h0
MI_SP_CB_BASE_AD_INITBase address for self path 1 picture CB component ring buffer0x00000e5032rwsp_cb_base_ad_initBase address for self path 1 picture CB component ring buffer31:3rw'h0
MI_SP_CB_SIZE_INITSize of self path 1 picture CB component ring buffer0x00000e5432rwsp_cb_size_initSize of self path 1 picture CB component ring buffer27:3rw'h0
MI_SP_CB_OFFS_CNT_INITOffset counter init value for self path 1 picture CB component ring buffer0x00000e5832rwsp_cb_offs_cnt_initOffset counter init value for self path 1 picture CB component ring buffer27:3rw'h0
MI_SP_CB_OFFS_CNT_STARTOffset counter start value for self picture 1 component0x00000e5c32rosp_cb_offs_cnt_startOffset counter start value for self picture 1 component27:3ro'h0
MI_SP_CR_BASE_AD_INITBase address for self path 1 picture CR component ring buffer0x00000e6032rwsp_cr_base_ad_initBase address for self path 1 picture CR component ring buffer31:3rw'h0
MI_SP_CR_SIZE_INITSize of self path 1 picture CR component ring buffer0x00000e6432rwsp_cr_size_initSize of self path 1 picture CR component ring buffer27:3rw'h0
MI_SP_CR_OFFS_CNT_INITOffset counter init value for self path 1 picture CR component ring buffer0x00000e6832rwsp_cr_offs_cnt_initOffset counter init value for self path 1 picture CR component ring buffer27:3rw'h0
MI_SP_CR_OFFS_CNT_STARTOffset counter start value for self picture 1 component0x00000e6c32rosp_cr_offs_cnt_startOffset counter start value for self picture 1 component27:3ro'h0
MI_SP_Y_BASE_AD_SHDShadow Base address for self path 1 picture Y component ring buffer0x00000ea032rosp_y_base_adShadow Base address for self path 1 picture Y component ring buffer31:3ro'h0
MI_SP_Y_SIZE_SHDShadow Size of self path 1 picture Y component ring buffer0x00000ea432rosp_y_sizeShadow Size of self path 1 picture Y component ring buffer28:3ro'h0
MI_SP_Y_OFFS_CNT_SHDShadow Offset counter init value for self path 1 picture Y component ring buffer0x00000ea832rosp_y_offs_cntShadow Offset counter init value for self path 1 picture Y component ring buffer28:3ro'h0
MI_SP_CB_BASE_AD_SHDShadow Base address for self path 1 picture CB component ring buffer0x00000eb032rosp_cb_base_adShadow Base address for self path 1 picture CB component ring buffer31:3ro'h0
MI_SP_CB_SIZE_SHDShadow Size of self path 1 picture CB component ring buffer0x00000eb432rosp_cb_sizeShadow Size of self path 1 picture CB component ring buffer27:3ro'h0
MI_SP_CB_OFFS_CNT_SHDShadow Offset counter init value for self path 1 picture CB component ring buffer0x00000eb832rosp_cb_offs_cntShadow Offset counter init value for self path 1 picture CB component ring buffer27:3ro'h0
MI_SP_CR_BASE_AD_SHDShadow Base address for self path 1 picture CR component ring buffer0x00000ebc32rosp_cr_base_adShadow Base address for self path 1 picture CR component ring buffer31:3ro'h0
MI_SP_CR_SIZE_SHDShadow Size of self path 1 picture CR component ring buffer0x00000ec032rosp_cr_sizeShadow Size of self path 1 picture CR component ring buffer27:3ro'h0
MI_SP_CR_OFFS_CNT_SHDShadow Offset counter init value for self path 1 picture CR component ring buffer0x00000ec432rosp_cr_offs_cntShadow Offset counter init value for self path 1 picture CR component ring buffer27:3ro'h0
MI_SP_Y_PIC_WIDTHImage width of the Y component in pixels for main path0x00000f1432rwsp_y_pic_widthImage width of the Y component in pixels for main path14:0rw'h0
MI_SP_Y_PIC_HEIGHTImage height of the Y component in pixels for main path0x00000f1832rwsp_y_pic_heightImage height of the Y component in pixels for main path14:0rw'h0
MI_SP_Y_PIC_SIZEImage size of the Y component in pixels for main path0x00000f1c32rwsp_y_pic_sizeImage size of the Y component in pixels for main path24:0rw'h0
MI_SP_Y_BASE_AD_INIT2Base address 2 (ping pong) for main picture Y component, JPEG or raw data0x00000f3c32rwsp_y_base_ad_init2Base address 2 (ping pong) for main picture Y component, JPEG or raw data31:3rw'h0
MI_SP_CB_BASE_AD_INIT2Base address 2 (ping pong) for main picture CB component, JPEG or raw data0x00000f4032rwsp_cb_base_ad_init2Base address 2 (ping pong) for main picture CB component, JPEG or raw data31:3rw'h0
MI_SP_CR_BASE_AD_INIT2Base address 2 (ping pong) for main picture CR component, JPEG or raw data0x00000f4432rwsp_cr_base_ad_init2Base address 2 (ping pong) for main picture CR component, JPEG or raw data31:3rw'h0