tree: 7220d4d862914e1ff8e6854800c2733c2b78eff0 [path history] [tgz]
  1. __algorithm/
  2. __functional/
  3. __iterator/
  4. __memory/
  5. __random/
  6. __ranges/
  7. __utility/
  8. __variant/
  9. __availability
  10. __bit_reference
  11. __bits
  12. __config
  13. __debug
  14. __function_like.h
  15. __functional_base
  16. __nullptr
  17. __split_buffer
  18. __string
  19. __threading_support
  20. __tuple
  21. __undef_macros
  22. algorithm
  23. array
  24. cassert
  25. cctype
  26. chrono
  27. climits
  28. compare
  29. concepts
  30. cstddef
  31. cstdint
  32. cstdio
  33. cstdlib
  34. cstring
  35. ctime
  36. cwchar
  37. cwctype
  38. exception
  39. functional
  40. initializer_list
  41. iosfwd
  42. iterator
  43. limits
  44. memory
  45. new
  46. optional
  47. ratio
  49. stdexcept
  50. string
  51. string_view
  52. tuple
  53. type_traits
  54. typeinfo
  55. utility
  56. variant
  57. vector
  58. version

Freestanding C++ implementation

Files here are copied from libc++, unmodified.

When updating, they should be overridden and the git hash in this file updated.

Ideally we‘d use a submodule for this, but unfortunately git doesn’t let you have a submodule that points to a single sudirectory in a remote and so we'd have to have a 7.5 GiB LLVM clone to get well under 1 MiB of files.

LLVM git revision: 7245208df70403e1f7189f3be7b57ca934b1cbb2